The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 339 Fancy deception

"Quick, think quickly, how to deceive you, Brother Zhang Chen." Liu Ligan and Wenwen Qianqian said.

"Just say you are about to die." Wu Zhaohui interrupted.

Liu Ligan became furious and cursed: "You are about to fucking die."

"Even if I'm about to die, it doesn't matter to Mr. Zhang." Wu Zhaohui said, Wenwen and Qianqian laughed.

Liu Ligan and Wenwen Qianqian said: "Ignore this nonsense, think about it quickly."

Wenwen smiled and pointed at Wu Chaohui, and said to Liu Ligan, "Just follow what Brother Chaohui said."

Liu Ligan glared at her and cursed: "You are worse than him."

"Okay, instead of saying you're dying, how about we just say you're unconscious?" Qianqian asked.

"Isn't that the same?" Liu Lizhan was still angry.

"That's right, let's just say that when we went home, we found you lying on the bed and you couldn't wake up no matter how you screamed." Wenwen said.

"Brother Zhang Chen will definitely say that he will come right away." Qianqian continued Wenwen's words, "We just told him, no need, we have already called an ambulance."

"Yes, don't you have to go through Wenming East to go to City No. 1 Hospital? If we let him wait in Wenming East, wouldn't he run out?" Wenwen became excited, clapped her hands and shouted.

"I think it's okay." Wu Zhaohui said. Liu Ligan glared at him. Wu Zhaohui immediately changed his mind and said, "Okay, the leader will announce that it's okay."

Liu Ligan thought for a while, and he also felt that this plan was feasible. He handed the big brother to Wenwen and told Wenwen, "Come and detain him."

"Do you want me to imitate the ambulance siren sound? I can imitate it very well." Wu Zhaohui said.

Liu Ligan waved his hand and hit the back of his head. Wu Zhaohui was already prepared. He ducked his head and dodged. Qianqian called from behind, "Brother Chaohui, you can learn from this and try."

Wu Zhaohui put his hands in front of his mouth, forming a horn shape, and imitated the sound of an ambulance siren. Even Liu Ligan had to admit that if he hadn't seen other people, this would really make people think that the ambulance was coming. .

Liu Ligan said: "The sirens are all outside the car. If they are inside, go outside."

Wu Zhaohui rolled down the window, got off the station and walked outside the car, imitating the siren sound.

Liu Ligan said it was okay, Wenwen, you can deduct Zhang Chen.

Wenwen dunked Zhang Chen, Wu Zhaohui bent down and wanted to ask something, but Liu Ligang scolded: "Don't stop."

Wu Chaohui stood next to the car, using his hands as a trumpet, and kept whining. The passing cars looked at him, thinking that he had drunk too much and was going crazy while standing on the roadside.

After a while, Liu Ligan's eldest brother made a loud noise.

"We're back, we're back." Wenwen shouted, pointing her finger at them and saying, "Don't even laugh."

Qianqian opened the door and said I'd better go down, I'm afraid I can't help it.

Wenwen pressed the answer button, and as soon as the call came through, she shouted: "It's not good, it's not good, Brother Zhang Chen, Brother Ganzi has passed out. Qianqian and I came back, but we couldn't wake him up."

Zhang Chen said "Ah", and then said as expected, Wenwen, don't worry, I'll be right over!

Wenwen said: "We called an ambulance and it should be here soon."

Liu Ligan winked at her anxiously, and Wenwen finally realized that Wu Zhaohui had been screaming outside. She should have said she was in the ambulance. How could she say the ambulance was coming?

Fortunately, Zhang Chen didn't realize this. He just asked urgently: "Which hospital are you going to? I'll be there right away."

"City No. 1 Hospital..."

"Well, you have to pass through Wenmingdong. I will wait on the side of the road. If you see me, ask the driver to stop."

"Okay, Brother Zhang Chen."

Wenwen put down the phone, and everyone inside and outside the car laughed.

Wu Zhaohui and Qianqian got into the car. Liu Ligan and Wu Zhaohui said, don't stop the sirens and continue.

"Why?" Wu Zhaohui asked.

"Let Zhang Chen hear it."

Wu Zhaohui said "Oh" and said, "We will learn it when we get to Wenmingdong." Later, Qianqian reached out her hand, pushed him on the back of the head, and cursed: "Are you stupid?"

Only then did Wu Zhaohui realize that he was not driving an ambulance. The siren sounded like a fart. He chuckled and said, "I was bypassed by this bad guy."

The others almost burst out laughing.

Zhang Chen stood at the entrance of the alley in Wenming East and looked to the left at the intersection of Boai South Road and Wenming East Road. If the ambulance was coming, it should turn out of this intersection.

He was a little anxious and a little strange. Liu Lizhan was fine when they broke up in the afternoon, so why did he pass out?

Zhang Chen thought, might he have suffered from heat stroke in that open space in the morning? This guy works hard during the day and also at night. He is just a hollow carrot. How can he withstand such a strong sun? Yes, it must be like this!

