The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 426 Secret Cellar KTV

After hearing Zhang Chen's specific idea, Boss Liu sat upright and stared at Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen took out his sketchbook and pencil from his bag, spread them out, and explained to Boss Liu while drawing:

“My idea is to preserve the original appearance of the interior as much as possible, including the exposed stone roofs and stone walls, keeping the original rough style, as well as the slogans and posters painted on the stone walls. There is a strong mark of the times, and the focus is on sound insulation and sound attenuation in each room.

"I've looked at the passage inside, and it's not difficult to dig further down. We dig a trench in the middle of the passage, bury the ventilation ducts, air conditioning ducts, and other necessary pipes, including sewer pipes, underneath, and lay them on top. The stone slab is installed so that it can be easily opened when repairs are needed.

"On the top, you see, just like this, install a miner's lamp all the way. Yes, it is this kind of miner's lamp with a wire cover on the outside. In this way, when people walk in the passage, they will have the feeling of walking in a tunnel, isn't it? Mystery?

"Each room, this is the place that requires the most work. Those rooms now have no doors. We have renovated them and installed doors. They are the kind of heavy-looking wooden doors in underground wine cellars, but they are Opening and closing must be very light.

“We made these rooms look like wine cellars. Of course the sofas in them should be very comfortable, but for the coffee table, we bought an old benchwork table and sawed the legs short.

"Also, use the table of a milling machine, planer, or lathe to dismantle the upper machine head, and put two pieces together to make a coffee table. These things are sold at the scrap steel market on Shaoxing Road. They are easy to find and the price is very cheap. , if you have anvils or something like that, you can also buy some and use them as stools.

"In short, all the appliances inside should be modified with the spare parts of these old machines as much as possible. Do not refresh them, just clean them. In such an environment, these old machines give off a dark metallic luster, which will bring strong senses to people. Stimulate.

"The door outside also retains the two heavy iron doors of the original air raid shelter. The door is very inconspicuous. The original design was to be inconspicuous. They planned to use it to hide bombs. Who knows that one day it will become an entertainment venue .

This gate must be renovated. After we demolish the flower beds and walls outside, there will be a whole piece of exposed rock at the foot of Gemstone Mountain. I have seen that place. The area is too small. If there is not enough space to expand outside, what should we do? It is not even built, but a gantry crane is placed at the door, the door frame is placed inside the gantry crane, and a gantry crane is erected at the Baochu intersection. This is eye-catching in itself.

“This gantry crane echoes the old machinery inside, but this one is different from the one inside because it is outdoors and we have to deal with it.

"How to deal with it? We painted the entire huge gantry crane in orange, the brightest red. The red gantry crane stood there and lit up the entire place and the entire Baochu Road. In the West Lake Tourists on the side can see it at a glance, it’s so eye-catching!”

Zhang Chen was painting as he talked, and Boss Liu became excited. He kept slapping the table with his hands and shouting:



This is good!

Very good!

"Oh, Mr. Zhang, I just can't say it or draw it. This is what I want. I talked to your designer for a long time, but he couldn't understand it. All he came up with were ugly things like this. !” Boss Liu shouted while taking pictures of the renderings.

"Do you agree with this plan?" Zhang Chen asked.

“I couldn’t agree more!”

"Then the name also needs to be changed. Your original Liuxia doesn't fit this one, right?"

"Hey, what you said is really inappropriate." Boss Liu said.

"I thought of one for you, but I don't know if it's suitable." Zhang Chen said.

"Say it quickly."

"Secret cellar, secret cellar, secret cellar, cellar cellar of wine cellar, secret cellar KTV, aren't the rooms inside us all like wine cellars? Isn't this a little special?"

"Ah haha." Boss Liu laughed, "That's it, Secret Cellar KTV, it's great!"

Zhang Chen's mouth felt dry. He put down his pencil and took a sip of tea. Boss Liu asked him: "Mr. Zhang, based on your idea, can you start making plans right away?"

Zhang Chen said no.

"Why not?" Boss Liu shouted.

"I'm going to talk to our manager tomorrow morning. I guess he won't care much about whether the plan is changed or not. But there is one thing he will definitely be concerned about. After all, you have already signed a contract for this project. of."

Boss Liu understood and said, "What do I think? I'm just worried about the cost. Tell your manager that if the calculated cost is lower than the original, I will pay the original contract amount and an additional 100,000 yuan." If it's higher than the original cost, I'll pay the new cost, plus an additional 100,000 yuan, as long as I switch to this plan."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "That shouldn't be a big problem, but I still have to ask for permission first before I talk to you."

"Of course, of course."

