The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 43 Half a Wenchang Chicken

After leaving the gate of Huaxin Building, he got on his bicycle. Zhang Chen pedaled hard and the bicycle slipped out. At that moment, tears suddenly flowed down. Zhang Chen felt that he finally had a foothold in this city. Point, you can do it yourself, and like the people around you, you can say this is my city.

We go to work, we get off work, we ride on the way to work, we walk on the way to get off work, but the end point is not that Gaofang, not the yard with tallow trees and camphor trees, but Haicheng. Finally, I don’t have to go back to work every day. With anxiety and uneasiness in my heart, I went in and out of homes and offices, and was greeted by others. Thank you!

Zhang Chen found a public phone, called Jin Lili, and told her that he had been admitted to Tenglong Decoration Co., Ltd., with a monthly salary of 2,300 yuan, and would start working tomorrow.

"Really!? Great!" Jin Lili shouted on the phone, "Zhang Chen, I knew you could do it!"

Zhang Chen chuckled, he was right, thank Mr. Xia for me.

"Okay, I understand, Zhang Chen, I'm already crying!" Jin Lili said.

Zhang Chen originally wanted to tell her that he had cried just now, but in the end he didn't.

"Come back on Saturday and let's celebrate." Jin Lili said.

"Okay!" Zhang Chen kept nodding.

Jin Lili was on the phone, kissed Zhang Chen, and then hung up the phone.

Zhang Chen looked up at the surrounding buildings. His first thought was that he didn't know where the bastard Liu Ligan was. If he knew, he would definitely run over and tell him the news.

It was almost noon, and Zhang Chen decided to go there to eat pig's trotter rice. He wanted to eat two large intestines. When passing by the open space, the place was still crowded with people. Zhang Chen deliberately parked the car and walked into the crowd, looking serious. Di also squeezed into the crowd of people to look at the newly posted recruitment notices on the wall. The difference was that he no longer had to copy them.

Zhang Chen felt relaxed and happy in his heart.

As he walked among the crowd, he saw the anxious and travel-stained faces, as if he were seeing himself. When he left, he went to the small house and bought a copy of "Talent Information Newspaper". He thought that since Liu Ligan was washing the building, he would not have time to buy newspapers.

After eating the pig's trotter rice, he felt that there was nothing wrong with going home now, so he might as well go to Haicheng Park for a stroll. He arrived at the grassland where they slept on the first night and lay down. He saw the coconut trees above his head. and the fragments of blue sky among the leaves. Closing his eyes, he seemed to hear the sound of "The Internationale" coming towards him from all around.

Zhang Chen fell asleep unconsciously.

When he woke up, it was already past four o'clock. Zhang Chen walked home. On the way, he saw a braised meat shop, so he went in and bought half a Wenchang chicken, a pound of barbecued pork, and duck intestines for fifteen yuan. .

When he arrived at the small shop downstairs, he bought four bottles of San Miguel beer.

Liu Ligan came to this familiar place again, the Longzhu Building on Longkun North Road. Next to the building is Guomao Road. When he goes in, he will find the "Haicheng Evening News". Going further in, he will find the financial garden where Jin Lili and his company are located.

Liu Ligan wanted to ride in and see if the "wild boar vehicle" was there, but he didn't know if he dared to stop him when he waved his press badge in front of him.

Liu Ligan looked at the Longzhu Building in front of him and thought that he might as well forget it. His primary goal today was to clean the building, not to fight with a security guard.

One morning, Liu Ligan ran all the way down to the tenth floor. He ran under the South Bridge and ate a fast food. It was very cool under the bridge. There were many migrant workers resting here. People in Haicheng were used to taking a nap. Not many people wake up properly at all. In most companies, work doesn't officially start until around three o'clock.

Liu Ligan was too lazy to go back, and it was cooler here than at home. Liu Ligan simply found a bridge pier, took out the newspaper from his bag, spread it on the ground, and sat down. Unexpectedly, as soon as he sat down, someone came out from the side of the bridge pier. There were two people, a man and a woman. The woman was hurriedly pulling up her pants, and the man was zipping up and fastening his belt. After finishing fastening, he left in a hurry.

Liu Ligan knew what they were doing, and he cursed in his heart. In such a hot weather, he was not afraid of getting fainted.

