The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 360 Fireflies fly slowly

The surrounding grass is getting shorter and shorter, and finally turns into a lawn. When people step on it, the soles of their feet are soft. The bright light is getting bigger and bigger. When you get closer, the light has turned into a blue-green halo, which is dense. It covers dozens of square meters.

Several girls clucked softly almost at the same time. No wonder they didn't expect that this bright light was emitted by fireflies. When they came here, there were already some fireflies wandering around the outside of the large army, in front of and behind them. Flying up and down.

There should be no fireflies in this season. Why are there so many here? A group of people were stunned. They felt that all the fireflies in the world should have arrived here at this moment to create such a spectacular scene.

Wu Zhaohui and Liu Ligan in front had already stopped, and the people behind came up and stood almost in a row with them. The battery lights in Wu Zhaohui and Meng Ping's hands were still on, but they were no longer useful. They were surrounded by a blue-green world. The light of the world is brighter than their light.

Everyone stood there, looking at each other and holding their breath. They seemed to be in an illusory world. They were afraid that their noise would disturb the world. They looked at each other and saw that there were blue-green stains on other people's faces and bodies. The light is flowing slowly, filtering layer by layer, making them bluer and greener, giving people a very unreal feeling.

So many fireflies were flying in front of them. There was a bright light in front of them, but they could not see very far. Their eyes were blocked by the light, or rather, they were covered by these shining lights, which were completely transparent and filled with thick fog. The fireflies were blocked.

Liu Yun blinked and looked around. Her eyes were attracted by a place four or five meters away. She asked quietly: "What is that?"

Everyone looked over and saw a black shadow on the ground there, looming in the green light. Liu Ligan walked towards there, and the others followed him. The soles of their feet were soft. There were so many people. It moves silently.

As he walked, Liu Ligan couldn't help but quicken his pace, and took a deep breath. The shadow looked more and more like a person lying there, and more and more like Zhang Chen's shadow. Something had happened to him. ?

Liu Ligan took two quick steps to the front, stood there, looked around, and then turned around. Everyone saw that the smile on his face was green.

Everyone gathered around, almost laughing out loud.

They saw Zhang Chen lying on his side with his head on his bag and his back to them. Fireflies flew around silently, spreading blue-green light all over his body. Snoring, body heaving together.

Liu Ligan knelt down and gently shook Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen might be too tired and slept deeply, but he didn't wake up this time. Liu Ligan shook it a few more times, and then Zhang Chen He slowly opened his eyes, turned around, and was surprised to see so many people around him. He sat up and asked:

"Why are you here?"

"Fucking we are all looking for you, but you are sleeping soundly here alone." Liu Ligan scolded.

"Why are you looking for me?" Zhang Chen asked strangely.

"Oh, we met by chance. We wanted to drink. Now, I thought of you. Everyone is here, how can we be missing you?" Meng Ping said quickly.

"That's right." Chen Qihang also said.

"How can so many of you meet together?" Zhang Chen looked at Liu Ligan with doubts in his eyes.

"It's like this, Mr. Zhang, the design company in Hong Kong, the renderings designed for us have arrived. I called Mr. Liu. When Mr. Liu arrived at the company, he called other people and asked them to come to the company for reference. Please refer to it and give your opinion." Wei Wenfang said.

"Yeah, you didn't react until I was dunked." Liu Ligan said.

Although Zhang Chen was still hesitant about this reason, he still made sense.

Liu Yun retreated outside the crowd, feeling her eyes moist.

"No, then how do you know I'm here?" Zhang Chen asked.

"You're still fucking asking us," Liu Ligan scolded, "How did you get here?"

"Take a caravan."

"Where's the caravan?"

"I sent him back."

"You don't know that person?"


"The one who drives a caravan."

"How do I know him?"

"But he knows you, and he also knows Wu Zhaohui. He told Wu Zhaohui that he was just fooling around and didn't know what was wrong with you. He wanted to run to Hongcheng Lake and come here. How the hell did I know you were here? Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen felt something was wrong and wanted to ask something else. Qian Fang quickly interrupted: "Mr. Zhang, how did you find this fairyland-like place?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "I was here last time."

