The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 427 Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, kept his promise

When Zhang Chen arrived at the company, Ji Fei hadn't come yet, but Manager Song had already arrived. Zhang Chen went directly to Manager Song's office. When Manager Song saw him coming in, he asked him:

"How's it going? You took over yesterday?"

Zhang Chen said he would take over.

"Did you see that Emperor Liu?"

Zhang Chen knew that he was talking about Boss Liu Liu Bang, and Zhang Chen nodded: "I saw it, he invited me to drink tea, and we had a great chat."

"You had a pleasant chat with Boss Liu?" Manager Song seemed a little unconvinced.

"Yes." Zhang Chen said.

"Can we resume work on the construction site?"

"There is no need to stop in the first place. It is all reinforcement work. No matter how the plan is adjusted, there is no need to stop on the construction site." Zhang Chen said, "Daniu and the others are waiting for me. I will let them continue after I get there."

"Okay, then leave quickly and let them resume work. You don't know these workers. They are very troublesome. If they stop working for a few days, they will curse the sky and the earth. Maybe they will cause trouble in the company and make a mess here. chaos."

Zhang Chen thought to himself, even if they didn't come, your place would be chaotic enough.

"It's okay, just understand. After all, if they don't work for a day, they won't get paid. Manager Song, I have something to ask you for. I'll go over after I finish."

"Say." Manager Song raised his hand.

Zhang Chen then told Manager Song about his communication with Boss Liu yesterday. Manager Song listened calmly. Zhang Chen couldn't tell from his face whether he agreed to restart the plan or not. When Zhang Chen told him the payment method that Boss Liu asked him to tell him, Manager Song's eyes lit up and he quickly asked:

"Then do you know in your mind that according to your plan, the total cost will be higher or lower than the original one?"

"I did some calculations last night, and it should be about ten percent lower than the original."

Zhang Chen knew in his heart that there would definitely be some discrepancies between the actual final settlement of the project and what he estimated yesterday, so he did not dare to tell Manager Song that it was 20%, but only conservatively told him 10%.

"Ten percent? That means we made 10% more net profit and got 100,000 yuan in vain? Is such a good thing?" Manager Song asked a series of questions.

Zhang Chen said yes, and that’s how Boss Liu agreed.

"Haha, let's do it. Why don't you do such a good thing? Do it right away. Don't worry, I will give you a design bonus after the project is completed."

"Manager Song, I think you should talk to Ji Feo first? After all, this will completely overturn his plan."

"What should you say to him? Can you tell me? Hasn't he already given up on this project? You were here yesterday and made it clear that at worst, his share of the bonus will be given to him."

"I think it's better to tell him first..."

"Whether he is here or not, you ask him to come over."

"I didn't see him when I came."

"Needless to say, this idiot, by the time he arrives at the company, the sun will have set and the day lilies will have already cooled down. It's okay, that's settled."

Zhang Chen took out his sketchbook, turned to the page where Boss Liu wrote the room number and phone number, and told Manager Song, Boss Liu is still waiting for our news, should I inform him?

"Okay, let me know immediately!"

Zhang Chen dialed the switchboard of Wanghu Hotel and asked her to transfer 512. After the phone rang for a while, a Lai Yangyang's voice rang:

"Which one?"

"Hello, Boss Liu, my name is Zhang Chen."

"Oh, oh, Xiao Zhang." When Boss Liu heard that it was Zhang Chen, he immediately cheered up: "Xiao Zhang, how are you doing there?"

Zhang Chen told him that I was in Manager Song's office. Manager Song agreed and I would start designing the plan today.

"Great, Xiao Zhang!" Manager Song shouted.

Manager Song took the microphone from Zhang Chen's hand and shouted: "Boss Liu, I am Lao Song, that payment plan is actually lower than the original contract, pay according to the original contract, higher than the original contract, pay according to the actual, no matter Hi or low, you pay another hundred thousand, right?"

"That's right, that's right."

"Then when Xiao Zhang comes up with the plan, I'll go over to you and sign another contract?"

"no problem."

"Then we have settled this matter?"

"It's settled, don't worry, I, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, will stick to my word."

After putting down the phone, Manager Song looked at Zhang Chen and said, "Strange, why does Boss Liu seem to be a different person today?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said in his heart that it was because his headache was cured.

When Zhang Chen left, he saw that the chicken feather seat was still empty, but this guy still hadn't come.

