The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 453 Are you so popular?

"I said, either we can do it ourselves." Zheng Wei repeated.

"What do you mean?" Liu Ligan asked.

"What I mean is that instead of being controlled by others, we might as well do it ourselves. I still have some connections, so it will be easier than Lao Meng to find funds." Zheng Wei said.

Liu Ligan thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "It's better not to do it. This is not good. No matter what problems I encounter, I want to complete this project."

"Okay, pretend I didn't say it." Zheng Wei said with a smile, "Actually, I know you will refuse. This is why Sun Hou and our president trust you so much. You are a person who has a beginning and an end."

Liu Ligan laughed and said, "You don't know me very well, how do you know what kind of person I am."

"We know you better than you think." Zheng Wei looked at Liu Ligan and smiled enigmatically.

Liu Ligan looked at Zheng Wei and said, "No, you seem to have something in your words. What do you mean?"


Zheng Wei smiled and shook his head, and his short hair swept across Liu Ligan's cheek.

"Come and tell me."

Zheng Wei thought for a while and said to Liu Ligan: "Don't forget that we are a financial institution. Risk control and due diligence are our basic homework. Do you think we just want you to be friends with Li Yong and Chen Qihang, and they are Sun Yat-sen's friends?" For the sake of Monkey’s classmates, do I invite you to be a partner?”

"Isn't it?"

"Of course not all of them, although they are also factors to consider and one of your main items."

"What else?"

"When Sun Hou and the others came to Haicheng, there was another person from our team who came to Haicheng. You haven't seen it. They went to the "Talent Information News" to learn about you and knew that many units wanted to poach you, so you didn't leave. The reason is that your director thinks highly of you."

"Fuck, there's this trick!" Liu Ligan shouted. No wonder, it turned out that the director had known about this for a long time.

"Of course, tens of millions of real money will be handed over to you. If you use your brain wrongly, can Huang Jianren control it?"

"Okay, okay, it's reasonable, dear. Fortunately, I didn't offend our director. Otherwise, if he was talking nonsense, would I be doomed?"

"That's not the case. We will also judge why he said that and consider all aspects of information."

"Information on all aspects?"

Zheng Wei smiled softly. She looked at Liu Ligan and said, "Yongcheng is very nice, with beautiful scenery, especially at night. The small wontons and spinach and egg dumplings on the road next to Yongcheng Department Store are delicious. "

Liu Ligan was shocked: "Have you been to Yongcheng?"

"Yes, I have also been to your troupe. Your troupe is really bad."

Liu Ligan looked at Zheng Wei blankly, and Zheng Wei continued to smile: "I am one of the people sent by the industry to Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe to get to know you."

After it was over, Liu Ligan said, "You must have heard a lot of bad things, right?"

"Really? Are you so popular in the group?" Zheng Wei said, "But why did I hear only good things about you and Zhang Chen? They praised you to the sky, which made me think at that time Let’s see who these two are.”

Liu Li was stunned and asked, "Where did you go and who did you meet?"

"Of course we went to your group leader's office. A deputy group leader named Feng received us, and we also met a teacher Li. They all said a lot of good things about you."

Zhang Chen went to many units for several days in a row, but couldn't find a job. It wasn't that he didn't find one, but he found one, but he was still hesitant about whether to go.

Zhang Chen felt like he was back to the scene when he first arrived in Haicheng. He was very anxious and thought, no matter what kind of job it is, he should find a stable one first.

The job he found was from the "Qianjiang Evening News". When he went there, people were willing to take him. This job was a handyman in a garment factory. The job content was to work in the cutting room of the garment factory. work there.

Bundles of fabrics are unloaded from warehouses or trucks into the cutting room. Layer by layer, the fabrics are spread flat on a five- to six-meter-long cutting bed and folded into a thick pile. Waiting for the cutting master to use electric cutting After cutting with scissors, the stacks of cut pieces are tied up with strips of cloth and distributed. Then the corners of the fabric in the cutting room are cleaned up, and then the second board is cut.

Of course there is no problem with this job. Zhang Chen can do it. What makes him hesitate is that they have to live in the factory because the factory has to work overtime until two or three o'clock almost every day. They also have to continuously provide cutting pieces to the sewing workshop. They Once you stop here, the sewing workshop will inevitably stop.

