The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 54 The Shaking Night

As the group of people walked toward Daying Road, someone immediately stopped them and shouted, "Hotpot, here, here."

Li Yong said: "There are seven of us."

The man stepped back, knowing that there were no more seats in his store.

They walked inside for about twenty meters before they found a shop. The boss put two square tables together, which was just enough for the seven of them. Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan were not very good at eating spicy food, so they ordered a red pot , a mandarin duck pot.

"Secretary Liu, you also eat spicy food? I can't tell." Liu Ligan said.

"That Sichuan girl will go crazy if she eats chili peppers, and will die if she doesn't eat them." Li Yong shouted, and Secretary Liu punched him.

"By the way, my name is Liu Yun." Secretary Liu, Liu Ligan, Zhang Chen and others said.

"Liu Ligan, I don't eat spicy food, can you tell?" Lin Yiyan asked.

"You can't tell, but you can hear it." Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"Can you hear it?" Not only Lin Yiyan, but also everyone else was surprised. Is it possible to eat spicy food and still hear it?

"Yes, you and Qihang, didn't you tell us that you are from Guangdong? Who doesn't know that Cantonese people eat everything except airplane stools and spicy food?" Liu Ligan said.

Everyone laughed, and they all knew what Liu Ligan said, which was a reference to the sentence that describes Cantonese people flying in the sky. They will not eat on airplanes or four-legged stools. The spicy food was made up by Liu Ligan, but it was novel. Cantonese people, like Hainanese people, are really not good at eating spicy food, especially in that era when the national diet was not yet popular.

It's summer now. Although Haicheng has a cool breeze at night and doesn't feel as stuffy as the mainland, eating hot pot in this summer still makes people sweat profusely.

Many people around were already shirtless. At their table, Li Yong was the first to be shirtless, followed by Chen Qihang, Zhang Chen, and Liu Ligan.

Liu Yun looked at them and smiled and said, you men are really nice. I have envied you men since I was a child. You can go shirtless when eating hot pot, how happy it is.

"You can do it too." Li Yong shouted, "We promise not to watch."

"Get out!" Liu Yun cursed, and the others laughed.

The seven people ate for a while and enjoyed themselves, especially the three girls sitting together, who were already swaying around and relying on each other.

Among the four men, their chopsticks were flying. They had just put down their glasses and raised them again. Someone kept thinking of the reason for the toast, so they did it and drank it all in one gulp. The cool cold beer rolled down their throats, and soon they were ironed. After subduing the heat stimulated by the food, I felt indescribably comfortable.

Eating hot pot is really the best way to communicate with others. Everyone holds the food and cooks it in the same pot. There is a harmonious atmosphere, and everyone's face is full of heat. No matter how stiff the expression of the person you are holding, , will also be softened by the heat.

Especially in this food stall where thousands of people are competing, you have to shout loudly for others to hear your voice clearly. Even if you want to be elegant, it is impossible to be quiet. At the table next to them, there are two girls who look very quiet and pure. I came earlier than them, and after eating for a while, I had already squatted on the chair.

Jin Lili remembered it and told them the story about Liu Ligan's new leather shoes. The people at the table almost laughed so much that their stomachs hurt. Even Liu Ligan felt very funny when he heard this. As if this is not my story, as if this is the first time I have heard such a funny thing.

"He, he, he did it too." Lin Yiyan pointed at Chen Qihang and said.

It was the first time that they left Guangdong and went to university in Beijing. His uncle, who came back from Hong Kong, gave him a pair of Diadora travel shoes. He put them on very coquettishly, saying that he wanted to wear new shoes, and started to In our new life, we took a train from Guangzhou, all sleeper berths were upper berths, but on the first night, his shoes were stolen.

The conductor helped us walk through several carriages, but after searching for a long time, we couldn't find it. Everyone knew that his shoes had been stolen by others, and he couldn't tell what kind of shoes they were. As a result, everyone nearby thought that Here comes a thief who specializes in stealing shoes. He wraps the shoes in newspapers and puts them on the bed while sleeping.

Lin Yiyan said, everyone was overjoyed. Li Yong said it was awesome. You had Diadona so early. It was only in my sophomore year that I could tell the difference between it and Puma. I only had to look at it and buy it at all. Sorry.

