The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 340 Meng Ping’s Land

Early the next morning, Liu Ligan was awakened by the sound of squeaking downstairs. He got up and walked outside the door, looked down, and couldn't help but feel happy.

He saw Yilin's mother remove the safety cage from the window on the first floor and put it on the tricycle. The carriage of the tricycle immediately turned into a large iron cage. She was holding a vise and using wire to secure the safety cage. One side of the cage is fixed to the iron guardrail of the tricycle carriage.

Liu Ligan ran down to help. The two of them fixed one side. Liu Ligan wanted to fix the other side. Yilin's mother quickly stopped her and told him that there was no need for that side. The chickens had to be taken in and out from there. Liu Ligan Understood.

Yilin's mother took out a pile of old fishing nets from the utility room in the yard and cut them into pieces. Liu Ligan was surprised and thought, why are we using fishing nets?

When Yilin's mother tied them between the unfixed three-sided cage and the guardrail of the tricycle, Liu Ligan understood that when the cage was opened and closed like this, the chickens would not be able to fly out. Haha, that's okay. It is really the wisdom of the working people, and Liu Ligan greatly admires it.

Yilin's mother cut a hole in the net on one side and tied it with a rope when not in use. After untying the rope, you can reach in and catch the chicken.

Yilin's mother told Liu Ligan that the distance between the cages was too wide, and she had to tie some ropes across them so that even thin chickens could not fly out.

Liu Ligan gave her an idea and said, can you just put the old fishing net directly on top?

Yilin's mother said no, the net would have to be given to other people. Every family has this cage, and now that we are no longer fishing, not every family has a fishing net.

Wu Zhaohui parked the car at the door and honked the horn. Both Yilin's mother and Liu Ligan saw the car at the door. Yilin's mother said, "You go, I can finish the rest in a while."

Liu Ligan went upstairs, washed up, came down, got in the car, and told Wu Zhaohui to pick up Mr. Zhang at Wanghai Tower.

They picked up Zhang Chen at Wanghai Tower and went downstairs to Meng Ping's company. Meng Ping and the others were already waiting for them. Meng Ping saw that a car for five people would be enough, and told Cao Xiaohe that you should stay at home.

He took Qian Fang and got into Liu Ligan's car.

As soon as he got in the car, Meng Ping excitedly told Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan that the land we were going to see totaled 120 acres. It was a very large area. It was a little off, but the scenery was first-rate. The first-line sea view is very suitable whether it is a resort, a hotel, a sanatorium, or a villa. You will know after you go and see it.

After a while, Meng Ping sighed again. He said, "It's a pity that I don't have money, poles, or a strong partner like you. Otherwise, I would be reluctant to sell it to others."

"Then take it and wait for the opportunity." Zhang Chen said.

Meng Ping shook his head: "I can't keep it, I can't keep it. The land transfer money hasn't been paid in full yet, so I'll lose everything in my hands."

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping said, the ghost guy who rented you the car has obtained a real estate company license. This guy brought two friends from Hong Kong to look for my mistress yesterday. They also want to set up a real estate company.

"Oh, really?" Meng Ping asked.

Qian Fang said on the side: "I have a university classmate from mainland China who knows that I work in a real estate company in Hainan. He also called me yesterday to inquire about some things. Their company also seems to be interested in setting up a real estate company in Haicheng."

Meng Ping was silent, staring straight out of the window. Qian Fang looked at him and asked, what are you thinking about?

"That's wrong." Meng Ping said.

"What's wrong?" Qian Fang asked confused.

"The wind has picked up, dragons are crouching on the Seven-Star Altar, and the east wind is blowing all night." Meng Ping murmured.

Qian Fang smiled and said: "What is this mess?"

When Liu Ligan heard this, he felt a shiver in his heart. He knew that this was an allusion to Zhuge Liang borrowing the east wind in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Their troupe's performance of "Borrowing the East Wind" contained these two lines of poetry, followed by two more lines. : "It wasn't Kong Ming's ingenious plan that made Zhou Lang'an succeed?"

"Meng Ping, what do you mean?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Looking at these things separately, they are all accidental. Taken together, they are not accidental. Based on my intuition, I feel that the wind is blowing. Pole, the opportunity for you and me may be coming soon. What you just did The feet are very accurate." Meng Ping said.

"You mean, it's related to the document that will be sent?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Of course, as long as the wind blows, it will get stronger and stronger. This world will never lack well-informed people and gossip." Meng Ping turned around and said to Qian Fang, "It seems that what we are talking about is There are several pieces of land that need to be grasped."

