The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 451 How many dramas can four women have?

After Mr. Han left, Liu Ligan called Xiao Zhanbo and told him that it would be better to choose a different day than to hit it. It happened that a friend of mine, um, he should be considered a teacher, needed your help with a little thing. In the evening, I asked your colleagues in the office. Celebrate your ascension.

Xiao Zhanbo was a little shy, and Liu Ligan said, "Why, you are a deputy department officer. You don't need friends to help you support the situation and establish prestige in front of your subordinates?" If you don't want to, my little brother can't stand it.

"Okay, let's book the VIP building then!" Xiao Zhanbo said.

That night, Liu Ligan invited Xiao Zhanbo and his entire office colleagues, as well as Mr. Han and Wenwen, to have dinner in the VIP building. Zheng Wei also went with him.

Liu Ligan told Xiao Zhanbo about Mr. Han's request. Xiao Zhanbo told Xiao Wu on the spot that if Wenwen needs anything, you can provide it to her. Xiao Wu agreed.

Xiao Zhanbo and Mr. Han said, Mr. Han, you are Mr. Liu’s teacher. Mr. Liu is my brother. The teacher’s business is also my business. In this way, can you print more admission notices? Why not come to us? For registered real estate companies, we will give them a copy directly.

Yes, Xiao Wu also said that this has also helped them. Many people have registered with us and asked us what this real estate company does and how it should be done. Let them go to class and they will understand everything. .

“These people are so courageous. They came all the way from the mainland to register a company without knowing anything,” someone said.

"It's not surprising. I only learned a little bit about it by asking Mr. Han for advice a few days before I registered." Liu Ligan said.

"But when Sun Hou came back, he said you were an expert, and our two bank presidents also praised you very much." Zheng Wei said with a smile.

"That's because Mr. Han taught me well," Liu Ligan said.

"You have invested a lot of money." Mr. Han looked at Liu Ligan and smiled.

"You know?" Liu Ligan asked a little embarrassedly.

"Of course, I still don't know how Randall could let you go without peeling off your skin." Mr. Han said.

Zheng Wei heard this inexplicably and asked Liu Ligan what was going on?

Xiao Zhanbo and the others were also interested and wanted to know more. Mr. Han said nothing and looked at Liu Ligan with a smile. Liu Ligan thought about it, anyway, times have changed, so there is no harm in talking about it, so he told the situation at that time so that everyone could listen. Laughed.

When Mr. Han heard that Liu Ligan asked Zhang Chen to send 5,000 yuan to the Taoyuan Hotel that night, he couldn't help but sigh: "I know you were treated badly that day, but I didn't expect it to be so miserable."

Xiao Wu shouted: "You are so courageous, no wonder Mr. Liu can do great things. If it were me, I would be reluctant to lose all the money I have saved so hard for just one meal. I am just asking for advice, not doing business."

"So you can only teach me good classes honestly." Xiao Zhanbo scolded.

Mr. Han’s class was very successful. All the sixty people in the first period were quickly recruited.

Liu Ligan and the other four went, Li Yong also went, and everyone else from Meng Ping Company went, except Cao Xiaohe. Mr. Han’s lectures were very popular, and as Liu Ligan said, they were indeed informative.

The reputation of the training course spread quickly. After one session, it couldn't be stopped. Then it was held one after another, and the number of people in each session was expanded to one hundred people, but it was still hard to find a place.

Meng Ping and his company did not fall behind in every issue. Either Qian Fang or Xu Jiaqing signed up for every issue. Liu Ligan was surprised and asked Meng Ping, why are these two people so stupid and need to be re-educated repeatedly?

Meng Ping smiled and said, "Where, that class are all our future customers. They go there with a mission to make friends."

Liu Ligan understood that if Meng Ping's land was to be sold, wouldn't it be sold to these real estate companies? This old Meng really has a skill, and he learned it again.

Meng Ping's land began to come out. Ye Yilan not only heard the jingling sound of money coming back, but also heard the dull sound of money ding-dong-ding-dong in the account. Ye Yilan and Qian Fang said, this feels so good, every day I Seeing more money in the account makes me laugh in my dreams at night.

Unfortunately, the money often doesn't stay in the account for long before it has to be paid out. Meng Ping listens to Zheng Wei. As long as there is money in the account, he will take it and keep taking it. Every time Meng Pinghe Ye Yilan said, when you pay the money, Ye Yilan said with a sad face, "Are you going to pay again?"

