The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 520 West Lake Road Lighting Night Market

The so-called superior room just has an extra bathroom than other rooms. The furnishings in the room are very simple, just a bed, two bedside tables, a table, and a chair.

The room had not been painted for a long time, and the plaster on the ceiling and surrounding walls was peeling off. There were water stains on one wall, like a landscape painting. The terrazzo floor was also covered with speckled, suspicious-looking stains. Even the mop They hadn't been mopped clean, and there were dark green gold velvet curtains hanging on the windows. Xiao Zhao walked over and pulled them, then yelled and jumped away.

From the curtains, a burst of dust spread.

"This shabby room, even a superior room, and so expensive, is not as good as the room in our Hongqi Hotel. Do you admit it?" Xiao Zhao asked Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "I admit it, but at least there is a bathroom here. You can take a shower whenever you want. Your hotel doesn't have one."

In April in Guangzhou, the weather was already very hot. The two of them had been on the train for a day and a night, and had walked so much before. They were all covered in smelly sweat. When Zhang Chen said this, Xiao Zhao immediately felt that this was The most important thing, she said quickly, is that I need to take a shower.

"Let's go together." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, okay, I'll let you, you stinky gangster." Xiao Zhao giggled.

The two people opened the bathroom and took a look. There was a shower faucet and a toilet inside. There was no partition or obstruction between the shower area and the outside. Next to the toilet was a terrazzo washstand. There were two pairs of plastic sandals, one large and one small, at the entrance. , looks greasy.

Zhang Chen didn't care. He took the big slippers in his hand. Xiao Zhao frowned and said, "It's too dirty. It's like Xiulian did this."

Zhang Chen burst into laughter, and Xiao Zhao also laughed and said: "Really, dear, you go out first and get me soap. I'll clean up here first."

Xiao Zhao asked Zhang Chen to break the soap, took half a piece, and started cleaning in the bathroom. She took the shower faucet, washed the tiles on the floor and four walls, and used the washbasin and the pair of slippers. After washing with soap, I finally rinsed the toilet seat and toilet seat with soap and water, and threw the remaining soap into the toilet.

Xiao Zhao came out and asked Zhang Chen to take off his clothes together and put them on the bed. He said there was no place to hang clothes inside. Zhang Chen followed Xiao Zhao and walked in to take a look. Sure enough, it was much cleaner than before. Then the two of them started to take a shower.

Xiao Zhao stood there, pushing out his belly, and shouted: "Look, my dear, is it too big?"

Zhang Chen looked at Xiao Zhao's belly and didn't feel it was getting bigger, but when he looked at Xiao Zhao, he felt a reaction.

The two people hugged each other and kissed, and the water flowed down from their heads.

"Don't move, you're dishonest." Xiao Zhao chuckled.

After taking a shower, they felt refreshed and went downstairs hand in hand. They had already agreed that they would just watch and buy tonight. They would keep the styles they liked in mind first and find out what this market is today. What's going on? I'm sure. I won't stock it until tomorrow night.

Aren't we going to the Shahe Clothing Market tomorrow during the day? If we buy the same style here and find it cheaper in Shahe, then it won't be a loss?

They walked out of the hotel door. It was still early. They saw a small restaurant opposite, so they walked over and ordered two rice rolls and one roast goose. After eating, they felt that the rice rolls and roast goose were particularly delicious. , I don’t know if it’s because I only ate instant noodles on the train and didn’t eat properly.

When they came out after eating, it was almost six o'clock. They walked to Xihu Road to take a look and found that there were more people here. Everyone began to prepare to leave the stall. They inserted poles into the holes in the ground. The top is tied with poles horizontally, and there are racks with intertwined poles on three sides. Together, they form a concave-shaped stall.

The long square grids they saw on the concrete floor during the day have now been erected and turned into stalls. Some people have spread plastic sheets or rubber floors on the ground inside the stalls, and some have brought wooden shelves or A small table is placed inside the stall.

Some were pulling handcarts, some were pushing flat carts, and some were riding tricycles. The carts were filled with large and small bags of goods. Those who arrived early were putting pieces of clothing on hangers. Hang on shelves on three sides.

It's not dark yet, it's not time yet, the lights above each stall are not on, and the customers haven't arrived yet. At this time, the people who are busy on this street are still the people setting up stalls.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao decided to come back later. They continued walking along Beijing Road until they reached Wenming Road. There was a cold drink shop at the corner. Xiao Zhao wanted to eat ice cream, so they walked in and Xiao Zhao bought one. For ice cream, Zhang Chen ordered a bottle of Asian Salsa soda and sat there drinking it.

They sat in the cold drink shop and waited until half past six before standing up. When they got outside, they felt that there were many more people on Beijing Road than in front of them. They were in groups, as if they were all going to West Lake Road.

From a distance, they saw that the intersection where Beijing Road and Xihu Road intersect was already crowded with people. Before they even got closer, they heard the sound of people and shouts coming and going on Xihu Road.

