The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 415 Woke up early

It was Xiao Zhao's turn for the morning shift. She had gotten up before five o'clock. Zhang Chen was also ready to get up and ride with her. Xiao Zhao held Zhang Chen down and said to him, "Go to sleep well. I have already ridden there and back." , ride slower, it’ll be okay.

Xiao Zhao told Zhang Chen that she wanted to have a piece of Erchuan at noon today and asked Zhang Chen to send it to her at noon.

"If you have something to do, don't rush over. I'll go to the snack bar and buy two buns." Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen thought to himself, what will happen to me? I am not running into obstacles everywhere.

At six o'clock, Xiao Zhao went out on time. As soon as she left, Zhang Chen got out of bed. He was still worried and made up his mind to see Xiao Zhao off during the three morning shifts. After three days, nothing happened. You can safely let her ride alone.

Anyway, I was in bed, thinking about things, and it was impossible to sleep well.

The harder life gets, Zhang Chen feels that he and Xiao Zhao become more attached to each other. Is this the so-called sharing weal and woe?

Zhang Chen hurriedly put on his clothes and went downstairs. Xiao Zhao had already left the courtyard.

At six o'clock in the winter, it was still dark. Zhang Chen rode out on his bike, stepped hard, and chased Xiao Zhao ten meters away. He slowed down the car and felt that he was just following Xiao Zhao. Not letting Xiao Zhao know, I feel at ease, and I can also practice Xiao Zhao's ability to ride alone. If anything happens, I can get there in one go.

Xiao Zhao was sitting on the car seat with her back straight and looking forward intently. It could be seen from her back that she was still very nervous and could not even bother to look back. Zhang Chen just followed her. It can't be found at all.

Zhang Chen followed Hanghai Road. Although there are street lights here, because it is a suburb, the street lights are far apart. The cars on the road all have their high lights on, without caring about the feelings of cyclists on the roadside. Zhang Chen thought in his heart Cursing these drivers, he suddenly became nervous. He really wanted to catch up and ride side by side with Xiao Zhao, but he held back.

Fortunately, when Xiao Zhao saw a large truck approaching from the opposite direction and her eyes were blinded by the headlights and she couldn't see anything clearly, she would get out of the car first and wait for the truck to pass before she got back on the road.

Zhang Chen felt slightly relieved.

After crossing Qiutao Road and riding four to five hundred meters further, they arrived at Sijiqing. Zhang Chen was startled. It was already a bit dark at this time. Sijiqing was very different from the time they passed by it a few days ago. It was very lively, the stalls in the markets on both sides were open, and the road was crowded with buses from other places and people carrying large and small bags to buy goods.

Although security guards were guiding these buses into the parking lot behind the market, the road was still blocked due to too many buses.

Xiao Zhao got out of the car a long time ago and was pushing the cart on the sidewalk. Zhang Chen also got out of the car and followed her. From time to time there were people carrying bags. They couldn't see clearly what was going on around them and would bump into them. There were too many people and everyone was too impatient. The person who hit me didn't even bother to say sorry and disappeared into the crowd.

Zhang Chen heard the crowds around him speaking with local accents and local dialects. He even heard someone behind him cursing in Yongcheng dialect. When he turned around, he couldn't figure out whose mouth the sound came from. .

It took them more than ten minutes to walk over a short distance of more than 200 meters. After passing the Hangcheng Water Pump Factory, the number of people began to decrease, and there were fewer people going this way. Across the road, coming from the direction of Qingtai Overpass. There were many people, pulling carts or carrying bags. It looked like they had just gotten off the train and were rushing over to buy goods.

Xiao Zhao got on the bike again after crossing Hanghai Road. When he reached the Qingtai Overpass, he stopped riding halfway up and couldn't ride anymore. He jumped off the bike again and pushed the bike to the top of the bridge.

It was going downhill, so Zhang Chen hurried forward, shortening the distance between them, and his heart was in his throat.

Fortunately, when Xiao Zhao was going downhill, she kept remembering what he said and held the brakes, not daring to let the speed go too fast. Other cars whizzed past her, and when a guy rode alongside Xiao Zhao, He deliberately shook the car, which startled Xiao Zhao. He also shook the car, but luckily he did not fall.

The guy turned to look at Xiao Zhao and laughed wildly: "Little girl, hurry up and chase me."

Xiao Zhao cursed a gangster, and the guy let go of the handbrake, continued to slide down the slope with a smile, and rode away.

