The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 41 Start washing the building

The next morning, Liu Ligan began his advertising career.

Since he was unfamiliar with the place, Zhang Chen gave him an idea. He used the stupidest method to wash the building. He washed the office buildings and companies first, regardless of whether he had business or not, and left a piece of paper first. Speaking of business cards, if they are not hiring today, they might be hiring tomorrow, and if there happens to be a business card of yours in the drawer, business will come.

The newspaper gave him three boxes of blank business cards, with the header on the top and the address and phone number below printed, leaving only a blank space in the middle for you to fill in your name.

Zhang Chen spent several hours writing the three characters Liu Ligan in the middle of the business card in official script. At first glance, he thought it was printed. In this way, the business card looked very formal.

Halfway through Zhang Chen's writing, Liu Ligan said, add the word reporter after my name. Zhang Chen asked, wouldn't it be bad if the newspaper knew about this?

Liu Ligan shouted, "Whatever, they just said to write your own name here, and they didn't say that journalists are not allowed to write. Besides, they dared to issue press cards, so why shouldn't I dare to write it?"

Zhang Chen was right when he thought about it. Didn't he have a press card? Just after the three characters Liu Ligan, he wrote the word "reporter" in Song style. After writing three hundred business cards, Zhang Chen's hand was sore. .

Zhang Chen was still at the bottom. Behind the phone number of the newspaper office, he left his own BB phone number. Anyway, Zhang Chen was familiar with the "Talent Information Newspaper". Liu Ligan gave him another price list, so that if there was any business, Come here, Zhang Chen can pretend to be Liu Ligan and call back.

Originally, Zhang Chen wanted to leave the BB machine to Liu Ligan, but Liu Ligan said no. Anyway, if someone detains it, just go back. Also, if I encounter a unit that needs someone and detain you, you can rush there. Come here, so that when they don't even post the recruitment notice, you can apply for the job. Will you be the first one?

Zhang Chen thought about it, and it really made sense.

Before going out, Liu Ligan stuffed a box of business cards into his bag. He couldn't think enough about it, so he stuffed another box. He decided to start from the office buildings, shopping malls and hotels closest to home, like ants every day, bit by bit. Gnaw it, and finally gnawed the entire Haicheng.

Fortunately, the press card was genuine. When Liu Ligan went to any office building, he showed his press card to the security guard at the door, and the security guard let him in.

Washing a building is easy to say, but when it comes to actually doing it, Liu Ligan realizes that it's far from that simple.

Recruitment matters are generally handled by the office. When Liu Ligan arrived at a company, he went directly to the office director and took out his press card and business card. When the directors saw that they were reporters, they immediately burst into smiles, regardless of what newspaper they were from. As long as a reporter comes to your door, it will definitely not be a trivial matter. What's more, someone will immediately call the company boss over to prepare for an interview.

Here, I asked you to sit down and serve tea, and I was serious about it. In this way, Liu Ligan was raised. He was too embarrassed to talk about the advertisement directly, so he could only use his old words to deal with the big kings in Yongcheng. He has the ability to start the interview in a serious manner. During the interview, he can only find out whether the company has any plans to expand its scale and recruit people. If not, it will end as soon as possible.

Even though it was as soon as possible, he couldn't just say a few words and dismiss the person. He always wanted it to look like a complete interview, but in his own mind, Liu Ligan had fucked the other person's mother dozens of times.

Today, for the first time, I met a few bosses with great talents and great ideas. They spoke incessantly and in a high and low tone.

From my miserable childhood to my glorious and successful present, from a small ravine to looking at the whole world, the final summary is that the company's three-year, five-year, and ten-year plan has constructed a giant in front of you. Wuba's Haishichen Tower, even if you want to stop, they won't give you this chance.

Fortunately, bosses like this are generally hospitable. It was almost dinner time. Liu Ligan secretly looked at the time and saw that it was too late to go to the next restaurant. Okay, let's stick with this one.

When the boss was about to finish telling his story and was about to end on a high note, Liu Ligan asked a few more questions one after another. The other person's eyes lit up and he thought these questions were worth talking about, so he stood up and shouted, "Let's go." Come on, Reporter Liu, let’s go have a meal and chat while we eat.