Everyone in the company left, and Liu Ligan asked Wu Zhaohui to go back first. He said that he still had things to deal with and would call Pengpeng Car back later.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao left, and there was no news from Wenwen and Qianqian. Liu Ligan felt that it was really meaningless to return home.

But sitting in the office is actually not interesting. Liu Ligan is different from Zhang Chen. He is not a person who can calm down at all.

He walked to the sofa and sat down, picked up "The Silent Don" on the coffee table and flipped through it. After reading two pages, he felt that he had not read a word. He closed the book and threw it back on the coffee table.

He didn't know what was going on with him. In the past, even when he went out to perform, everyone was crowded together in a ruined temple at night, or anywhere, he was used to using a flashlight or lighting a candle, holding a book, and reading at a glance. one night.

This was how Tan Shuzhen was attracted to him in the beginning. No matter how deep the night was, when she woke up, she could see the faint light group on the other side of the curtain, and she knew that Liu Ligan was still reading. I don't know when, Tan Shuzhen started Seeing this light, I felt very at ease in my heart. I turned over and continued to sleep with a smile.

Later, when she saw this light, she felt a kind of warmth in her heart. For no reason, she would feel her face flush and her ears warm in the dark. She decided that a person who could read all night long must be a very motivated person.

That's why she chose the not-so-bright star Liu Ligan among the stars in the moon.

Another time, Liu Ligan remembered that it was in Taishun, and it was winter just like now. Winter in Wenzhou is also very cold, but unlike Haicheng, after the performance, the whole group lived in the ancestral hall with the stage. Here, the women live on the covered stage and the men live under the open-air stage. Liu Ligan still habitually sits in bed and reads at night.

With the help of a candle, the light was very dim. Maybe it was because he had been reading for a long time and his eyes felt a little tired. Maybe the group in front of him had a late night snack and drank too much. Liu Ligan closed his eyes and wanted to take a rest, but nothing happened. Thinking about it, he fell asleep. When the book in his hand slipped, he knocked over the candle. The candle fell on Feng Laogui's quilt next to him, setting the quilt on fire.

The bunch of men were sleeping with their heads covered, and no one noticed it. Feng Laogui still felt the cold quilt, and it finally became warmer when he fell asleep. Only Tan Shuzhen happened to wake up and looked down the stage, but she didn't When she saw Liu Ligan and his candlelight, she saw a fire under the stage. Tan Shuzhen shouted loudly and was so confident that she not only woke up the people in the ancestral hall, but also the whole village.

They ran over to take a look and saw that the women in the troupe were wearing single clothes. They escaped from inside and stood shivering in the cold wind. The men were pouring water on their quilts.

Liu Ligan stared at the "Quiet Don River" on the coffee table and sighed. He didn't know what was wrong with him. At that time, he always fantasized about having a comfortable sofa with bright lights, where he could curl up on the sofa. I read a book inside, and now I have all these things, but I can’t read a single word.

Liu Ligan picked up the mobile phone on the table, dialed Meng Ping, and asked where he was.

"I'm at Lingao, pole, do you want to come over?" Meng Ping said.

"Get out!" Liu Ligan cursed.

Meng Ping smiled and hung up the phone.

Liu Ligan sat there blankly. He didn't know who to call next. Because of Liu Yun, the rift between him and Li Yong had not been eliminated. Although Li Yong would not hit him with an ink bottle again, before Liu Yun appeared, Liu Ligan knew that it was impossible for Li Yong to completely forgive him, and Liu Yun, so far, had not contacted anyone, and no one knew where she was.

Liu Ligan threw his eldest brother to the other end of the sofa and couldn't help but smile bitterly. He seemed to know a lot of people in this city, but in fact there were only a few people he could talk to. In this city, there were only a few people who called him "dear" or "husband". There were a lot of women, but when he went out, those women immediately forgot about him. He was not as good as Erpao. At least they still remembered Erpao and recognized him as a regular customer.

Fuck yourself, nothing.

Liu Ligan missed Zhang Chen a little. It turned out that someone knew where he was at any time and anywhere, and could call him over with just one phone call. No matter what time he told him, let's go and have a drink, and the two of them could ride the moonlight. People who walk all the way are so rare.

However, he doesn't even know where Zhang Chen is now.

He felt that he had never been so lonely in this city.

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