The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 521 Morning Market in Shahe

The next day, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao got up before four o'clock.

When they came back last night, they asked the waiter below. The waiter told them that over Shahe, the doors usually open at four or five o'clock in the morning and close at around 12 noon. Those that are not closed have nothing to sell. Either that, that guy...

"I know, if it's not sold out by twelve o'clock, we won't be able to sell the goods even if we go in." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

The two returned to the room, took another shower, and went to bed. Xiao Zhao told Zhang Chen that they had to get up early tomorrow and couldn't be naughty or think about things tonight. But after more than ten minutes, she found that Zhang Chen hadn't slept yet. Just say, either I can help you, or you can't sleep?

Zhang Chen quickly hugged Xiao Zhao and said, don't move, you will be too tired. You have to get up early tomorrow, go to sleep.

"How about I count sheep for you?" Xiao Zhao said.

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing and said, are you trying to wake me up? Well, you count.

So Xiao Zhao counted one sheep or two sheep like this. Before she could count to fifty, she had already fallen asleep.

Zhang Chen turned his face to the side, kissed Xiao Zhao, listened to her even breathing, smelled the cool fragrance of her body, and fell asleep after a while.

Zhang Chen put the money into his pocket, buckled the pocket on his waist, pulled the hem of his shirt out of his jeans, and covered the pocket. Xiao Zhao looked at him and laughed. Zhang Chen knew that Xiao Zhao was laughing at him. I Your belly is not big, but yours is.

The two people went downstairs with the hand-pulled cart and the incoming canvas bags, and walked out of the door of the cultural guest house. It was still dark outside. At this time, all the buses had stopped running. They stood at the door for a while, and there was a taxi. The car came over and the two of them got in. Before they could say anything, the taxi driver asked, "Going to Shahe?"

Zhang Chen said yes and thought, how did you know we were going to Shahe?

But he immediately realized that with a cart and a bulge in his waist, everyone knew that you were going to buy goods. At this time every day, this taxi driver would probably meet people dressed like this in front of any hotel. Going to Shahe.

Shahe is not only famous among the locals in Guangzhou, but also throughout the country. Anyone who makes clothing knows about Shahe. There is a saying that "the clothing depends on Shahe. When the Shahe rises, the price rises all over the country."

Every day, six to seven million pieces of clothing are sold to all parts of the country. If we use the price of clothing, it can be said that a millionaire will be born here every minute. "Ten thousand yuan households" are not uncommon here. Those who transported goods by truck could earn at least a few "ten thousand yuan households" a year. At that time, the average annual income of workers nationwide was only more than 2,000 yuan.

Pulling a cart and carrying bags for a year here can equal the income of a university professor for decades. Not only are the people who make missiles not as good as those who sell tea eggs, but those who carry backpacks are not as good as those who carry big bags here.

The driver drove the car to Shahe Avenue and stopped. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao got out of the car and found that the place was already full of lights. The 700-800-meter-long Shahe Avenue turned into a sea of ​​lights, a sea of ​​people, and more. The main thing is the sea of ​​clothing, which is the morning market in Shahe.

The morning market in Shahe starts at three or four o'clock in the morning, mainly selling women's clothing. At six o'clock, the shops and markets on both sides of Shahe Avenue and Lianquan Road open, and the stalls slowly begin to close here. By seven o'clock, All the stalls completely disappeared from Shahe Avenue, giving way to a relay of shops and wholesale markets along the street.

The morning market in Shahe has been established for several years, and its appearance originated from an accidental traffic accident.

On that day that year, there was a delivery truck full of clothes, loaded with goods from several stalls. While delivering goods to the wholesale market, it rolled over on Shahe Avenue. The goods in the truck were scattered all over the ground. The driver We have no choice but to inform those cargo owners who are still waiting at the market gate to come to the scene to handle it immediately.

When the cargo owners arrived at the scene, they were helpless. It was three or four o'clock in the morning, and they couldn't even find the porters pulling the carts to pack the bags. They had no cars and no one. The wholesale market hadn't opened yet, and they weren't allowed to move the goods. Goods are moved into the stall.

At this time, many long-distance buses from all over the country had arrived here. The passengers who had been sleeping for more than ten hours on the bus got off the bus. It was still early, and the market and shops along the street were not open. They had nowhere to go. , I could only wander around on the street. When I saw an accident here, many people gathered around to watch.

There was a stall owner who saw so many customers coming. He had an idea. He moved his goods aside and started selling them on the roadside. As a result, many people rushed to buy. When other goods owners saw it, they also sold their goods. He took the goods to one side and started selling them. In less than an hour, all the goods in the cart were sold out.

These stall owners, who had tasted the sweetness, coincidentally went to Shahe Avenue to sell clothes at three or four o'clock in the morning the next day. In this way, when the market opened at six o'clock, they had already held a morning market.

Business people have a very keen sense of smell. Knowing that there is such a good thing, other stalls will naturally follow suit. Within a few days, the 700-800-meter Shahe Avenue was crowded with clothing stalls, spontaneously forming a A light morning market similar to the West Lake Road Light Night Market.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao walked around the morning market and immediately discovered that some of the goods here were cheaper than those on Xihu Road. The wholesale prices of the three styles they thought were good last night were five to ten yuan cheaper here than on Xihu Road. I understand, some stalls on West Lake Road purchase and sell goods from here.

