The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 55: Serious people are shameful

It was almost five o'clock when they came out of Taoyuan Hotel. It was already dawn outside. Chen Qihang, Lin Yiyan, Li Yong and Liu Yun took a taxi to leave first. They wanted to send Liu Yun back first, and then go back to their own apartment. place, three of them, living in a house.

Jin Lili and Zhang Chen said, I should either go back to the company directly, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to get up after a while.

Zhang Chen was right after thinking about it. They got in the car and decided to send Jin Lili back first, and then they went home. Liu Ligan took out the money, slapped it on his thigh, and cursed:

"Damn it, this Li Yong is too polite. Look, he brought it out to treat guests, but he didn't miss one, so he brought it back."

"Give it to me," Jin Lili stretched out her hand and said.

Liu Ligan handed the money to Jin Lili. Jin Lili ordered thirty of them, returned them to Liu Ligan, put the others in his bag, and said to him: "Take these with you and save the others together."

Liu Ligan said "Oh" and then understood what Jin Lili meant by asking him for the money.

Jin Lili got off the car at the entrance of the Financial Garden. Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen returned home. It was already dawn.

When Zhang Chen went to take a shower, he passed by the door next door and saw that the door was indeed wide open. Wenwen and Qianqian were lying on their respective beds with their hands crossed and they thought to themselves, these two little girls are really big-hearted. When I think about it, they work in that kind of place and have never seen any kind of men. Naturally, they don't have so many scruples. They just want to keep cool.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were lying on the bed without closing the door. Downstairs, Yilin's mother had already gotten up and was washing clothes in the yard, shouting "baby like this, bah like that".

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were lying on the bed, not sleepy. After a while, Zhang Chen would go to work, so the two simply lay and chatted.

"The one from Zhejiang University originally wanted to return a favor, but I didn't expect that I owed a bigger favor. The one from Peking University was so enthusiastic." Liu Ligan said.

"Damn it, you have the nerve to say that as soon as I heard about Zhejiang Mei, I wanted to find a hole in the ground." Zhang Chen scolded.

"Zhang Chen, do you think Chen Qihang and the others have changed quite a lot?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Yes, I feel the same way. When I met them in Hai'an, I felt that they were just students. In just over a month, the feeling has completely changed." Zhang Chen said, "It may be that they have experienced too much and have been forced to adapt. Stronger. Just like us, if we don't reach Haicheng, who knows how angry we can be, and we can look at the expressions of any birdman."

"Haha, I feel like I'm already a docile citizen, and I can accept no matter what happens." Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"Yes, Lao Tan, the king of Wu opera, if he saw you like this, he would probably push Tan Shuzhen in front of you." Zhang Chen said, "By the way, pole, to be honest, do you miss Tan Shuzhen?"

"To be honest...sometimes I really want to do it, sometimes I don't."

Liu Lizhan stared at the ceiling above his head. There was a piece of lime peel that had cracked and drooped down, with the possibility of falling at any time. Liu Lizhan had been paying attention to it for several days. He thought, if I tell the truth, it will If it falls on my head, I will try my best to tell the truth and tell no lies as much as possible.

If it happens to me that I am telling lies, I will try to tell lies as much as possible in my life and tell less truth.

What if it falls down while you are away? Liu Ligan heard a voice asking himself.

Then I, then I will follow my temper and say whatever is beneficial to me. It does not matter whether it is true or false.

Liu Lizhan thought about this and laughed himself.

"Why are you laughing?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.

Liu Ligan didn't tell him what he was laughing at, but asked: "Zhang Chen, do you feel that things between men and women have become simpler in Hainan, even a little, not so, not so, alas, very Indescribable, less divine, that’s a bit of a strong word.”

"I don't understand, I don't understand what you are talking about." Zhang Chen also looked at the ceiling. What he noticed was a spider web in the corner. There was a spider lying motionless in the middle.

"For example, when I was in Yongcheng, not only in Yongcheng, but also in the past. When I saw a beautiful girl, I would feel close to her. Well, I would feel like I wanted to catch her. If I got closer, , your face will be red, your heart will be pounding, and you will still feel shy, but here..."

