The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 53 Standing at the intersection, three, six, seven people

They parked the car in the yard and when they were about to go out, Jin Lili said, forget it, I'm exhausted, let's go out later.

Liu Ligan asked anxiously: "Aren't you going to Taoyuan Hotel for coffee?"

Jin Lili said: "Why are you so anxious? You, a household worth ten thousand yuan, will not die, so you can keep it and squeeze it out slowly."

The three of them returned to their room. Jin Lili and Zhang Chen sat sideways on the bed, leaning against the wall. Liu Ligan folded the towel on the pillow, took out the dollar amount from the butt pocket of his jeans, and put it on his face. Jin Lili smiled and said:

"Look at this money fanatic."

Liu Ligan said: "I used to think that the smell of ink in new books was the best. I dreamed of writing my own book and then smelling the fragrance of the ink inside. Damn it, why do I feel that the ink smells so good now?" The smell is better than that of books, Zhang Chen, do you think I have fallen?"

"You've been stuck in the quagmire, where can you sink?" Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"Didn't you have your own book? There are so many legends about the king." Jin Lili said.

"That one doesn't count, it's not his book." Liu Ligan said, "The smell of copper in that book is much worse than this one. That one is smelly, and this one is fragrant."

"You are awesome. It's all about money. How can you still smell two things?" Zhang Chen said.

"Of course, the trick and deception was very despicable. This one, I climbed up one level at a time and earned it through my own real ability. It's different." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili thought about it and found that Liu Ligan's words had some truth.

"By the way, pole, what kind of book do you want to write?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Do you still remember that Editor Han, Zhang Chen?"


"I want to write a book like his. In such a shabby house, he doesn't even have his own office. He still dares to say that we are engaged in avant-garde literature, literature. Did you hear that? He also dares to say that reporters are unreasonable. This is nonsense, this is open contempt, how arrogant, when I get rich, I will first build an office for this arrogant person." Liu Ligan said proudly.

"You'd better get yourself a decent room first." Jin Lili said, "By the way, now that you two are rich, can you consider improving your accommodation conditions?"

"No, do you know the saying, 'Hard work and frugality lead to luxury'? If I live very comfortably, and there are no restrictions on working hours, and I can complete my monthly tasks casually, how can I still be stupid? If you're sunny, you'd ride your bike out to wash the building, but you'd have to stay at home all day long, that way you'd be lazy," said Liu Ligan.

"What you said makes sense." Zhang Chen said, "When I get up in the morning, I just want to go to the company. When I get off work in the evening, I stay at work and don't want to go home. I really love the company like home. In fact, I love the company's air conditioner."

"The Yilin family is our blessed place. Unless we set up a company and buy a house, I will always stick here. This place will always remind me of the confused days we lived when we first came here. I can’t bear to be here.”

Liu Ligan's mouth was under the money. Zhang Chen almost wanted to curse. You can't let go of the wall next to you. Look at Jin Lili and hold it back.

"Okay, that's right. You all seem to be very enlightened, but I am the least ambitious." Jin Lili shouted, "I just hope to eat well, live well, and preferably have fun."

"This is your highest pursuit. To do this, how many knives do you need to support this guy?" Liu Ligan pointed his finger at the knives covering his face and said, "If this guy can bury me It’s worth it if I die.”

The three of them were talking and it was already 10:20. Jin Lili said it was almost time, so Zhang Chen and Liu Li stood up and got up.

"Wait a minute." Jin Lili shouted, "It's time for you to imitate the Hainanese people and wear jeans and leather shoes. Do you carry them on your back? Who would dress like you to eat hot pot?"

"Then what should I wear?" Liu Li asked curiously. Neither he nor Zhang Chen had ever gone out to eat hot pot at night and didn't know what to wear. They thought Jin Lili must know.

"Shorts, an old man's shirt and flip-flops." Jin Lili shouted, "Do you have any? If not, go to Jiefang West to buy some now."

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan quickly took out shorts and an old man's shirt from their bags. This was how they dressed when they drank night wine on Gaofang. They hadn't worn it much since they got here.

The two showed it to Jin Lili, and Jin Lili said it was okay. Jin Lili walked to the corridor outside. They quickly took off their clothes, pants and shoes, and put on shorts, flip-flops and an old man's shirt. They felt much more comfortable.

