The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 554 Nothing is left

After about twenty minutes, Zhao Zhigang and Caidi finished their work. Zhao Zhigang came over and said to Zhang Chen, either you can go and order the position. Zhang Chen said yes, he stood up, walked to the cutting table, and cut out what they had just made. For those clothes, the plackets and plackets were aligned, and the positions of buttonholes and buttons were drawn with paint.

Zhang Chen's eyesight was very accurate. He didn't use a ruler, he just clicked on the six buttons of a shirt exactly. After clicking on the placket, he clicked on the cuffs, and he finished clicking quickly.

While he was lighting, he looked at Caidi and Zhao Zhigang out of the corner of his eyes, and then looked at his watch and found that they were fastening the buttons. They could order a shirt in more than two minutes. He didn't know how they did it. What you did is so amazing. You have to know that a cotton and linen shirt has eight buttons.

Zhang Chen was relieved.

After finishing the dots, Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang said, "Shall I lock the buttonhole?"

Zhao Zhigang said yes.

It turns out that Zhao Zhigang and Caidi lock buttonholes by hand in their tailor shop. Even a fast worker like Caidi would take 20 minutes to more than half an hour to lock the buttonholes of a shirt, which is very time-consuming.

The Singer sewing machine Zhang Chen bought had a buttonhole-locking function, which finally came in handy. Zhang Chen picked it up on the first day. After locking the buttonholes with it, just use scissors to cut the buttonholes open. It’s fast. Very quickly, a buttonhole is made, and the sewing machine needle moves around in eight or nine seconds, but the stitches are a bit thin.

There was no need for anyone to arrange it, and no more verbal communication was needed. Zhao Zhigang and Caidi cooperated very well. When he saw that there were still a dozen shirts unbuttoned, he dropped what he was doing and left them to Caidi. , he stood up to cut buttonholes and iron clothes.

By the time Zhang Chen finished locking the buttonholes, a pile of clothes had already been ironed. Zhang Chen took the plastic bags and packed them.

The four people barely had time to talk. There was an invisible clock in everyone's heart, ticking, urging them to move faster and faster.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao felt themselves and their hearts pounding. It was 5:40 and they hadn't finished yet. Xiao Zhao looked at Zhang Chen and Zhang Chen shook his head slightly, meaning to tell her that he was ten minutes late. It doesn't matter.

Yes, if you don’t have the goods, what’s the use of going to the market?

After 5:50, we finally got better, and it was already bright outside.

More than sixty pieces of clothes were bundled into two big bundles. Xiao Zhao still wanted to go to the market with Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen said to her, "No, you go home and catch up on your sleep, and come to pick me up when you wake up. Anyway, these The clothes were something that both customers had to take away, and there was nothing else going on in the store.

Xiao Zhao thought about it and it made sense. Besides, Zhang Chen didn't sleep for a few hours. He woke up and went to the stall so that he could come back and sleep.

"Then you can just go. It's too late. I'll walk back by myself."

Zhao Zhigang helped Zhang Chen put the clothes on the schoolbag rack of the bicycle. Zhang Chen picked up the rubber rope in the basket and tied the clothes tightly on the bicycle. Zhang Chen got on the bicycle and left immediately.

Xiao Zhao remembered something and shouted to Zhang Chen: "Hey, don't forget to leave a small number, that person will come at noon!"

Zhang Chen had already ridden out. When he heard Xiao Zhao's cry, he waved behind him.

He must have been late. Zhang Chen pedaled hard along the way and almost bumped into others twice. He didn't care anymore. He rode to the entrance of the market, parked the car, picked up two bundles of clothes and ran into the market, far away. I saw that a security guard had already patrolled the door of their stall, holding a book in his hand and preparing to register.

"Coming, coming!" Zhang Chen shouted loudly.

The security guard stopped, looked at Zhang Chen running towards him out of breath, and told him that he was already late.

"Waiting for the goods, waiting for the goods, there is nothing we can do." Zhang Chen quickly explained.

A Yong came over and said to the security guard: "Forget it, it's just this once."

