The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 332 My dream is now overgrown

After eating the noodle soup and two eggs, he was sweating profusely. Liu Ligan felt refreshed. They walked back to the door of Yilin's house and got in the car. Liu Ligan and Wu Zhaohui said, "Let's go there first." Let’s take a look at the land.”

As soon as the car drove out, Liu Ligan remembered. He picked up his mobile phone and grabbed Zhang Chen. After a while, Zhang Chen called back. Liu Ligan said to him: "I'll pick you up now. Go to my place." Let’s take a look at the land.”

"Fuck you." Zhang Chen scolded, "Tell me where you are at the China World Trade Center and I'll go there on a motorcycle."

Liu Ligan told Zhang Chen how to walk from Haixiu Road to Nandaqiao.

The land is not far from Longzhu Building, just on Guomao Road. Directly opposite is the People's Insurance Company of China, and diagonally opposite is the Bank of Communications Hainan Branch under construction. From there, walk towards Longkun North Road, just a few dozen meters away. China Construction Bank Provincial Branch Building.

Liu Ligan originally took a fancy to this place because he felt that this place would be a gathering place for financial institutions in the future, which would fit perfectly with their positioning as the Jinghai International Financial Center.

When Liu Ligan and the others arrived, Zhang Chen had already arrived. He parked his motorcycle in front of a billboard of Kerry International Center and was leaning on the motorcycle while smoking.

This Kerry International Center is the original project of Boss Guo. It is a very majestic twin tower. The spiers on the top of the building reach straight into the sky. It is a pity that even the lush grass on the ground has not been removed. This Kerry Center, He went to Yunxiao by himself.

Now this is Liu Ligan's territory, and the tallest building in Haicheng will rise here.

Wu Zhaohui drove the car directly towards Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen stood there without moving. He watched the car slowly stop in front of him, and the front of the car almost brushed his knees.

Wu Zhaohui opened the car door and got out of the car with a smile, and said to Zhang Chen: "It's awesome, Mr. Zhang. He can stand up to the top of Mount Tai without bending down. He won't walk away even if he says he won't."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "If you can suppress me with this, then you must have bought your driver's license for twenty yuan each."

Liu Ligan got out of the car, Zhang Chen pointed to the billboard behind him and asked, "Is this this piece of land?"

"What a waste of land." Liu Ligan scolded, "If you don't respect me or this land, you should respect more than 18 million, which was paid in real money."

"Beside our factory, there is a larger piece of land than this. It is a mountain of garbage." Wu Zhaohui said from the side, and Zhang Chen laughed.

Liu Ligan scolded: "You rip-off guy, this is Haicheng, where is your factory? It's by the Fuchun River, a place where birds don't poop."

Apart from this billboard, there is nothing on this piece of land, not even a fence. The other plots on the side use fences and walls of different heights and materials to exclude the parts that do not belong to you. In this way, First, the scope of this land was separated by them.

Liu Ligan thought to himself that Boss Guo probably didn't have much money in his pocket after buying the land, otherwise he wouldn't have failed to do such a basic action.

At that time, the government handed over the land to them, and the three roads and one leveling had been completed. However, due to the passage of time, weeds more than one meter high have grown on this vacant land, a patch of green, in the middle of this green, close to There was a low shed in the center of the plot. Zhang Chen pointed to the shed and Liu Lipole and said, "What is that? Come, go and have a look."

"I have already been there. The wasteland has been here for too long. A dozen blind people who came from nowhere have set up sheds to raise chickens here. Do you want to eat chickens? If you want to eat chickens, let's go over and buy two." Liu Ligan smiled.

"Buy it and put it in a hot water bottle to stew?" Zhang Chen scolded.

"If this place remains deserted for another year, I think it will be almost as good as the vacant land next to our factory."

Wu Zhaohui pointed to a few tens of meters away, where someone had dumped several trucks of construction waste and piled it into a hill. Some of the rubbish looked old, and some were still new.

This piece of land, because it is in the urban area and has been leveled, seems to be vast as far as the eye can see. It is fifty-two acres, and it feels as big as their land of more than three hundred acres on Longkun South Road.

Liu Ligan stood there with his hands on his hips and looked around. The wind blew the endless grass up and down. Liu Ligan felt proud in his heart. He felt like a king patrolling his territory.

Liu Ligan asked Zhang Chen: "Do you have any workers there?"

