The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 413 Cycling Home

The shops on the street are now back to normal and are even open at night. Zhang Chen rode his bicycle to the nearest Federation of Trade Unions building. He walked to the daily necessities counter and bought Xiao Zhao clam oil, which is used to treat chilblains. I went to a place that sells gloves and bought a pair of leather gloves for myself and Xiao Zhao, to wear when riding.

Zhang Chen saw a kind of woolen glove on the counter. It was half-cut. There were five holes for the five fingers. The fingers were exposed through the holes, but the palms were tightly wrapped. Zhang Chen thought to himself, little Zhao can wear it when he goes to work, which keeps him warm without affecting his work.

Zhang Chen returned to the Hongqi Hotel. Xiao Zhao was very happy when she saw the things he bought. She put on and took off her leather gloves and told Zhang Chen that she would not be afraid of falling when riding like this.

Zhang Chen gave the woolen gloves to Xiao Zhao. Xiao Zhao opened his eyes wide and shouted, "How many did you buy?"

"Ten pairs."

"Why buy so many?"

"I'm worried that you won't want to wear it because you're afraid of getting it dirty when you're working. Now that you've bought it, there's no way to return it. Don't be reluctant to wear it. Do you understand?"

Xiao Zhao nodded: "I understand."

"Put it on quickly and try to see if it's warm."

Xiao Zhao put on his gloves, flexed and released his ten fingers, flexed and released them, slapped his palms twice, then stretched them out, rubbed them on Zhang Chen's face, and chuckled:

"It's very warm, thank you dear!"

The friction of the woolen gloves made Zhang Chen's face itchy.

It was almost half past nine when Xiulian arrived. Anyway, it was like this every day. She didn't even want to explain that there was something urgent at home, and Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao didn't bother to listen.

As soon as she came in, she shouted: "Oyaki Oyaki, you can go."

That tone and look made it seem like she had arrived half an hour early, and they should have thanked her in turn.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao didn't bother to argue with her, so they stood up and went out. At around nine o'clock in the winter evening, Qingtai Street was already sparsely populated. In this weather, everyone went to bed early and got into a warm bed.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao put on their new gloves. Zhang Chen patted the seat cushion of the bicycle and said to Xiao Zhao, "Come on, you come and ride."

"Here? On the street?"

Xiao Zhao was startled, Zhang Chen said yes, what is the difference between here and the playground? You can also get familiar with the terrain. Besides, you will have to ride on the street sooner or later.

When Xiao Zhao heard that it made sense, he thought to himself, there is no need to set aside time to learn to ride a bicycle. He can learn to ride a bicycle on the way to get off work.

Xiao Zhao was riding a bicycle, and Zhang Chen was running behind him, reminding Xiao Zhao what to pay attention to while running.

The ride on Qingtai Street ended and we reached the Qingtai Overpass. When we were going uphill, Xiao Zhao stepped on it twice and couldn't move much anymore. The faucet began to swing from side to side. Zhang Chen quickly pushed behind. Xiao Zhao asked Zhang Chen, are you tired? Not tired.

"Not tired." Zhang Chen said.

Xiao Zhao pushed hard, thinking that Zhang Chen could save some energy this way.

I rode to the bridge above and saw the Chengzhan Railway Station under the bridge on the right. A train was coming into the station. Xiao Zhao shouted "Train, train, dear, I want to see the train."

Xiao Zhao got off the car, Zhang Chen took the car, lifted it to the sidewalk and parked it. The two of them leaned on the bridge railing and watched the train slowly stop on the brightly lit platform.

The empty platform suddenly became lively. There were passengers getting on and off the train, passengers who had not yet arrived at the station and got off the train to have a smoke and fresh air, and hungry passengers who got off the train one after another. A small stall selling food was suddenly surrounded.

As the two of them looked at each other, they thought of the scene when they arrived here that night. Xiao Zhao looked at the passengers on the platform and thought to himself, these people are really pitiful. They haven't arrived home yet and they have to continue on their way, but he is already here. In the city, they have their own home and their own job. When they get home, they will have a warm bed.

When Xiao Zhao thought about this, she almost cried. She sniffed. Zhang Chen asked her what was wrong. Xiao Zhao shook his head and said it was nothing.

Zhang Chen looked at her, Xiao Zhao also looked at Zhang Chen, and put his head on Zhang Chen's chest. Zhang Chen hugged her, and the two of them hugged and kissed each other for a long time on the bridge in this cold winter night. .

The sound of whistles sounded on the platform, and the train conductor held a hand-held horn, calling passengers to get on the train. The lively platform suddenly became empty, and then there were bells ringing, the train whistled, and then there was another long whistle. After two short beeps, the gud-dong-gud-dong started.

When the train passed under the overpass, white mist steamed up from below, engulfing the two hugging people and their bicycles.