The security guard said to Zhang Chen: "Hurry up and open the door."

"Right now," Zhang Chen shouted, and the security guard walked away.

Zhang Chen opened the rolling shutter door, Ayong helped him carry the clothes in, turned on the light, Ayong carried the model out of the booth, Zhang Chen untied the two bundles of clothes, and the first thing he did was take them A size S size of the style that the girl wanted was stuffed into the drawer of the table.

"A lot of clothes with Zao Ga (so many clothes today)?"

A Yong asked, but before Zhang Chen could say anything, he heard someone shouting: "Boss, have you saved it for us?"

Zhang Chen turned around and saw the two women from Wuhu and Ma'anshan pulling the cart in. Zhang Chen quickly pointed to the two piles of clothes and told them that they had already kept them.

The two of them ignored Zhang Chen and separated the two piles of clothes by size and color. Then you and I divided them into two piles one by one. After sorting, they stood up. The man from Ma'anshan pointed at the clothes on the wall. T-shirt, I asked Wuhu if this model sells well?

The one in Wuhu said it was easy to sell.

The two men then divided Zhang Chen's remaining nine T-shirts, including those on the models and on the wall, and asked Zhang Chen to take them down. They also asked for six pairs of pants, three jackets and three vests each. , A Yong quickly ran back to the stall and took the jacket and vest.

"Can it be cheaper?"

When paying the bill, the man from Wuhu asked Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen said yes, he would give you one yuan cheaper per piece. Before he asked A Yong, A Yong said yes.

The two women were very happy. After paying the bill, they packed their clothes and immediately went to the market next door to buy other goods.

A Yong looked at Zhang Chen and laughed. He said, "How can anyone do business like this? It's so fast, as if they were robbed." Zhang Chen also laughed. When he turned around, A Yong saw Feng Zhen with a sullen face and looked at her coldly. Looking at the two of them, Ayong blurted out: "The ghost of the time!"

Fengzhen heard it, but didn't make a sound. She pretended not to know that Ayong was scolding her. She had a clear mind and understood that Ayong was not Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao. The old man Ge was a poisonous man and not easy to mess with. of.

At around ten o'clock, Xiao Zhao came. She saw that the stall was empty and knew what had happened. She asked, "Have they all been taken away?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Take them all away, even this place is completely empty."

Zhang Chen said, pointing to the wall behind the table.

"Did you keep that piece of clothing?"

Zhang Chen knocked on the door of the table and cupboard with his hand and said, here it is.

Xiao Zhao opened the account book, looked at it, and shouted, "You even got so many jeans?"

Zhang Chen said yes, I finally realized something.

"What's the point?"

"As long as you have styles that are easy to sell in your stall, people will be bold when they get the goods. But if you didn't see it, they would just grab the same thing as A Yong said, and they would take all your stuff without any fuss. ”

Xiao Zhao nodded and said, "Yes, if we go out to get goods, it won't be like this."

So far, they have only done these two businesses, and their turnover has reached a new high. However, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao no longer feel excited. They no longer care about how much they sold today. On the contrary, they seem to be more Worried, what should I do if there is nothing to sell every day?

"By the way, Caidi asked me something earlier." Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen said.

"What's up?"

"She asked us if we still wanted to make the clothes. If we wanted to continue, they called Zhao Zhigang's younger brother over. His younger brother's hands and feet are as fast as Caidi's."

"Great, where is his brother?"

"In Hangzhou, it's said to be in a clothing factory in Dingqiao."

"Then call over here!"

Xiao Zhao smiled and said: "You don't need to tell me, I have already asked them to come over."

"When can you come?"

"Today, they will call him at noon and ask him to take time off to come and help."

Xiao Zhao said, taking out the bankbook from his bag and giving it to Zhang Chen. What did Zhang Chen say?

"Don't you want to buy another sewing machine?"

"No need to withdraw it, I have enough business money for today."

Xiao Zhao pointed to the empty wall: "You don't want to put in any more fabric?"

Zhang Chen thought about it, yes, the fabric of this T-shirt is also going to be imported.

