The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 359 Moving forward in the darkness

Liu Yun's car was in front, followed by Wu Zhaohui. Liu Ligan directed the driver not to go up to the South Bridge, but to go under the bridge. There was a small road there that could only accommodate one car, and he could go to Mr. Xie's factory. It's their piece of land that will be bisected by the new Longkun South Road.

On that ground, there was their shattered dream of Chinatown. Liu Ligan thought to himself that Zhang Chen should have gone there.

Not long after the car drove out from under the South Bridge, the road was blocked. There was a wooden sign at the end of the road with the words "Construction ahead, this road is closed".

Liu Ligan directed the car to exit and go around Hongcheng Lake.

When they arrived at Airport Road and passed the intersection of Airport Road and Daying Road, Meng Ping, Chen Qihang, and Huang Jianren also arrived and were waiting for them on the roadside. Huang Jianren had already parked his motorcycle at the parking lot on the roadside, and Xu Jiaqing and two others, Got into Wu Zhaohui's car.

After passing the airport, it suddenly narrowed. After driving forward for another five or six minutes, we were out of the city. The asphalt road under the car also disappeared and turned into a bumpy dirt road.

The four cars meandered all the way for twenty minutes before they arrived at the Hongcheng Lake. Liu Yun was in the car, and she became confused. She asked Liu Ligan: "It's so far away and so remote. Could Zhang Chen come here?" "

Liu Ligan was becoming more and more unsure. Yes, if the path past Nandaqiao was still open and the road was not too far, Zhang Chen would probably go there, but would it still be possible if he took this road, especially night?

Liu Ligan sighed and said sadly: "If it's not here yet, then we don't need to look for it anymore. I really can't think of where he might have gone."

They drove along Hongcheng Lake for a while, and when they reached a three-way intersection, Liu Ligan asked the driver to turn right. The car lights illuminated a wooden sign at the intersection, with mottled writing on it: "Strong Military Area, No Access." There is also an abandoned guard box on the side of the road.

This was the facility when it was still a shooting range of the Armed Police Force. Now it is no longer an important place, but a wasteland. Even Liu Ligan has almost forgotten it.

They continued forward for five or six minutes and arrived at Mr. Xie's factory. The door of the factory was actually open. They turned in and parked the car in the open space in the yard.

When the car turned in, Liu Ligan's heart was already cold. If he hadn't seen Zhang Chen when he got here, it would be impossible for Zhang Chen to come here. The roadside outside was full of shrubs as tall as one person. And weeds and nothing else.

They got out of the car and walked towards the factory building. The whole house was dark without a trace of light. Liu Ligan walked to the door and knocked on it. There was no movement at all inside the door.

Liu Yun's driver came over with a battery light and shined a light on the door. They saw a big lock on the door.

Liu Ligan understood that everything in this place had been sold out by Yilin's mother and the others. Now, Lao Xie couldn't even bear to send anyone left behind here.

"There is no one. Zhang Chen has never been here." Liu Ligan was almost crying. "We can't find him. This bastard has gone."

"Everyone, please stop making noise and listen carefully." Liu Yun said. She took her big brother from Li Yong's hand and said, "I'll buckle him and let's listen to the sound of the BB machine."

Liu Yun turned on the mobile phone and found that there was no signal at all.

"There is a phone inside, but we can't get in at all," Liu Ligan said.

Wu Zhaohui took the battery light from Liu Yun's driver's hand. He searched along the factory building. The windows of the factory building were all opened at a height of four or five meters. They were also a row of transom windows with steel grilles. It was impossible to climb in. possible.

Wu Chaohui thought to himself, what the hell, just find a rock and smash the lock, he is not Mr. Liu’s friend, at worst he will be punished tomorrow.

He looked around for a while, but couldn't find the stone, so he walked outside the gate. He thought that there must be stones left behind during road construction in the grass on the roadside.

He walked outside the gate and suddenly shouted: "Come here quickly, someone has been here."

People in the yard heard the cry and ran out quickly. Wu Zhaohui swept the ground with a lamppost and said to them: "Look, this cigarette butt is still fresh."

Everyone saw that there were indeed five or six cigarette butts in the light beam. Wu Zhaohui was right, the cigarette butts were still fresh, and there was no dust on the filter. Everyone suddenly became excited.

"Zhang Chen should have been here before and has gone back now." Liu Yun said.

"It's impossible. If he goes back, Yilin will call me." Liu Ligan said.

"He hit you, did your phone call go through?" Liu Yun asked. Liu Ligan suddenly realized, yes, that must be the case. He felt like a huge stone fell to the ground in his heart.

"Look, what is that?" Qian Fang shouted.

