The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 553 Dreams are beautiful, but reality is more urgent

Zhang Chen returned home, returned the tricycle, went to the street again, and cooked two portions of fried noodles. On top of each portion, he added a poached egg and a large steak, and brought them back to Zhao Zhigang's tailor shop. Caidi had already eaten them. , he and Zhao Zhigang didn't even have lunch because they went to buy sewing machines.

After the two of them finished eating the noodles, Zhao Zhigang and Zhang Chen said, we just discussed it, you see, you are using the sewing machine now, and you two are still helping here every day, so we want to start from today. The processing fee has been reduced to RMB 12. In this way, you can also reduce some costs.

Zhang Chen quickly said, no, no, the profit is okay now.

Caidi seemed to be very aware of the situation in the market. She interjected and said that the price will definitely be better when the clothes are first sold. The later they are sold, the lower the price will be. There is no saying that the more they sell, the higher they will be. Also, if these The styles are easy to sell, and in a short time, there may be imitations on the market.

"Don't be afraid, I'll just change a few more styles." Zhang Chen said.

"You're not a fairy, so it doesn't mean that any style is designed to be easy to sell. For the styles that are easy to sell, seize the time to make more and make more money. In this way, you can afford to lose money when you encounter the ones that are not easy to sell."

"Not bad, Caidi, I can't tell, but you are still an expert and know the market very well." Zhang Chen shouted.

"I sold clothes in the old market." Caidi said.

"Have you ever sold clothes?"

"Yes, the boss of the first factory I worked in had a stall in the old market. When I first arrived in Hangzhou, there was a shortage of salespersons there, so he transferred me to work as a salesperson for more than a month. I didn't like doing business. , and later returned to the factory." Caidi said, "So I still have a little understanding of the market."

Zhang Chen nodded. No wonder Caidi knew that she should work overtime when she heard that the goods in the market were sold out yesterday. She knew they were in a hurry to wait for the goods.

The three of them talked and laughed, and the matter was settled.

Caidi and Zhang Chen said, "Either you set up a clothing factory and we will take care of it for you."

Zhang Chen thought Caidi was joking with him, so he teased her: "Why, don't you want to open a tailor shop or be the boss's wife?"

"It is certain that tailor shops will no longer be able to open anymore. Now that it is so convenient and cheap to buy clothes, how many people still know how to make clothes?"

Caidi sighed and said to Zhang Chen seriously:

"If you have your own stall and can design by yourself, your business will definitely get better and better. It is impossible to say that these clothes will always be made in a tailor shop. Now you make them here. Of course we are happy, but the cost , I know it’s too much for you and it’s not cost-effective. The best way is to open your own clothing factory.”

Only then did Zhang Chen understand that Caidi was not joking with him, but had thought about it seriously. He looked at Zhao Zhigang, who was listening to their conversation attentively, but remained silent and blushing. Zhang Chen said You know, they must have discussed this matter. He actually has the same idea as Caidi. If they want to open a clothing factory, they will really work and manage it for themselves.

And they were really good candidates. Zhang Chen was not only moved.

Caidi is right. She can design and have a stall. If there is another clothing factory, the model of front store and back factory will definitely be the best and the most promising, so that they can make their business bigger. , now that they and Xiao Zhao have made up their mind not to purchase goods anymore, it is their inevitable choice to follow the path of their own design and own a clothing factory.

But Zhang Chen only dared to think about it. He sighed secretly. He felt that this could become a goal of theirs, but it was unlikely to become their recent action. The reason why they couldn't act was very simple, that is, money. They did not have the ability to set up a clothing factory. money.

They only have tens of thousands of yuan in savings. Xiao Zhao will have a baby in a few months, and the hospital will cost thousands of yuan. After the birth, various expenses will increase. Both of them have no other income, and no employer can reimburse medical expenses. Whether adults or children go to the hospital, they have to pay out of their own pockets.

The business in the stall is still good now, and the future looks bright, but no one is 100% sure whether it will always be good, and whether there is a gap between reality and imagination. They must keep these tens of thousands of dollars, no matter what. Don't dare to move.

To open a garment factory, you need to rent a factory building, buy equipment, arrange food and accommodation for the workers, and also need to purchase fabrics and maintain working capital. It adds up to a lot of money. They invested all their money, but they didn't know if it would be enough. It's not enough. If the money runs out, if something urgent happens again, there's really nothing we can do.

Zhang Chen knew that if he, Brother Tan, and Meng Ping said they wanted to open a clothing factory, they would definitely support him and ask them to borrow 50,000 yuan. They would call him immediately without saying a word, but The problem is that if you ask to borrow money, they will not lend it to you, but will give it to you directly. Once you ask, you are actually asking them for money.

Zhang Chen wouldn't be able to open this mouth even if he was beaten to death.

The idea of ​​opening a clothing factory is good, but the conditions are not enough. If you have thought about it, let it go. Zhang Chen secretly smiled bitterly and told himself, don't think so much, let's find a way first to get the goods needed tomorrow. come out.

Zhang Chen helped in the tailor shop all afternoon. He stood on the side and watched Zhao Zhigang arrange the pattern once, and then told Zhao Zhigang, I will do the cutting, and you should go to the sewing machine.

Zhao Zhigang and Caidi moved very quickly, and Zhang Chen had to stop for a moment to catch up with them.