"Hold on tight, it's not like you don't know, those people..."

"It doesn't matter, you arrange the time, I will talk to them, and when it comes time to tell them directly, when the wind really picks up, not only will we lose the opportunity, but so will they. When everyone is watching, their officials are still too young, Can’t control it.”

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements." Qian Fang said.

"By the way, pole, the land transfer procedures are complete. The next planning and construction application procedures must be carried out quickly. As the same saying goes, when the wind really picks up, these departments will have more people looking for them. These Wuliu The threshold for gentlemen will rise. If you don't understand anything, you should ask Qian Fang."

Meng Ping told Liu Ligan that Liu Ligan said yes and you were right to remind him.

The road from Haicheng to Wenchang was relatively easy to walk. It took them more than two hours to walk on the more than 90 kilometers of provincial roads. It was almost one o'clock when they arrived at Wenchang County.

They were at a roadside restaurant by the highway and ordered some seafood and Wenchang chicken. Qian Fang also recommended that they eat lees vinegar. Each person had a bowl of cooked seafood and beef offal and haggis, poured lees vinegar on top, and took a mouthful. When it goes down, it's sour, spicy, sweet, and very delicious.

The five of them were sweating profusely after eating, and Liu Ligan shouted, "It's so satisfying. Where can I find this in Haicheng?"

Meng Ping said, I seemed to have seen it at the Dongmen Market when I was shopping for vegetables. I didn’t know what it was at the time. I thought it was fishy and didn’t dare to eat it. Only when I tasted it in Wenchang did I realize that it is a delicacy in the world.

After eating, we got on the bus and continued walking. Wenchang County was ahead of us.

Wenchang County is very small and is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese. The main street of the county is an old arcade street with Nanyang style built in the 1920s and 1930s by the overseas Chinese who returned to their hometown. The scale is not comparable to the old arcade street in Shanghai. It runs through the entire Wenchang County.

They entered from one end of the old street, and when they came out from the other end, they left Wenchang County. Meng Ping's land was in Hougang, and it took twenty minutes to drive out of the county.

They arrived at a three-way intersection. There was a sign at the end of the road with two arrows drawn on it. To the right was Qinglan Port, to the left was Touyuan. Behind a mangrove forest directly in front was Bamen Bay, Mengping. Direct Wu Chaohui to go left.

Wu Zhaohui turned the car onto the road leading to Touyuan on the left. Both Meng Ping and Qian Fang opened their eyes wide. Qian Fang asked: "Lao Meng, did you go wrong? Is this where we came yesterday?"

"Yes, there is no other way here." Meng Ping said this, but he was also confused in his heart.

"But Lao Meng, isn't this a river? There are mangroves along the river?"

The more Qian Fang looked, the more he felt something was wrong. When they came yesterday, there was clearly a large mangrove forest on the right side of the road. Outside the mangrove forest was a river, connecting the inland sea where Bamen Bay is located with the sea outside.

But today she saw endless green water on the right side of the road, with clusters of green leaves exposed in the blue water. The sun shone on the water, and she could vaguely see the shadows of trees swaying under the water.

The further he drove, the less confident Meng Ping became. He also thought that he was pointing the wrong way. When he was considering whether to let Wu Zhaohui go back, Qian Fang had sharp eyes. She pointed to a sign in front and shouted, "There." There, Lao Meng, look at that sign.

Meng Ping also saw the sign with the word "Ocean" written on it. Meng Ping breathed a sigh of relief. This is the right place. Entering from this path, there is a small village with seven or eight households. Outside the village, there is a small area near the seaside. Large tracts of land belong to them.

"Go to this small road. There is a sunbathing area inside where you can park." Meng Ping and Wu Zhaohui said.

Wu Zhaohui turned the car in and drove for five or six minutes until he arrived at the drying place Meng Ping was talking about. There were seven or eight households around the drying place, scattered irregularly among the green trees. It looked like a paradise. When they parked the car, several people walked out of the house next to the drying yard and looked at them curiously.

Meng Ping pointed to a sea lotus tree in front and said excitedly to Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan, "Did you see it? Behind this forest is my land, and outside is the sea. How about here?"

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan both said she was very beautiful.

"Haha, it's even more beautiful when you go to the beach. It's simply stunning." Meng Ping shouted.

The group of people walked along a path and passed through the sea lotus forest. Qian Fang exclaimed: "Lao Meng, where is our land?"

Meng Ping was also dumbfounded and shouted: "Yes, where is our land?"

In front of them was the turquoise sea, and behind them was the sea lotus forest they had just passed through. There was no large piece of land anywhere.

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