The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 414 Looking for a job along the street

Xiao Zhao rode for more than ten laps before slowing down. When he arrived in front of Zhang Chen, he stopped the car and got off easily.

"My dear, this car is so nice to ride. Why do I feel like I won't get off once I get on it?"

Xiao Zhao was so excited that he was a little incoherent, and Zhang Chen laughed.

"Do you like it?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I like it, and it's this color." Xiao Zhao exclaimed. She finally thought of the most critical question and asked: "Honey, how much does this car cost?"

"One hundred and eighty-five."

"Ah, it's so expensive! It costs me one and a half months' salary!" Xiao Zhao looked a little unhappy and said, "My dear, why did you buy such an expensive car?"

"I'll give you a ride."

"I, I, I don't want to ride such an expensive car. I'll just go to the second-hand car market and buy an old car." Xiao Zhao pouted.

"No." Zhang Chen shook his head and said, "Think about it, the chain on an old car is easy to fall off. If you ride halfway and the chain falls off, is there anything you can do?"

Xiao Zhao shook his head.

"Also, that old car, ten or nine times, has no ring except the bell. In this car, except for the bell, have you heard any other ring?"

Xiao Zhao shook his head again.

As Zhang Chen spoke, he pressed the car bell and made a series of crisp sounds.

"If you see it, ring the bell." Zhang Chen said, Xiao Zhao nodded.

"And the most important thing..." Zhang Chen stopped talking halfway and just smiled.

Xiao Zhao asked: "What is the most important thing?"

Zhang Chen still laughed.

Xiao Zhao said angrily: "Guo Guo, just say it, just say it."

Zhang Chen said: "How can my woman ride an old car?"

Xiao Zhao giggled and said, "Okay, okay, all three reasons are correct, but the last one is the most correct."

"Ouch!" Xiao Zhao suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked quickly.

"Your woman ran out without even washing her face."

Zhang Chen laughed loudly.

After lunch, Zhang Chen asked Xiao Zhao, "Are you going to ride there by yourself, or should I take you?"

"Now there are cars and people on the road, so why don't you take me with you?" Xiao Zhao thought of a question. She asked: "You went out in the morning and didn't ride a bike?"

"Let's ride."

"Then how did you get this car back?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "How did Hagen bring my car over, so I will bring your car back."

"Ah, it turns out you can ride two cars together, that's awesome."

"Of course." Zhang Chen said proudly, "Adore me, right?"

"Worship, worship, worship greatly."

The two of them went downstairs. Zhang Chen unlocked the bike and was about to go out. However, Xiao Zhao stopped, staring at the new bicycle, feeling that he could no longer move his feet.

Zhang Chen looked back, laughed, and said, "It's better to ride it, otherwise will you miss it?"

Xiao Zhao nodded and said to Zhang Chen sadly, "Yes, I will think about it all day."

"Then ride."

Xiao Zhao hesitated: "But there are so many cars and people on the road."

Zhang Chen looked at his watch and said to Xiao Zhao: "It doesn't matter, it's still early. Let's ride slower. I'll ride beside you. Nothing will happen."



"Then I ride?"


Xiao Zhao took out the car keys from her bag and opened the lock. She held the handlebars with both hands, took a deep breath, and made up her mind: "Just ride, it's not a big deal if you fall, as long as you don't fall on the car."

Zhang Chen almost laughed when he heard this. If he fell while riding a bicycle, he would only fall if he fell. However, Zhang Chen still comforted Xiao Zhao and said, "It's okay. This bicycle is not made of glass." , ride.”

Xiao Zhao was riding a bicycle. He was very nervous at first. He squeezed the handlebars tightly with both hands and felt that his palms were sweating. After riding for a while, the small road ended on Hanghai Road and he felt that the road suddenly became wider. , Xiao Zhao felt relieved when there were not as many cars and people on the road as he had imagined.

The car lanes and sidewalks on Hanghai Road were not separated. Along the way, Zhang Chen rode on the inside of the road, separating Xiao Zhao from the cars on the highway. This made Xiao Zhao relax a lot.

The two of them rode to the Hongqi Hotel, Xiao Zhao pushed the cart in, and Zhang Chen continued to ride forward, but he was at a loss. He didn't know where he should go next.

