The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 536 Those last orders

A Yong and Zhang Chen went in. As soon as they said they were from Hangzhou, the other party immediately knew it, stood up, and came over to shake hands with them. It seemed that A Yong's friend had already called him, so the two of them relaxed. Heartbroken.

Zhang Chen took out a cigarette and asked Section Chief Wang to smoke. A Yong quickly took out a lighter and lit it for Section Chief Wang.

Section Chief Wang asked them to sit on the sofa, poured them two glasses of water, and the three of them sat down to smoke and chat.

There was no need to beat around the bush next. A Yong directly explained his intention to the other party. Section Chief Wang said:

"Welcome, welcome. We are very nervous in the factory now. We are really trying to clear out the inventory. This has been accumulated over the past few years, but there is no problem with the quality and style. You also know that this foreigner's style is only available after a few years. In our country, it is still very trendy.”

A Yong and Zhang Chen quickly nodded and said yes.

"Are you from Sijiqing? Are you doing wholesale?" Section Chief Wang asked.

A Yong was embarrassed to say that his stall was in the new market and there were not many wholesale customers, so he nodded and said yes.

"That's okay." Section Chief Wang said, "If someone opens a small shop on the street and buys dozens of pieces, we don't want to contact him. We don't have that much energy to deal with him. We are not selling clothes."

Ayong quickly said, no, no, we are in wholesale business.

Section Chief Wang took a long puff of cigarette, then put the butt of the cigarette in the ashtray and said to them:

"Okay, I'll take you to see things first, and then we'll talk about other things later. Do you like it?"

Section Chief Wang asked, of course A Yong and Zhang Chen wanted it.

Section Chief Wang led them downstairs to the row of short houses next to the basketball court. He opened the first room. Half of it was filled with denim fabrics of different colors and thicknesses. He patted the pile. He piled up fabrics and told them that these were extra fabrics from each order. This foreigner had requirements for yarn count and color number for every order he placed, and he refused to be careless at all.

He pointed to the cardboard boxes stacked high near the inside and told them that these were all jeans. He took a pair from an open box and showed them that A Yong opened it and found a pair of black jeans. , no brand could be seen, and the words written on the outside of the carton were all in English. The two of them took the pants in their hands and looked at them. They felt that everything from the fabric to the workmanship was very good.

"It's all like this, but because it's the last order, you also know that the styles will be different, but these jeans are more or less the same. There must be dozens of styles here, but the quality is definitely not a problem."

Section Chief Wang said, took out the key, used the key to open the sealing tape on a sealed carton, and opened it. This box was filled with jeans that had been sand-washed until they turned white. He took out one pair. Tell them to bring this with them.

Zhang Chen took it in his hand, opened it, and saw that it seemed to be women's trousers. The style was indeed good. Zhang Chen asked, "Section Chief Wang, are there more men's trousers or women's trousers here?"

"We have them all. Because they are in stock, we don't count them carefully. Usually we only count the quantity. The quantity here is accurate. There are a total of 2,365 pairs. As for how many men's pants you want to say, Or more women’s pants, I really don’t know.”

"What about the size?"

"The sizes are basically the same. When customers place orders, they all place them according to the size. We produce, and we also produce more of each size on average. We won't tell you to prepare one more size. Please don't worry about this."

Zhang Chen and A Yong nodded, feeling that what Section Chief Wang said made sense.

After looking at the warehouse and preparing to go out, Section Chief Wang looked at the two pairs of pants in their hands and told them that you can take these with you as samples. They were all introduced by friends, so it doesn't matter.

Next, I walked to the second room and opened it. The inside was the same as the first room. There was also a pile of denim fabrics when entering the door. The difference was that the previous room was made of pieces, and this one was made of tubes. There were also piles of cardboard boxes inside. Section Chief Wang told them that here are all denim clothes, and like pants, there are various styles.

He still took out a denim jacket from an open box and showed it to Zhang Chen and A Yong. The workmanship, fabric and style were also very good. The two looked at each other, feeling a little excited. I feel like I've come to the right place. It seems like there are a lot of good products in this factory.

"How many pieces of clothing are there in total?" Ayong asked.

"More than 1,680 pieces, and the styles are the same, ranging from denim vests to jackets and coats. The most popular ones are jackets."

A Yong and Zhang Chen looked at each other and realized that these could be sold next.

Section Chief Wang was very polite and offered to bring the jacket to them to make a sample.

The three of them returned upstairs and sat down on the sofa again. Zhang Chen took out a cigarette and continued to ask Section Chief Wang to smoke. A Yong lit it for him, then took the cigarette from Zhang Chen's hand and turned it on. Machine, give some to Zhang Chen first, and then to yourself.

"Chief Wang, how do you get this batch of goods?" A Yong asked.

"Just take the money." Section Chief Wang smiled, and Zhang Chen and A Yong also laughed.

A Yong said: "I'm sorry, Section Chief Wang, I'm asking about the price?"

"We don't differentiate that much, there are only two prices, one price for pants and another price for clothes."

"Then they are..."

Before A Yong could finish speaking, Section Chief Wang waved his hand to drive away the smoke in front of him. He looked at A Yong, then at Zhang Chen, and asked, "You won't take one or two boxes, right?"

"No, no, how is it possible? We are in the wholesale business. What's the use of taking these two boxes back? I can't even earn back the traveling expenses."

