The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 535 What A Yong wants to say

Zhang Chen didn't tell Xiao Zhao, but he was very worried in his heart. What he worried about was that the summer had passed like this, but what would happen in the next autumn? Where would he buy goods?

Guangzhou scared him the first time. Although the goods that came in were basically sold out, Zhang Chen always felt that this was a fluke.

If Qian Fang and the others hadn't made a good start with their help, I really don't know what would have happened. Now that he had to go through this torturous process again, he was really a little scared. The most important thing was that from now on The actual situation later proved that their trip to Guangzhou was a misstep and not cost-effective.

Most of the goods coming from Guangzhou can be found in the old market, and many of the wholesale prices are cheaper than what they buy in Guangzhou. Even if they are a few dollars more expensive, how about adding on the cost? It’s still not cost-effective. Since it has been proven that going to Guangzhou is not cost-effective, why go there?

Unless you can go to Guangzhou to find popular products like those in the old market. One style must be 3500 pieces, so that you can get the lowest package price. With his own vision, Zhang Chen believes that he can find it. Such goods.

But when you call back, in this market, can you sell such a large quantity of the same style? I'm afraid that imitation models will come out before you sell out. Don't forget their customers, but they are all retail customers. What those people are most afraid of is matching shirts. Seeing so many of the same style piled up in your stall, Probably even the desire to buy is gone.

In this market, if you buy hundreds of items per model, unless the customer is crazy, or you are looking for death.

If you can’t go to Guangzhou and you don’t want to go to the old market, where else can you go to buy goods?

Zhang Chen had a hard time thinking about this.

In contrast, Xiao Zhao is not worried at all. She has already thought about it and goes to the old market to purchase goods and sell them in retail. Since this market has been reduced to a retail market, why bother to go so far to Guangzhou? , walk a few steps to the old market, buy a few items, sell a few items, sell a few items and buy a few items, how good it is, it does not occupy funds, only a little capital is enough, and you are not afraid of selling goods.

There are so many people in this market who go to the old market to buy goods. When they go, we go too. What are we afraid of? Aren’t we still unable to sell to others?

So Xiao Zhao is not worried about this problem at all. She knows that Zhang Chen is definitely not willing to do this, so it is better to go by herself. She can bring in a few or more than a dozen items at a time, and they are not heavy. It is not like going to Guangzhou, which requires a lot of work. Such a big bag.

Anyway, those stall owners knew her with a big belly. If she needed anything, she could call them and ask them to help save some goods. I could go and get it at noon when there were not many people and it wasn't crowded.

It was decided that Xiao Zhao should eat and sleep every day, and she never mentioned the purchase of goods. She hoped that Zhang Chen would not think about the purchase of goods. When the time came, she would go to the old market to purchase goods every day. This guy may be reluctant to go alone. He may bite the bullet and go alone. If the scalp is hardened a few times, it may become soft.

Autumn has passed, and there is still winter. At that time, even if I want to buy goods, I can't go. Their little baby is coming to this world. She needs to stay in the hospital and at home for a while. At that time, the stall will be completely handed over to Zhang Chen, he wanted to go out of town to buy goods, but he couldn't go out.

No matter how she thought about it, Xiao Zhao felt that going to the old market to buy goods was their best choice, but she didn't know why Zhang Chen was so resistant.

The two of them got up for a nap. It was already three o'clock. Zhang Chen went to the sink downstairs, washed his face first, then took half the basin of water and carried it upstairs. Xiao Zhao was still sitting on the bed, staring blankly. Looking at him, Zhang Chen took Xiao Zhao's towel, rubbed it in the water, then wrung it dry, and walked over to help Xiao Zhao wipe his face.

After wiping her face, Xiao Zhao giggled and raised her hands. Zhang Chen then wiped her neck and upper body, until she reached her waist, and then deliberately scratched her with a towel. Xiao Zhao laughed and shouted: " I surrender, I surrender, dear, the rule is that prisoners cannot be killed."

The two of them washed up and prepared to go out. Xiao Zhao stood in front of the mirror with a sad face. She looked at the bloated maternity skirt on her body and said dissatisfiedly, "I'm wearing this again, my dear, I'm looking uglier than my mother."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "What should we do? How about you discuss it with your son and let him come out early."

Xiao Zhao said with a bitter face: "It's useless, this guy is worse than you."

Zhang Chen laughed.

By the time the two of them went out, it was already half past three.

When they arrived at the market, they were surprised to find that A Yong's stall was open. This guy had closed the door for a week. The sun didn't come out from the west today. Why did he come here instead?

Ayong heard the sound of them opening the rolling shutter and ran out immediately. Zhang Chen asked, "Why are you here?"

"I'm coming to find you."

"looking for me?"

"Wait until you open the door."

Zhang Chen opened another rolling shutter door and turned on the light. A wave of heat surged out from the stall. Xiao Zhao walked over, turned on the fan, and then returned to the passage. It was cooler in the passage. They would be in the passage every day. Stand there for a while, then enter the stall.

The three of them were still standing in the passage. Zhang Chen asked A Yong, what happened?

"Have you ever been to Shengxian County?" Ayong asked.

Zhang Chen shook his head. He knew that Shengxian County was just below Shaoxing and was the hometown of Yue Opera. Yuan Xuefen was from there. Zhang Chen used to be in a theater troupe and had no chance to go. If they perform Wu Opera in Shengxian County, they would probably be attacked by martial arts people. The scene is about the same.