But there are still a lot of goods that cannot be seen here, and overall, Zhang Chen feels that the goods here are somewhat similar to Sijiqing, very miscellaneous, and the workmanship is not very good. In comparison, the Xihu Road Lighting Night Market is of a higher quality It's higher than here, and it's mainly cheaper here.

Xiao Zhao also felt that the clothes here were not as good-looking as those on West Lake Road. Although the two of them had purchased some goods, they still felt that they should focus on West Lake Road at night.

They wandered from the morning market to the shops on both sides of the street, and then visited several wholesale markets. By about ten o'clock, a canvas bag was already full. They could no longer walk, and their eyes were dazzled. I am becoming more and more picky. No matter what clothes I look at, I always feel that there are always some shortcomings and it will definitely not be easy to sell when I take them back.

Zhang Chen said he didn't want to read anymore and wanted to find a place to eat. It was almost time to walk around Xihu Road in the evening. If it sells well, we might come back in a few days.

Xiao Zhao said yes.

The first time they purchased goods, they did not dare to buy too much, so they bought a stall. With the remaining money plus what Liu Ligan and the others gave this time, they only had less than 70,000 yuan left. This time, they spent more than 20,000 yuan. This is already their highest limit, otherwise, they really would have no money.

The two of them arrived here as soon as they got up. When they got here, it was like fighting. They didn't stop for a moment. Now that they stopped, they realized that they hadn't even eaten breakfast. Not only were they tired, but they were also hungry. It was a good thing that they didn't notice that they were hungry. , once you notice it, you get hungrier and hungrier.

They saw a Shahe Chicken restaurant on the street, so they walked in, ordered half a chicken, a plate of boiled cabbage, and two bowls of rice, and started eating.

The two of them went out after eating and pulling the cart. At this time, Zhang Chen felt lucky that he listened to the waiter and bought the cart. Otherwise, this big bag of clothes would torture them to death today.

There is a red manned public telephone booth on the roadside. Its shape really looks like a traffic police station. It is surrounded by windows and there are telephones placed in a circle on the windowsill. There are many people surrounding the booth. Circle call.

Zhang Chen thought about it and said, I need to call Zhanzi and buy a ticket back. When will we go back?

"Let's do it tomorrow. We'll have some goods on West Lake Road in the evening. That's about it. The food and accommodation here are so expensive. I can't afford to stay there. Let's go back and we won't pay a penny for the room."

Xiao Zhao said, and Zhang Chen suddenly felt a little sad. It was only two hundred and twenty for a night's room fee. Xiao Zhao had always been worried about it. Who would take this seriously in Haicheng? If you have a house, you still need to get a room. Xiao Zhao is not the same.

It seems that the traces of Haicheng's life have gradually drifted away from them and been completely erased. This is good, at least they don't have to worry about gains and losses.

Zhang Chen quickly agreed, let's go back tomorrow.

Zhang Chen dialed Liu Ligan's phone number. As soon as Liu Ligan heard Zhang Chen's voice, he shouted, "Zhang Chen, I'm just looking for you. I don't know where to find it." Project Bookmark Okay, it was delivered yesterday. It's very beautiful, even more beautiful than we expected. We're going to have a big fight today. By the way, where are you?

"Xiao Zhao and I went to Guangzhou to purchase goods." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, I'm on my way back to the company. Tell me your phone number quickly. I'll call you when I get to Qihang's place later."

"This is a public phone. Many people are using it. Even if you call back, you can't get in." Zhang Chen said.

"Well, in fifteen minutes, you call the Qihang office directly. I'll be there. By the way, when are you going to go back?"


"Okay, you'll call me in fifteen minutes."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao stood at the public phone booth and waited for fifteen minutes. Zhang Chen picked up the phone and dialed the number of Chen Qihang's office. The person who answered the phone was Qihang. Qihang shouted: "Zhang Chen, you are amazing. Did you hit my hometown? Where are you now?"

Zhang Chen told him that he was in Shahe and had just purchased the goods and was going back to Beijing.

"You live on Beijing Road? That's great. My cousin is not far from your place, just at Guangzhou Station. Then, you tell me your room number and I will ask him to buy the tickets and send them to you."

Zhang Chen told Chen Qihang the name and room number of the guest house.

The two returned to the room and spent the entire afternoon catching up on sleep. At around five o'clock, there was a knock on the door. Zhang Chen walked over and opened the door. A man in his thirties stood at the door and said he was Chen Qihang's cousin. , Zhang Chen quickly asked him to come in. The other party looked out and saw that there was a woman lying there. He couldn't say anything. I just came to give you tickets.

He handed an envelope to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen wanted to give him money. He said no, Qihang had already given it to him. Zhang Chen left him for dinner. He said he had to go back to work. Goodbye.

Zhang Chen could only thank him again and again.

Zhang Chen returned to bed and opened the envelope. Inside were two train tickets from Guangzhou to Hangzhou at 12:10 noon tomorrow, and two sleeper tickets, two lower berths facing each other.

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