The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 333 The Disappeared Leader

They hurried back to the company. Liu Ligan almost dragged Wu Zhaohui upstairs. As soon as he entered the company door, he shouted: "Hurry up and get me the newspaper you mentioned."

Wu Zhaohui ran back to his desk, opened the drawer, took out yesterday's "Haicheng Evening News" from the drawer, turned to page four, and pointed it to Liu Ligan.

Liu Ligan glanced at it, his face changed suddenly, he grabbed the newspaper, turned around and walked towards his office. Wu Zhaohui, who didn't know what happened, followed behind him. He followed him to the door and wanted to follow him in, but Liu Ligan casually followed him. He swung the glass door shut and almost hit Wu Zhaohui's nose.

Wu Zhaohui reached out and knocked on the door. Liu Lizhan yelled at the door: "Get out!"

Then the blinds on the glass snapped shut.

Wu Zhaohui opened his mouth toward Liu Ligan's office, cursed silently, and then walked away angrily.

Liu Ligan walked to the sofa and sat down, reading the newspaper in his hand. This brief message was published on the fourth page of Social Vientiane. It was very short. It was said to be from an invisible billionaire in this city, from a large group. The boss, Huang XX, committed suicide by jumping off the Jingfa Building this morning and died from his injuries.

Liu Ligan looked at the reporter who wrote this news. He knew him. He had taken this reporter to write soft advertisements for his clients before.

Liu Ligan quickly walked to the executive desk, opened the drawer, took out his address book from it, flipped to the phone number of the reporter's office, and called him. It happened to be the reporter himself.

Liu Ligan asked him, was the person you posted yesterday about committing suicide by jumping off a building, Huang Hongguang?

The other party said yes, do you know him?

Yes, I met him once. By the way, do you know why he committed suicide?

"There are different opinions on the reasons now, and no one can say clearly. However, the conclusion of suicide has been determined, otherwise I would not report it."

Putting down the phone, Liu Ligan felt a chill on his back.

In front of him, the clear-eyed middle-aged man with sharp eyes appeared again. Although they had only met once, Liu Ligan shook his head. Impossible, he thought, someone with such a boss-like gaze, You say he can do anything, kill people, die with others, but he just can't commit suicide.

What's more, he also told Huang Meili that his matter would be resolved soon and their family could be reunited again. He was still waiting for them to come back, which made it even more impossible to commit suicide at this time.

Or maybe he had anticipated the final outcome. He said that the matter would be resolved soon to comfort them. He knew that the matter could not be resolved and only his own death could bring an end to it all. But if so, He wanted more to explain the funeral arrangements to them than to prepare them to come back.

Liu Ligan felt that this matter was too strange, but he had no time to think about it. What he was more worried about was how painful it would be for Huang Meili to know the news, and her aunts. They were full of expectations, but they didn't expect that it would be a disaster. separated.

I don’t know if Huang Meili already knows the news. Tomorrow will be the day when he and Huang Meili will talk. Liu Ligan thought to himself, how should he comfort Huang Meili.

But any words and comfort are feeble. Liu Lizhan hopes that he is by her side now, holding her and accompanying her.

Liu Ligan didn't know how he spent his day. He didn't go anywhere the whole day, just sat blankly in his office. Even lunch and dinner were bought for him by Wei Wenfang.

Other people in the company didn't know what was going on. Four people gathered on the sofa in the rest area. Huang Jianren asked Wu Zhaohui, what happened to Mr. Liu today?

Wu Zhaohui said, how do I know? It was fine when we went to see the land in the morning. When we came back, I told him about the billionaire who committed suicide by jumping off the building yesterday. That was it. Billionaires committed suicide. It's none of his business, he's not a billionaire yet.

"What kind of billionaire committed suicide by jumping off a building?" Chen Jie asked.

"You don't read newspapers?" Wu Zhaohui asked curiously.

Huang Jianren, Chen Jie, and Wei Wenfang all shook their heads. Wu Zhaohui smiled and said: "Haha, it turns out that I am the only one reading the company's newspaper. It turns out that I am in the factory and everyone grabs the newspaper as soon as it comes. If you don't read it, why should you order it? ah."

"That was issued by the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, stipulating that it must be ordered, otherwise who would order it." Huang Jianren said.

"By the way, what did the newspaper say?" Wei Wenfang asked Wu Zhaohui.

"The newspaper is at Mr. Liu's place. You can just go and read it." Wu Zhaohui said.

Wei Wenfang quickly shook her head: "I don't dare to go."

Chen Jie and Huang Jianren said: "Mr. Huang, you are the vice president, go and get it."

Huang Jianren shouted: "I am the vice president, I should be the one who ordered you to get it."

"I don't dare to go either." Chen Jie smiled and said, "Xiao Wu, since you have a good relationship with Mr. Liu, it's better for you to go."