Ayong shouted, Zhang Chen knew that he was bluffing, raising his own worth and making the other party value him more.

Section Chief Wang breathed a sigh of relief and said, those are also two prices, starting from a minimum of two hundred, one price for picking goods, and another price if the entire warehouse is cleared. As I told you, we now have this warehouse Prepare to put it to other uses. If you clear out the warehouse, I can give you a very low price. As I said, we don't make money by selling clothes.

"If it's done, what's the price?" A Yong asked. Zhang Chen was startled. "What's the price?" There are a total of 4,000 pieces of clothes and trousers. Can we sell all of them?

Section Chief Wang remained calm. He thought for a while, looked at A Yong with a sly look in his eyes, and asked, "What price can you accept?"

"Eight or ten yuan, pants are eight yuan, clothes are ten yuan."

A Yong said without thinking, and Zhang Chen was startled again. He thought that A Yong was really brave. He dared to charge this price. Isn't this an exorbitant asking price?

Zhang Chen knew that the wholesale price of a pair of jeans in the market was more than forty yuan, and the workmanship and fabrics were not as good as this one. This meant that the foreigner had helped to inspect them strictly.

Zhang Chen thought that Section Chief Wang would be furious when he heard this price, thinking that you guys were just joking here.

Unexpectedly, Section Chief Wang didn't even twitch his eyelids. He just shook his head slowly and said no, the price was too low, and I didn't dare to give it to the factory director for approval. The factory director thought I was making some profit in the middle. , eight or ten yuan, not even enough money for the fabric.

What Section Chief Wang said is true. Zhang Chen had seen denim fabrics in the fabric market and asked about the price. They usually cost 13 or 4 yuan per meter. If spandex is added, the elastic ones will be even higher. Pants require at least about 1.2 meters of fabric and cost eight yuan. Indeed, the fabric money is not even enough. Although the factory purchases fabrics in large quantities and the price will be cheaper, it is not that much cheaper.

Do we need to add auxiliary materials and workmanship, and do we need sand washing? Regardless of whether it is denim or jeans, they are all sand washed after they are ready-made. They are all calculated according to condition and condition. The accessories for denim clothes are required to be higher than ordinary ones, otherwise you will not be able to pass the sand washing process. Eight yuan and ten yuan, Zhang Chen estimated, would not even reach half of the cost. It was indeed too low.

A Yong said with a smile: "Chief Wang, this is the last order. Of course you can't calculate it by cost, you have to calculate it by cost. I also know that the money for fabrics is not enough, but isn't that how everyone handles this last order?" , for your factory, there is no cost for the last order, selling it is the net profit, am I right?"

Ayong pretended to be a veteran and kept emphasizing the last order and the last order, just to give the other party a feeling of "I am not a newbie, I am very familiar with this business". Zhang Chen looked on and secretly laughed, He thought that this Ayong was probably just improvising, learning some inside information from his friends, and then came here to show off, and Section Chief Wang seemed to be a little bit intimidated by him.

"You can't say that. For our factory, we also want to maximize profits. It's impossible to say that we will give you all the money to earn. Once you change hands, you will get thirty or forty yuan from Sijiqing." Problem, right? The profits here..."

"Chief Wang, you can't calculate this account like this." A Yong interrupted him, "You take our wholesale price and subtract the purchase price, and that's our profit? Then we are making a lot of money. You and I He said, "Calculate how much our stall fee is for a day, how much the tax management fee and electricity bill are. No stall can say that it can be sold out in one day with so many goods, right?"

"It's normal to sell him half a month for half a month. Then do the calculations and ask for the salary of two salesmen. This doesn't include our own salary."

Zhang Chen almost laughed out loud, "Two salesmen, what are you talking about? Who would hire a salesperson in that market?"

Zhang Chen suppressed a smile, and Ayong looked at him, as if he knew what he was thinking, and blinked at him.

"Okay, what you said makes sense. After all, we are friends, so I will treat you well. In this way, if you work a little bit, it will be easier for me, the factory director, to deal with." Section Chief Wang said.

They discussed and discussed, and the final result was to add two yuan, that is, ten yuan for jeans and twelve yuan for denim clothes.

"When will you pick up the goods?" Section Chief Wang asked.

"Ming... oh, it's too late tomorrow, let's go the day after tomorrow. It's already evening when we return to Hangzhou today." Ayong said.

"Okay, I'll keep it for you for four days. If you don't come after four days, I'll sell it if someone wants it."

"Okay, thank you, Section Chief Wang. By the way, with so many goods, can you help us deliver them to Hangzhou?"

"That won't work. That won't work. If you ask us to deliver it at such a cheap price, that definitely won't work." Section Chief Wang waved his hands repeatedly.

"Then we don't have a car, Section Chief Wang, you can't let us call a truck from Hangzhou. When we came up from the front, I saw that your factory had a truck parked there," Ayong said.

Section Chief Wang thought for a moment, then picked up the phone, dialed a few numbers, and asked, "Will the Seventh get out of the car the day after tomorrow? Okay... I understand."

After putting down the phone, Section Chief Wang said to them: "If you come the day after tomorrow, our car can be delivered. However, you have to pay two hundred yuan for gas. If you call a car to Hangzhou, it will definitely cost more than five hundred yuan. Also, you buy the driver a pack of cigarettes.”

"Okay, I'll buy him two packs."

Ayong shouted, he gave Zhang Chen a proud look, which meant it was done.

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