Meng Ping looked at Ye Yilan, and he was surprised: "Why, shouldn't you pay this money? Hey, why do you look like you're heartbroken every time I ask you to pay?"

Qian Fang laughed to death beside her. She said it was fine, but Xiaoye was just scared.

"She's afraid if she doesn't make money, and she's still afraid of making money now. If this money doesn't go out, how can more money come in?" Meng Ping shook his head.

Ye Yilan scolded: "Okay, okay, Lao Meng, I won't find a boyfriend to avoid falling out of love, but please, can you leave a little money in the account, even if it makes me happy and giggles?" , you don’t want the money to come in, just like a Japanese devil, come up with a three-guang policy?”

Cao Xiaohe said from the side: "Xiaoye's words still make sense. They say that if the family has enough food, they should not panic. They should keep some money in case anything happens."

"That's right, Lao Meng, you are not a financial person. Financial risks still need to be controlled by professionals, and Ye Yilan is the professional." Xu Jiaqing said.

"You haven't heard people say that money will keep coming if you have a sense of respect for money. Xiaoye has a sense of awe, Lao Meng." Qian Fang also said.

Meng Ping was so upset by several women that he could only give in. He said okay, let's draw a red line. I agree that the company's assets should not be less than 5%, in the form of cash. Can I keep it on the company account?

"Ten percent." Ye Yilan said.

"No, ten percent is too much. Moreover, our assets are growing every day, so the cash retained on a pro-rata basis would be too much and not cost-effective." Meng Ping said, "I think five percent is too much." It’s too much, forget it, counting my slip of the tongue, it’s 3%.”

"No, no, no!" Ye Yilan shouted loudly.

The result of the game between the two parties was 6% in the end. Meng Ping sighed and said, "Why do I feel that I am gradually losing control of the company?"

The four women all stared at him, and Meng Ping laughed.

Now that he has money, Meng Ping bought a car, but he still didn't return Gui Lao's car. He asked Qian Fang to get a driver's license, and the new car was given to her and Xu Jiaqing so that they could divide their forces to fight. Meng Ping Ping took Ye Yilan, and Qian Fang took Xu Jiaqing.

Meng Ping discovered that the gains from those two women were greater than him. Some things he found difficult to do were able to be completed smoothly by them.

It seems that in a man's world, beautiful women are always at home. Even if it is a steel plate, men are willing to tear open a crack and let them drill through it.

Meng Ping rented three houses in the same building next to the company, two large and one small. In one big house, Cao Xiaohe and Yuanyuan lived, as well as their nanny, and in the other big house, Xu Jiaqing and Ye Yilan lived. If the apartment is small, let Qian Fang live there.

Meng Ping still lives in the office.

But when Meng Ping returned to the office from outside, he found that all his things in the office were missing. When he asked them, they said they had moved away to the small house, and Qian Fang went to live with Xu Jiaqing and the others.

"The boss sleeps on the floor while we sleep in the building. This makes us feel that we are the most cruel and exploitative employees in the world," Qian Fang and Meng Ping said.

"Oh, you don't know!" Meng Ping sighed repeatedly.

"Don't know what?" Qian Fang asked.

"You're making me lose my power. It's not that I like sleeping on the floor." Meng Ping shouted.

"Lao Meng, please tell me clearly, what is going on?" Xu Jiaqing asked.

"I swore to Gangzi and Zhang Chen that if I, Lao Meng, want to live, I will live in the house I built myself, otherwise I will not leave the office." Meng Ping shouted, "Where is the house? The house I built myself is here." Where? How can a man break his promise?"

"Stop thinking." Qian Fang said disdainfully, "There is no way this plan can keep up with the changes. Zhang Chen is not in Haicheng now, and Liu Ligan has long forgotten what you said."

"No, I didn't say this to them. I made a promise to myself, and they are just witnesses." Meng Ping said.

Xu Jiaqing chuckled: "Okay, okay, Lao Meng, we all know your lofty ideals. We all know that you refuse to leave the office. You are being held hostage by us now. You have no choice but to do it. You have no choice but to do it."

Meng Ping felt that not only was he gradually losing control of the company, he was also about to lose his personal freedom. However, it was still good to be surrounded by these women.

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

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