The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 534 The Last Summer

In the days that followed, Zhang Chen's business got better and better. The advertisements at the door were changed every two days. Sometimes Zhang Chen would draw advertisements in front of customers, and those customers would just watch from the side, watching him finish the drawings. , just started to choose clothes.

The customers who bought clothes from them brought them more customers, especially on Sundays. From morning to night, they heard a group of women chattering at their stall, and some of them stayed for more than one person as soon as they arrived. When they were young, they waited here for their friends from further afield to arrive, and used this place as a social place.

It’s no wonder. People at that time didn’t have access to the Internet, or even mobile phones. It was impossible to talk on the phone. There were no cafes and teahouses to go to, and there were no nightclubs. Even the singing and dancing venues where women often went free of charge If you go to the hall, you will be considered by others as not a serious girl.

Going shopping with a few friends at the market on weekends is almost the biggest hobby of all girls. If it were placed today, Zhang Chen's stall would be an Internet celebrity store.

When there are many people, Xiao Zhao will help. When there are few people, she still goes outside and lets Zhang Chen deal with it alone. But when she goes out again, she will not sit in Fengzhen’s stall, but Stand in the aisle, or sit in A Yong's stall, so you can watch what's going on in your stall.

Fengzhen has a dark face every day, and even Ayong can see it. He scolds her for being a ghost. There are more people in this area, so she should be happy. It seems to me now that opening an egg is easier than before. From you guys Some of the people who come out will also come to see me.

Xiao Zhao smiled bitterly: "It would be great if everyone thought like you."

Fengzhen had closed the door very early. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao had just finished their business. It was almost six o'clock. They were about to close the door. Hagen came over. He stood at the door first, looked at the advertisement, and then walked in and laughed. Dao, your business is good now?

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao nodded, and Xiao Zhao said that compared with other stalls, we were good.

"In this business, it really depends on the person, so I say you can do it well." Hagen said with a smile, "You are all famous in our market now. By the way, Xiao Zhang, you are so good at painting." That’s right, I didn’t expect you to have this skill. Let’s first say that next time we need to write or draw in the market, we will still ask for your help.”

"No problem. When you need me, just ask Brother Haigen." Zhang Chen readily agreed.

Hagen looked at Fengzhen’s stall opposite and said to them:

"You have a sour account. I went to the market and told her many times that your advertising was affecting her business. I scolded her. She advertised in front of her stall. It's none of your business. You have nothing to do with it. If I can, I will draw my own advertisement. Our market is to encourage business owners to think of more ways to do business.

"It's really nonsense. I have this intention and don't want to think about how to do business on my own."

Xiao Zhao stuck out his tongue and said with a smile: "It's just this little thing, and you still report it. If she doesn't like this, just tell us directly and we will take it away."

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Leave her alone." Hagen scolded, "This kind of person is short-sighted and cannot be left to her. If you take down the advertisement today, tomorrow she will say that the lights in your booth are too bright, and you will mess with her. This kind of person There is always someone else, and when she is getting rich, it is best for her to make it alone; when she is unlucky, it is best for everyone to be unlucky together. You do your thing and don't worry."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao quickly said goodbye and thanked Brother Haigen.

By August, there were only twenty or thirty items left in the batch of goods they brought in from Guangzhou. Both of them breathed a sigh of relief. Not only were the goods almost sold out, but they also made back their monthly expenses and still had a little surplus. , seeing the difficult days passing day by day, how could they be unhappy in their hearts.

Xiao Zhao's belly is getting bigger and bigger day by day, and the baby in her belly is starting to make trouble inside. It's just like what her aunt said. It makes trouble day and night, and it doesn't stop now. Xiao Zhao is also sure that the child in his belly must be a son, otherwise why would he be so naughty?

Every night, Zhang Chen likes to lie on Xiao Zhao's belly. He will lie there for half an hour and chatter to the son in his belly. It's really strange. Every time this happens, his belly The room became quiet, as if their son was really listening to my talk.

Xiao Zhao lay on her back on the quilt, looking down at Zhang Chen's head lying on her stomach. She put her hands into his hair and rubbed it gently, with a gentle smile on her lips. She felt like Looking at her two babies, her face showed a maternal, satisfied and proud look.

The business in the store basically relies on Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen doesn't have time to go out for a walk now. Instead, Xiao Zhao goes out for a walk after breakfast every day. Xiao Zhao always goes to the old market, which is also cold now. Deserted.

Wholesale customers arrive at least a month earlier than retail customers. At this time, wholesale customers have already stopped buying summer clothes, and autumn clothes haven’t been put on sale yet. It’s still early, and no one has picked up the goods yet. The stalls in the entire market are like It was empty all the way up.

Even the salespersons have gone home for the holidays, and it is the boss himself who is guarding the stall. Otherwise, at the end of the day, he doesn’t know whether he can make the salesperson’s salary.

This is also the slowest off-season of the year for the market. Every stall uses this time to unload goods, not only unloading this year's backlog, but also taking out the backlog from previous years, selling whatever they can.

