The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 522 A well-established phone call

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao returned to Hangzhou. The Hangzhou Chengzhan Railway Station was not far from the Hongqi Hotel. The day they first found the Hongqi Hotel, they walked there on a cold and windy night.

Today they were pulling a cart, and the sun was shining brightly outside. The two of them walked over, let alone the two of them. Their bicycles were still parked at the Hongqi Hotel, and the incoming goods were going to be stored at the Hongqi Hotel first. They would wait until they got the stall keys. Bag after bag, carry them on a bicycle.

In comparison, Sanbao is too far away from Sijiqing.

The next day, they arrived at the market investment office. With the receipt for the stall fee and Xiao Zhao's ID card, they received the stall key, the entry trading permit mounted on a hard plastic bottom plate, and the tax registration certificate. The staff told them that you must hang these two certificates in a conspicuous place at the stall. If they need to be inspected, if they fail to hang them, they will be fined.

After coming and going, neither of them saw Hagen. They walked to the side door of the market. The door was open and many people were coming in and out. There was a security guard standing at the door. Xiao Zhao asked the security guard, can we go in?

"Are you a business owner?" the security guard asked.

Xiao Zhao said yes and showed him the trading permit. The security guard said come in.

The construction of the entire market has been completed. When they entered, they saw that there were stalls carrying models and grids for hanging clothes on the three walls, as well as vertical clothes hangers. Come and hang up the models and endless clothes on the grid, Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen said, we will buy them later, Zhang Chen agreed.

They found their stall and opened the two rolling shutter doors. There was only a table and two square stools inside. To their delight, the phone had been installed, and a red phone was lying quietly. On the table, the two people hurried over, sat down at the table, and stared at the phone. They finally had their own phones, which was so convenient.

There is a sticker on the phone. On the sticker, it is written very thoughtfully: "My number: 0571-370933".

The two of them looked at each other and laughed. Zhang Chen said, "I'll give it a try and see if it works."

Xiao Zhao said "hmm".

Zhang Chen picked up the phone and saw a steady beep sound coming from the phone. Zhang Chen tried dialing 0898. The phone was quiet and there was no rapid beep sound. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said that it seemed that even long distance calls were not possible. It has been opened, Xiao Zhao was surprised.

The phone in the booth is used to contact customers. Customers are located all over the world, and they need to contact upstream suppliers. Most of these people are in Guangdong, and long distance communication is blocked. Isn’t this phone just a decoration? Besides, every call you make from here is paid for by yourself. Is it any wonder that you can make long-distance calls?

Unfortunately, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao had not enjoyed the fact that they had a phone that could make long-distance calls for a long time.

Zhang Chen then dialed Liu Ligan's office number, and the call went through. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said, "We have returned to Hangzhou and have obtained the stall key. We will call you from our own stall now."

"Great, I finally have a phone number where I can find you!" Liu Ligan shouted, "Tell me what market you are in, your stall number, and your phone number. Haha, you can't escape now. .”

Zhang Chen told him all this, and then asked him, did Qihang pay for our ticket back to Hangzhou?

"So what if it is, so what if it's not? How much are two tickets? Why do you care? Don't worry about it."

Zhang Chen wanted to say something more, but couldn't. He had to ask: "How is your project going?"

"Damn it, I'm really annoyed. It's been four days since the project document arrived, and there's been no movement at all. But look at Zheng Wei, he doesn't seem to be in a hurry at all. I don't know what's going on."

While Liu Li was cursing, Zhang Chen heard a businessman behind him asking: "Who are you talking bad about me?"

"How come you chose this time to come in?" Liu Ligan turned around and saw Zheng Wei coming in from the door. He quickly smiled and said to her, "Zhang Chen."

Zhang Chen heard everything on the phone. He laughed and hung up the phone.

Next, they called their home again and told their home the number here.

Xiao Zhao called his uncle and told him that this was their phone number. If anything happened at home in the future, he would call this number.

Then Zhang Chen called Brother Tan, Meng Ping, Qihang and Li Yong, and also detained Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu called back, and Zhang Chen told him the number here.

Xiao Zhao called Qu Tianlin and told her the number here. After calling her, the two sat there, unable to think of anyone else to call. After telling her the number, the two looked at each other and smiled. , I feel very at ease in my heart.

