The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 341 The waves are teeth and the sky is lips

Meng Ping stood there blankly, his face pale, Qian Fang bit her lip, she said no, I want to find someone to ask.

Qian Fang turned around and walked into the Hailian Forest behind him. After a while, Qian Fang came with a villager in his thirties. When Liu Ligan saw him, he quickly went up to him and handed him a cigarette. .

"How is it?" Zhang Chen asked.

Qian Fang's eyes were red. She shook her head and said to Meng Ping, "Lao Meng, ask him."

After saying that, Qian Fang turned around, facing away from them, secretly wiping her tears.

Meng Ping calmed down and asked the villager: "Fellow, when we came here yesterday, we saw a large piece of land here."

"Yes, there is land here." The villager nodded and said.

"Then where is this land now?" Liu Ligan asked.

"In the sea, the tide is high now, and the land is under the water. When the tide goes out, the land will come out." The villager said.

"Then when will the tide recede?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Probably in more than half an hour."

"It's like this every day. Will the tide rise and fall?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Aren't all the seaside like this?" The villagers laughed, as if laughing at their lack of knowledge. He said: "A high tide lasts about more than an hour, and the tide usually rises every twelve hours."

It was almost twice that day. The tide ebbs and flows, and humans are not fish, so how can they live here? No wonder this large piece of land, when Meng Ping and others came here yesterday, saw that there were no plants planted by the villagers or any buildings on it, so it was abandoned there.

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen both felt that they should have thought of it before. They should be familiar with the ebb and flow of the sea. In the past, every time they went to Pingyang and Cangnan in Wenzhou to perform, during the day, they would also go to the beach to follow Local people rush to sea together.

Those tidal flats are submerged in the sea water when the tide is high, and when the tide is low, the endless dark mudflats are exposed. At this time, there are especially many sea melon seeds, flower cockles, razor clams, etc. They are barefoot and wearing faces. Pots and buckets, I pick them up while playing around, and I always get a big harvest.

However, when they got here, they were unfamiliar with the sea in Hainan, so they mistakenly thought that it was different from the sea in Wenzhou. Or was it better, as the fellow villagers said, that the seaside was not all like this?

"Okay, thank you, fellow villager." Liu Ligan handed another cigarette to the villager. The villager stood for a while. Seeing that they had nothing to ask, he raised his hand, said hello, and turned back.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan stood there dumbfounded. They thought this was too damn funny. They wanted to laugh, but looking at Meng Ping and Qian Fang, they couldn't.

Meng Ping and Qian Fang also understood that yesterday those people had planned a good time to bring them to see this land. This was a piece of waste land that no one would want. They also pretended to sell them favors, making them think they were getting a big deal. .

There was no high tide when they came yesterday, so they could see this land. When they turned around at the three-way intersection, they saw a small river and a large mangrove forest. Now, they are all in the endless blue water.

The clusters of green leaves they saw were the tops of the tallest trees, and the swaying tree shadows in the water were the mangroves of yesterday. From the scene of these trees being submerged, it seemed that the place was ebbing and flowing. , there should be a gap of two or three floors.

"These bastards!" Qian Fang cursed angrily.

Meng Ping squatted down, rubbed his face with his hands, and finally inserted his fingers into his hair and pulled his hair fiercely.

Zhang Chen walked over and patted him on the back. He wanted to say something but felt he couldn't, so he squatted down next to him.

Liu Ligan looked at their backs and felt a deep sadness. He thought that he had seen bad people, but he had never met such bad people as Meng Ping met. Meng Ping was really like a little daughter-in-law every day. He followed them and served them, but he didn't expect to be tricked by them in the end.

So many days and nights, so much money spent, but in the end, what I got in exchange was a pool of sea water in front of me.

"In the distance, the sea is smiling/The waves are teeth and the sky is lips/Uneasy girl/What are you selling/To raise your LF/Sir, what I sell is/The water of the sea."

This poem by Lorca suddenly popped up in Liu Ligan's mind. He thought, this world is really dangerous. Even the sea is smiling, but who would have thought that the waves are like teeth and the sky is like lips? , such a big mouth, how can you not be swallowed by it?

What Meng Ping bought was water from the sea, but what was sold to him was not some girl with a bulging LF, but some gentle robbers who even buttoned their shirts tightly, and maybe even wore glasses on the bridge of their noses. .