When the train drove away and the surroundings became quiet, the two people separated. Zhang Chen said softly, "Let's go." Xiao Zhao said "Yeah".

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said that when going downhill, you should hold the brake with your hand and release it little by little. If you feel that the speed of the car is too fast, squeeze the brake, but don't squeeze it too fast or squeeze it to death. If you brake suddenly, you will fall.

Xiao Zhao said okay, I understand.

Zhang Chen followed behind, still uneasy, holding on to the schoolbag rack. When the speed was too fast, he pulled back and reminded Xiao Zhao to brake until he reached the bridge.

On the section of Hanghai Road from Qingtai Overpass Bridge to Qiutao Road, there was no one in Sijiqing at night, so Zhang Chen sat on the schoolbag rack with his legs crossed and let Xiao Zhao take him.

After passing Qiutao Road, there were more and more cars on Hanghai Road. Zhang Chen got out of the car, and Xiao Zhao jumped out of the car. She didn't dare to ride anymore. She said, there are so many cars, dear, you should ride it. .

Zhang Chen encouraged her and said, it's okay, just keep riding and I'll follow.

Zhang Chen asked Xiao Zhao to ride close to the roadside. He turned to the side of the bicycle closer to the center of the road, so that if something happened, he could hold the bike and prevent it from falling into the middle of the road.

When the two of them arrived home, it was already past eleven o'clock. The journey that usually took them more than half an hour took them a full two hours, and Zhang Chen basically ran back with him.

Xiao Zhao was very excited. She felt that riding a bicycle on the road was more exciting than riding on the school playground. She asked Zhang Chen: "Dear, am I good at riding a bicycle?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, of course, you have already ridden home from work.

Xiao Zhao was so happy that he gave Zhang Chen a kiss.

The next day, Zhang Chen went out early. Xiao Zhao lay on the bed and listened to Zhang Chen go downstairs. He said hello to the landlord and handed him a cigarette. The two stood chatting.

Xiao Zhao moved his head to the pillow where Zhang Chen had slept. There was still Zhang Chen's breath on the pillow. Xiao Zhao sighed with satisfaction and fell asleep again.

When she woke up, it was already past ten o'clock. Xiao Zhao was surprised. She felt like she heard Zhang Chen's voice. She thought she heard it wrong and raised her ears. Yes, it was indeed Zhang Chen and the landlord. Brother, let’s chat in the yard below.

Xiao Zhao sat up. She remembered that before she fell asleep, she heard Zhang Chen chatting with the landlord. Did he never leave? Why did he have so much to say? Or is it back again? But it's only around ten o'clock now. Even if he comes back, he won't be so early?

Xiao Zhao quickly got up, walked to the corridor at the door and looked down. She was shocked. She saw a brand new rose-red women's bicycle parked in the yard below. Zhang Chen was holding a wrench and removing all the screws on the bicycle one by one. He tightened it, and the landlord helped him hold the car.

Xiao Zhao couldn't help shouting, and the two people below looked up. Before Zhang Chen could speak, the landlord shouted: "Come down quickly, you have a new bicycle to ride."

Xiao Zhao quickly ran downstairs and took a closer look. He felt that the car was even more beautiful.

This is a Hangzhou-made "Angel" women's bicycle. The front gear is a slanted arc. It is not like Zhang Chen's tripod with a horizontal gear. Xiao Zhao has to use his right foot very hard to get on and off the bike. When you lift up the rung from here to the other side, you always feel like you are in a hurry. But this one is very easy to get on and off the car.

"Where did this car come from?"

Xiao Zhao felt a little confused and asked. Zhang Chen and the landlord both laughed.

"Of course I bought it," Zhang Chen said.

"If he could steal such a new car, the thief would be rich." The landlord also said.

Zhang Chen touched the middle of the handlebar and said to Xiao Zhao, "See, the steel seal has been stamped."

He took out a small book with a dark blue plastic cover from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Zhao. Xiao Zhao saw that it was a bicycle driving license and opened it. His name was written inside, and Xiao Zhao couldn't help but laugh.

"Look, I'm happy." The landlord smiled.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said: "Sit on it and try it to see how high the seat is."

Xiao Zhao sat on it and felt that the seat of this car was much more comfortable than Zhang Chen's. She pedaled and found that the car was much lighter than Zhang Chen's. She couldn't help but pedal a few more times and rode out of the yard. Zhang Chen ran out with a wrench in his hand. He said, "Go ride two laps on the playground." Xiao Zhao said "Yeah" and rode towards the school playground.

Zhang Chen ran behind.

When he arrived at the school playground, Zhang Chen stopped, knowing that he no longer needed to follow.

Xiao Zhao rode his bicycle faster and faster on the playground. He rode five or six laps. After each lap, when he came close to Zhang Chen, he rang a bunch of bells and giggled at the same time.

Zhang Chen clapped his hands and praised her for riding well, and Xiao Zhao pedaled harder.

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