Liu Ligan thought for a moment, wondering how to accurately describe this feeling. His eyes were still staring blankly at the piece of lime skin above his head. He continued:

"When I get here, it seems that this feeling is gone. The relationship between men and women here is too simple and direct. For example, you see the girls standing on the streets on Haixiu Road and Shengfu Road. They are much more beautiful, but When you think that you can do it for only two hundred, you will definitely not feel that kind of heartbeat, and you will only think about whether you have two hundred in your pocket, don’t you think so?”

Zhang Chen listened to Liu Ligan say, "No sound." He thought that what Liu Ligan said seemed to make some sense. Liu Ligan asked again if it was true. Zhang Chen still didn't make a sound, so Liu Ligan continued to speak:

"Like the wife next door to us, Jianqiang's wife is pretty. She would be a celebrity in Yongcheng. What do you think? It's also two hundred. No matter if she's lame, has diarrhea on her head, or is in her seventies or eighties, As long as you pay two hundred, you can do anything. Do you think this beauty will still be so sacred in the eyes of a painter like you?"

"Don't talk about me, talk about yourself." Zhang Chen scolded.

"Then I'm talking about Da Vinci. If Da Vinci knew that he could mess with the Mona Lisa for two hundred dollars, would he still be able to draw her mysterious smile?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Don't talk about Leonardo, talk about yourself."

"Haha, okay, let me talk about myself. Those girls we saw in Taoyuan Hotel in front of us were amazing, right? I said I'm not moved. I'm not a man. How many are they? Three hundred to sing with, you can touch them , six hundred, you can do it, isn’t it awesome?

"You said that in a place like this, when you see a beautiful woman, you will blush and your heart will beat. Are you stupid? What should make your heart beat is that you are short of money. As long as you have money, beautiful beauties will make you vomit. Think of it like this. When measured with money, beauty is not priceless, but has a price. She clearly marked this beauty as ten dollars, this beauty as two hundred dollars, and this beauty as six hundred dollars.

"Damn it, no wonder the men here are like wolves and want to make money. Money only has beauty, and money only has Mercedes-Benz cars."

Liu Ligan smiled and let out a series of sighs. Zhang Chen cursed:

"How the hell did you know that all the counter-prices for these messy things are clear?"

"Where? There is a smell of lust in the air, in the air of this city." Liu Ligan shouted, "Zhang Chen, let me tell you, that Liu Yun is really right, the men in this place are very horny. In the companies I went to and the directors, no one read the newspapers, and no one cared about any major national affairs. All they cared about were these trivial matters, yes, just trivial matters. If you talk to them about these things, you will be speculative in just a few sentences."

Liu Ligan sighed and said: "Only when I got here did I know whether I should regret being a man. Zhang Chen, don't believe it. If I looked like Liu Yun, I would go to someone else's workplace, be a little coquettish, and throw two You’re a winker, I can guarantee that my performance can be doubled tenfold. If I continue to work hard, I will be able to conquer everything. There is nothing I can’t do.”

Zhang Chen laughed loudly, but there was a bit of bitterness in his laughter. He thought that although what Liu Ligan said was a bit exaggerated, it still made sense. Although he did not have the same contact with so many people as him and traveled so far. Many companies, but within their own limited scope, they will also hear about it.

Could it be that, as Liu Ligan said, even the air in Haicheng smells of lust? Only serious people are fucking shameful?

"I've already thought about it, Zhang Chen." Liu Ligan said.

"What have you thought about?"

"When I get rich, I will recruit five beauties like Liu Yun from Peking University. They won't have to write my memoirs. Damn it, I will write the memoirs myself. I will let them go out every day and knock down a large number of people each day." .”

"Knocked down for what?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. Anyway, whatever makes money, I will harvest it from behind. I will make sure that all the money I make can be used to reclaim the sea."

"So powerful? If they are so powerful, those beauties won't make money on their own, so why should they be harvested by you?" Zhang Chen poured a ladle of cold water on him, neither salty nor salty.

Liu Ligan was stunned: "Yes, it's so easy to make money, why don't they make it themselves? Oops——!"

Liu Ligan patted the bed suddenly.

"Why, do you regret being a man again?" Zhang Chen laughed.

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