The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 52 Let’s have dinner together tonight

Liu Ligan received his first month's salary, which amounted to more than 30,000 yuan in bonus. As soon as he received his salary, Liu Ligan called Chen Qihang and said he wanted to invite him, Li Yong and Secretary Liu to dinner. , said that he was able to gain a foothold in the newspaper office thanks to the good start he and Li Yong gave him, as well as the help of Secretary Liu.

Chen Qihang smiled and said, this is such a small thing, it takes a little effort, and it’s still worth treating him to a meal. We are all comrades in arms, so don’t be polite.

Liu Ligan said that eating is secondary, and the main thing is to get together. You call Lin Yiyan, and I will call Zhang Chen and Jin Lili, and that's it.

Chen Qihang said, Let’s put it this way, this meal tastes a bit interesting. Let’s do it this way. Everyone is very busy during dinner time. Why not have a midnight snack? Let’s go to Airport Road and Daying Road to eat hot pot.

"Okay, you must be the one," Liu Ligan said, "I'll be waiting by the phone."

After a while, Chen Qihang called back and told Liu Ligan that they had made an appointment to meet at the junction of Daying Road and Airport Road at 11 o'clock in the evening. Liu Ligan said, okay, see you in the evening. scattered.

After calling Chen Qihang, Liu Ligan immediately called Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen said yes, I told Lily to come over in the evening.

At around eight o'clock, Jin Lili came. After entering the room, Zhang Chen quickly closed the door. Liu Ligan asked Jin Lili to sit down at the table and opened the drawer.

Jin Lili was startled and shouted: "Where did you get so much money?"

"My salary and commission." Liu Ligan said proudly.

"You can get this much in one month?" Jin Lili asked.


"When was it sent?"


"Damn it, you didn't deposit the money in the bank this afternoon, why did you bring it back? Here, where did you put the money?" Jin Lili scolded.

Liu Ligan chuckled: "I have never seen so much money. I like it when I look at it and I can't bear to save it."

"Then you still want to sleep with it?" Jin Lili asked.

Liu Ligan kept nodding.

"I'm not afraid that thieves will steal it from you too!" Jin Lili scolded.

"He mainly wants to show off." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"You're showing off, I've seen 1.6 million in cash before." Jin Lili scolded, and she laughed: "But it's really different, it's public money, I don't feel anything when I look at it. This is a pole, I’m really happy to see it.”

"I have a design draft that has been adopted by a client, and I can get a bonus of more than 5,000 yuan this month, and half of it will be distributed when the project is completed." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"Really?" Jin Lili exclaimed excitedly, "It seems that I have become the poorest. It doesn't matter, as long as you make it through all the hardships."

Jin Lili stretched out her hand towards Liu Ligan: "Bring it here?"

"What?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Your bankbooks." Jin Lili said, "You really want to sleep with them in your arms. Be careful that the comedy turns into a tragedy, and the show is over. The money can only go to my company first and put it in my safe. I will When I went to the bank, I saved it for you."

Zhang Chen said: "Yes, this is the best. I was thinking about what to do later. We can't go for a midnight snack with so much money. What if we encounter a robbery in the middle of the night? Leave it at home. It’s better to take it with you, it’s safest to leave it at Lily’s place.”

Liu Ligan took out his passbook from his bag and handed it to Jin Lili. Jin Lili opened her bag and was about to put the money in. Liu Ligan shouted, "Wait a minute, we need to take out the money for the evening treat."

Jin Lili counted a thousand yuan and gave it to him, but Liu Ligan said it was not enough.

"Are you crazy? The hot pot on Daying Road costs only a few hundred yuan for seven people at most. One thousand is not enough?" Jin Lili asked.

"But please Chen Qihang..." Liu Ligan muttered.

Jin Lili gave another one thousand yuan to Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan did not take it. Instead, he threw down the thousand yuan, took a knife from the drawer, and immediately took a few steps back and shouted, "Take this, I will." Take this with you.

Jin Lili was about to get angry, but Zhang Chen persuaded him: "Let him take the endless money with him. He probably doesn't have a large stack of money on him now, and his whole body is itchy."

Liu Ligan chuckled: "Zhang Chen still understands me."