This is also the experience Liu Ligan summed up when he interviewed the kings in Yongcheng. He didn't expect that he could still use it in Hainan. It seems that the kings in the world are all born from the same mother's womb.

In this way, Liu Ligan only visited four or five companies at the end of the day, and got nothing except two meals. Liu Ligan raised his head and looked at the tall buildings in front of him, lamenting in his heart that at this rate, this building alone It will take a month to clean the buildings in Haicheng, unless I turn the job of making money into a family business, and my descendants will continue to do it endlessly.

Back home, Liu Ligan was as tired as a dog. He lay on the bed and kept lamenting, looking at the recruitment notices all over the wall, "Damn it Zhang Chen, why didn't I meet anyone looking for a job?" The unit?

Zhang Chen scolded, be content, at least you still get two meals, and I have to pay for it myself besides being a bit dusty.

"Hey, by the way, why don't you come with me to have a meal and fill out a business card? Isn't it reporter Zhang?" Liu Ligan shouted.

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Forget it, I can't afford to lose face."

Liu Ligan glared at him: "What do you mean? This is also the income of my labor. After listening to him brag about his awesomeness for several hours, I shouldn't eat from him?"

The next day, Liu Ligan changed his strategy. As soon as he entered the company and showed the reporter his press card, he immediately started talking about the advertising business before the other person could say anything. Naturally, the other person's face didn't look that good. However, the speed It has indeed improved a lot. Liu Ligan visited dozens of companies in one day, and more than half of a box of business cards were sent out.

Liu Ligan ran for three days, but he didn't get any business. The three boxes of business cards were almost shining. He ran to the newspaper office to ask for business cards. People were also surprised and asked: "Three boxes, you are almost finished?" "

Liu Ligan was right.

"Then wait a minute. I'm going to ask the leader what to do." He ran to the next door office and asked the leader. When he came back, he said to Liu Ligan: "If I want it again, I'll have to charge the cost of the work. It's ten yuan a piece." box."

"Why?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"There is no way. You are the first to use up all three boxes of business cards here. Many people have been away for more than a month and haven't used half of the boxes, so they come back to get their deposits refunded."

"Then you should encourage me." Liu Ligan said dissatisfiedly.

"If you are effective and have business, of course we will support you, but you don't have business yet, and we don't know what you did with your business card. What if you throw it away?"

"No, you are still being unreasonable. Look, look at the business cards in my bag. They are all exchanged. This can prove that I am indeed running from company to company, right?" Liu Ligan said.

"There is no way to prove this." The other party insisted.

"Then tell me, what should I do if I run out of business cards?"

"You can buy it with money."

"It's a joke. Who uses the business card of their own company and has to spend money to buy it? Did you also buy your business card?"

"Sorry, I don't have a business card." The other party muttered, "Besides, you are not from our unit."

"I'm not from your organization, so what happened to the press card you issued?"

"What's going on?" A man walked in from outside the door. He looked at Liu Ligan and asked.

When the staff saw the person coming, they said aggrievedly: "It's him, the leader. I've used up all three boxes of business cards, so I must still have more."

When Liu Ligan heard that the other party was the leader, he became excited and said to him: "Boss, tell me, I start from early in the morning every day and run from company to company until my legs are broken. I don't get a penny of salary. Isn’t it too much to ask for a few more boxes of business cards?”

The leader smiled and said: "Your spirit is indeed commendable, but we strictly control it because we are afraid that you will throw it away, right? The business cards of the newspaper are everywhere, what will it look like, right?"

Liu Ligan said: "How could I throw them away? I cherish every business card. They are all made with serious effort. If I throw them away, isn't that a disease?"

Liu Ligan said, took out his business card and showed it to the leader. The leader took the business card and read: "Liu Ligan, is that you?"

"That's right." Liu Lipole nodded.

"This word is pretty good. Is it written on it?" The leader looked at the words on the business card and didn't seem to believe it. He picked up the staff's cup, poured some water on the table, dipped it with his fingers, and then As soon as I touched the words Liu Ligan, the ink seeped out.

"Give him three boxes, oh, give him five boxes." The leader and staff said.

He patted Liu Ligan on the shoulder and said to him: "That's right, young man. It can be seen that you are still a person who cherishes his own feathers. I hope you can achieve results soon, okay?"

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