Liu Ligan ran downstairs and got on his motorcycle. The first thing he thought of going to was Wanghai Tower.

There are not many people on the construction site, but the training hall is still there, and the people who practice boxing are there. Many of them are already working at other construction sites, but they still come here to practice boxing at night.

As soon as Liu Ligan appeared at the door, Cao Guoqing ran over. Liu Ligan told Cao Guoqing, "Zhang Chen is missing. I'm worried that something will happen to him. You should immediately have someone guard the lobby of Wanghai International Hotel and the entrance of Wanghai Mall." , when he saw Zhang Chen, he grabbed him and didn’t let him go before he called me again.

Cao Guoqing said yes.

Also, bring someone else to search these places, including the rooftop, especially where Fu works. He may still be in the office at night, and Zhang Chen might come looking for him.

Liu Ligan was in a state of confusion. After what happened at Wanghailou in the morning and the humiliation from Jin Lili and Mr. Xia just now, he was not sure about Zhang Chen's current state. He might have gone home and fell on the bed, or he might He would come to Wanghai Tower to seek revenge on Fu, and he might even climb to the top of Wanghai Tower and jump off.

This dull guy, when he gets really ruthless, there's nothing he won't do!

Cao Guoqing said I understand. He immediately called all the boxing practitioners over and arranged four people to guard the gates of Wanghai Mall. He told them that when you see Mr. Zhang, don’t say anything and just carry others. Get here and don't let him go.

He arranged for two other people and told them, "Go and wait in the hotel lobby. When you see Mr. Zhang, they will do the same thing and carry him over to me."

The six people left immediately. Liu Ligan and Cao Guoqing said that the remaining people should be divided into two groups. You can lead one group to the roof of the mall and Fu's office, and the other group will go to the roof of the hotel immediately. , and then search down layer by layer.

Cao Guoqing said yes and walked out with his men. Liu Li held him back and warned him, "The search inside is over. Don't leave the people at the door. Keep guard until I find Mr. Zhang and detain you."

Cao Guoqing nodded and said yes.

Liu Ligan saw Yilin in the crowd, he pulled Yilin over and told him, you go home right away. If Brother Zhang Chen is at home, you go to the store and call me. If he doesn't come home, you wait at home. If you see him come back, tell me.

Yilin said yes, he ran to his bicycle, got on the bicycle, and he almost stood on the bicycle. He kicked hard a few times, and he and the bicycle disappeared from the gate of Wuzhishan Road in an instant.

After everyone had left, Liu Ligan got on his motorcycle and headed towards Wenmingdong. He did not dare to let Cao Guoqing and the others go to Wenmingdong to look for him. Judging from Azheng’s words in the morning and the subsequent situation, he felt that Zhang Chen and the old witch If something happened, no matter what they had, it was difficult to talk about it and couldn't be known to the outside world. Liu Ligan didn't know if Zhang Chen would come to see her, so he could only go and see for himself.

Liu Ligan arrived at the door. The door below was closed. Liu Ligan pushed the door and went in. It was dark inside. Only the end of the front hall and the passage near the back patio had a little light. Liu Ligan walked in the dark to the patio on the first floor. Looking up, the first and second floors were dark, and only the third floor had lights on.

Liu Ligan walked all the way to the third floor. The light came from the living room on the other side of the platform. Liu Ligan walked through the corridor at the door of the kitchen, then turned around the platform and walked towards the living room with the door open.

Liu Ligan walked to the door and was stunned for a moment. He saw Gu Shufang sitting there alone, facing the door, staring intently at the opposite wall. There was a portrait hanging on the wall. The character in the painting was Gu. Shufang.

Liu Ligan guessed at a glance that this painting was painted by Zhang Chen.

Gu Shufang heard the noise outside and turned around. She was startled when she saw Liu Ligan standing at the door, but she quickly calmed down and said angrily: "Who asked you to come up?"

"Has Zhang Chen been here?" Liu Ligan didn't bother to argue with her and asked straight to the point.

Gu Shufang was obviously flustered, then shook her head.

Liu Ligan turned around and left, and Gu Shufang chased him out. When she reached the platform, Liu Ligan had already gone downstairs. Gu Shufang shouted: "What's wrong with Zhang Chen? Hey, what's wrong with Zhang Chen?"

Liu Ligan ignored her and continued walking downstairs. He walked to the stairwell from the second floor to the first floor. Thinking of something, Liu Ligan turned around and went back. By this time, Gu Shufang had already walked to the stairway to the third floor and put her hand down. The street lights were also turned on, and she watched Liu Ligan return.

Liu Ligan took out his business card, handed it to Gu Shufang, and said to her: "If you still care about him a little bit, if he comes, you must call me."

After Liu Ligan finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Gu Shufang standing there alone.

Liu Ligan rode his motorcycle back to Yilin's house. Under the light of the motorcycle, he saw Yilin sitting on a stool at the entrance of the courtyard from a distance. When he saw a motorcycle coming, he stood up.