"What?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I want to build the wall here first and remove the grass inside. Also, please help me redesign this billboard. Goodbye, Kerry International Center. This is Jinghai International Financial Center."

Liu Ligan continued: "Now the government is staring at the International Trade Center very hard. Next, I have to go through various approval and construction procedures. I just want to change this place first, and then I will ask the newspaper Friends from the TV station can help us, create some sensation, and tell everyone that we are going to start the development of Guomao first, so as to attract the attention of various departments."

"You want to do twice the result with half the effort again?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes, I have thought about it. There are two ways to deal with government departments. One is like Meng Ping, who fights for feelings and friendship, and the other is to use your own efforts and strength to arouse their attention. Pay attention, they also want political achievements, and if I can help them achieve political achievements, they will definitely add to the cake and give me the green light to go all the way, which does not mean that there is only one way for Meng Ping."

Zhang Chen nodded. He felt that what Liu Ligan said made sense. For the Haicheng City government, including leaders at all levels, starting such a large project in the International Trade Center would have a stimulating effect and solve their problems. Heart disease, this may be of more practical significance to them than inviting them to a meal.

"Next week, the masonry department will be vacant. They won't look for new jobs at all. Cao Guoqing can arrange for them to work here as day laborers. They will also increase their income." Zhang Chen and Liu Li Zhu said, "This, let me help you design it first."

Zhang Chen said, pointing to the billboard, Liu Ligan said okay, anyway, now, as long as the painting is impressive, it is not a formal design draft.

The three of them stood there, smoked another cigarette, and then prepared to go back. Zhang Chen was still riding his motorcycle, and Liu Ligan was about to get on the car. Wu Zhaohui called, "Wait a minute, let me go pee."

Liu Ligan scolded: "Damn it, you're so small, can't you go back to the company and try again?"

Wu Zhaohui ignored him and ran behind the billboard. Zhang Chen laughed loudly, stepped on the accelerator and left with a bang.

Wu Zhaohui drove the car to the company. He asked Liu Ligan, "Mr. Liu, how many floors should we build here? I heard from Xiao Wei and others that we want to build the tallest building in Haicheng. Is it true?"

"Yes, forty-one."

"Fuck, that's higher than Hangcheng Tower. Hangcheng Tower is only thirty-two floors. Haha, I can brag when I go back."

Wu Zhaohui smiled happily, and Liu Ligan was also very happy to hear it. Yes, he remembered that when he was in Yongcheng, for them, Hangcheng Building was such an unreachable place. It was rare to go to Hangzhou. Not to mention staying and eating in the hotel in Hangcheng Tower, even going to the Hangcheng Tower shopping mall to buy something, and returning to Yongcheng is an experience worth showing off.

He didn't expect that the house he was going to build would make Hangcheng Building look like a little brother compared to it. Liu Ligan thought to himself, when he returns to Yongcheng, wouldn't this be his bragging rights?

"Mr. Liu, what would happen if someone jumped from the 41st floor?" Wu Zhaohui asked for no reason.

Liu Ligan was puzzled by his question, and became angry for no reason. He cursed: "Damn you, when we finish building it, I invite you to try it. You will know after you try it."

Wu Chaohui said earnestly: "I won't jump, only a fool would jump off a building."

After a while, Wu Zhaohui asked again: "Mr. Liu, tell me, why do billionaires think so hard that they want to commit suicide by jumping off a building? Don't talk about billions, give me 100,000 and I'll go crazy with joy. Where? Willing to die."

"What the hell are you thinking about in your head? Do you have a fever?"

"No, no, I just don't think it's worth it. I'm so rich, but I still can't think about it."

Wu Zhaohui shook his head as he spoke. Liu Ligan was confused by what he said and asked, who is so rich?

"You don't read newspapers?"

Liu Ligan scolded: "In Haicheng, who would read the newspaper if they don't have a bad thing?"

"That's me. Apart from driving, I have nothing to do. I just like reading newspapers."

Liu Ligan became suspicious and asked: "Where did you say the billionaire committed suicide by jumping off a building?"



"Yes, the Haicheng Evening News published it yesterday, saying that a billionaire committed suicide by jumping off a building."

Liu Ligan's heart trembled, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition. He asked urgently: "Tell me more details, where is he, and who is he?"

"I forgot your last name. Did you know that the boss of the building on Changdi Road, Jingfa Building, jumped off the roof?"

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