Wholesale has stopped, but Zhang Chen and the others are still doing retail. People still come every day, and there are still a group of people chattering around Zhang Chen on Sundays.

But their goods were already stretched thin, and there wasn't much left. Xiao Zhao suggested going to the old market to buy some goods. Zhang Chen objected as soon as he heard it, saying, "I won't go, I won't do such a thing."

Xiao Zhao also knew that he didn't bother to do such a thing. This man had a very high heart. He didn't say it on the surface, but in his heart he looked down on the people in the old market, thinking that they didn't understand anything. They were just a bunch of porters, taking the rest of the people away. The clothes from the local area were moved here to be sold. If he was asked to go to them to buy goods and bargain with them, it would be better to twist his head off.

If Zhang Chen didn't go, only Xiao Zhao would go there with a big belly. When Xiao Zhao came in, Zhang Chen wouldn't say anything. He would show off what he wanted and sell when he wanted. He also knew that anger would end in anger, but business would continue.

Xiao Zhao mainly goes to the stalls selling Guangzhou products. If he likes the style, he will bargain hard with the stall owner. At this time, there will not be much left of each style, and the color and code will be broken.

Xiao Zhao told them, I will take them all away from you, and you will pay the lowest price.

She took them all, and they were willing to give her the lowest price. Besides, she had a big belly, so she couldn't bear to keep them.

As he came more often, everyone became familiar with him, so those people called Xiao Zhao Big Belly and shouted, Big Belly, take this model with you.

"How many more are there?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"five items."

"I'll take them all for five yuan each."

"Okay, okay, I'll take advantage of your big belly."

Xiao Zhao took away the rest, but she actually had a thought in mind. She was worried that if there were only one or two left here, those customers who bought in their store would come here, see the same style, and ask about the price. , my heart immediately became unbalanced.

It wouldn't be a big deal if they returned it, but they would definitely lose this customer.

Xiao Zhao also did one thing, that is, she hid the purchase order every time, or simply did not issue a purchase order. She added the profit to the unit price of the purchase, wrote it in a book, and showed it to Zhang Chen Look, tell him, I wrote down the purchase price here.

Zhang Chen said yes.

Xiao Zhao is like this, not because of anything else, but because Zhang Chen is so honest in this regard. He promised that they would only add six yuan. If Xiao Zhao paid for the clothes for eight yuan, he would sell them for fourteen yuan. If Xiao Zhao Tell him to buy it for twenty, and he will sell it for twenty-six.

Meeting such a fool, alas, Xiao Zhao thought to himself, I am the only one who can do all the conspiracies.

Son, don't blame your mother. She is saving money for milk powder for you. If you want to control your father, you will probably have to eat rice cereal. After returning from the restocking, Xiao Zhao sat on the recliner, touched his belly, and silently talked to the son in his belly while resting.

Every time Xiao Zhao saw Zhang Chen falling into the trap, he would tell him the purchase price, and he would believe it. He would also confidently tell others, "I only earned six, eight, or ten yuan from you." Xiao Zhao was right next to him, secretly laugh.

August passed day by day, and the goods on display in the old market became less and less, and there were not many pieces left in their store.

This summer, the summer of selling summer clothes, is probably almost over. Although in terms of time, the actual summer has not passed yet, people have begun to stop buying summer clothes. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao know that they should also use the leftovers. The goods ordered have been processed.

Fortunately, there are only a few dozen pieces of clothing, and Xiao Zhao basically pays a few dollars for each piece. In this clothing store, you can't say that you will sell every piece of clothing, just keep it, it's no big deal.

There is no longer a roll call in the market. The notice says that roll call will resume from September 1st. There are many stalls, so they simply close their doors and are not open for business.

Zhang Chen and the others didn't close the door because they felt that even if there were only one or two customers a day, they would have come all the way here. How disappointing would it be to see you close the door when you get here?

They simply posted the business hours on the door, telling everyone that before September 1st, they would be open from 4 to 6 pm every day.

When they went out at 3:30 in the afternoon, the sun was no longer so hot. Xiao Zhao sat on the back of the bicycle, holding an umbrella. They rode to the market at exactly four o'clock. The door opened for two hours. After closing, the sun also set in the west. The two of them would go to the West Lake to enjoy the cool air, or go to Hangcheng Building to have a rest. There was air conditioning there, so it was cool, and they could also go shopping.

Or just go to the movies, or even go to the Hangcheng Theater next to the Hangcheng Building, watch a ballet, listen to two light concerts, and a symphony. Xiao Zhao can’t understand or understand, but sitting It's very comfortable to sleep in there.

Zhang Chen didn't understand and wanted to sleep. He just didn't know where he saw it. It was said that a child has feelings in the mother's belly. Going shopping and listening to more concerts can stimulate the growth of the fetal brain. , then go shopping and listen, our son just needs to have a developed brain.

"Damn it, don't create a big brain. In our hometown, big brain is not a good word." Xiao Zhao cursed.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh. This brain is developed. The developed brain cells make people smart, but they don't turn the fetus into a big-headed baby.

If not, that’s fine, then we’ll go. Xiao Zhao held Zhang Chen's hand and said.

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