The woman was in her thirties. She glanced at Liu Ligan and slowly swayed away. After a while, she came back and leaned on the pier beside Liu Ligan, looking at other places and mouthing Asked: "Handsome guy, do you want to do it?"

Liu Ligan asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

The index finger and thumb of the woman's left hand formed a circle, and the index finger of her right hand kept inserting itself into the circle. Liu Ligan almost laughed and teased her: "How much?"

"Ten dollars."

"right here?"

The woman nodded.

"So many people?" Liu Li asked curiously.

The woman walked to the side of the bridge pier, took out a roll of mats, and told Liu Ligan that he could do it by standing around the mats.

"Will you give me ten yuan when you're done?" Liu Ligan asked.

The woman rolled her eyes at him, knowing that he was just looking for fun, so she ignored him and walked away to look for other people.

Liu Ligan looked around and was secretly surprised to find that there were several women swinging like this under the bridge.

Two hundred on Haixiu Road. Jianqiang’s wife next door didn’t know how much it was. Ten yuan here seemed to be able to meet the needs of all walks of life. Only then did Liu Ligan realize that at that time, all the streets and alleys in Haicheng were full of video studios. , those video halls showed all Category III films, those people who ran out shirtless after watching the films, where did they go to vent their hormones.

Haicheng looked very chaotic in this regard, but at that time, the annual gang rape rate was zero. Liu Ligan didn't know if this had anything to do with these human fast food.

Two or three more women came over one after another and asked Liu Ligan if he could do it. Liu Ligan was annoyed. Although he was not sleepy at all, he still pretended to be asleep to avoid them harassing him again.

At about 2:30, Liu stood up and went to Longzhu Building to continue his afternoon cleaning.

Liu Ligan went to a trading company. The office director was a young man about his age. He held his business card a little strangely and asked, "Why, are all the reporters out to advertise now?"

Liu Ligan talked nonsense with him and told him that promoting advertisements was just to help the advertising department. My main job was to understand Haicheng's current labor demand and talent gaps.

The other party was doubtful, but he still kept his business card carefully.

Liu Ligan walked out of the company's door and wanted to go upstairs to continue washing. When he walked to the corridor, a voice suddenly came from behind:

"Liu Lipole!"

Liu Ligan turned around and saw the person standing behind him. He also shouted excitedly: "Chen Qihang!"

"When I saw you coming out of the office, I asked you why you looked so familiar. I didn't expect it was you." Chen Qihang said with a smile.

"Are you in this company?"

"Yes, this is my classmate's uncle's company. What do you want to do here?" Chen Qihang asked.

Liu Ligan hesitated for a long time, and Chen Qihang came over and put his arm around his shoulders: "Let's go, comrade, go back and sit down."

Chen Qihang brought Liu Ligan back to the office. The director was a little surprised to see Liu Ligan back with Chen Qihang. Chen Qihang introduced Liu Ligan: "This is my classmate, Li Yong."

Then he introduced to Li Yong: "This is the friend I told you we met in Hai'an, Liu Ligan, from Zhejiang University."

Li Yong shouted: "It turns out it's you, sit down quickly, sit down quickly."

The three of them went to the sofa and sat down. Chen Qihang asked who else was there, Zhang Chen and his girlfriend, how were they?

Liu Ligan told him that Jin Lili had found a job, but Zhang Chen was still looking for it.

He turned to Li Yong and said, I'm sorry, I lied to you before. In fact, I have been looking for a job for more than ten days, but I couldn't find it, so I started this advertising job. In fact, I am not a reporter. That press card is just It was to make it easier for us to get past the security guards.

"I understand, there are too many college students in Haicheng now, and it's hard to find jobs." Li Yong said, "We are lucky to have a company like my uncle here, otherwise, our fate would be the same as yours."

"Yes, so many college students came all at once." Liu Ligan also sighed with emotion. He told the two of them how he slept in Haicheng Park that night. When he talked about the whole park singing the Internationale, Chen Qihang And Li Yong's eyes were also moist.

"Damn it, these are all our comrades!" Chen Qihang cursed.

"It's a pity that our abilities are limited and we can't help them." Li Yong was not very sad.

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