The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 334 Can’t wait

Liu Ligan walked for more than an hour and arrived at Longzhu Building. He opened the door and entered the company. Still without turning on the lights, he walked through the large office area outside and entered his office with the light coming from the window. He closed the door and turned on the The blinds facing the hall outside were closed, but the curtains of the window near Longkun North Road were not drawn.

The light coming in from the window was very complicated, including moonlight, street lights, and neon lights on the building across the road. After Liu Ligan sat down, he also saw a red light reflected on the table top of his executive desk. Ming Ming, that's the aviation obstruction light on top of the building opposite.

Haicheng Airport is located in the urban area, and the urban area is densely populated with high-rise buildings. It is very difficult for aircraft to take off and land. The roofs of all high-rise buildings above 30 stories in Haicheng are equipped with such aviation obstruction lights to remind those taking off and landing at night. Attention pilots.

Liu Ligan was sitting there, and the bright light from the window behind him cast his shadow onto the executive desk in front of him. He pulled the phone in front of him, and the phone was buried in his figure.

Liu Ligan sat there motionless. He felt like a hen, hatching on the telephone. He would slowly hatch it and the phone would ring as promised.

Seeing that it was almost five o'clock, Liu Lizhan subconsciously sat up straight. When he sat up straight, the shadow on the table shrank, but the phone was still in his shadow.

Liu Ligan took off his watch, used the strap as a stand, and stood next to the phone. The luminous second hand was circling urgently, the luminous minute hand was unhurried and orderly, and the luminous hour hand was still there for a long time. It only moved a little bit, but that's it, it was already five o'clock. Liu Lizhan stared at the minute hand and reached the twelve position step by step, and his heart was in his throat.

But the phone did not ring as promised. The phone in the dark was silent, as if it wanted to shrink its figure smaller and smaller. It was best that Liu Ligan couldn't see it.

The watch that Liu Ligan was staring at became louder and louder, and Liu Ligan felt that his ears were filled with their sonorous sounds.

Step by step, the minute hand tilted to the position representing five, but the phone did not ring.

The minute hand has reached the ten position, and the phone has not yet rang.

The minute hand went like this, step by step, clang clang, clang clang, the phone never rang.

Liu Lizhan felt that his heart was getting heavier and heavier, so heavy that his sitting body could hardly support it and was about to collapse.

Finally, the hour and minute hands formed a vertical straight line, and it was already six o'clock. Unknowingly, the phone was no longer immersed in his figure. Unknowingly, his figure became very light. That was the room. The whole room became brighter, and the sky outside the window was already bright.

Liu Ligan's eyes were no longer staring at the watch at this time, but at the phone. The phone was lying there quietly, stable. Liu Ligan wanted to beat it. I waited like this, Why the hell did you refuse to ring? But the phone looked rigid and innocent, unaware of Liu Ligan's anger.

Liu Ligan was shocked. Could the phone be broken? He quickly picked up the phone and heard a steady beeping sound. Liu Ligan quickly put the phone down. He was worried that at the moment he picked up the phone, Huang Meili's call would not come in.

As time went by, Liu Ligan became more and more restless and suspicious. He wondered if it was because he was too close to the phone, so it just didn't ring. Just like a taxi on the road, when you wait for it, it They never come. When you don't need them, they drive past you one by one with their empty lights on.

Liu Ligan stood up, walked to the sofa and sat down, but still looked at the phone on the table, which still didn't ring.

Liu Ligan walked to the window, looked at the road below, and then looked back at the phone on the table. The phone was still silent.

But time passed like this, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, ten past eight, twenty, thirty...

At 8:40, the phone suddenly rang loudly. Liu Ligan was standing in front of the cabinet at that time, staring at a coconut inside with a desperate mood. There was a set of numbers engraved on the coconut. Representing a date, the marks carved by the knife were green at first, but now they have turned rusty red.

This was the only coconut left by Liu Lizhan among the large pile of coconuts. The date engraved on it was his last thought for Tan Shuzhen. From that day on, they no longer had any contact. Tan Shuzhen had already She became someone else's woman. In fact, she had become someone else's woman a long time ago, and Liu Ligan only knew it today.