The cutting table was too small, and the cotton and linen fabrics were too thick. I had to use scissors to cut by hand. I could lay out at most two layers of fabric at a time, and could only cut out four shirts in one cut.

Zhang Chen saw how relaxed Zhao Zhigang was when cutting. It was only after he started to do it that he realized that this job was actually not easy to do. After only two cuts, he felt that his thumb and index finger were sore when holding a large tailor-made scissor in his right hand. Still hot.

After cutting two more pages, Zhang Chen felt an excruciating pain in his hand from time to time. He raised his hand and looked at it, only to find that there was a blood blister growing in the tiger's mouth of his thumb, and the skin of his index finger had also been worn away. broken.

Zhang Chen put down the scissors and told Zhao Zhigang, "I'm going to the store to buy a pack of cigarettes."

He went to a small shop on the street and bought a pack of napkins and five band-aids. He used his nails to pop the blood blister on his thumb, squeezed out the blood with the napkin, put on the band-aids, and then put on the band-aids. I also wrapped the frayed area on my index finger with a band-aid.

He stuffed the remaining three band-aids into his butt pocket, lit a cigarette, walked back to the door of the tailor shop, stood at the door and finished his cigarette, then walked back and picked up the scissors again. Only then did he feel better. .

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao stayed in the tailor shop until about ten o'clock. Zhao Zhigang and Caidi started to chase them away, telling them, if you don't go to bed, how will you get up tomorrow to open the door? Go back quickly, we are here Just come.

Caidi and Xiao Zhao said, if something happens to you with your big belly, if you are exhausted, we cannot afford it.

The two of them were forced to go back with some reluctance.

After taking a bath, the two of them lay on the bed and calmed down. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao talked about what Caidi told him in the afternoon about setting up a clothing factory. Xiao Zhao shouted, yes, why can't we start one ourselves? Garment factory?

"It can be done, but it requires money." Zhang Chen said.

"Does it cost a lot to run a clothing factory?" Xiao Zhao asked.

Zhang Chen calculated it for her one by one. Let's not make it big first, just a dozen sewing machines. The rent for the factory and dormitory is always ten thousand or twenty thousand a year. A dozen sewing machines, plus one custom Deduction, more than 20,000 to 30,000...

"What? What kind of sewing machine are you talking about?"

"Button machine."

"Button-maker? Do you have a machine for button-maker?"

"Of course, the first time I went to a garment factory, I felt like an idiot. There were so many machines and they did everything, but I didn't recognize any of them."

Zhang Chen went on to calculate. The hemming machine was not enough. He also needed another one. He also needed an electric scissors. This cost another two thousand. It cost a few hundred yuan to make a cutting bed. He also needed one similar to the ironing room in the market. Ironing equipment, more than 3,000, and also need to buy beds and other things...

Before Zhang Chen finished speaking, Xiao Zhao sighed, our money has been used up.

"Yes, you still need money to buy fabrics, accessories and so on. Although there will be turnover in the market every day, you can't think so well at the beginning. The turnover is unknown, but the expenses in the factory are. The points cannot be reduced, even if there is no business at all, so many people still need to eat..."

"My dear, don't be angry if I say something."

"Well, you say."

"If you had accepted the 100,000 yuan that Lao Meng gave us that day, would we have the money to set up a factory?"

"Yes, that must be enough."

"Don't you regret it now?"

Zhang Chen shook his head: "I don't regret it. Even if I call him now, he will give it to me, but I can't call him. Do you want me to call him?"

Xiao Zhao also shook her head, she said no, I know you will always be unhappy, it is better to leave it like this.

"Don't think about it, turn off the lights and go to sleep. I just want to know how much Caidi and the others have done when we wake up." Xiao Zhao shouted and turned off the lights.

The next day, they were woken up by the alarm clock at four o'clock. The two of them got up quickly. They were going to Zhao Zhigang's place to help with the work.

It was still dark outside. Zhang Chen rode his bicycle and took Xiao Zhao to Sanbao Street. From a distance, he heard the sound of a hemming machine and a sewing machine coming from a tailor's shop. Zizi's voice, Xiao Zhao's head rested on Zhang Chen's back, and she laughed softly.

"Why are you laughing?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Why do I feel so friendly when I hear the sound of this machine? Am I stupid?" Xiao Zhao asked.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "It sounds very cordial to me."

The door of the tailor shop was closed, and Xiao Zhao knocked on the door. The sound of the sewing machine stopped, and the binding machine also stopped for a moment, and then continued. After a while, the door opened, and Caidi saw them and shouted: " Why so early?"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to nail the buttons in time." Xiao Zhao said, "How many have been done."

"In more than half an hour, we can make sixty-two pieces." Caidi said with a smile.

"Really! So many? Great!" Xiao Zhao screamed and hugged Caidi.

"I still need to iron and nail the buttons. I don't know if it's too late." Caidi said.

"We're just here to nail the buttons." Zhang Chen said quickly.

The two people went in, sat down and started sewing buttons. Zhang Chen looked at the time while ordering, and secretly became anxious. He found that it took them twelve or three minutes to order a button, and in a little more than an hour, he would finish it. Before leaving, the two of them couldn't even finish buttoning twenty shirts, and they still had more than forty shirts that hadn't been ironed yet.

If I had known this, they would have arrived at three o'clock, Zhang Chen thought to himself.

Thank you Brokeback Mountain for the tip! Thank you Shouwang, lulu6717p11, Book Friends 20190319184642930, Book Friends 120***504 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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