"You can buy it now." Liu Yun said.

"Now in Haicheng, who still wears travel shoes, either leather shoes or slippers? If you save shoes, you will save clothes, and you don't even need down jackets." Li Yong shouted.

"Yes, I saw a female boss from the Northeast in Sanya. She turned on a large air conditioner, blowing air, and was wearing a mink coat." Liu Yun said.

"She turned on the air conditioner mainly to put on her coat, right?" Zhang Chen said.

"I think so, just as cool as Qihang." Liu Yun nodded, and everyone burst into laughter again.

They were almost done eating, but still not satisfied, Liu Ligan shouted, "Let's go sing, go to Taoyuan Hotel to sing. It seemed that he was unwilling not to go to Taoyuan Hotel once today."

Li Yong, Chen Qihang, Jin Lili, and Lin Yiyan all agreed. Li Yong said that Taoyuan Hotel might have private rooms at this time.

Liu Yun said I won't go. I hate going to KTV with you men the most. They look like perverts when they enter the private room one by one. They hug the one on the left and look at the one on the right.

"Go ahead, go ahead, with me and Lin Yiyan here, even if they want to have sex, they can't get up." Jin Lili and Liu Yun said.

"Okay, we're here tonight for a pure talent show." Li Yong shouted.

"Have you seen how bad this guy is? If we are not here, he must be a pure naughty one. Be careful, Yiyan, be careful that your family is led astray by this guy." Liu Yun shouted, but she had already agreed to sing together. .

"Don't worry, I won't do it." Chen Qihang said, "I am a clean person who comes and goes."

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan almost spit out their wine after a sip of wine. Damn it, this is Tan Shuzhen's lyrics.

When it came to paying the bill, Liu Ligan and Li Yong argued for a long time. Liu Ligan still couldn't argue with Li Yong. Li Yong's reason was more solid. I can reimburse my public funds for any reason and you can still keep your hard-earned money.

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen both felt embarrassed. Chen Qihang said it was okay, let's make his uncle poor first, and then support him later.

Liu Yun also said, yes, don't save it for him.

Li Yong laughed loudly, "Yes, don't save me the money, pole. As agreed, I will pay for the singing later, so you are not allowed to steal it."

The seven people took two taxis and got off at the Taoyuan Hotel. The KTV lobby was on the first floor and all the private rooms were on the second and third floors. They went to the service desk and asked, and sure enough, there was a private room that had just been vacated. Li Yong asked for the private room number. , and took them upstairs. On both sides of the steps from the first floor to the second floor, there was a beautiful woman standing on each step, and they walked through the middle with a smile.

When they arrived at the hall upstairs, there were two rows of beauties standing in rows. It was the first time for Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen to see this scene. Liu Yun asked Li Yong:

"Li Yong, there is no one who has moved your heart all this time?"

Lin Yiyan said: "We are here, so he must be embarrassed."

Li Yong said: "No, no, I have my sister here today, and my heart is as calm as water."

As he spoke, he hugged Liu Yun, and Liu Yun let him hug her. Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan laughed, and Li Yong scolded: "Why are you laughing? I can't just have a hand addiction, can't I?"

Liu Yun turned to Li Yong and said, "If you are not honest, I will kick you to death!"

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan then realized that these girls standing there were singing accompaniments. Along the way, you can take whomever you like with you. The two girls next door to them, Wenwen and Qianqian, That's what their job should be.

The welcome guests led them into the box. They ordered more wine, continued to drink, and continued to sing. Zhang Chen sang his "Young Aspirations Don't Say Sorrows", and Liu Ligan also ordered "Volga Trackers", and when "Hey hey, When "Hey" came out, Zhang Chen and Jin Lili couldn't help laughing. Chen Qihang and Li Yong applauded desperately. They waited until "Hey hey hey" was over before continuing, and the four of them were stunned.

After Liu Ligan finished singing, everyone applauded desperately. However, Chen Qihang suggested that, Gangzi, when you sing this song, you should loop the intro and omit the rest.

The others fell on the sofa laughing. Liu Ligan knew what they were laughing at. He said, "Is it true? When I go out of tune, I can't pull back the "Three Sets of Cars"."

The man who had just sat up straight fell down laughing again.

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