Wu Zhaohui opened his eyes wide and shook his head like a rattle: "I'm not going. I've already been asked to roll over once. If I go again, I will be kicked to death here."

"Kick this place to death? Are you from Hainan?" Huang Jianren laughed. He took out a ten-dollar bill and said to them: "There is a newsstand downstairs. I will pay for it, who will buy it?"

Wu Chaohui snatched the money away: "I'll go, there's nothing left to look for."

Wu Zhaohui came back from buying a newspaper. The four of them gathered around the coffee table and read the text message. After reading it for a long time, they didn't see anything interesting. Huang Jianren said that the boss of a large group jumped down from the Jingfa Building, that was the Jingfa Building. We are the boss of Jingfa Group, but we have nothing to do with Jingfa Group. Do you know what the relationship is?

Chen Jie scolded: "You don't even know, how could we know?"

"I know." Wei Wenfang shouted. She ran back to her desk, opened the drawer, and came back with a notebook. She kept flipping through it until she reached a page. She put the notebook on the coffee table and pointed it out to them. Look: "Did you see it? How do you say it doesn't matter?"

The three people saw that this was the list of congratulatory guests when their company opened. The place Wei Wenfang pointed at was Huang Meili of the Economic Development Group.

"I was flipping through this book that day and saw that this name was very special, so I remembered it." Wei Wenfang said.

"However, I was there on the opening day, and later at Nanzhuang, I also toasted to all the guests on behalf of the company. I don't remember Huang Meili from Jingfa Group. By the way, I also exchanged business cards with them. "

Huang Jianren said and went back to his office. The other three people followed him. Huang Jianren took out all the business cards of the guests that day. The four of them rummaged through them, but they didn't see Huang Meili or anyone else from the Jingfa Group.

"But I remember it right here, and I also sent a flower basket." Wei Wenfang said.

"What do you think is the relationship between this Huang Meili and that Huang XX?" Chen Jie asked.

"Both names are Huang, could she be his daughter? By the way, I know, Mr. Liu has an affair with Huang Meili." Wu Zhaohui called.

"Get out!" Wei Wenfang scolded, "If Mr. Liu has a relationship with this pornographic daughter, and such a big thing happens, will Mr. Liu still be able to sit in the office? Do you think Mr. Liu is such an inhumane person? "

"Yeah, I don't think so." Chen Jie also said, "If it were, Mr. Liu would go there as soon as possible. Have you sent Mr. Liu to Jingfa Group?"

Wu Zhaohui shook his head. He thought, go to hell if you don’t even know.

Liu Ligan stayed in the office until about six o'clock. Wei Wenfang helped him buy food from the canteen below and delivered it to the office. Liu Ligan looked at the food in front of him and said, "Didn't you just eat it? Why do you want it again?" have eaten?

Wei Wenfang said, that was lunch and now it's dinner.

Liu Ligan finally woke up. He looked out the window and asked, is it so late?

"Yes, it's past six o'clock." Wei Wenfang hesitated for a while and asked, "Mr. Liu, are you okay?"

Liu Ligan looked at her and said it was okay.

"You've been in the office all day..."

"Oh, I'm thinking about something." Liu Ligan said, "By the way, it's time for you to get off work. Help me find Wu Zhaohui."

"I'm here, I'm here." Wu Zhaohui had been standing outside the door after Wei Wenfang came in. He hurried in when Liu Ligan said he was looking for him.

"Send me home, and by the way, pack the food for me and I'll take it home to eat." Liu Ligan and Wu Zhaohui said.

Lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling above his head, Liu Ligan fell asleep unconsciously until he saw the light in the room gradually dimming.

When he woke up, the room was dark, and he could hear the ghost singing in the distance. Liu Ligan wanted to get up to clean him up, but he was too lazy to get up. After his eyes gradually adapted to the darkness in the room, he still stared at the top of his head. I looked at the ceiling, and all I saw was that pale face.

Liu Ligan fell asleep again. When he woke up, he looked at his watch and saw that it was already past two o'clock. He stood up, turned on the light, and felt very hungry, so he ate the cold rice and vegetables on the table. Now, look at the time, it's almost three o'clock, Wenwen and Qianqian should be back soon.

Liu Li put his bag on his back and walked out. He was not even interested in talking to anyone now, except Huang Meili.

When he reached Binhai Avenue, Liu Ligan didn't stop to take a taxi. It was still early, so he decided to walk to the company. He remembered that on the morning of Huang Meili's departure, he walked all the way from Haidian Island to Wanghai Tower.

When Liu Ligan was walking on the road, the moon shook the coconut leaves all the way on him, and in front of and behind him, he would wonder if Huang Meili was walking on the streets of Seattle at this time, and the sun was shaking all the way to Europe. The shadow of the horse chestnut tree fell on her body.

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