The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 428 I’m so happy to have you back

Liu Ligan stood up, walked to the window, and looked outside. Longkun North Road was completely alive. The entire Haicheng had finally woken up from the long dream of the first month and was alive. Not only alive, but also It seems to be more lively. Almost every day, people bring their friends who have just arrived from mainland China to Liu Ligan to ask him about real estate issues.

They all heard the news and were planning to come to Hainan to invest in real estate. They heard from friends, and some heard from friends of friends. With a friend like Liu Ligan, a legend in Haicheng, of course they had to ask him to introduce them to them. These people, Most of them were introduced to Meng Ping by Liu Ligan, so Meng Ping was even busier.

Meng Ping never tires of it.

Liu Ligan made up his mind that no matter how the wind blows, whether it turns into a typhoon or a super typhoon, he still has to concentrate on the Jinghai International Financial Center project. This is the basis for his foothold in Haicheng.

Liu Ligan feels that his current reputation in Haicheng is fictitious. Only by completing this project and having the tallest building in Haicheng stand firmly in the Guomao District will his reputation in Hainan be solidified and have a real name. , various opportunities will come one after another, and you don’t have to worry about no projects later.

Liu Ligan won't do the land speculation at least now, so he should let Meng Ping do it. He doesn't have so much energy. Another important point is that Liu Ligan watches Meng Ping do this every day. He felt a little uneasy and even afraid when he was hanging around with those people. He thought of Huang Meili's father, Huang Hongguang, the man who jumped from the roof of his company.

That slender man with a sharp gaze like a boss.

Without his lessons, Liu Ligan felt that he would definitely be like Meng Ping. He and Meng Ping might become the black and white evil spirits who opened up the officialdom of Haicheng. After all, that would be in line with his personality.

Liu Ligan's current thinking is that he has to get close to those people, but not too close. It is best to treat them with the same attitude as Kong Laoer towards ghosts and gods, which is to keep a respectful distance.

Liu Ligan reminded Meng Ping, Meng Ping said it's okay, it's okay, I just got out of these people, pole, if I hadn't come to Haicheng, I would be in Wuxi now, just like these people, haha, you have to come to Wuxi to do business. , maybe they will take care of me.

Liu Ligan smiled. He felt that it was impossible to be fine. Meng Ping overestimated himself. Even Huang Hongguang couldn't control it. Why can you, Meng Ping, control it? There is a force that once it bites back at you, its The ferocity and momentum may knock you out instantly, just like receiving an old punch from Xiao Wu. By the time you react, you have lost the ability to resist.

It’s better to be careful, Liu Ligan and Meng Ping said.

Meng Ping said I understand, thank you, pole.

But Liu Ligan felt that Meng Ping didn't know.

Liu Ligan looked at the neon sign of the "Tang no Bath" hot spring opposite. He wanted to go there but was too lazy to go. In that place, it can indeed make you forget your loneliness and even melancholy, but Liu Ligan felt that after coming out, he would just You feel even more lonely. It doesn't feel like you woke up from a gentle land, but more like you were suddenly lifted off the quilt in the middle of winter and poured a basin of cold water on you.


Someone behind him knocked on the open glass door several times. Liu Ligan was startled. He turned around and saw Zheng Wei standing at the door, smiling at him. Liu Ligan rushed over in a few steps. Hug her.

Zheng Wei was caught off guard and was a little at a loss. After hesitating for a moment, she also hugged Liu Ligan, and the two kissed passionately.

The two people sat up on the carpet, leaning against the sofa, grabbing the clothes on the side and covering them casually.

"Give me a cigarette." Zheng Wei said.

Liu Ligan leaned over from the coffee table, took his cigarettes and lighter, took out one, put it in his mouth, lit it, and then handed it to Zheng Wei, who took it. Liu Ligan took out the second one and gave it to Light it yourself.

"Fuck, why the hell did I just obey? I should have castrated you." Zheng Wei leaned his head on Liu Ligan's shoulder and cursed.

Liu Ligan laughed.

"I'm serious." Zheng Wei said, "I knew you would be happy when I came back, but I didn't expect you would be so happy to be so rough and direct, without even a fucking pretentious transition."

"Do you like it?" Liu Ligan asked.

Zheng Wei said "hmm" and then said, "It's like piercing a layer of window paper at once. By the way, did you already know that I like you?"

Liu Ligan said that he was right and asked, "Did you already know that I also like you?"

"Forget it, otherwise I wouldn't come back."