A car stopped in front of him. Zhang Chen frowned, moved a few steps, walked behind the car, and continued to look at the intersection. He was waiting for the ambulance to come, and was worried that he was standing here. Behind the car, Wenwen couldn't see him in the ambulance, so he simply moved two steps further away from the car.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone getting off the car, but he didn't bother to pay attention and continued to look around.

"Brother Zhang Chen!" someone shouted, and his shoulders were patted on both sides. Zhang Chen was startled. He turned around and saw Wenwen and Qianqian standing behind him. Zhang Chen asked urgently:

"Wenwen, save..."

It was also strange that he was too focused on the intersection just now. Even when the car stopped in front of him, he didn't realize that it was Liu Ligan's car. He saw Liu Ligan get out of the car, holding the door and laughing. Only then did Zhang Chen realize that he had been deceived and cursed: "What the hell are you doing?"

Wenwen stretched out her hand to touch his chest and said to him: "Don't be angry, don't be angry."

Qianqian took his arm and said to him: "Get in the car, Brother Zhang Chen."

They got Zhang Chen into the car. Wenwen and Qianqian, one on each side, sandwiched Zhang Chen in the middle. The two of them hugged his neck and hung on both sides of him, laughing. Liu Ligan and him Said: "These two die-hards must invite you to the Lion House for a midnight snack. Tell me, this is a good thing that only happens once in ten thousand years. Should I invite you?"

Zhang Chen also smiled. He looked at Wenwen and Qianqian on the left and right, and asked, "What good things do you have?"

"We'll talk about it when we get there." Wenwen giggled.

When they arrived at the Lion Tower, it was almost three o'clock. The peak time had passed, and they had a seat when they arrived.

But the performance was over, and Wu Zhaohui regretted it for a long time.

Qianqian gave Zhang Chen the recipe and told him that Zhang Chen would order first and he could order whatever he wanted.

Zhang Chen ordered two things and handed the recipe back to Qianqian. Qianqian handed it to Wu Zhaohui and said to him, it's your turn.

Wu Zhaohui flipped through the menu and shouted, "I want to eat it no matter what I look at."

"Then just eat this recipe book." Liu Ligan scolded.

Wu Zhaohui ordered four, and Liu Lipole rubbed his hands and shouted: "Haha, it's finally my turn."

He took the recipe from Wu Chaohui, but Qianqian took it back and shouted: "Whatever you order, you can eat whatever we eat."

Wenwen and Qianqian buried their heads together and quickly ordered a few more. It seemed that before they came, they had already made plans in their minds about what they would eat here.

Qianqian returned the recipe to the orderer and told her to serve it quickly.

Liu Ligan looked at Wenwen and Qianqian with his eyes wide open, and cursed, Damn, I can't be so undignified, can I?

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "There is a difference between inside and outside. Xiao Wu and I are outsiders."

"No, Brother Zhang Chen, you are not an outsider, he is." Wenwen pointed at Liu Ligan with her finger, Qianqian knocked her hand off and cursed:

"Oh, he's not even an outsider, he's a bad guy."

Zhang Chen laughed: "I agree with this."

Wu Zhaohui said: "I agree too."

Liu Ligan looked at Wu Zhaohui and asked, "Do you still want to get your salary this month?"

Wu Chaohui muttered: "Then you will be even worse."

Wenwen said: "Don't be afraid, if he doesn't give it to you, we will help you grab it."

Wu Zhaohui smiled and said, "Okay, I'll listen to the boss lady."

"My mother is fucking in Yongcheng." Liu Ligan raised his hand and put it down again when he saw people around him.

Zhang Chen looked at Wenwen and Qianqian and asked them: "Now you can tell me, what good things do you have?"

Wenwen smiled and said proudly: "We have obtained the foreigner's license."

"So fast?" Even Liu Ligan was surprised at this moment, "It's really a female general who takes action, one can defeat two others."

"I'll give you a beating," Zhang Chen said.

Liu Ligan chuckled: "Yes, yes, give me a beating."

"That foreigner brought two friends with him today and asked us to help him get two copies." Qianqian said.

"Great, then you really should treat us to a midnight snack." Liu Ligan said. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan both raised their glasses. Wu Zhaohui didn't know what they were talking about, but he also raised his glasses.

"But this foreigner asked us to ask them for 60,000 yuan and give him a 10,000 yuan kickback." Wenwen said.

Haha, Liu Ligan laughed and said: "This is him."

"However, he still didn't sing today, but he gave us a tip." Qianqian added.

"By the way, your brother Zhang Chen will apply for a license in a few days. How will you behave?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Really?" Wenwen looked at Zhang Chen and asked, Zhang Chen nodded.

"Then I will definitely go all out, Brother Zhang Chen. If Lao Ma doesn't sign immediately, I will beat him to death!" Wenwen said.

"Then Xiao Zhanbo wants to be verbose, so I'll just do it." Qianqian said, fanning her hands in front of her face.

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