The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 425 I really want to go together

Zhang Chen rode to Baochu Road, found a restaurant, and ordered a bowl of noodles. While waiting for the noodles, he took out the general drawings and looked at them. He tried his best to eliminate the bad taste left by those renderings in his mind. Impressions, consider the entire scheme from scratch.

If the original plan is not scrapped and restarted, and Zhang Chen is asked to manage such a construction site every day, Zhang Chen feels that it will be a daily torture, but if he wants to scrap it and start over, he must have a general idea, otherwise how will he convince Boss Liu? .

After eating the noodles, Zhang Chen went back to the air-raid shelter and walked around again, and then ran to the flower bed at the Baochu intersection. He saw that at the exit of the air-raid shelter, a hollow wall was now built as the background of the flower bed.

Zhang Chen used his eyes to measure the land that had been used for this project, and he had a rough idea.

He looked at the time and saw that there was still half an hour before two o'clock. He simply parked his bicycle in the air-raid shelter and walked over.

Wanghu Tower is not far from here, just below Gaohang on the Provincial Tourism Bureau side. It is located between a small stone culvert road under Gaohang and Beishan Street, which is close to the West Lake.

Wanghu Tower is a small ancient wooden structure building with three floors, with scattered seats on the first and second floors and private rooms on the third floor. The teahouse is backed by a mountain and faces the lake. A black lacquered plaque hanging between the beams in the middle reads, "Wanghu Tower" "Three big characters, with vigorous strokes, vertical and horizontal postures, fat pens with bones, thin pens with flesh, are the handwriting of Huang Tingjian, a great calligrapher in the Song Dynasty.

In the snowy weather, not only was the teahouse not deserted, but it was bustling with people and tea-goers, just because it was a good place to drink tea and enjoy the snow.

Zhang Chen walked from Shihan Road to the tea house. It was just before 1:40. He thought it was still early and Boss Liu and the others might not have arrived yet, so he wanted to walk a few dozen meters ahead to see the remaining snow on the broken bridge. Unexpectedly, Boss Liu's The younger brother was already waiting for him at the door of the teahouse and took him to a private room on the third floor facing the lake, where Boss Liu was already here.

Although it is cold and windy outside, the window of the private room is open. Aren't those who come here to drink tea come to enjoy the snow and lake view? If the window is closed, the smell of snow and West Lake will fade out.

Zhang Chen sat down opposite Boss Liu and looked outside. He had a panoramic view of the West Lake inside and outside. The heavy snow had begun to clear, but the rime was foggy. The sky, clouds, mountains and water were all white, and the shadows on the lake were only long. A trace of the embankment, a little pavilion in the center of the lake.

Looking into the distance, Chenghuang Mountain, Xizhao Mountain and Nanping Mountain across the lake are like giant dragons lying on the waves, vast and vast.

"This place is so nice!" Zhang Chen couldn't help but sigh.

Boss Liu smiled and said: "Yes, when I have a headache, I can only feel better if I sit here and drink a pot of Longjing tea."

Zhang Chen also smiled and said: "Then you come here to drink often."

This is a pun, that is, a joke. Chicken feathers often give Boss Liu a headache.

Boss Liu laughed loudly after hearing this. He said that it was true, it was true.

Zhang Chen took out the renderings and put them on the table. He asked Boss Liu: "Where do you hope to make modifications and adjustments in this plan?"

Boss Liu looked at the renderings, frowned, and said to Zhang Chen, "I really want to throw the whole book outside."

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked, "What?"

"There is no place in this that I am satisfied with."

"Boss Liu is not satisfied, so how can he approve this plan?"

"Oh, I can't help it!" Boss Liu complained repeatedly when he heard Zhang Chen's words. He said: "I have been waiting for the design draft for this project for more than seven months, and there was a lot of procrastination and changes in the middle. Countless drafts have gone through, and it’s still like this. Your designer and I are almost at war. I really have no choice, and I can’t afford to delay it any longer.”

"Seven months?" Zhang Chen was even more surprised. He asked: "Then why didn't you choose a few more companies to provide you with a plan, and you chose the one you were satisfied with? I'm sorry, when I say this, I am suspected of cheating. But isn’t that what Party A does? It’s normal for Party B to have several plans competing on the same stage.”

Boss Liu stared at Zhang Chen and asked, "Mr. Zhang, are you new here?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

Boss Liu smiled bitterly and said, "Then you really don't know much about your company. Do you think I have a choice?"

"Well, doesn't Party A choose Party B for decoration?"