After a long time, Meng Ping raised his head. His eyes were red. He smiled and asked Zhang Chen: "Look, is this a sea view? Are you surprised?"

Zhang Chen comforted him and said: "The scenery here is quite good. If you build a villa or hotel, it can be built in the style of a stilted building, which may have a different flavor. After all, this tide is not a rising tide. Its ups and downs can still be predicted. As long as Just bury the pipe piles and raise the foundation of the house to a high enough level."

"Yes, yes, if that happens, this bad thing will turn into a good thing." Liu Ligan agreed.

"Driving pipe piles in the sea?" Meng Ping said with a wry smile, "How much will it cost?"

Meng Ping stood up, looked at the sea in the distance, and said fiercely: "I, Meng Ping, promise here that I will not let any of these bastards go, and I will kill them!"

Qian Fang stood there, sobbing softly. Meng Ping walked over, put his arm around her shoulders, and comforted her in turn: "It doesn't matter, we have so much land, and this is not the only one."

Qian Fang said anxiously: "I just can't figure it out. What we usually call our brothers and sisters speaks better than what we sing. How come we have offended them and want to trick us like this? Why are you trying to trick us if you can't get it out of the way?" of?"

Meng Ping said with a smile: "Perhaps in the eyes of these natives, we are automatically offering Daozu's fish and meat. If we don't cut it, it will be in vain."

Liu Ligan said: "It may be that I'm sorry for your shortcomings and softness, so I use this land to deal with you."

Meng Ping looked at Liu Ligan, shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "You are still kind."

On the way back, the people in the car were silent. Wu Zhaohui looked at them in the rearview mirror and thought to himself, these people, all of them are bosses and assistants, how could they be so stupid and be cheated? Wouldn't it be enough to come back from the trap again, find a buyer, and bring him over to take a look when the tide is low?

Wu Zhaohui wanted to say it, but thought about it and didn't say it.

Arriving downstairs in the Sanli Building, Zhang Chen asked Meng Ping whether we should have dinner together?

Meng Ping shook his head, he couldn't say, it would take two days.

Meng Ping and Qian Fang got out of the car and walked inside, their feet feeling a little shaky. Qian Fang stretched out her hand and held Meng Ping's hand, and the two of them continued walking inside together.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan looked at their backs and felt that their whole bodies shrank in a circle. They looked a little lonely and helpless, which was sad.

Zhang Chen sighed: "I didn't expect Lao Meng to fall so badly."

"There is no way, the world is dangerous. In the past, one person would be killed in ten steps, but now one is stabbed ten times in one step." Liu Ligan also sighed.

Wu Zhaohui couldn't bear it any longer. He told them his thoughts. Zhang Chen smiled and said, "That's right. I didn't expect that you can not only drive, but also have the potential to stab someone."

Liu Ligan said calmly: "If you really want to do it, why go to all the trouble? Find a bank with connections and take them over to see. I don't think the price of Lao Meng's land will be high when you get it. Those People are also afraid. If the trap is too bad, they will fight against you.

"The assessed value of this land can definitely be doubled if we do some work. If we mortgage this land to a bank, we can not only get back the money we paid for the land, but also make a lot of money. Wouldn't that be better?"

"Yes, then what are you worried about, Mr. Meng?" Wu Zhaohui called.

"This world is so big when you say it is big, so big that the person you want to find the most will disappear without a trace, and you can't find it no matter how hard you look for it. When you say it is small, it will be so small that you can't find it. Every time you go to the toilet, you'll meet people you don't expect."

As Liu Ligan spoke, he looked at Wu Chaohui. Wu Zhaohui thought he was about to get another slap and was ready to dodge. Unexpectedly, Liu Ligan sat still and continued:

"Unless you want to make a business and stop living in this city after you finish it, you have to understand that when you cut off other people's money, they will cut off your escape. Just wait and see, Meng Ping I’m not joking when I say I won’t let anyone go.”

Wu Zhaohui nodded in understanding, but Zhang Chen understood what Liu Ligan meant from what he said about not being able to find the person he was looking for.

Liu Ligan's eldest brother rang. After answering the phone, Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen said: "Meng Ping is right, the wind is really blowing. Just now, Lao Xie said that his friend also wanted to start a real estate company. Let me help you find connections to get a license.”

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