When they reached the intersection, they were shocked. After only ten minutes, the place was completely different from when they came before. Although it was not completely dark, the lights on every stall were on. The whole street is illuminated like daylight, and the illuminated night market really lives up to its name.

Xihu Road, which was originally not wide, became even narrower once the stalls on both sides were placed. The whole road was crowded with people, and the clothing in the stalls on both sides was dazzling.

The two people became excited. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said, let's walk from the right side to the end, and then come back from the left side.

Xiao Zhao nodded desperately.

This place is different from Sijiqing. All the clothes are sold at both retail and wholesale prices. The only differences are the prices. When selling at retail, the boss will bargain loudly with customers. When wholesale customers come, the two of them will stand in the corner of the stall and talk quietly. , or holding a calculator, you press a number, and I press a number to bargain.

This is not entirely to prevent retail customers from hearing the wholesale prices, but that many people setting up stalls here simply cannot understand Mandarin from all over the country with southern and northern accents, and their Mandarin from Guangzhou is better than those from Guangzhou. It’s harder to understand people, plus it’s in such a noisy environment.

This reminded Zhang Chen of Xiao Lin and couldn't help but laugh.

Every stall owner also wears a fish bag on his waist and a tape measure around his neck. Their tape measure is magical. If you want any size, he will snap it and measure it for you, just like in When you sell fish at the farmer's market, you see their scales are always tilted high, but if you take the fish you bought and weigh it elsewhere, the pound will definitely be insufficient.

Walking around here, Zhang Chen felt much more relaxed than at Sijiqing. You can go in to all the stalls if you want. You can look at all the clothes if you want. It doesn't matter if you even try them. It doesn't matter if you don't buy them. You haven't bought them yet. After walking out of the stall, the boss had already gone to deal with another customer.

Here, there is no need to cover up anything, let alone worry about being misunderstood.

Here, Zhang Chen saw a lot of clothes that he had seen in Sijiqing. When he asked about the price, the retail price quoted by the other party was similar to the wholesale price of Sijiqing. He didn’t need to ask about the wholesale price anymore. He knew that if the clothes were If you go back in, there will definitely be a profit in the middle.

Xiao Zhao suddenly pulled Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen stopped. Before he understood what was going on, Xiao Zhao walked away. She walked to a duty booth on the side. There was a security guard standing in the duty booth. It was like a duty booth. They also made use of the little space. There were hand trucks and various packing bags and cargo bags inside. Maybe their security guards' bonuses were sold in this way.

Xiao Zhao asked the security guard something. When he came back, his face was happy. Zhang Chen asked what happened. Xiao Zhao smiled and said, we were not treated like pigs. The price of pulling carts and bags here is the same as in the hotel. Yes, she didn’t know that these were all delivered by someone and asked the security guards and waiters to sell them on their behalf. Of course, the price was the same.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh. Xiao Zhao glanced at him and cursed, "You're laughing so hard."

Zhang Chen continued to smile and said: "Then when we go back later, do we want to praise them?"

Xiao Zhao nodded: "That's what I think."

The two of them continued walking forward, reaching the end, and then walked back along the other side, still shopping around and asking about prices. By the time they walked back to the entrance of the market, it was almost nine o'clock, and time flew by so fast.

"Are you tired?" Zhang Chen asked Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao said he wasn't tired and asked Zhang Chen, "What about you?"

Zhang Chen said I'm not tired either.

Xiao Zhao nodded, then I feel relieved, I have to go away for a day tomorrow.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Why are you relieved? I'm still afraid of you when I walk?" When we went out to perform, we often had to walk.

The two of them returned to the room. Zhang Chen took out his sketchbook and said to Xiao Zhao, "Now let's think about which clothes are good. If we forget them right away, these clothes will definitely not be good."

As soon as Xiao Zhao heard that it made sense, she immediately started thinking and talking. As she spoke, Zhang Chen drew the style of the clothing in his sketchbook. Or maybe Xiao Zhao didn't say anything, so Zhang Chen drew a piece of clothing. Showing it to Xiao Zhao, Xiao Zhao shouted, "Yes, yes, this is good, which stall is it from?"

The two of them discussed each other for a long time. When they turned around and counted, they found that there were more than thirty good styles. Xiao Zhao sighed and said, the clothes in Guangzhou are so beautiful.

Zhang Chen also feels that the clothing in this market is, overall, on a higher level than that in Hangzhou.

What they don’t know is that the stalls here may look small, but in fact, a production and sales chain has been formed behind them. Many bosses themselves or their relatives and friends directly purchase the latest styles of clothing samples from Hong Kong, and then use them according to the instructions of mainlanders. According to the taste, some are slightly modified, some are added with lace, some are added with embroidery, and then they are sent to garment factories for production.

A small stall may sell hundreds of thousands of pieces of clothing a year. Many of the customers who package goods do not come here at all, but package and ship them directly from the factory.

Thank you for a safe journey and waiting for your monthly ticket! Thank you for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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