The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 559 Signing the Agreement

From yesterday afternoon to ten o'clock in the evening, Zhao Zhigang and the others made exactly sixty pieces of clothing. Fortunately, the styles, colors and sizes were all matched.

I went to bed early last night, and today Xiao Zhao must go with Zhang Chen. Xiao Zhao said that I couldn't sleep at home, so I might as well lie down on a chair in the stall, so Zhang Chen had to let her go.

Sixty pieces of clothing were bundled into two large and small bundles. The larger bundle was tied to the basket in front of the bicycle, which deformed the wire basket.

A small bundle, Xiao Zhao hugged it and sat on the back seat of the bicycle.

There was no order call from any customer today. On the way there, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were worried about whether the clothes would be sold today, but by noon, they were all sold out.

The two of them felt relaxed and didn't seem to be very busy. Why were these clothes sold out?

The people who picked up these clothes were all new wholesale customers. The market still looked so deserted. Where did so many wholesale customers come from?

Zhang Chen couldn't figure this out no matter how hard he thought about it. He just felt that there were so many customers in such a deserted market. No wonder the stalls in the old market had such huge sales every day.

At about ten o'clock, a customer came, just like Zhang Chen and the others had dressed up before. He had a fanny pack in his waist and his hands behind his back. He stood outside the stall and watched the two customers in the stall picking up goods. , he waited until the two customers left before he walked in.

"Is your product made in Hangzhou?" the man asked.

Zhang Chen said yes, we produce it ourselves.

"I'm from Zhengzhou Asia. If I make three hundred pieces of this stuff every day, can you afford it?" He pointed to the cotton and linen shirts on the wall and asked.

Three hundred pieces? every day? Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were taken aback. After Zhang Chen came to his senses, he shook his head and told the other party honestly that he couldn't pay.

Zhang Chen thought to himself, not to mention that it couldn't be made, but even if it could be made, the fabric would be gone. The remaining fabrics, 300 pieces a day, would be shipped in two or three days.

"When can I offer it?" The other party continued to ask without giving up.

Zhang Chen said there was no more, the fabric was running out.

The other party sighed, shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, I haven't seen this batch of things in other markets."

"Of course, we designed this ourselves." Xiao Zhao shouted.

"Oh, you designed it yourself." The other party became interested and found a stool to sit down. He asked Zhang Chen: "Did you design it?"

Zhang Chen is right.

"Yes, does the factory also belong to you?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

"How many workers are there in your factory?"

Zhang Chen hesitated, and Xiao Zhao shouted, "There are twelve."

"So few? We can only make two to three hundred shirts that day, and the next step is to make lined clothes, even less."

Xiao Zhao blushed and thought, I am already bragging, but you are still too few, how many people do you want.

Zhang Chen told him that when the next batch of new models comes out, there will be more people.

The other party nodded, took out his business card, and said to Zhang Chen: "I will come to Hangzhou two or three times a month. If you come out with a new model, you can call me and I will come and take a look. If it is good, I can order directly.”

Zhang Chen agreed, but Zhang Chen didn't have a business card, so the other party asked for a blank sales list from their stall, which had their phone number printed on it.

After the man went out, Xiao Zhao lowered his voice and shouted excitedly: "Dear, dear, is this the package customer?"

Zhang Chen said probably so.

"Aren't you crazy? You need three hundred pieces a day, which is more than 10,000 yuan. He wants to buy so many goods?" Xiao Zhao continued to shout, and then sighed: "Unfortunately, we can't make it. .”

Zhang Chen looked at Xiao Zhao and couldn't help but laugh: "Do you really believe it? Who would buy goods without bragging? He said three hundred and you believed it?"

As he said this, he thought of the first time he went to Dongxin Road Fabric Market to buy cotton and linen fabrics. He was bragging about it at that time, but later, he actually finished all the fabrics.

He recalled what Zhao Zhigang said when he went to buy a sewing machine, "A few dozen of them will take up a corner in our factory." Zhang Chen couldn't help but smile, but if he really wanted to rent the warehouse, he might be close to realizing the goal of Zhao Zhigang. Bragging is not far away.

Zhang Chen threw the business card into the drawer, and Xiao Zhao said angrily: "Huh, my happiness was in vain."

The two of them were eating when Zhang Chen's BB phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number. He picked up the phone and called back. It was the landlord. The landlord said to Zhang Chen: "Xiao Zhang, I'm at the brigade headquarters. Is your house still available?" Do you want?"

Zhang Chen sighed in his heart. He forgot to tell the landlord that he already knew the annual rent there, so there was no need to ask. As a result, he made another trip.

"I've negotiated the price for you. It's five hundred yuan a month or six thousand a year. You can pay it once a year or every six months." The landlord continued.

Six thousand? Haha, it’s another two thousand cheaper, and you can pay it half a year, so I don’t have any pressure anymore. Fortunately, the landlord went to ask about it, and Zhang Chen quickly said: "Okay, thank you, brother, we want this house."

"This dead account asked, when will you come to sign the agreement? I'll tell them."