As soon as Liu Ligan turned off the engine, Yilin shouted, Brother Zhang Chen didn't come back.

Liu Ligan parked his motorcycle, took out his mobile phone, and dunked Zhang Chen. He told the lady at the paging desk, "Please help me dunk Zhang Chen three times in a row."

Liu Ligan's eldest brother rang. It was Wanghailou's phone. He quickly picked up the call. Cao Guoqing told him on the phone that we had searched inside and couldn't find Mr. Zhang.

Liu Ligan said yes, the people guarding the door will continue to guard. You can take the people and walk around Haixiu Road to see if he is on Haixiu Road.

Cao Guoqing said yes.

Liu Ligan dunked Zhang Chen again, and he said to the lady at the paging desk: "Please help me dunk ten times in a row. The content is, wherever you are, we are looking for you!"

"I'm sorry, sir, we have a rule that a maximum of three deductions are allowed at a time." The lady at the paging desk said on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, you can dunk it a hundred times for me."

The pager girl chuckled and said, "No, sir."

Liu Ligan suddenly became angry for no apparent reason. He said, "Your paging station is on the 17th floor of Quanta Building, right?"

"Yes, sir, how do you know?"

"I'm telling you, if you dunk a hundred times for me, if you don't do it once, I will bring someone to smash your paging station tomorrow!"

After Liu Ligan said viciously, he hung up the phone.

how could I know? I know all the buildings in Haicheng like the back of my hand. No matter which building you hide in the basement of, I can still find you.

"Brother Ganzi, will Brother Zhang Chen go to Sister Wenwen's place? Don't men like to go to women to drink when they have something to worry about?" Yilin asked.

No matter how worried Liu Ligan was, he couldn't help but laugh at this moment. He reached out and touched Yilin's head and said with a smile: "You are a little kid, but you are a big kid. You even know this."

"What's the matter? My bad boy dad likes to drink with women the most. He gets drunk every time and is thrown into the street by those women." Yilin said.

Yilin's words reminded Liu Ligan of a person, that girl named Xiao Zhao, who had a refreshing fragrance. Would Zhang Chen go to find her?

Liu Ligan felt that this was a possibility, but unfortunately, he had no idea where this person would be.

In the mood to give it a try, Liu Ligan tugged on Wenwen. After a while, the phone rang, and Liu Ligan quickly picked it up. It was very noisy on the phone. When he heard that he was in the KTV box, Wenwen shouted loudly. Said: "I'm at work and I borrowed a customer's phone. If you have any questions, let it go!"

"Have you seen Zhang Chen?"

"No, what's wrong with Brother Zhang Chen?"

"Missing, can't be found, Lily told him to break up last night!"

"Ah!" Wenwen cried out, "Then he can't think about it?"

"How do I know?" Liu Ligan hung up the phone angrily.

Wenwen returned the big brother to the guest. The guest put her arm around her waist and asked Wenwen to continue playing dice. Wenwen thought for a moment and said to the guest: "Brother, I'm sorry, I have to leave in a hurry. You can find someone else." How are you, little sister? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I promise to accompany you well next time."

After Wenwen finished speaking, she stood up. She walked to the other side of the box and pulled Qianqian up. Qianqian was confused and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Hurry up, brother Zhang Chen can't be found."

The customer next to Qianqian got angry, threw a glass of wine over her, and cursed: "Leave? What the hell do you mean?"

Wenwen wiped the wine on her face and said to them: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, brothers, my family member is missing and can't be found. He may commit suicide. We have to find him immediately. I'm sorry!"

Zhang Chen disappeared, and Liu Ligan was left alone. He felt like the sky was about to fall.

He called Liu Yun and told her the matter briefly. Liu Yun said okay, pole, I know, don't worry, I'll come right away and we'll mobilize more people to look for it. Haicheng is not big, so don't worry if you can't find it. arrive.

Liu Ligan said yes, and Liu Yun continued, I will call Qihang and Li Yong, and we will meet downstairs in Longzhu Building. We will divide the work first and then go find them.

Liu Ligan said yes.

Liu Ligan then called Meng Ping. Meng Ping was socializing outside. When he heard about this, he said, I will come right away. Longzhu Building? Okay, I understand. By the way, I called everyone in the company and they all know Zhang Chen.

Liu Ligan then detained Wu Zhaohui, Wei Wenfang and Chen Jie, called Huang Jianren and asked them all to go to Longzhu Building. Meng Ping and Liu Yun were right. Haicheng is not big, so they will definitely find Zhang Chen. We need it now. Call everyone who knows Zhang Chen together and implement the human sea tactic.

After making the call, Liu Ligan looked at Yilin, and Yilin said, "Brother Ganzi, go quickly. I'm here. If Brother Zhang Chen comes back, I will call you."

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