Sometimes the workers in the sewing workshop get off work, and they can't get off work yet. They have to prepare the cutting pieces needed for the next day. Otherwise, when the workers get up, they will have no work to do. They can only do it between work or while waiting for fabrics. , fall on the woven bags containing scrap fabrics in the cutting room, take a nap, or go back to the dormitory upstairs in the workshop, squint for a while, and have to come down when he screams.

It was the necessity of living in the factory that prevented Zhang Chen from taking the job on the spot. He was reluctant to leave Xiao Zhao, and Xiao Zhao would not agree.

Zhang Chen saw the advertisements of the clothing factories in the evening newspaper. Among the long list of work types, almost every one had handymen. He thought that the content of the work should be similar. This job seemed not to be difficult to find. He decided Try for a few more days. If you really can't find any other job, then go work as a handyman in a garment factory.

Xiao Zhao had the morning shift today. Zhang Chen told her in advance that he was free at noon. In fact, he was free all day, but he could only tell Xiao Zhao this. Xiao Zhao still wanted to eat some Sichuan. Zhang Chen I went to that noodle shop in the morning and bought some Pian'erchuan, and then went to the Red Flag Hotel.

As soon as Xiao Zhao saw Zhang Chen come in, he told him that there was a woman named Qu in front of him who called and said that he would go to her place immediately when he asked you to arrive.

Zhang Chen knew it was Qu Tianlin as soon as he heard it. He put down the noodles and was about to leave. Xiao Zhao shouted: "Oh, let's go after lunch. If you go now, others are eating lunch too."

Zhang Chen laughed when he heard it made sense.

The two of them sat down to eat noodles. Xiao Zhao asked Zhang Chen, "Who is this Qu? Are you so excited when you hear it?"

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Don't think too much. It's an older sister I met when I was looking for a job. She must be looking for me for something good."

"Am I thinking wildly?" Xiao Zhao chuckled, "Or do you have some evil intentions?"

"Okay, you didn't have any wild thoughts, and I didn't have any evil intentions." Zhang Chen said quickly.

Zhang Chen ate the noodles in a hurry, thinking that there must be something good about Qu Tianlin coming to him, otherwise she wouldn't call, but Zhang Chen couldn't think of what good thing it was, so he could only shake his head.

"Why are you shaking your head?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"there is nothing."

"Why do I think you are absent-minded?"

Zhang Chen looked at Xiao Zhao and said honestly, "Yes, I was thinking about what would happen if Sister Qu came to me."

What he didn't tell Xiao Zhao was that he had been unemployed for a long time and had not found a job for a long time. Now, he was in urgent need of a job. Maybe Sister Qu wanted to provide him with a job.

Seeing Zhang Chen finish eating the noodles, Xiao Zhao said, "Go quickly, I see you are in such a hurry."

Zhang Chen saw through Xiao Zhao and was too embarrassed to leave immediately. He said, "I'll sit there for a while."

"Stop being pretentious. You are sitting here and your heart is not here. Hurry up and leave."

Xiao Zhao urged, Zhang Chen stood up and said to Xiao Zhao, "Then I'm leaving?"

Xiao Zhao nodded.

Xiao Zhao sat there, staring blankly at Zhang Chen pushing his bicycle out in a hurry. She felt a little disappointed. She wondered what kind of woman it was. Zhang Chen was so excited when he heard her call.

Although he didn't say it, Xiao Zhao had to admit that he was a little jealous.

Humph, what does this mean? As long as you are a woman, who would be happy to have other women calling to find your boyfriend? Who would be happy to see their boyfriend and be so excited when they hear other women calling him?

Xiao Zhao even felt that underneath Zhang Chen's surface excitement, there was something else she didn't know.

Xiao Zhao sighed. She took off her watch and stared at the Zhang Chen watch below. She was in a daze for a while. It wasn't until someone came in from the door, walked to the window and asked her if she still had a room that Xiao Zhao came to her senses. .

When Xiao Zhao saw the person staring at her wrist, she couldn't help but blush, and quickly put the watch back on. She thought, she must be wondering why such a big person still acts like a child and wants to wear it on her hand. Draw a watch.

Humph, I want you to take care of it?

"How many people are there?" Xiao Zhao asked the visitor.

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