Just now I was worried that I had no more clothes to sell. Now with one more person, I can sell dozens of more clothes a day, which should be enough to sell, right?

Zhang Chen couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Are you reluctant to go back and want to wait for your sister with medium-long hair?" Xiao Zhao looked at Zhang Chen and smiled.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, then remembered what Xiao Zhao was talking about, and couldn't help but cursed: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Then why don't you go back and take a nap first before putting in the fabric and sewing machine?"

Zhang Chen agreed, shook the bankbook in his hand, and said to Xiao Zhao: "I'd better go to the sister with medium-long hair first and get some money from her."

Zhang Chen smiled, and Xiao Zhao scolded softly: "Shameless!"

"Yes, yes, I'm just shameless. I'm going to see my sister with medium-long hair." Zhang Chen said and walked out. Xiao Zhao looked at his back, made a face, and ate alone. Smiling.

Zhang Chen returned home and left the door open so that he could hear the landlord when he came back.

Then he turned on the electric fan and blew it whirringly. He fell on the bed and fell asleep soon.

When he woke up, he looked at his watch and saw that it was already past twelve o'clock. He strained his ears and listened, but there was no movement at all. What happened to the landlord today? He hasn't come back yet?

Zhang Chen lay there, staring at the ceiling above his head for a while, feeling anxious. Then he got up and walked to the corridor outside to take a look. He was surprised when he saw a tricycle parked below. It turned out that the landlord had come back early. , I didn’t hear it because I was asleep.

Ruined! Zhang Chen heard the silence below. He was worried that the landlord had gone out again. No one was at home. The tricycle was still locked with a chain. Where could he find someone to get the key?

Zhang Chen hurried downstairs. When he got downstairs, he breathed a sigh of relief. He saw that the landlord was still sitting in the cool place in front of the hall, pouring himself a drink.

Seeing Zhang Chen, the landlord shouted: "Do you want to drink old wine?"

Although Zhang Chen hadn't eaten yet, he still told him that he had already eaten.

"Want to use a car?" the landlord asked.

Zhang Chen nodded and said, "Sorry, I have to use your car every day."

"Use it well. It's not like a woman's car. It won't wear out." As the landlord said, he threw the key of the tricycle over and Zhang Chen caught it in the air.

Zhang Chen joked with the landlord: "Brother, are you so powerful that you can use women to your advantage?"

"Xiao Zhao has been used too much by you, isn't he?" the landlord said, drawing an arc in the air with his hand, which meant that his belly was full.

Zhang Chen laughed, and the two men broke up amidst such dirty jokes.

Zhang Chen rode a tricycle to the tailor shop. Zhao Zhigang was the only one in the tailor shop, looking sleepy. Zhang Chen asked, "Where is Caidi?"

"Got to call my brother."

Zhang Chen asked curiously: "Call your brother. It's not you who wants to go, but Caidi?"

Zhao Zhigang blushed and said, "She is a better liar than I am. My brother's supervisor, who used to be with Caidi, will definitely lie to her that someone in the family is seriously ill, otherwise he will not be able to ask for leave."

Zhang Chen wants to scold you, you still can’t fucking lie? Instead of saying anything, he asked: "What's your brother's name?"

"Zhao Zhilong."

"From Changshan?"

Zhao Zhigang glanced at Zhang Chen: "I am from Jiangshan, how can my brother be from Changshan?"

"Isn't it Changshan Zhao Zilong?" Zhang Chen said with a smile.

Zhao Zhigang understood that Zhang Chen was talking about the characters of the Three Kingdoms. He also smiled and said: "My brother is a comrade's aspirant, not Zhao Zilong's son. By the way, what are you going to do today?"

"T-shirt fabric, and buy a sewing machine."

Caidi walked over from a distance and nodded when she saw them. Zhao Zhigang jumped on the tricycle and said to Zhang Chen, "Let's go!"

Thank you to Smiling and Running Y and Uncle Wang ●Pacino for the reward! Thank you a for a safe journey and U20515936 for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the reading and votes! I wish you all good health!

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