The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 452 A light puff of smoke

Every one or two days, without any prior agreement or even any indication, Liu Ligan would stay alone in the office until about ten o'clock, then he would go to the Yedao Hotel opposite, take the elevator to the eighth floor, and walk to At the door of room 809, as soon as he pressed the doorbell, the door opened a crack, and Zheng Wei pulled him in.

When he wanted to come, it was often when Zheng Wei missed him. Zheng Wei had already taken a bath and was waiting for him in his nightgown.

The two of them were behind the door. Liu Lizhan stood with his back against the wall of the bathroom, hugging and kissing until Zheng Wei felt dizzy and almost suffocated and fell down. Even her voice trembled. She and Liu Li Zhan said: "Go, go take a shower, I'll wait for you."

Zheng Wei usually does not smoke, but after she is done, she will ask Liu Ligan for a cigarette. Liu Ligan still does the same, holding the cigarette in his mouth and lighting it. Zheng Wei has turned around, closed his eyes, and raised his head slightly. Liu Ligan put the cigarette into her mouth, then lit one himself. The two of them smoked and talked.

"It's over." Zheng Wei sighed.

"What's wrong?" Liu Ligan asked.

"It becomes addictive and becomes a habit."

Liu Ligan didn't know whether she was talking about smoking or something else. Liu Ligan said lightly: "Then it will become a habit."

"No, I won't be able to live without you."

"Then don't leave."

Zheng Wei was silent, and after a while, he let out a long sigh: "You don't understand, this matter is not as simple as you think."

"Hmm, how complicated it is."

"It's very complicated. This will involve a lot of people and things." Zheng Wei frowned slightly and said to himself: "I've known this would happen since I was a child. I'm just a fucking code, a symbol. There was a saying at that time, I am the screw of the revolution, I drill wherever it is needed, I think that’s what I am, go to hell!”

Zheng Wei rarely uses foul language, but when she does, it doesn't feel vulgar at all. Instead, it has a crisp and cheerful energy. Liu Ligan thinks it's even a little sexy, and he likes it very much.

He also liked the way she smoked, with her eyes looking ahead, thoughtfully, her long fingers, and scarlet lips, and she put the cigarette into her mouth lightly, like a dragonfly dabbling on water, taking a slight puff and leaving. It looked so special. grace.

When Zheng Wei smokes, she doesn't inhale the smoke, but spits it out gently when it reaches her mouth. Her round lips will make a slight whistle. Sometimes she will turn her head and blow out the smoke on Liu Ligan's lips. On his face, the smell of cigarette smoke mixed with the smell of her perfume and the warm breath in his mouth made Liu Ligan feel particularly stimulated.

Zheng Wei didn't want to continue the topic about herself and Liu Ligan. She changed the topic to work and said to Liu Ligan: "Our plan has been rejected. Sun Hou will officially notify you tomorrow."

"Why?" Liu Ligan asked.

"It's still the old man's idea. I feel like I'm holding a golden rooster and can't bear to let it go." Zheng Wei smiled softly, "It's your fault too. You were the one who proposed the original plan. It just so happens that they can use the old one." You, come to refute the current you, you are asking for trouble."

When Liu Ligan saw Hainan's current momentum, he felt a little uneasy. He felt that the momentum was too strong, just like a screenwriter writing a script. If the play starts with a climax and no foreshadowing, although such a play is very effective at the beginning. It attracts the audience's attention and makes them want to continue watching. However, such a play is often difficult to clean up later and will end badly in all likelihood.

Because the audience's appetite and expectations are raised very high by you at the beginning, and they will only become more and more disappointed. In the end, before you finish the work, the audience's confidence and interest have already collapsed, and they have left you long ago.

He is strong and he is strong, and the breeze blows on the hills. He lets him do whatever he wants, and the bright moon shines on the river. The prerequisite for being so calm is that I have enough energy.

The longer the breath, the better the sound can travel farther, not the higher or lower the volume.

Liu Ligan felt that when this fierce tide came down, it might smash a lot of things and people on the beach. This was also the calmness he learned from Liu Yun and from Huang Hongguang. lesson.

Liu Ligan's idea is to take advantage of this opportunity to immediately change their original idea of ​​only leasing but not selling the Jinghai International Financial Center, and start selling it immediately. It will definitely become a favorite among these investors who are pouring in from the mainland. Well, this project, while piling is still being driven, can be sold out in a short period of time, and the profits and subsequent construction funds have already been pocketed.