Although I was confused, my feet didn't stop, and I kept riding forward, and involuntarily arrived at Wulin Square again.

Zhang Chen passed the three-way intersection between Stadium Road and Yan'an Road and arrived at the intersection of Stadium Road and Exhibition Hall Road. He stood on tiptoes and stopped the car. He looked both ways. He had already visited the International Building on the left and Hangzhou on the right. I have already been to Hangcheng Building, which is past the City Theater. Where else can I go next?

Zhang Chen sighed and decided to continue riding along Stadium Road in the direction of Hangzhou University to see if there were any hotels with companies inside.

Zhang Chen rode forward for dozens of meters, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He saw the back door of the Hangcheng Theater, close to the Civil Aviation Building, and there was a bungalow built on the passage. The house was not big, six or seven meters deep and wide. Half a meter wider than the rolling shutter door, on the lintel of the house hangs the words "Cultural Advertisement".

Zhang Chen quickly got out of the car, pushed the bicycle to the sidewalk, parked it against a cement pole, locked it, took out the chain lock from the front basket, and locked the bicycle again. to the telephone pole.

A passerby passed by, looked at it, smiled and shook his head. He must be wondering, is it necessary to add two locks to such a broken car in broad daylight?

Zhang Chen has become accustomed to this kind of people and this kind of eyes these days. Zhang Chen thought to himself, how could you know that my car was borrowed? If it was stolen, he would have no way to explain it to others.

Zhang Chen walked into the cultural advertisement with a picture folder on his back. Inside, there were two young people with shawl long hair. They both looked like masters, as if they were afraid that others would not know that they were engaged in art.

There is no desk in the house, only a wooden table three to four meters long and more than one meter wide, with a few stools scattered around. This wooden table is both their workbench and their office desk. Two people, one for A ruler and a utility knife were used to carve words on a piece of self-adhesive paper, and there was another person who was drawing something on the paper with a pen.

When Zhang Chen walked in, neither of them raised their heads. Zhang Chen shouted: "Hello!"

The one who was painting raised his head, saw Zhang Chen carrying a painting folder, and asked, "Who introduced you here?"

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, then said, "No, no, no one introduced me, I came here on my own."

"Do you have business?" the other party asked right out of the gate.

Zhang Chen was confused when asked: "What business?"

The other party looked at him and ignored him. Zhang Chen stood there awkwardly, neither retreating nor advancing, and he didn't even know what to say when he spoke again.

After five or six minutes like this, the carving man finished his work. He threw the utility knife on the table and picked up the cup to pour water, only to find that Zhang Chen was still standing at the door.

He first walked inside and poured a glass of water, then walked out while drinking, walked up to Zhang Chen, and asked him: "From the Academy of Fine Arts?"

Zhang Chen shook his head.

"What are you here for?"

"Let me ask if you need anyone here."

"What can you do?"

"I, I can do design." Zhang Chen said.

The two people inside laughed. The one who was painting turned his head to look at Zhang Chen, shook his head, and then turned back to do his own business.

The one standing took a sip of water and said to Zhang Chen, "We all know how to design. The most important thing here is design."

"Then what do you lack?"

"There is a lack of business. If you have business, come in and talk. If there is no business, go wherever you need to go."

"What kind of business?"

"Light boxes, signboards, neon lights, outdoor advertisements, words on roofs, slogans on the street, anything can be used. You can buy and sell whatever you have." He said, flicking his long hair, motioning towards the wall, and continued. :

"See for yourself. As long as it is listed on the business license, you can do it. You can take the business and do it yourself. When you want to sign a contract or issue an invoice, come to us and charge an eight-point service fee."

Zhang Chen looked at the business license on the wall. The main business on the top is advertising production and business conference services. The side business on the bottom is more than the main business, including retail and wholesale of stationery, hardware, daily chemical products, sugar, and wine. , pastries and other non-staple food, etc., a long list, a dazzling array.

Zhang Chen has none of these businesses.

Zhang Chen didn't know how he left there. He only felt that he came out of there, walked to the telephone pole, opened the chain lock, opened the bicycle lock, pushed the bicycle down the sidewalk, got on the bicycle and rode At that time, the two masters must have been standing in the door, looking at him with mocking eyes.

When they watch themselves opening locks one by one, they will definitely feel that they are more ridiculous monsters than those people.

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