"When? When we came, wasn't it always daytime? I was there. Where did the fireflies come from during the day?" Liu Ligan said.

"Very early on, when I was working on the Chinatown project, one night I had no inspiration. I came here alone and saw so many fireflies... Li Yong, be careful!"

Zhang Chen saw Li Yong walking toward the brightest place in front and shouted loudly. Li Yong stopped and turned around in surprise.

"There is a swamp ahead. I fell into it last time and almost couldn't climb out." Zhang Chen and Li Yong said, and Li Yong quickly retreated.

Zhang Chen was still sitting there, and everyone followed him and even sat down on the lawn. Everyone wanted to stay in such an unreal world for a while longer and leave the real world behind.

"The inspiration for your Chinatown comes from these fireflies?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Yes, when I was painting, I felt sorry for these fireflies. Pole, if our Chinatown project starts, this place will definitely disappear, and these fireflies will have no home."

Zhang Chen looked around, his eyes were melancholy, and he said: "Look at these fireflies, they seem so weak, but in the end, they defeated us. Our dreams were shattered, but they are still there."

These words sounded a little sad, and everyone was silent. Meng Ping and Chen Qihang lay down on the grass, looking up at the light above their heads, so close.

Liu Ligan asked Zhang Chen: "Why did you think of coming here?"

Zhang Chen was silent. After a long time, he murmured in a whisper: "There's nothing left, right? I just wanted to come and see if these fireflies are still there. Fortunately, they didn't disappoint me. They're still here. It's October." , and there are so many fireflies, don’t you think it’s strange? When I got here, I felt that they were waiting for me.”

"Wait for us, we are coming too." Liu Yun said.

"Haha, yes, these fireflies, I guess I have never seen so many people in my life." Zhang Chen laughed.

"Same, I have never seen so many fireflies in my life." Wu Zhaohui shouted.

"Isn't this will-o'-the-wisp beautiful?" Chen Jie asked.

Wei Wenfang made a face at Wu Zhaohui: "I am the female shooter."

"Then he is going to be possessed by a ghost." Chen Jie said, and everyone laughed.

"Mr. Zhang, you asked the Pengpeng cars to go back. Are you planning to stay here and not leave?" Xu Jiaqing asked.

"Yes, I wanted to wait here until dawn to see where they live during the day, but unexpectedly they fell asleep."

Zhang Chen said it easily, but everyone knew that he would not be so relaxed in his heart. Fortunately, the person was found, and everyone was still very happy. Liu Yun said, let's wait here together. I also want to see, there are so many Where do fireflies live?

OK, everyone cheered, and those fireflies continued to fly and fly, regardless of what these people wanted to do.

Meng Ping asked Cao Xiaohe quietly: "Are you okay? Is Yuanyuan at home?"

Cao Xiaohe shook her head. She said it was okay. I would put her at the neighbor's house, knowing that it would not be early today and they would take her to sleep.

Meng Ping said yes, he stood up, walked over and sat down next to Zhang Chen.

Meng Ping clapped his hands and said, let's all tell a joke, each one telling a joke. Starting from me, the rounds will start. I will be first, and Mr. Zhang will be second.

OK, everyone cheered again.

Meng Ping's joke made everyone laugh. Only Zhang Chen didn't laugh. Zhang Chen sat there and suddenly fell into a trance. He felt that the scene seemed familiar, just like that day on the beach in Sanya. However, he was an audience at that time, far away. The distance is behind the glass of the hotel room, and today, he is also in it, so who will be watching us from a distance?

Meng Ping patted Zhang Chen's thigh and told him, I'm done, it's your turn, Mr. Zhang.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, it's my turn, what's my turn?

He looked at Meng Ping and then remembered. It turned out that Meng Ping had finished telling his joke and it was time to tell it by himself. What did he say? Zhang Chen felt dizzy. He looked at the people forming a circle around him. , with a pair of kind eyes, Zhang Chen smiled, then smiled again, and said:

"I don't think I need to tell jokes. I'm sitting here. You see, I am a joke."

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