It seems that this phone has allowed them to put down their roots here like a tree, and the people who know their numbers are like the roots growing out of the big tree, connecting them to each other. Together, these relatives and friends will never be found again.

Xiao Zhao looked at her name and photo on the entry transaction ticket on the table, and kept being happy. She looked around. Although there was nothing now, how did she feel, even looking at these naked people? The walls are all friendly.

"Ouch!" Xiao Zhao shouted.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"We just made so many phone calls and had so many long distance calls. We must have spent a lot of phone bills, right?" Xiao Zhao opened his eyes wide and asked.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, yes, what should we do? By the way, I have a solution.

"any solution?"

"Let's call them one by one and tell them that the previous calls don't count. We haven't made any calls. Will the telecommunications bureau stop deducting our money?" Zhang Chen asked, suppressing a smile.

"You?!" Xiao Zhao angrily grabbed the entry trading certificate on the table and wanted to throw it over, but she couldn't let go of it when she lifted it up. She put it on the table, pointed at Zhang Chen and shouted:

"You, I will punish you to buy a model immediately!"

"Huo Huo, this old lady is fierce."

There was a voice outside the door, and then a long line of security guards passed by their door, all smiling at them. Hagen stood at the door of their stall. It turned out that the newly recruited security guards were about to take up their posts, and he was training them. Zhang Chen When he and Xiao Zhao saw him, they both laughed, and Xiao Zhao blushed with embarrassment.

Just as Liu Ligan hung up the phone, Zheng Wei called out: "Zhang Chen's call, is he with Xiao Zhao?"

"Yes, they are now Chen Bu Li Zhao and Zhao Bu Li Chen." Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"That's great." Zheng Wei said, "Why don't you let me have a few words with Xiao Zhao?"

"I didn't know you wanted to talk." Liu Ligan shouted, "Then I'll call you again."

Liu Ligan immediately dialed Zhang Chen's number, but the phone kept busy and couldn't get through. He knew that they were probably talking to their home. He wrote the number of Zhang Chen's stall on another piece of paper and handed it to Zheng. Wei, said to her:

"This is the number in their booth. If you want to find Xiao Zhao, you can call it anytime."

Zheng Wei took it and put it in her pocket. She told Liu Ligan that you should inform Lao Meng and you can take action.

"What's the meaning?"

"Aren't Lao Meng and the others waiting for a signal on that piece of land so that they can take action? If not, it will be too late."

Liu Ligan looked at Zheng Wei. He really didn't understand what it means that if you don't take action, it will be too late. Our place has been quiet these days and we haven't contacted the Haicheng City government yet. Why do we need Lao Meng to take action?

As soon as he took action, he took over the land. If something happened to him here, Lao Mengke would really die in the most remote corner of Haidian Island, in the wilderness.

Seeing that Liu Ligan still looked stupid, Zheng Wei couldn't help but laugh. She said, why are you so stupid that you don't even understand this? Our project is finalized.

"Ah!" Liu Ligan was shocked and asked: "Is it finalized? You mean the Xinbu Island project has been finalized?"

"Yes, it's not this project. Do you have other projects?"

"How is this possible?"

"How is it impossible?"

"No, no, this..." Liu Lizhan stuttered a little, "This, isn't there always no movement here?"

Zheng Wei smiled and said: "Just because you haven't moved, it doesn't mean that I haven't moved. Sun Hou hasn't moved. No one else in the business has moved. Even Huang Jianren has moved. We have been moving for the past two days. Now the big thing is decided." .”

"You mean Sun Hou and the others have come to Haicheng?" Liu Ligan asked stupidly.

Zheng Wei burst into laughter and said: "You, you are still a screenwriter, don't you know that kung fu lies outside of poetry? Can the problems in Haicheng be solved in Haicheng? This must be done in Haicheng. It will be solved outside the city, do you understand?"

Liu Ligan suddenly remembered what Huang Meili had said to him. It looked like this was the way Huang Hongguang did things. Otherwise, he would have been able to run around alone and rely on business profits one after another. Without his Jingfa empire, those invisible businesses are the biggest businesses and the most profitable.

"The green light has been turned on. Next, you will be driving the car. Well... it is not convenient for me to show up. Let Wei Wenfang accompany you. I will explain to her what she should do." Zheng Wei and Liu Ligan said.

Thank you lulu6717p11 and Weizi99999 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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