Jin Lili was helpless and sighed angrily. She put the remaining two knives into her bag, counted the scattered ones, and said to Liu Ligan, "There are twenty-four thousand and eight in total."

She opened Liu Ligan's bankbook, looked at it, and shouted, "Awesome, you still have three yuan and two cents in your bankbook?"

"So what." Liu Ligan said nonchalantly, "I will keep adding zeros to it, zero zero zero zero zero zero..."

"You'd better buy a bell for your bicycle first, it's still zero." Jin Lili cursed until she even laughed.

The three of them went to the Financial Garden. Jin Lili asked them to go up. Zhang Chen couldn't say anything anymore. You can put it down and come down. Jin Lili went upstairs alone and opened the door. Mr. Xia and Lao Bao were singing. When they saw Jin Lili, the two of them They all wondered, why are you back? Didn’t you say you’d come back tomorrow morning?

Jin Lili told them the matter, and both of them laughed. Mr. Xia said, "It's really not easy for you, a fellow countryman. It's not easy to make so much in the first month after coming to Hainan."

Jin Lili locked the money in the safe and went downstairs to find Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan standing with a security guard. The three of them were chatting animatedly.

After riding out, Jin Lili asked curiously: "Do you know that security guard just now?"

"Of course, old friend, 'Wild Boar Vehicle'." Liu Ligan said.

"What's a 'wild boar vehicle'?" Jin Lili asked. The two people laughed, but they didn't tell her that Jin Lili twisted Zhang Chen's waist, and Zhang Chen let out an "ouch" in pain.

"Are you going to tell me? It's not telling again." Jin Lili shouted.

Okay, okay, okay, Zhang Chen quickly told Jin Lili the origin of the "wild boar vehicle".

It was still early before eleven o'clock, so Liu Ligan suggested going to Taoyuan Hotel for coffee first. Taoyuan Hotel is very famous in Haicheng and is invested by Taiwanese businessmen. It just opened not long ago and is on Shengfu Road, not far from Airport Road and Daying Road. Far away, on the second floor of the hotel, there was the KTV with the most high-end decoration in Haicheng at that time. The cafe on the first floor was also famous for its morning tea and evening coffee and cakes.

As soon as Liu Ligan suggested it, Zhang Chen and Jin Lili said yes, yes, yes.

"We agreed that I will pay all the bills tonight," Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen scolded: "Of course it's you. If you don't exploit the ready-made household worth ten thousand yuan, who should we exploit?"

"That's right, compared to you, I am now a poor and lower-middle peasant." Jin Lili shouted.

Liu Ligan turned around from the car and said: "Who doesn't want to imitate? You have to imitate Feng Laogui!"

Speaking of Feng Laogui, the three of them naturally thought of Yongcheng. Jin Lili sighed: "It would be great if Tan Shuzhen was here too. Hey, pole, Tan Shuzhen hasn't replied to you yet?"

"Reply? Haha." Liu Li raised his head and said, "Nothing!"

"Her damn mother doesn't know what's going on. I called her, and so did she. I just said I was Lily, and she scolded her. Damn it, I didn't seduce her daughter. This Damn old woman, I don’t know which tendon is wrong,” Jin Lili scolded.

"Take strict precautions and completely cut off the connection between Tan Shuzhen and us." Liu Ligan said.

"It's okay, you can take the money and throw it in front of the Wu Opera King soon." Zhang Chen consoled him.

"Oops!" Liu Ligan shouted, stopping the car and standing on tiptoe with one foot on the ground. Zhang Chen also stopped the car. Jin Lili jumped down from the bag rack and cursed:

"You were so surprised, what are you doing?"

"We shouldn't ride out, otherwise what will happen if we drink later and stagger around, can we still ride back?" Liu Ligan asked.

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili also realized this problem. Zhang Chen said it was okay and I could ride back.

"You dare to ride, but I don't dare to sit. Go back, go back." Jin Lili shouted.

The three of them rode back and arrived at the door. Jianqiang was sitting there. In the past, when Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan came in and out, they would chat with Jianqiang and smoke a cigarette. Jin Lili was here today and everyone made an appointment in advance. As if, Jianqiang turned his head away, pretending not to see them, and they walked past him without saying a word.

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