Boss Liu wrote a room number and a phone number in Zhang Chen’s sketchbook, and told Zhang Chen, this is my room number of Wanghu Hotel and the phone number of the hotel’s switchboard. If you have any news, please call. Give me.

Zhang Chen said yes, no problem.

Boss Liu stretched his waist and smiled happily: "Oh, Mr. Zhang, your headache has been cured from the root."

Zhang Chen also laughed: "Me too, designers will be very happy when they meet a client who shares the same philosophy."

The two of them were talking, and before they knew it, it became a little cloudy outside. Zhang Chen looked at his watch and saw that it was already five o'clock, and Xiao Zhao was still waiting for him at home.

He quickly stood up and said goodbye to Boss Liu, saying that he was going home. Boss Liu shouted: "No, no, no, you must appreciate it and let me treat you to dinner."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "I haven't told my family yet, my girlfriend is still waiting for me to go back."

"Then let's get together and call your girlfriend."

Zhang Chen shook his head and said: "We live far away and there is no phone, so it is very inconvenient to come and go. Thank you, Boss Liu, next time."

"Okay, it's settled, next time you must let me treat you and your girlfriend to dinner."

It was already dark outside. Xiao Zhao stood in the corridor, waiting for Zhang Chen to come back. The wind blew a biting coldness on his face, but Xiao Zhao stood there with no intention of going back to the room. She wanted to watch here. Zhang Chen appeared on that path.

From the entrance of the lower courtyard to the turning point of the path, there were three street lights. Several times, Xiao Zhao saw a figure riding a bicycle under the farthest street light, which looked very much like Zhang Chen. But when the second one came on, None, Xiao Zhao sighed in disappointment.

Xiao Zhao stood there with his eyes wide open. He saw another figure that looked like Zhang Chen appearing under the farthest street lamp. When he appeared under the second street lamp again, Xiao Zhao smiled happily. This time That's right, who is it if it's not Zhang Chen?

Xiao Zhao counted silently in her heart, thinking that when she counted to twenty, Zhang Chen would definitely appear under the nearest street lamp.

Xiao Zhao counted to twenty, and Zhang Chen appeared under the street light as expected. Xiao Zhao quickly waved to him, and Zhang Chen also saw Xiao Zhao. He was holding the faucet in his left hand and waving to Xiao Zhao with his right hand.

By the time Zhang Chen entered the yard, Xiao Zhao had already run to the stairs below.

Zhang Chen hugged Xiao Zhao upstairs and entered the room. Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen said, I will heat up the food and it will be ready in a while.

Zhang Chen looked at the dishes on the table and found that they had not been touched. He asked, "You haven't eaten either?"

"No, if you don't come back, how dare I eat alone?"

"What a risk. There is a Taiwanese boss ahead who wants to treat me to dinner. If I want to eat there, don't you have to starve to death at home?" Zhang Chen said with a smile.

Xiao Zhao said to him with a sad face: "I will really starve to death, my dear."

"So I wouldn't dare to eat it even to death."

Zhang Chen said, and both of them laughed.

After the two of them finished eating, Zhang Chen took out the drawings, paper and pen. He wanted to calculate the approximate total cost of this project according to his plan, so that he would have a good idea when he reported to Manager Song tomorrow. .

There was no calculator at home, so Xiao Zhao sat aside and said, "You tell me, I'll do the math."

The calculation by hand was so slow that the two of them had not even finished half of the calculation until almost eight o'clock. Xiao Zhao said that he should take it to the work unit to do the calculation. There is a calculator in the work unit.

The two of them got up and packed their things. Xiao Zhao worked the night shift today. Zhang Chen sent Xiao Zhao there and didn't go home. He slept with Xiao Zhao in the hotel's duty room.

It was only 8:45 when they arrived at the Red Flag Hotel. Xiulian looked at her watch and had nothing to say. The two of them sat there for a while, and were about to continue settling accounts. Some guests upstairs came down to ask for boiling water. They Only then did I realize that Xiulian, a lazy woman, didn’t even bring boiled water to the room on the second floor.

Xiao Zhao quickly got up and went to the boiler room to fill the piles of boiling water bottles with boiling water, and then sent them to each room. Zhang Chen stood up and wanted to help her, but Xiao Zhao said that he was not allowed to go, otherwise he would only act like a hooligan.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "I just see things and think about emotions."

"What are you seeing?" Xiao Zhao blushed and cursed softly, "Just that pile of coal?"

"Yeah, that's coal with your body scent."

"Rogue!" Xiao Zhao scolded, "Just stay here and settle your accounts. The calculator is in the drawer."

After Xiao Zhao left, Zhang Chen continued to settle the accounts. When Xiao Zhao came back, his accounts were settled, and the total cost was about 20% lower than the original.

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that now Manager Song had no reason to refuse.

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