Zhang Chen really wanted to catch up and punch this guy, but he still held back.

Zhang Chen followed Xiao Zhao until he reached the intersection of Youshengguan Road. He stopped the car and did not turn right, for fear of being discovered by Xiao Zhao, so she would not let him follow her tomorrow no matter what.

He stood at the intersection and watched Xiao Zhao get off the car at the entrance of the Hongqi Hotel and push the car into the door.

Zhang Chen then breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the time and saw that it was still four or five minutes before seven o'clock. It was so dangerous, and it was all caused by the road in Sijiqing.

At this time, Zhang Chen had nowhere to go. He thought about it and turned the car around at this intersection. He wanted to visit Sijiqing and see what the place was like.

When Zhang Chen arrived at Sijiqing, he saw three markets in a row on the left side of the road, namely Sijiqing Clothing Wholesale Market, Suhang Clothing City, and beyond that was Changqing Clothing Wholesale Market. Opposite Sijiqing Clothing Wholesale Market, Hangzhou On the right side of the sea road, there is a pedestrian bridge. Walk over it and you will find the Sijiqing Garment City.

Zhang Chen parked his car in the parking lot between Sijiqing Clothing Wholesale Market and Suhang Clothing City, locked the car, and went to Sijiqing Clothing Wholesale Market first.

On both sides of the narrow passage, there are stalls of seven or eight square meters. Each stall is filled with bundles of clothes. The stalls are near the door of the passage, and there are clothing models standing upright, so as not to be knocked down by people passing by. Some models also had a rope tied around their necks and connected to the door frame of the rolling shutter door.

The standard configuration of each stall is a boss or proprietress and two salesmen, making the already crowded stall even more crowded. The boss or proprietress sits at a small table inside and is responsible for the cashier. The two salesmen stand at Between the stalls and the aisles, they are responsible for soliciting business and shipping goods. They are all wearing the clothes being sold in the stalls today.

The passage was crowded with customers pulling small carts to buy goods. Zhang Chen walked through the crowd and saw stalls on both sides with different businesses.

Stores with good business are crowded with people at the door. Everyone holds a wad of money in their hands and shouts, "Give me a few items in size S, a few items in size M, a few items in size L, or simply one, two, one, Two, four, two, three, six, three... every color is matched.

The stores with the best business are almost rushing to buy goods. The store owners are afraid of people crowding into the store, so they simply pull down the roller shutters halfway. The proprietress hangs her wallet around her neck or wraps a belt bag around her waist. While collecting money, she opens the door from the half-open door. The door faces outside to deliver goods, and two salesmen stand outside the door, receiving the goods and collecting money at the same time.

As soon as the goods arrived in their hands, they were immediately snatched away. Some customers started arguing over whether the clothes were yours or mine.

At such a stall, the boss will personally take action. He will stand outside and keep an eye on it to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to take the goods and sneak away without paying.

In just a few dozen minutes, all the goods in the store were sold out. Both the proprietress and the salesperson had their voices hoarse by now. They looked like they had just experienced a war and were a little exhausted, but their faces and hearts were filled with excitement. Be happy.

After finishing the morning market, they had time to have breakfast.

For such stalls, there are often stalls next to or opposite that have little business. The stalls are filled with clothes. Both the proprietress and the waiters will look at their neighbors coldly with hostile eyes, squint their faces, and scold them in an evil voice. Those who were rushing to buy goods met the models at their door.

From time to time, the salesperson will call: "Come and take a look, the new spring clothes, the hottest items that have just been launched."

But customers took one look inside their store and didn't stop.

In the same market, some people are happy and some are sad. Zhang Chen shook his head.

There are also stalls, and the store is full of clothes, but neither the boss nor the salesperson is in a hurry. They are waiting for their regular customers. These regular customers are merchants from wholesale markets all over the country. They wholesale the clothes here and then wholesale them to retailers.

The regular customers came and packed a dozen large woven bags, and the stores immediately emptied out. Even though they were inconspicuous and seemed to have little business, their daily shipment volume was no better than those who were rushing to buy goods. There are few shops.

What's more, when they opened the door, there were no clothes in the store. Instead, there were piles of packed woven bags. On the woven belts, "Zhengzhou Asia", "Harbin Qiulin", "Zhengzhou Asia" and "Harbin Qiulin" were written in markers. "Chongqing Chaotianmen" and so on.

Their customers didn't even come. They were waiting for the people in the market who specialized in pulling goods to come, take the goods to the shipping department, and send them out directly.

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