If you only want to rent but not sell, you have to wait for the project to be completed and accepted before it can be used, which will take at least 21 months.

In this way, although the originally expected long-term income is gone, once the funds are withdrawn, they can be invested in other short-term and quick projects. You can also make other profits before the craze subsides.

Zheng Wei supports Liu Ligan's idea. She also believes that the investment in the Jinghai International Financial Center project is too large. Even from the perspective of preventing financial risks, the investment should be recovered as soon as possible.

Liu Ligan has talked about this matter with Sun Hou many times. Sun Hou always said that they would think about it again and discuss it. The original plan was submitted to the superior bank for approval. Now it is not possible to modify the plan. The approval of the superior bank is required.

Liu Ligan knew what they were thinking. He just felt that he was not short of money and there would be no problem with subsequent construction funds. Moreover, they predicted that the house in Hainan, like the land they bought originally, would increase in value in the long term, so they sold it now. , is short-sighted. On the contrary, Liu Ligan's original plan is a long-term and far-sighted plan.

Zheng Wei also reminded Liu Ligan that if this plan was reported to the higher-level bank, the higher-level bank would definitely object, because if they only rented but not sold, it would mean that they would always have such a major asset in Hainan, both in terms of appearance and From the future expansion of their business in Hainan, it will be beneficial.

The most important thing is that the superior bank does not need to bear direct responsibility for the risks caused by the investment.

Now that his proposal has been officially rejected, it seems that Zheng Wei's judgment was correct.

"What, are you a little frustrated?" Zheng Wei touched Liu Ligan's arm with his elbow and asked.

"No, I thought when I mentioned it, there was a 50% chance that they would refuse." Liu Ligan said.

"A little bit, right?"

"Okay, a little bit." Liu Ligan smiled.

"Don't worry, I will always stand by your side on this matter, even if the plan is rejected."


Zheng Wei took a puff of cigarette and lightly sprayed it on Liu Ligan's face. He took another puff and sprayed it on his face again. Liu Ligan couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to use his hands or feet. Zheng Wei said, take a rest. Yes, Liu Ligan could only sit obediently.

"I want to ask you something." Zheng Wei said.


"Do you know why Chiang Kai-shek persisted during the eight-year war of resistance so hard, but when it came to the Liberation War, even though his troops were strong, they were completely destroyed in just three years and were quickly annihilated by us?"

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "How do I know? I haven't studied this."

"My grandfather summed it up."

"Oh, what did you say?" Liu Lizhan became interested.

"My grandfather said that during the Anti-Japanese War, Chiang Kai-shek himself was in Chongqing. He had to hide from the Japanese bombs and it was too late to save his life. At that time, the country's troops were scattered in various places, fighting on their own. In fact, Chiang Kai-shek had no ability and no May actually command these troops.

"Like Taierzhuang, Li Zongren was commanding it. In the Changsha battle, Lao Jiang didn't agree at all. It was Xue Yue who insisted on fighting, and Lao Jiang had no choice, so these battles were all won.

"In the War of Liberation, Chiang Kai-shek had gained weight and no one was bombing him anymore. He could fly around on the Meiling. What happened was that Chiang Kai-shek often overstepped his authority and went into battle himself to replace the front-line commanders. Command, and those front-line commanders, the Kuomintang generals, broke away from the front-line command positions and hid behind the large troops.

“In turn, the campaign command authority of our front-line commanders is fully respected, and they can make decisions flexibly and flexibly based on the rapidly changing conditions on the battlefield.

"How could he pursue the Huangwei Corps at such a critical moment in the Huaihai Campaign? Su Yu didn't sleep for seven days and seven nights. He stayed by the phone day and night, using the phone to direct the battle and adjust the deployment of combat forces. Do you think, what if he kept asking for instructions? If you keep listening to the instructions, how can you fight this battle? How can you possibly win?

"And all our front-line commanders have directly moved their command posts to the forward positions. The changes on the battlefield are in their eyes. Do you think that when two forces like this confront each other, won't the victory or defeat be determined?"

Liu Ligan nodded, he thought this made sense.

"Are we now like Chiang Kai-shek's troops? We are on the front line, but we have no decision-making power. Those who have decision-making power have no understanding of the situation on the front line?"

Zheng Wei asked, and Liu Ligan said: "It's very similar!"

"How about we do it ourselves?" Zheng Wei suddenly said.

Liu Ligan was startled and asked, "What, what did you say?"

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