The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 552 Heavy machine, heavy machine

In this warehouse, there are indeed seven or eight stores selling second-hand sewing machines. In each warehouse, Zhang Chen and the others looked at the door and saw piles of sewing machines, old and new, domestically produced and imported, almost anything. Brands, types of sewing machines and other sewing equipment are available.

In the open space of every warehouse, there are several workers in work clothes, scrubbing and disassembling the recycled sewing machines. They are removing the broken parts from the sewing machines that are missing arms and legs and can no longer move. , replace it with good parts, and the machine can be restarted. If it is too old and broken, just put several of them together into one.

For those machines that are still intact, their oil stains and stains are also cleaned to make them look better.

They walked into a warehouse, and someone immediately came over and asked, "Buy a machine?"

When the man asked, Zhao Zhigang's face turned red and he nodded.

"Medium-speed car or high-speed car?" the other party asked.

"What's the price of a medium-speed car?" Zhao Zhigang asked.

"Six hundred."

"Where's the high-speed train?"

"Imported or domestically produced?"

"What's the difference?"

"The domestically produced one thousand one, the heavy machine one thousand seven."

Zhao Zhigang decided in his heart that the price offered by this company was acceptable and we could continue to negotiate. He leaned into Zhang Chen's ear and said, a new domestic machine costs one thousand five thousand, and an imported one costs more than two thousand. For general production, a medium-speed machine will suffice. If the material is thick, use a high-speed machine.

"Which one works faster?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It must be a high-speed car."

"We will buy high-speed cars."

Zhao Zhigang agreed, and he told the other party to show us the high-speed cars.

The man took them to the middle of two rows of clean sewing machines. On one side there was a white table, but the machine was gray. On the other side, from the machine to the table, it was all white, with centimeters and inches painted on the table. Looking at the ruler, Zhao Zhigang pointed to the white row of sewing machines on the right and told Zhang Chen that this was a heavy machine imported from Japan.

Then he pointed to the other side and said, this is made in China.

"What's the difference?" Zhang Chen asked quietly.

"Can I try this sewing machine?" Zhao Zhigang asked the man.

The man said yes. He took a piece of cloth and a tube of sewing thread from another machine head to Zhao Zhigang. There were already many stitches on the cloth, and it seemed that it was specially used for testing the machine.

Zhao Zhigang first found a domestic sewing machine on the left hand side, threaded the thread, reached under the table, took out the bobbin case from the hook, and looked at the bobbin inside. The thread had been threaded, although it was black. There is white thread on the bobbin, but it has no effect when testing the machine.

He looked at the machine and saw that the power was on. Then he placed the piece of cloth under the presser foot of the sewing machine, pressed the switch, and stepped on the pedal. The piece of cloth moved forward, making a rapid clicking sound. Zhao Zhigang His fingers moved quickly, and several circles were quickly made on the cloth. He pressed the reverse switch and the cloth moved backwards. When he released it, the cloth moved forward again.

He placed the piece of cloth on the right hand side again, under the presser foot of an imported Chongji brand sewing machine. He also threaded and checked the bobbin case and bobbin core, and then checked whether the power was on. After confirming, he pressed the switch and stepped on the pedal. The piece of cloth walked and made a deep and thick sound. Even a layman like Zhang Chen could hear the advantages and disadvantages of the two machines.

Zhao Zhigang approached Zhang Chen and said that imported machines will not break down after several years of use.

"Then we want this."

Zhao Zhigang nodded and asked the man: "How much does this heavy machine cost?"

"I told you, one thousand and seven."

Zhao Zhigang still blushed and said to the other party: "It's too expensive. Why does it have to be so expensive?"

The other party looked at him and asked, "How much do you want to buy?"


The other party shouted: "You still bargain with me for two units. If someone comes to buy dozens of units, the price will be the same."

Zhao Zhigang's face turned redder, but he insisted: "We are buying two machines today. If they are used well, we will buy all the machines from you in the future. Do you know how big our factory is? Dozens of them can be placed in our factory." It only takes one corner."

As Zhao Zhigang spoke, he bent down, looked at the tabletop and said, "How come this tabletop doesn't look original to me?"

Zhang Chen watched from the side and almost laughed. He thought that Zhao Zhigang was really weird. He blushed when talking to people. He seemed to be a person who didn't know how to bargain, but he still had to counter-offer everything he bought. Talking nonsense when he opens his mouth is just a way of finding fault with others. However, it may also be because he blushes whenever he speaks, which gives people the illusion that he is serious about everything he says.

The man got a little anxious and shouted: "How could it not be original? Look at this machine head. It's almost the same as new. I'm a Hong Kong boss. The garment factory closed after less than a year. Our whole factory ate it." , they are all new machines, how can this board be replaced? There is something wrong with us. Go to other companies and see if there are any such new machines."

Zhao Zhigang ignored him, squatted down, and continued to check the motor installed under the table. Zhang Chen found that this motor was different from the domestic one. The domestic one was gray and this one was white. The man shouted: "Don't worry. Well, this motor must be original."