Everyone followed the direction of her finger and saw a bright light in the distance on the lower left. Liu Ligan was surprised. He said, "There is a depression there, and there is no one there."

"Let's go and take a look. If there's nothing there, Mr. Zhang must have gone back." Meng Ping called.

Meng Ping ran back to his car and also brought a battery lamp. Wu Zhaohui was in front and Meng Ping was last, and they headed in that direction.

They vaguely found a road in the bushes. The road wound downwards, getting lower and lower. They walked for four or five minutes. Meng Ping used the battery light in his hand to shine behind him. The factory building just now was already there. above their heads.

The light in front was getting bigger and bigger, changing constantly, and seemed to be moving. The group of people were confused and didn't know what it was.

"I know, it's a will-o'-the-wisp." Wu Zhaohui said, but there was no hint of fear in his voice. He said: "When I was a child, I played hide and seek at night and hid in the cemetery. I saw a will-o'-the-wisp. Yes, it was just like this. , I have also encountered this before when I drove late at night."

"Can you stop fucking talking?" Chen Jie scolded.

"What are so many people afraid of? Even if there are ghosts, let's catch them and take them back for fun." Wu Zhaohui said nonchalantly.

"Damn it, are the will-o'-the-wisps so big?" Liu Ligan scolded, "What if the King of Hell holds a conference of ten thousand ghosts here?"

Wu Zhaohui stopped and asked Liu Ligan: "What was this place before?"

"The shooting range of the Armed Police Force."

"Haha, I understand, this is not just a shooting range."

"What is that?" Wei Wenfang, who was following Wu Zhaohui, asked tremblingly.

"The execution ground is the place where people are shot. The people we shot there were shot at the army's shooting range."

Wu Zhaohui's words surprised everyone, but Liu Ligan felt that this guy's words still made sense. It was reasonable to shoot people at the shooting range.

"Haha, people are shot here in Haicheng every year. There are so many ghosts who are shot here. Why do you think this will-o'-the-wisp is not big?"

Wu Chaohui became more and more excited as he spoke. Wei Wenfang, who was following him, was frightened. He subconsciously took two steps back and stepped on Liu Ligan's foot. Liu Ligan subconsciously pushed her, and Wei Wenfang screamed "Ah!" .

The screams were quickly blown away by the wind.

"You go behind me." Liu Ligan and Wei Wenfang said, and Wei Wenfang quickly changed positions with Liu Ligan.

Qian Fang, who was walking in front of Meng Ping, did not dare to be ranked second to last. She wanted to push forward, but Li Yong gave way to her.

The team simply stopped and reorganized the group. Wu Zhaohui, Liu Ligan and Chen Qihang were at the front. Meng Ping, Liu Yun's driver and Li Yong were at the back. All the girls were crowded in the middle, including Huang Jianren and Xu Jiaqing. At the same time, he didn't care if others laughed at him.

Li Yong told the girls that you'd better hold hands, as ghosts will come out from the side. If you walk carefully, there will be one less person.

Liu Yun turned around and punched him, making Li Yong laugh.

Liu Ligan also acted mischievously. He said, "Xu Jiaqing, be careful. Don't keep walking. Huang Jianren will turn into a female ghost."

"I'm going to die!" Xu Jiaqing cursed, and everyone laughed.

"Well, I wonder if I will meet a female gunman. They say that female gunmen are very beautiful." Wu Zhaohui said.

"Why?" Chen Qihang asked curiously.

"Nine times out of ten, female killers are out to fool around and murder their husbands, just like that Pan Jinlian. If she looks ugly, if she wants to mess around, people won't want to do it with her."

"It makes sense." Chen Qihang nodded.

Liu Ligan couldn't help laughing and said: "Who the hell have you heard telling you this?"

"We who drive trucks, the cab is full of hitchhikers every day, so we don't hear any stories. Master Sun, right?"

Master Sun was Liu Yun's driver. When Wu Zhaohui called him, he said yes, and it was true.

After such a commotion, everyone's nervous hearts relaxed. Liu Ligan and Wu Zhaohui said: "Let's go."

The road and the bushes disappeared together. There was no road in front of them. Between them and the light was a large expanse of knee-high weeds.

Wu Chaohui used a battery lamp to shine on the grass in front of him. He took off his shirt. Liu Ligan asked, "What are you doing?"

"Go to the back. It's all thatched. Those wearing skirts should wrap their legs to be careful not to get cut." Wu Zhaohui said.

There were three girls in skirts, Wei Wenfang, Liu Yun and Xu Jiaqing. Wu Zhaohui’s shirt was given to Wei Wenfang, Liu Li’s shirt was given to Liu Yun, and the rest were T-shirts. There were no shirts left. Chen Jie and Huang Jianren said:

"Show me your T-shirt and give it to Jiaqing."

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