The ringing sounded loudly, and Liu Ligan rushed to the executive desk like a hungry tiger. He grabbed the phone on the desk and called: "Hey, beautiful..."

"Hello, may I ask if your company needs to advertise for recruitment?"

On the phone, a passionate voice interrupted him, and Liu Ligan got angry for no reason and cursed: "Fuck you!"

He slammed the microphone down hard. The microphone bounced on the base before going silent.

After a while, the phone rang again. Liu Ligan picked up the phone and it was still the same voice: "Sir, why are you swearing?"

"Fuck you! Fuck you! Get the hell out of here! I'm just scolding you. Which newspaper are you from?" Liu Ligan then reported a list of the names of the advertising directors of these newspapers, and finally concluded : "Tell me which newspaper company it is from. If you dare to call me again, I will definitely tell you to get out. Do you believe it?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone. Liu Ligan threw the phone away and the phone didn't ring again.

Sitting down in the silence and looking at the equally silent phone on the table from a distance, Liu Ligan felt a little regretful. He thought, no matter whose phone it was, at least the ringtone could bring a moment of hope, which was better than this deathly silence. .

Liu Ligan sighed heavily.

Throughout the next day, Liu Ligan would stay on the phone in the office whenever he had time. When any unrelated calls came in, he would always use the simplest words such as "no", "no" and "thank you" to greet the other person. Sent away.

Qian Fang called and told him about the deed tax and stamp duty. Without saying a few words, Liu Ligan told her to hang up the phone and call my eldest brother.

"What the hell?" Qian Fang wondered.

Liu Ligan laughed and hung up the phone. After a while, his big brother rang. Qian Fang asked him, have you left the company?

"No, still in the office." Liu Ligan said.

"What the hell?" Qian Fang continued to wonder.

After she finished talking to Liu Ligan, she said to him: "I'm afraid you'll leave the company. Now bring your official seal and ID card to the Longhua branch. You'll be asked to sign in person."

Liu Ligan said yes.

He called Wei Wenfang and told her, "Just stay in my office. Remember, don't leave even a step. Do you understand? Answer the phone for me. If a call comes, just ask her if she is looking for Lao Ma." If she says she's looking for Lao Ma, tell her my mobile phone number and ask her to call my mobile phone number. Do you understand?

"Understood, when someone calls, I will ask him if he knows Lao Ma. If he knows Lao Ma, give him your phone number and ask him to call you, right, Mr. Liu?" Wei Wenfang asked.

"Yes, that's it."

Liu Ligan walked to the door and warned again: "Remember, stay well and don't leave even a step before I come back."

Wei Wenfang blushed and said, "What if I need to go to the bathroom?"

Her aunt is here today and she must ask this question.

Liu Ligan originally wanted to hold it in, but when the words came to his lips, he changed to running back and forth.

Wei Wenfang said oh.

Liu Ligan came back from Longhua Taxation Branch and entered the office. When he saw Wei Wenfang sitting in his executive chair, Liu Ligan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you have a phone number?" Liu Ligan asked quickly.

"There were six or seven phone calls, and only one knew Lao Ma, but..."

"But what?"

"I told him your big brother's number, but before I finished, he said, I know, I know, I'm too lazy to call, and asked him to come back and answer my call."

"Who is it?" Liu Ligan asked curiously, actually knowing Lao Ma.

"boss Zhang."

Liu Ligan almost blurted out, "Are you a Ding?" Zhang Chen still wants you to tell him my big brother's number?

Liu Lizhan held back the scolding and said OK, I understand, you can go.

Liu Ligan picked up the mobile phone on the table and dialed the number in Zhang Chen's office. As soon as the call came through, Zhang Chen called on the phone: "Hey, Lao Ma is back?"

Liu Ligan smiled and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"A few masonry classes will finish tomorrow, and there will be time the day after tomorrow. You'd better take the time to come over, tell Cao Guoqing what kind of work you have to do there, and let him help you organize people."

"Okay, I got it. I'll probably write it down today and go find him tomorrow."

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