After calling twice, the man called himself a little short of breath. Zhao Zhigang continued to ask: "What's the cheapest?"

The man no longer complained that they bought too much and asked instead, "How much do you want?"

"One thousand and five." Zhao Zhigang said.

"No, no, there's no need to negotiate the price. We can't even charge this price for such a good machine."

"It's okay, it can be sold, I know." Zhao Zhigang said.

"Do you sincerely want to buy it?"

"Of course I'm sincere."

"If you sincerely want to buy it, don't offer a price of one thousand and fifty."

"The same goes for you. If you sincerely want to sell, don't offer a price of 1,700." Zhao Zhigang said back.

The other party was stunned for a moment, and then said OK, I'll make it cheaper, one thousand six hundred and eighty, how about this price?

Zhao Zhigang shook his head and said no. He told Zhang Chen that the machines here were similar to those at the previous one, so we should either go to that one.

Zhang Chen suppressed his laughter and said, OK.

The other party was anxious: "One thousand six hundred and fifty, okay? Oh, I'm so annoyed. Now this business can't be done well. I'll give you one thousand six hundred and five."

"One thousand six." Zhao Zhigang said, "One thousand six we will take him away immediately."

"One Thousand Six really doesn't make money for the boss, so many of us still have to eat."

After a few more rounds, the two sides finally reached an agreement, one thousand, six hundred and twenty.

"You, the boss, are so stingy. If we buy your machine, you will always give us a few bobbin cases." Zhao Zhigang said to the other party.

The other party rolled his eyes at Zhao Zhigang and walked away. Zhang Chen thought he was angry and refused to sell. Unexpectedly, he walked to the side and brought over a plastic sewing machine drawer. The drawer inside was filled with bobbins and bobbins. He paused in front of them and said:

"Okay, okay, you choose. You can pick two at most."

Zhao Zhigang took one look and said: "They are all old and so stingy, four of them."

The other party doesn't respond.

Zhao Zhigang picked out four new-looking bobbin cases from the drawer and put four bobbins in them. He whispered to Zhang Chen that these were easy to break and they cost more than ten yuan each. It’s fun to listen to it. Doesn’t this mean there are still 1,600 units?

After picking out the bobbin case, Zhao Zhigang saw a few spring pieces on the bobbin case on the bottom of the drawer. He reached out and picked them up. The other party couldn't help it anymore and shouted, "What are you doing?"

"Why do you still care about such a small thing?" Zhao Zhigang asked. The other party shook his head helplessly. Zhao Zhigang turned back and whispered to Zhang Chen: "The spring leaf is the most easily broken on the bobbin case."

Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh. This was another advantage. No wonder the other party was so angry.

Zhang Chen saw several edge binding machines at the head of this row of machines. Zhang Chen asked Zhao Zhigang if these were faster than those used at home.

"Of course." Zhao Zhigang said.

Zhang Chen asked the other party: "Boss, how much does this edge binding machine cost?"

The other party pointed at Zhao Zhigang and said, "Don't pay it back, four hundred and five."

Zhao Zhigang nodded, meaning the price was okay.

Zhang Chen asked: "Is this imported one faster?"

Before Zhao Zhigang spoke, the man said: "No one uses imported overcoat machines. I have never seen imported overcoat machines. There are two of them, but they are both very old."

As the man spoke, he pointed at the pile of machines.

Zhang Chen looked at Zhao Zhigang, who said that the boss was right, the edge binding machines were all the same.

Zhang Chen said to his boss: "We want another one of this."

"Did you see that, boss, we made another business right away." Zhao Zhigang shouted.

The boss rolled his eyes at Zhao Zhigang, knowing what he might say next, and shouted: "I'll give you a few more string shears, okay?"

Zhao Zhigang stayed to pick out the machine, while Zhang Chen went to ride the tricycle over. There was an iron threshold lowered at the gate, so he couldn't ride in, so Zhang Chen could only park his car at the door.

The boss called two more people over and carried the machine Zhao Zhigang had picked out the door. A group of people swung it left and right. After several attempts, they finally put all three machines on the tricycle and tied them up with ropes.

After riding outside the gate, Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang, who was running beside him, said, "I didn't expect you to be such a good bargainer."

Zhao Zhigang smiled and said, "If you don't counter-offer, they will treat you like a pig and kill you."

The two of them rode back to the tailor shop. Caidi saw the sewing machine on the tricycle and shouted, "Great, it's still a heavy machine!"

Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang carried the two original household sewing machines and hemming machines to the room where they slept, freeing up space. These three machines were twice as big as before. After they were placed, they added With the five rolls of fabric standing there, the small tailor shop felt a little crowded, but it didn't matter, the three of them were still very happy.

Especially Caidi, she immediately sat down, pressed the switch of the sewing machine, stepped on the pedal, and the sewing machine started to move. Caidi looked at it and laughed.

"As promised, you will make at least ten more items today." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

Caidi made an OK gesture with him: "Definitely, it depends on me."

Thank you Tiger for your monthly ticket! Thank you for all the recommendation votes and reading! I still wish everyone good health!

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