A Yong and Zhang Chen said that his friend knew the supply and marketing section chief of a foreign trade garment factory in Shengxian County, who seemed to specialize in denim. They had a backlog of foreign trade final orders. Do you know what a final order is?

Zhang Chen said he didn't know.

A Yong said: "For example, if a customer wants to order a thousand pieces, but when the factory is rushing to rush the goods, it is impossible to produce only a thousand pieces. What if one or two pieces are found to have quality problems during the finished product inspection? Only nine One hundred ninety-nine and ninety-eight pieces, the order quantity is not enough, and it is too late to do it again at the last minute, is this the truth?"

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao both nodded.

"So they will produce one thousand and twenty pieces. When the time comes, one thousand and twenty pieces will be exported, and there will be twenty pieces left. This is the last order." A Yong said.

"Does that mean these twenty items are all defective?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"No, they are not defective products. These are also genuine products." A Yong said, "It's just that the foreigner only paid a thousand pieces. It is impossible for them to send a thousand and one pieces to others. That is not equivalent to giving them to others for free."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao both understood.

Ayong wiped the sweat from his forehead and continued:

"This factory receives so many orders a year, and every order has a back order. Over time, there is a lot of backlog in the warehouse. When they quote prices to foreigners, they have actually taken the last order into consideration. , that is to say, the cost of the remaining clothes has already been included in the order, so no matter how cheap they sell this last order, it is like picking it up for nothing."

When A Yong said this, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao felt that he had explained the entire foreign trade process clearly. It turns out that this is how people talk about doing foreign trade, and they really learned something from this.

"My friend knew the supply and marketing section chief of this factory, and they were willing to handle the last batch of orders at a very cheap price. He introduced me to come and have a look. I thought, Zhang Chen, let's go together. Don't you know more about clothing than me? , let’s go see how this batch of goods is doing.”

"Okay, when will we go?" Zhang Chen asked. If there was such a good opportunity, of course he would be willing to go and have a look. Sheng County is not far from Hangzhou. If they go early, they can return to Hangzhou in the afternoon.

"The sooner the better. There are a few people who are also interested in this batch of goods. They are both from Sijiqing and Shanghai Qipu Road. My friend has a good relationship with the section chief, but if others already want it, he can't do anything about it." A Yong explain.

"Then we'll go early tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I've already seen it. The morning bus from South Bus Station to Shengxian County leaves at 6:20 in the morning. You can arrive in Shengxian at 9 o'clock and come back in the afternoon."

"Then let's take this train." Zhang Chen said.

"It's settled. It's settled. I'll ask my friend to call the section chief and tell him not to go out tomorrow. Otherwise, if we go and he's not there, we won't step into the pond." A Yong said.

"Okay, let's meet at South Station tomorrow." Zhang Chen and A Yong said.

Having settled the matter, Ayong walked back to his stall, pulled the rolling shutter down with a clang, and went back.

The next morning, Zhang Chen got up at five o'clock. He drew a watch for Xiao Zhao. The two agreed that Xiao Zhao would get up at the original time in the afternoon, walk outside to Hanghai Road, and take a bus to the market. Zhang Chen went from When I came back from Sheng County, I went directly to the market.

After the two kissed goodbye, Zhang Chen went downstairs and rode to the South Bus Station. It was not yet six o'clock. Ayong was even more excited than him. He had already arrived. He told Zhang Chen that the bus was not as early as mine, so I took the bus. I came here, but I didn’t do any business, so I spent more than twenty dollars on the fucking taxi fee.

Ayong had already bought a ticket to Shengxian County, priced at eight yuan a piece. Zhang Chen wanted to give him money. He said, he would wait until he got back. He had to eat at noon and buy tickets when he got back. I would pay for it all. Come back and calculate the general ledger.

Zhang Chen said yes.

The seat of the county government of Shengxian County is Chengguan Town. The clothing factory A Yong mentioned is in Chengguan Town. The two people got out of the car and walked for more than ten minutes before they found the clothing factory. The clothing factory occupied It turned out that the old town was still the district government house.

After walking through an iron gate, there is a cement basketball court. The cement pillars and backboard baskets of the basketball court are all there. The white paint on the backboard has peeled off. The former basketball court has become a parking lot of a clothing factory.

To the right of the basketball court is a row of low houses, and to the left is a town hall built in the 1960s and 1967s. Above the gate, there is a five-pointed star made of cement, shining with light made of cement. Whether it is the five-pointed star or the red light above it, The paint has faded, and the sound of noisy industrial sewing machines can be heard from the Great Hall. It seems that this is now a sewing workshop.

A Yong and Zhang Chen checked in at the reception room at the door. A Yong asked the old man in the reception room, "Uncle, which office is Section Chief Wang in?"

"Which Section Chief Wang?" It seems that there is more than one Section Chief Wang here.

"Section Chief Wang of the Supply and Marketing Department."

"On the second floor, go up the stairs and turn left. The third office is there."

Thank you Brokeback Mountain for the tip! Thank you Tin Soldier, ranked third from top to bottom, reading books every day, and 131 on the shore for your continued rewards! Thanks for all the reading and votes! I wish you all good health!

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