The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 40 Becoming a “Reporter”

Originally, it was agreed that the three of us would go to the crater this morning and swim in Baishamen in the afternoon. However, Zhang Chen got up at around eight o'clock and said he wanted to go to the open space to have a look. On Sunday, the recruiting unit did not have a holiday.

Liu Lizhan didn't know whether Jin Lili was asleep or awake and deliberately silent. She lay there motionless.

Liu Ligan had no choice but to follow Zhang Chen out and push the car out. Liu Ligan said, "Zhang Chen, you went too far last night!"

Zhang Chen said nothing and pushed the cart away.

"Lily is just kind-hearted. Why are you so angry? Why, is it because your pride can't stand it?" Liu Ligan said with a smile.

Zhang Chen stepped on the bicycle pedal fiercely, got on the bike, shouted: "Let's go." He speeded up and rode forward.

"Mom!" Liu Ligan cursed and quickly got into the car, stepped hard and followed.

When the two of them got there, they each copied an address and went to apply for jobs separately. At noon, Liu Ligan came back here. There were fewer people here than usual on Sundays, and it was sunny, so there were even fewer people. Liu Ligan Standing squeezed into a crowd, he was surprised to find that Zhang Chen was also inside, writing down the address on the wall.

Liu Ligan patted him on the shoulder, and the two people walked out of the crowd. Liu Ligan asked, "Why didn't you go back?"

"What are you going back for?"

"Are you fucking trying to make things bigger?" Liu Ligan cursed.

Zhang Chen said nothing and turned his head to one side.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to buy a newspaper. When we come back, we'll go back together. It's for my sake." Liu Ligan said.

Liu Ligan arrived at the small house, bought a copy of the "Talent Information Newspaper", opened it, took a look, and walked back.

"Master, is your newspaper looking for reporters?" Liu Ligan asked the people inside.

The person inside said: "What kind of reporter does a newspaper like ours need?"

Liu Ligan showed him the newspaper in his hand. Sure enough, there was a recruitment notice for twenty journalists from the Talent Information Newspaper written on it. This notice was twice as big as the ordinary notice.

The person inside shook his head: "Then I don't know. You have to go to the office and ask."

"Where is your office?"

The people inside pointed at the company address at the bottom of the newspaper with their fingers: "This is Longyu Slope."

Liu Ligan came back with the newspaper, Zhang Chen was still standing there, Liu Ligan said to Zhang Chen, I can't accompany you back, I have to go here, you go back by yourself, remember, if you have anything to say, say it properly, don't eat it Like gunpowder.

Zhang Chen didn't say anything and got on the bicycle. Liu Lipole patted him on the back and shouted: "Have a meal and a shot, and nothing will happen."

Zhang Chen turned his head and glared at him, and Liu Ligan laughed.

Liu Ligan arrived at Longbipo and found the building of the Labor Bureau. The "Talent Information Newspaper" was on the fourth floor. Liu Ligan climbed up. There were two or three people standing in the corridor, but all the doors were closed. Liu Ligan After asking, they found that these two or three people were also here to apply for the job. They told Liu Ligan that the recruiter had gone to dinner and would start at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Liu Ligan walked to the end of the corridor and sat down against a closed door. It was still cooler here and there was a little wind. Liu Ligan sat there. He didn't sleep well last night and got up early in the morning. He didn't want to After a while he sat there and fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already half past two, and there was a queue in the corridor. Liu Ligan quickly got up and got to the back of the queue.

When it was Liu Ligan's turn, Liu Ligan said to the person sitting behind the desk: "I'm here to apply for a job as a reporter."

The other party looked at him: "Do you know our newspaper?"

"I know, I buy it every day."

"Well, we are recruiting people who will advertise. They will go to the employer, advertise for recruitment, and issue you press passes. This is for your convenience. Do you understand?"

Liu Ligan cursed in his heart, "If you don't recruit reporters, you still write in such big letters: twenty reporters."

"Can you do it?" the other party asked.

Liu Ligan quickly said: "You can give it a try. How is the treatment like?"

"What kind of treatment?"

"It's just salary and stuff."

"No salary, just place an advertisement, get a commission of 10%, and pay it off every month."

Liu Li hesitated on his pole, and the other party shouted: "If you can do it, if you can't, the next person will be next."

Liu Li's heart changed. He thought that although he was unfamiliar with the place, it would be difficult to advertise, but there would be no loss if he failed. He quickly shouted: "Yes, yes, I can do it."

"If you can do it, just go over there with your ID card and pay a deposit of 200 yuan."

"What is this deposit for?"

"Press card, if you want to stop working, return the press card and refund the deposit. However, let me make it clear to you first. When you return it, you can only get a refund of 180."

"Why is there twenty less?"

"The cost of producing a press pass!" The other party gave him a dissatisfied look.

It was almost four o'clock when Liu Ligan came home with his press card from Talent Information News and there was no one in the house. Liu Ligan came in and saw a note on the table, written by Jin Lili. , there are only five words on it: "I'm back to the company."

Liu Ligan's heart skipped a beat. He knew that Zhang Chen definitely didn't come back after he left at noon.

It was almost five o'clock before Zhang Chen came back. He walked in and took a look at the note on the table. He crumpled the note into a ball and threw it to the ground.

Liu Ligan sat up from the bed and looked at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen came over and sat down on the bed opposite. He saw Liu Ligan staring at him and asked, "Why are you looking at me?"

"When did you have a quarrel, you and Lily?" Liu Ligan said, "I don't remember it, right? Just for such a trivial matter, in one sentence, what are you going to do?"

"I'm not ready to do anything." Zhang Chen said in a low voice.

"Then why don't you come back at noon?"

"Looking for a job, no time."

"did you find it?"


"You're acting like this. I'm worried that you won't find a job and lose your girlfriend."

"If it's gone, it's gone." Zhang Chen said angrily.

"Then if you have the guts, just break up with Lily. It doesn't matter if you hide and don't come back. Leave her here alone. What do you want her to do? Listen to the noise next door all day?"

Zhang Chen stood up.

"Why are you going?" Liu Ligan shouted.


"Get out." Liu Ligan cursed.

Liu Ligan couldn't figure out what Zhang Chen's fault was. It looked like a good thing all night. Jin Lili bought him a BB machine, gave him money, and treated them to a meal. After the meal, two I have been exercising for such a long time, but in the middle of the night, things suddenly changed.

Liu Ligan thought about it carefully. Although Jin Lili's words were well-intentioned, he understood that they would indeed sound uncomfortable to Zhang Chen, but discomfort was uncomfortable. How could he be so angry all of a sudden?

Liu Ligan sighed. He thought, if only Tan Shuzhen was here, maybe she could know why. At least with Tan Shuzhen here, even if Zhang Chen went out with him, Lily would not be here alone. Feeling left out.

Liu Ligan shook his head, forget it, don't think about it anymore, let's think about where to start tomorrow.

He took out the press card in his pocket and looked at it. Zhang Chen came in and saw what Liu Lizhan was holding, and his eyes lit up: "Gangzhi, have you found a job?"

"Shit, it's fake."

"Did you go and make a false witness?"

"The certificate is true, but this reporter's job is fake. It's actually just advertising." Liu Ligan scolded.

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