When Liu Ligan rushed to the downstairs of Longzhu Building, Chen Qihang, Li Yong, Wu Zhaohui, and Wei Wenfang had already arrived. After a while, Meng Ping, Cao Xiaohe, and Qian Fang also arrived.

They stood at the steps of Longzhu Building. From time to time, vans and motorcycles stopped in front of them. Ye Yilan, Xu Jiaqing, Chen Jie, and Huang Jianren all arrived one after another.

Liu Ligan's eldest brother rang, and he picked up. It was Cao Guoqing.

Cao Guoqing told him that he had searched all over Haixiu Road but could not find Mr. Zhang. I met Azheng, who is also helping to search now. We are going to expand the search to Wuzhishan Road, Datong Road and Airport Road.

Liu Ligan said yes. When he was about to hang up, he suddenly remembered that he said, Xiao Cao, take someone to search in Haicheng Park. We slept in Haicheng Park on the first day we arrived in Haicheng last year. .

OK, I get it. Cao Guoqing said.

Just after hanging up Cao Guoqing's call, Liu Ligan's big brother rang again. He picked up and it was Wenwen. Wenwen told him that they were already home and did not see Brother Zhang Chen.

Liu Ligan breathed a sigh of relief and said, It's great that you are home. I was worried about Yilin alone. Zhang Chen is back and wants to go out again. Yilin can't stop him, so just come back.

Liu Ligan thought for a moment, and then he said to Wenwen: "Wenwen, let Qianqian wait at home, and you and Yilin go look for it on the streets of Binya Village, especially that stall. Is this bastard going to do it?" We were looking for him everywhere, but he was drinking alone."

After hanging up Wenwen's call, Liu Yun also arrived. As soon as Liu Yun arrived, she told them, "Come on, let's all think about which places Zhang Chen is most familiar with, and then we can divide the work."

After listing all the places Zhang Chen might go, Liu Yun said that according to Zhang Chen's personality, he is most likely to go to the beach to relax at this time, and the beach is the focus.

Everyone knew that it was nice for her to talk about relaxing, but there were more serious consequences that she would not and did not have to say.

Liu Yun arranged for Meng Ping to go to Holiday Beach with Cao Xiaohe and Qian Fang, and Chen Qihang went to Baishamen with Li Yong, Ye Yilan, and Chen Jie. Liu Yun gave her eldest brother to Li Yong and told him to call him if he found anything.

Liu Yun arranged for Huang Jianren to ride a motorcycle and take Xu Jiaqing to Daying Road. Liu Ligan said that Zhang Chen might go drinking alone. Liu Yun asked Huang Jianren and Xu Jiaqing to look for every hot pot restaurant on Daying Road, especially those who wanted to go there. Run into the shop and look at the tables inside.

Among the group of people, only Wu Zhaohui and Wei Wenfang did not have a big brother, so Liu Yun arranged for them to go to Tailong City. Tailong City had convenient telephones and no communication difficulties.

Liu Ligan specially told Wu Zhaohui to go to that Hunan restaurant.

The gathered people quickly dispersed, leaving only Liu Yun and Liu Ligan.

Liu Yun and Liu Ligan said, you get in my car and we drive around the city. If you think of a place, we will go there.

They first went to the Dongyang Hot Pot Restaurant. The hot pot restaurant served late-night snacks and didn't close until about three in the morning. When they arrived, it was the time when there were the fewest diners, but it was still half full, two people. I went in and walked around, but I didn't see Zhang Chen.

They then went to the Coconut Chicken Hot Pot Restaurant, but Zhang Chen was nowhere to be seen.

Cao Guoqing and the others should have been to Haicheng Park diagonally across Wuzhishan Road, but Liu Ligan still refused to give up. He felt that this was the most likely place for Zhang Chen to come, and Liu Yun also agreed with him.

Liu Ligan asked the driver to park the car at the entrance of Haicheng Park. He and Liu Yun deliberately ran in again and ran to the grassland where they slept in the open on the first night in Haicheng. There were several people lying on the grass. With luggage piled around them, their situation today was obviously the same as Liu Ligan's and his friends a year ago.

The two of them were in Haicheng Park, but they still didn't see Zhang Chen.

Liu Ligan asked the driver to go to the Northeastern restaurant that Zhang Chen renovated. When they arrived, they found that the restaurant had closed due to poor management. The four characters "store transfer" were posted on the glass door.

The two men stood looking at each other.

"Think about it again, where else could he go?" Liu Yun urged Liu Ligan.