"Party B? Your company is not Party B, it's the boss. If I don't give this project to your company, my planning adjustment won't be approved."

Zhang Chen suddenly realized that he finally understood what Boss Liu meant when he said that the kid was difficult to deal with. He also understood why his company was so bad but still had such good business. It was all because it was backed by the big tree of the Planning Bureau.

This entire operation process can be said to be that one hand receives the contract and the other hand hands out the approval document. Didn't Manager Song tell himself that his company is to generate income for the bureau.

This fucking thing is worse than forced buying and selling, it's almost like an open robbery.

Boss Liu said with a grimace: "To tell you the truth, Mr. Zhang, what we are most afraid of when we come to mainland China to invest is dealing with companies run by these government departments. It is really difficult to describe. I believe that these companies will be liquidated sooner or later, otherwise It will seriously retard the economic development of various parts of the mainland."

Zhang Chen nodded, he was right, and I also thought it would definitely be cleared.

"Okay, let's not talk about him. Let's talk about our own affairs. Mr. Zhang, I heard that you are also a designer?"

"Yes." Zhang Chen said, "I was doing design when I was in Haicheng."

"Then what would you do if I asked you for advice?"

"Just like you."


Zhang Chen patted the rendering and said to Boss Liu, "I will also throw it out the window."

Boss Liu was stunned for a moment, then he laughed, his eyes lit up, and he said: "Haha, heroes really think alike. Tell me, what do you think?"

Zhang Chen hesitated for a moment. He was thinking, should he just deny the design plan of Ji Fei with Party A? Especially if we have to completely overthrow his plan and start from scratch. Will this give people the feeling of poaching?

He thought of what Ji Feo had said to Boss Liu and himself before, saying that he had no control over this project and that it had nothing to do with him from now on. Zhang Chen would be responsible for solving all design problems, including design issues.

Since you don't care about it, there's nothing wrong with me taking care of it, right? Zhang Chen thought.

Zhang Chen then told Boss Liu all his concerns about the original plan. Boss Liu nodded frequently. He stood up and said it was too cold. He walked over and closed the window. After he came back and sat down, he said to Zhang Chen:

"Mr. Zhang, you are right. I have always felt that it doesn't work here, but I don't work in this field, and I just can't explain why it doesn't work. Mr. Zhang is indeed an expert. You can understand it with just a few clicks. It's true. That's what happened.

"Mr. Zhang, I would like to ask again, if we come up with another plan, how long will it take?"

"One week, but it won't affect the construction here. I've seen the construction site here and it's still in the stage of reinforcement work. There's no need to stop, because no matter what the plan is, the reinforcement work must be done first." Zhang Chen explain.

"Okay, you can arrange this. I want to ask, one week? Can you come up with a plan so soon?" Boss Liu asked.

"Okay, actually, I already have a rough idea."

"Speak quickly, Mr. Zhang, tell me what you think."

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and said to Boss Liu: "Boss Liu, this place you chose is very unique. You must have your own ideas. Tell me first, what do you want this place to be like?"

"I just don't want to make it like this." Boss Liu pointed to the renderings and said to Zhang Chen, "I hope to make it a very special place that people will never forget after coming here."

Zhang Chen smiled and nodded, and said, "What a coincidence, my idea coincides with Boss Liu's idea."

"Really? Then tell me your idea." Boss Liu shouted.

"I have already mentioned the disadvantages of making this place a general KTV. Strictly speaking, having a KTV in an air-raid shelter will give people a very depressing feeling and is not very suitable. But if we give full play to its advantages, When it comes out, it can be made into a place that is very special as you say, and others cannot imitate it even if they want to.

"The biggest feature of an air raid shelter is that it is a confined space. This is its disadvantage. It seems inappropriate for anything, but it is very suitable for KTV..."

"Why?" Boss Liu interrupted.

Zhang Chen smiled and continued: "Don't you think that KTV itself is also a closed space? Even in rooms with windows, the windows will be sealed. We have saved this step."

"That's true, you're right." Boss Liu also smiled.

"I went in and walked around twice. The characteristics of the air-raid shelter itself, the long, winding, undulating passages, and the domed rooms on both sides of the passages, this kind of structure, you can't find in any building. It can't be found here.

"In addition, when people walk in, they know that they are walking at the bottom of the mountain. The mysterious and inquiring psychological changes it brings, if we can make good use of it, will certainly leave people with a different feeling. .”

Zhang Chen spoke eloquently. Boss Liu listened with interest, but there was a trace of doubt in his eyes. Zhang Chen understood his feelings and said, "Okay, let me give you some specific ideas."

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