The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 42 Come to work tomorrow

After going out in the morning, Liu Ligan continued to wash the building. Zhang Chen was going to apply for a job in a company. Halfway through the car, the BB machine in his waist rang. Zhang Chen thought to himself, could this be Liu Ligan's first business? Or is it some blind boss who wakes up and thinks that having a diploma and not having a diploma, having experience and having no experience are actually the same, as long as the person looks good?

Zhang Chen quickly found a public phone and called the number displayed on the BB phone.

"Hello, it's me..." Jin Lili's voice came on the phone, "This is my office phone number."

Zhang Chen said "Oh".

"Please remember an address."

Zhang Chen took out a notebook and pen from his bag. The notebook was filled with units and was crossed out by black lines. They were all units that Zhang Chen had applied for.

"Did you find pen and paper?"

Zhang Chen said "hmm".

Jin Lili mentioned an address and company name on the phone. Zhang Chen remembered it and thought, what is this for?

"This company is decorating our company. They are hiring designers. Um... Mr. Xia has already called their boss. You can come over."

"I'm not going." Zhang Chen said angrily.

Jin Lili was also angry and cursed: "It's up to you whether you want to go or not!"

Jin Lili hung up the phone.

Zhang Chen rode his bicycle and continued walking forward. After passing a street intersection, he changed direction and rode towards the address Jin Lili gave him. Now, Zhang Chen is familiar with the entire Haicheng by heart and does not need to look at the map. , he also knows which building is where.

Zhang Chen arrived at Huaxin Building and took the elevator to the 19th floor. Tenglong Decoration Co., Ltd. looked quite large, occupying half of the 19th floor. Their company was on the left side of the elevator hall.

Zhang Chen walked in, and a lady at the front desk immediately asked him: "Who are you looking for?"

Zhang Chen said, I'm looking for your boss.

"can I help you?"

"Oh, I am. I was introduced by a friend of your boss. He has already called your boss."

The lady understood, she smiled and nodded: "Please follow me."

The lady took Zhang Chen through the hall. There were many people in the hall, working at their desks. They walked to the end of the hall and walked into a glass door. Inside the door was a large office with a There is an executive desk, a set of sofas, and a small conference table. On the three walls of the office, there are renderings hanging, which look like they have completed projects.

Four or five people were surrounding the conference table, looking at a few drawings on the table. The receptionist lady clicked on the glass door, and the four or five people all turned their heads.

"What's going on?" One of the thin middle-aged men asked angrily.

"Mr. Tan, this gentleman said he was introduced by a friend of yours and has already called you." The lady's voice was trembling even as she spoke.

"What friends? I have many friends. Those who call me are all my fucking friends." Mr. Tan said.

Zhang Chen's face turned pale and he lamented in his heart, Damn, this is another plague god. Zhang Chen stammered: "It's Mr. Xia, Mr. Xia from Financial Garden..."

Before Zhang Chen finished speaking, Mr. Tan said impatiently: "Go and wait over there!"

Turning around, he said to those people: "Come on, let's continue."

The lady led Zhang Chen to sit down on the sofa, and then poured him a glass of water. After straightening up, she breathed a sigh of relief, nodded to Zhang Chen, and hurriedly exited the door as if she was relieved.

Zhang Chen was sitting there with nothing to do, just looking at the paintings on the wall. Mr. Tan was knocking on the table and lecturing people:

"How many times have I told you that this owner is very difficult to deal with. I asked you to be more careful about the hidden projects. I knew that he might conduct destructive spot checks. Isn't it true that if someone catches him, are you all pigs? Pigs are smarter than you. Damn it. Now people are asking for all the work to be reworked. You guys, please do it all for me today."

Someone muttered: "I may not be able to finish it today."

"If you can't finish the work, don't go home. Work all night for me. You can't even finish the work. You still want to go home? Get out of here!"

Those people turned pale and the rats scurried out.

Mr. Tan stared at the drawings on the table for a while, then came over, sat down on another sofa, glanced at Zhang Chen, and asked:

"Who introduced you?"

"Mr. Xia, from Financial Garden."

"Oh, I got it. He called me. Do you know how to be a carpenter, plasterer, painter or plumber?"

Zhang Chen quickly said: "No, I'm here to apply for a job as a designer."

"Designer? Have you done this before?"

"No." Zhang Chen said honestly.

"I haven't done it before, so why are you here? We all have to rely on our own ability to make a living here. We don't support idlers. If you have the ability, you can do it. If you don't have the ability, it won't work if someone introduces you. You have to support him. "

Mr. Tan was about to get up as he spoke. Zhang Chen knew that this was another eviction order. Zhang Chen mustered up his courage and said quickly: "Mr. Tan, I can draw better than these paintings on the wall."

Mr. Tan said "Oh": "Are you better at painting than these?"

"Yes!" Zhang Chen said affirmatively.

Mr. Tan stood up, walked to the door, and shouted outside: "Xiao Huang!"

A girl ran in, and Mr. Tan said to her: "Clear the table, go get paper, pens and paints."

The girl rolled up all the drawings on the table and took them out. After a while, she came in with pencil drawing paper, followed by someone else, holding paints, pens and a palette box.

Mr. Tan greeted Zhang Chen: "Let's go and draw a picture."

"What do you want to draw?" Zhang Chen asked.

Mr. Tan took out a foreign decoration book from the cabinet, opened a page, and told Zhang Chen to draw this.

At that time, no company had computers, let alone drawing software. For a decoration company like theirs, all the renderings were drawn manually. The biggest wealth of the decoration company was a large sum of money bought back from abroad. Stack up decoration books, copy a little here and there, and put them together into what is called a design draft.

But you can’t hold a lot of picture books and tell the owner, use this part of the book in the foyer, use the part of this book in the bathroom, look at it, the living room will look like this, you need to use all these elements, All of them are integrated into your own design draft. Whether the owner recognizes your plan or not, the most important thing is to look at your renderings. For decoration companies, renderings are their lifeblood.

Zhang Chen was always quick at drawing, and now he was drawing from photos, so it was no problem. In just over half an hour, he had drawn up a rendering. Mr. Tan was standing beside him, and he took a look. He looked at the paintings on the wall, looked at what Zhang Chen had just painted, looked at what Zhang Chen had just painted, looked at the paintings on the wall again, and still said nothing.

After Zhang Chen put down his pen, he looked at Mr. Tan. Mr. Tan nodded and said to Zhang Chen, "That's right. I'm not bragging. I hate bragging people the most. Come and sit down."

The two of them returned to the sofa and sat down. Mr. Tan asked Zhang Chen, how long have you been in Hainan?

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly and said, it has been more than ten days and he has not found a job.

"It shouldn't be." Mr. Tan glanced at Zhang Chen, "Okay, even if I picked it up, let's not talk nonsense. In our industry, the monthly salary of a designer with your level is usually between two thousand and two thousand. Two thousand five thousand, I will make a compromise and give you two thousand three thousand. Of course, if the design plan is confirmed by Party A, there will also be a reward, do you think it is okay?"

Zhang Chen quickly said yes, yes, Mr. Tan, when can I go to work?

Mr. Tan stood up, walked to the executive desk, pressed the phone, and called, "Come here."

After a while, Xiao Huang walked in, and Mr. Tan said to her: "Go to Xiao Zhang. Your surname is Zhang, right? Take Xiao Zhang out, arrange a desk for him, and then take him to do it." Just go through the on-boarding procedures and start working tomorrow."

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