"When will it be convenient for them?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Our village director and accountant are here now. If you come now, I will ask them to wait."

"Okay, I'll go there right now."

"Do you know our brigade headquarters?"

"Is it the village committee on the street?"

"Yes, this is it."

"Then I understand, brother."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen told Xiao Zhao what had happened, and Xiao Zhao shouted, "Really?" Then go quickly, just in time, I haven't deposited yesterday's business funds.

Xiao Zhao picked up a wad of money from his bag, and Zhang Chen counted out thirty. After thinking about it, he said no, I think we should pay all the rent for the year.

"Why?" Xiao Zhao asked curiously.

"Since we have rented, we will make long-term plans. The place will definitely need to be painted and repaired. We will not move even if it is a year. The landlord helped us negotiate the rent. If this happens after half a year, there will be another one in their village. We regretted it and asked for a rent increase. Didn’t we suffer a loss? We paid for it for a year, and at least it won’t increase in this year.”

Xiao Zhao thought it made sense. She opened the drawer and took out today's business money. She counted out a total of 6,000 and handed it to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen took the money and went directly to Sanbao Street. He rode to a place about ten meters away from the village committee when he heard a familiar voice calling him. He turned around and saw that it was the landlord's brother standing on the roadside.

Zhang Chen quickly pressed the car brake and got out of the car.

The landlord brother came over and walked with him to the village committee. The landlord brother warned: "When you get there, if they ask, just say you are my relative."

Zhang Chen said yes.

The two people walked into the village committee office. The accountant had already drafted the rental contract and made two copies on carbon paper. He took one and handed it to Zhang Chen and asked him to read it. After Zhang Chen finished reading it, he asked Zhang Chen Is there any problem? Zhang Chen said there is no problem.

The landlord came over to take a look. He said there was more, and I would like to add that the land in front of the door also belongs to us.

The accountant rolled his eyes at him: "The house has been rented to you, so of course you can use the land."

"Oh, maybe, what if other people come over and want to dry something while we are using it? I said I want it, and he said he wants it. It's not a fight." The landlord said, Zhang Chen thought to himself , yes, this problem really exists.

"Where are you, this poisonous leader, who dares to rob you?" the village director scolded.

The landlord ignored them and insisted that it should be written down. This must be written down. It would be better to get the solution first.

The village director said to the accountant impatiently, "Okay, just add one sentence."

The accountant took the agreement from Zhang Chen, put the carbon paper between the two papers, and added at the end: "During the lease period, the right to use the open space in front of the door also belongs to Party B."

After finishing writing, he glared at the landlord and asked, "Is that okay?"

The landlord nodded and said with a smile: "Write two words, why are your eyes so wide-eyed, do you want to eat people?"

The accountant shook his head, ignored him, turned around and asked Zhang Chen, should the rent be paid for half a year or a year?

Zhang Chen said that after one year, he would write down the amount. When it was time to fill in the start and end dates, the accountant asked the village director whether the calculation should start from today or which day?

"Why does it start from today? That place is so dirty. It will take half a month to clean it. It will start from the 10th of next month." The landlord called.

"It takes half a month to decorate a new house?" the village director scolded, "Do you still need to put tiles on the wall? If you want to put them on, fine, our village welcomes you."

In response to the scolding, the director still stretched out two fingers and scratched it forward, meaning to tell the accountant not to argue with this poisonous head and just fill in the tenth of next month.

After signing and paying the money, Zhang Chen put the agreement belonging to them into his bag and asked them, when can I go there to clean it.

"The place belongs to you, you can go now." The village director said.

The landlord stretched out his hand: "Key."

"Key, key." The accountant muttered the word "key" and opened the drawers of his desk one by one, but no key was found.

The accountant scratched his head with his hand and tried hard to think about where he had put the keys.

The village director shouted from the side: "If you want any keys, bring a hammer and smash the locks."

"The money for buying new keys will be reimbursed in the village?" the landlord asked the village director.

The village director glared at him and raised his hand to hit him. The landlord smiled, pulled Zhang Chen and escaped. He fled to the door and shouted: "Let's have old wine in two days."

The accountant scolded me from behind: "I can't bear the wine you're a poisonous head."

Zhang Chen broke up with his landlord, and rode his bicycle to the warehouse alone. Standing in the open space in front of him, he felt a sense of pride and pride. From now on, this is my world, and my clothing business should start from there. This was where it really started, and he really wanted to shout.

There was a satisfaction in my heart that I had never felt before.

Zhang Chen himself also felt strange. He was not a person who had never seen the world. How could he be so happy when he rented such a shabby house today and didn't spend much money?

What will happen in the future? Everything is still unknown. Is it so exaggerated? Is it worth being so excited?

But there is no way, the excitement cannot be concealed, nor can it be controlled.

Zhang Chen sat down on the concrete floor. His buttocks felt very hot through two layers of pants, and the scorching sun was shining above his head. In just a moment, sweat poured out all over his body.

Zhang Chen not only didn't get up, but instead lay down. He didn't care about the dirt on the ground, let alone the hot concrete floor. He felt that he wanted to let the heat here leave a mark on his whole body.

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