"By the way, you are coming back. Why didn't you call to let me know first so that I could pick you up?" Liu Ligan asked. Zheng Wei didn't say anything. She took a deep breath of cigarette and spit it out again.

Liu Ligan understood and shouted: "I understand, do you want to give me a surprise?"

Zheng Wei didn't say yes or no, but said: "Damn it, I don't understand myself more and more. I'm already dozens of years old, and I still think I'm a girl."

After saying that, she took another puff of cigarette. Liu Ligan laughed wildly, pulled her face, and kissed her. She spit out the cigarette in her mouth to Liu Ligan, who almost Being choked, Zheng Wei laughed happily.

"That's not right." Liu Ligan said.

"What's wrong?"

"You didn't notify me, why didn't Sunhou call me? Are you on good terms?"

"Tongfu, I didn't tell him that I came to Haicheng. Maybe I will inform him tomorrow that I am here to work. Maybe, I should go back to Beijing tomorrow."

"Why?" Liu Ligan was surprised.

"Maybe I shouldn't even come. If I knew you were so direct when I met you, to be honest, I might have been frightened in Beijing and wouldn't have dared to come." Zheng Wei sighed softly, and she said, "Originally , I want you to help me come up with ideas, and also, I will feel sorry if I don’t say goodbye to you in person."

Liu Ligan felt that Zheng Wei's words were a bit strange. He said, "It's impossible. As long as you come, I won't let you go."

"That's not up to you." Zheng Wei said, "Do you know who I am?"

Liu Ligan nodded: "You are Zheng Wei."

Zheng Wei smiled: "Actually, my surname should not be Zheng. My uncle's surname is Zheng. I took his surname."

Zheng Wei looked back at Liu Ligan and saw the surprised look on his face. Zheng Wei continued to smile: "It's not as complicated as you think. Do you know that Sun Hou's father is not named Sun?"

"Holy shit, what's that last name?"

"Don't ask, this is why we don't all take our father's surname. Do you understand? Many of us, including my brothers and sisters, are like this. There is no special reason, it's just need. Some of them are organizations. Some of them are needed by my own family.”

"I understand, is it for safety or to avoid suspicion?"


"I don't care, your last name is fine."

"You don't care? Then do you know if I'm married?"

"I don't care, I just like you as a person and don't care about anything else."

"You don't care? Okay." Zheng Wei was silent for a moment and said slowly: "I have been married for three years. Although my husband and I have not been together for more than three months, when we were together, They also treat each other with respect and etiquette, not like a couple at all, but like familiar strangers, but after all, we are married."

Zheng Wei looked at Liu Ligan and asked, "Do you know now why I said that I probably shouldn't even come?"

Liu Ligan took out another cigarette, lit it, handed it to Zheng Wei, took the cigarette butt from her hand, and then lit a cigarette himself.

"I don't care." Liu Ligan said, "I only know that I have also broken the precept."

"What precept did you break?"

"I used to have a requirement for myself that I could touch any woman, except women from my own company, but now I can."

Zheng Wei punched him hard: "Damn it, you feel wronged, don't you?"

Liu Ligan took the cigarettes from her hand, threw both cigarettes into the ashtray, and the two hugged each other again.

Liu Ligan's big brother rang, Liu Ligan picked up the phone, and Meng Ping called on the phone: "Gangzi, I'm on my way back to Haicheng from Lingao, what do you think?"

When Liu Ligan saw Zheng Wei looking at him, Liu Ligan said to Meng Ping, "Wait a moment."

He covered the phone, put it away a little, and smiled with Zheng Wei: "Another person who misses you very much."

"Who is it?"

"Your comrade-in-arms, Lao Meng, he is on his way back to Haicheng now. Do you want to see him?"

Zheng Wei nodded.

Liu Ligan let go of his hand covering the phone and said to Meng Ping: "Meng Ping, there is someone you miss very much in my office. What do you think?"

"Go away, there is no one I miss in Haicheng." Meng Ping cursed.

"Zheng Wei, do you miss her?"

"What did you say? Zheng Wei is back? Haha, I think, think about it, I miss her so much!" Meng Ping shouted, "You two, just stay in the office, don't go anywhere, wait for me Come back, let’s have a midnight snack at the Lion House!”

Meng Ping shouted so loudly that even Zheng Wei heard it, and she smiled slightly.

Liu Ligan heard Meng Ping and Cao Xiaohe say on the phone, hurry up, hurry up, go directly to the pole company.

Then the call was hung up.

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