Liu Ligan couldn't think of it after thinking for a long time. He shook his head and said, "He is not me. I have traveled all over Haicheng. He is a person who doesn't like to run around. He goes to and from work every day, and the construction site and home are at two o'clock. First line, I really can’t think of where else he would go.”

"Let's go take a look at your project." Liu Yun said, "That place is not far from Lili's company. Could he have gone there along the way?"

Liu Ligan thought it made sense, and they immediately walked to the Guomao. When they arrived at the land, under the car lights, apart from the newly built wall and the flat land, there was only the solitary billboard standing there. , apart from that, not even a blade of grass can be seen, let alone a human being.

The driver got out of the car, held a battery lamp, and looked around, but saw no one.

Liu Ligan and Liu Yun stood there, feeling at a loss. Liu Yun asked Liu Ligan, Lily and Zhang Chen, how could this happen?

Liu Ligan said, how do I know? They were really very good when they were in their hometown. I am the one who is going to call the theater troupe now to tell them that Zhang Chen and Jin Lili broke up. They won’t believe it and think that I Just kidding.

"Still ignorant." Liu Yun said.

"What did you say?"

"I say Lily, she still has little knowledge. The scariest thing about a woman is that she has little knowledge. She cannot withstand the temptation, and then she will forget herself. She will feel that the whole world should let her go. Whatever she does is right, and others are wrong. "

Liu Yun sighed and continued: "Although Lily is my friend, I actually look down on such a woman."

"Just say it's shallow." Liu Ligan said.

"It's not shallow, it's different from shallow knowledge." Liu Yun said, "You can see the stupidity of shallow people, and sometimes they look cute. People with shallow knowledge seem to be very smart, but in fact they are just like The transparent cup placed only on the bottom of the water, from a distance, it seems that the whole world belongs to her, but in fact, all she can hold is her own small cup."

"Interesting." Liu Ligan smiled.

"She is full every day and cannot hold anything more. Let me tell you, such a person will be even more miserable when they grow old. They will become very mean. They think that the whole world owes her and has abandoned her. In fact, she is the one who owes her everything. She has never really given anything, and since she is full of herself, she cannot tolerate the world beyond that small cup, which is destined to be a tragedy."

"Why do these words sound so inspired?"

"Of course, my mother is such a person. Don't be scared when you see her in the future." Liu Yun said with a smile, "I realized this when I was in junior high school, so I have been reminding myself to constantly correct myself. Don’t become like her.”

"That makes sense. No wonder Lily broke up with Zhang Chen today."

"Yes, it's not surprising. She only has herself in her heart. When everyone thinks it shouldn't be done, she will feel that this is the best time for her to make a choice. In her opinion, other people's feelings are inexplicable and shouldn't be done."

Because she couldn't think of where they needed to go, Liu Yun asked the driver to take them around the streets of Haicheng. She and Liu Ligan were talking and looking outside the car. She said, maybe they accidentally Just like what Lao Xin said in his poem, people searched for him thousands of times, but suddenly looking back, he found that person in a dimly lit place.

It was past ten o'clock, and calls from all parties were coming in one after another. Every call was disappointing. No one had any news about Zhang Chen.

Next, they were going to look around Haicheng like Liu Ligan and Liu Yun, hoping to get lucky.

Wei Wenfang was still attentive. They didn't find Zhang Chen in Tailong City. She told Wu Zhaohui that we would start from the Financial Garden and go to where Mr. Liu and the others lived. Maybe Mr. Zhang was delayed on his way back. .

They then drove slowly from the Financial Garden to Yilin's house. They met Wenwen and Yilin at the door. Knowing that Zhang Chen had not come back, Wei Wenfang said, let's go all the way back.

When Wu Zhaohui drove to the Guomao intersection, he saw Liu Yun's car in front of him. They turned around and then back. Wu Zhaohui honked the horn. Liu Ligan saw them and asked the driver to pull over downstairs of Longzhu Building. Wu Zhaohui parked the car behind theirs, and the four of them got out of the car and walked together, shaking their heads at each other.

Liu Yun sighed, she said, this Haicheng is not that big, but she didn't expect that it would be so difficult to find someone.

"Of course, finding someone is the most troublesome." Wu Zhaohui said, "Once, a worker's child disappeared in our factory. In such a big factory area, hundreds of workers in our factory searched together for a long time. Finally I found him in the thatch."

Liu Ligan's eyes lit up, he slapped Wu Zhaohui on the shoulder, and shouted: "Great, there is still a place to go, everyone, get in the car quickly!"

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