"I asked you to fight." Liu Ligan shouted.

The three people walked outside to the Binhai Avenue and stood on the side of the road. They saw an empty car approaching. Liu Ligan was about to wave, but Jin Lili knocked his hand off. The driver slowed down and Jin Lili waved. , let him go.

"Why don't you get on the empty car?" Liu Ligan asked puzzledly.

"Didn't you see him with the window open?" Jin Lili said, "In Haicheng, don't take a taxi if you see this kind of taxi with the window open. Either the driver is stingy and reluctant to turn on the air conditioner, or the air conditioner is broken. , the car is dirty and smelly, look for cars with all the windows closed.”

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan understood. Liu Ligan said that he didn't expect that there was so much knowledge in taking a taxi. It was like living late and learning late.

When they arrived at the intersection of Airport Road and Daying Road, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were startled when they looked out the window in the car.

When the two people got out of the car, they were even more surprised. They saw a shed set up in front of the low houses on both sides of Daying Road. The sheds were connected to the sheds. Under the sheds, there were all Sichuan hotpots. They could not see the end of them. There were always thousands of tables, and when they arrived, there were thousands of people sitting there.

"My mom, is this how hot pot is eaten here?" Liu Ligan exclaimed.

"It's spectacular." Jin Lili said, "You can also enter here on Airport Road. Did you see the coconut trees in front? That courtyard is the playground of China Southern Airlines troops. There are hundreds of tables in it."

The three of them were standing there as a plane flew close to the roof. It looked so huge from below and so close that they could even see the people in the portholes.

At that time, Haicheng's airport was the closest airport in the country. It was right in the city, on the other side of Airport Road and Daying Road. People could walk from the city to Haixiu Road for ten minutes to reach the airport. .

Liu Ligan said: "If I stood on the roof, I could probably bring down the plane with a bamboo pole."

The three people stood at the intersection for a while, and a taxi stopped beside them. Chen Qihang, Li Yong, and Lin Yiyan got out of the car. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan saw that Chen Qihang and Li Yong were just like them. They were all wearing shorts, slippers and old shirts, so I felt very happy. Fortunately, Jin Lili gave them some guidance before they came out.

Lin Yiyan and Jin Lili screamed almost at the same time, and then hugged each other.

Liu Ligan introduced Li Yong to Zhang Chen and told him that Li Yong was Chen Qihang’s classmate and also from Peking University. He also introduced to Li Yong that Zhang Chen was my fellow countryman.

"It's from Zhejiang United States." Chen Qihang said from the side, and Zhang Chen smiled awkwardly.

"I know, master, Qihang has already told me that yours is very good and the painting is exactly the same." Li Yong said excitedly.

"Yes, I saw it, exactly the same." Lin Yiyan said from the side.

Zhang Chen smiled: "There was nothing I could do at the time, I was forced to panic."

Liu Ligan laughed on the side and said to Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan: "You didn't see how dangerous that night was. We almost wouldn't be standing here today."

"What's going on?" Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan both asked curiously.

Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and saw that he had no intention of stopping him, so he told the three of them what happened that night. The three of them listened and were greatly surprised. Li Yong shouted:

"It's really an escape from danger. The plot is just like in the movie."

Lin Yiyan looked at Jin Lili and shouted: "You are too smart, how did you think of it?"

"It's also forced." Jin Lili said.

The three people were talking, and a Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of them. Secretary Liu got out of the car, waved to them first, then turned around and said to the driver, "You go back first, don't wait for me, I will go back by myself."

The driver stepped on the accelerator and drove away. Li Yong looked at Secretary Liu and shouted:

"That's good, sister. We've got a full-time driver now."

"Shit!" Secretary Liu said, "Our chairman is also in the city, so he gave it to me by the way. Why, I heard that you are already addicted to eating, drinking, whoring, gambling and smoking."

"Double, double everything." Chen Qihang said.

"It's because of my work needs. If not, I just stand on the sidelines!" Li Yong did not deny it, but just defended it slightly.

Liu Ligan was on the side, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Secretary Liu seemed to be a different person from when he was at work, more like the person they lived in Gaohang.

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