The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 29 Come for a trial tomorrow afternoon

The young man opened the door and said, "Mr. Xia, another girl is here too."

"Let her in." Mr. Xia said.

The young man leaned against the door and turned around to wave to Jin Lili. Jin Lili took a few steps and walked in the door. As soon as the young man left the door, the door closed on its own.

Inside the door was a small office, but it could be seen that the furniture and decoration were very elegant. Mr. Xia was sitting behind the desk. He pointed to the chair in front of the desk and said to Jin Lili, "Sit down, please sit down."

Jin Lili walked over and sat down on the chair.

As usual, Mr. Xia asked Jin Lili how old she was, where she was from, who she came to Hainan with, where she worked, etc. Jin Lili was always on tenterhooks, fearing that he would ask her which university she graduated from. It's more embarrassing because I don't have any university, I'm just a high school student.

Fortunately, Mr. Xia didn't think of asking this at all. He was more interested in the nature of her original unit, how many people there were, how long you had worked there, and by the way, were you the cashier as soon as you entered? ?

Jin Lili said yes, I became a cashier as soon as I got in, because it was my mother's job. My mother used to be an accountant at a bearing factory. She retired, so I joined. I have been working for more than three years. In addition to being a cashier, , and also serves as the material accountant in the factory.

"That's very good. You also have the talent of being an accountant, so that's good." Mr. Xia said.

"My mother is an old accountant and has listened to it since she was a child," Jin Lili said.

"It sounds like you're doing a good job in the factory, why did you run out?" Mr. Xia asked.

"The factory is about to close down. There are no orders now. They have all been poached by the factories run by the original supply and salesmen. The workers have not been to work for a long time and have nothing to do when they come to the factory. They are already discussing when. Going to the county government to make trouble, I don’t want to get up every day and do these things,” Jin Lili said.

Mr. Xia nodded, and Jin Lili said: "I'm not afraid of Mr. Xia's jokes. As a cashier, I'm of no use in the factory. I have nothing to do but goofing around and being scolded every day. I might as well come out and have a look." "

"Oh, why do you still get scolded when you have nothing to do?" Mr. Xia asked strangely.

"There is no money in the factory. It has been for several months. The most money I have here is a few hundred yuan, and the least money is only a few cents. Those people come with receipts for reimbursement, but I can't even reimburse them, so they scold me. , and they didn’t dare to scold the factory director.” Jin Lili said.

Mr. Xia kept nodding: "So that's what happened, I understand."

While chatting with Mr. Xia like this, Jin Lili felt that her heart, which had just been on edge, gradually calmed down.

"By the way, what's your BB phone number? We'll page you as soon as we decide." Mr. Xia said.

Jin Lili shook her head, she said no.

"Why, you are looking for a job and you don't even have a BB machine. How can your employer notify you?" Mr. Xia asked strangely.

"We have just arrived a few days ago and we don't have much money, so we are reluctant to buy it." Jin Lili said honestly, "Besides, no employer has said anything about notifying me in the past two days, and they have just rejected me."

Mr. Xia was stunned for a moment, then looked at her and laughed.

"Either this, you rent a small shop near your house. You must have their public phone number, and I will ask the shop to notify you." Mr. Xia said.

Jin Lili still shook her head: "We just found a place to live yesterday. We have only been looking for jobs in the past two days and haven't been to any small shops yet."

"Oh, what should we do? You have to give us a way to contact us, right?"

"It's okay, Mr. Xia, I can come and ask every day." Jin Lili said anxiously.

Mr. Xia laughed again. He nodded and said to himself: "Yes, you can come over and ask every day, haha."

He tilted his head and thought for a moment, then turned his head, put his hands on the desk, slid to both sides, and said softly:

"never mind……"

"What, can't it be done?" Jin Lili was anxious.

"Oh, no, no." Mr. Xia looked at Jin Lili and said, "I want to say, forget it, you come over tomorrow afternoon and try out the work first."

"Really?" Jin Lili asked excitedly.

"That's right, let me make it clear first, this is a trial work, not a formal job." Mr. Xia said.

"Thank you!" Jin Lili stood up and bowed to Mr. Xia: "I will definitely perform well!"

Jin Lili said goodbye to Mr. Xia and the young man and came out, pressing the down button of the elevator. The elevator door opened and there were people inside. After Jin Lili entered, she saw the -2 button was on. Jin Lili didn't know what the -2 meant. , how many times should I press to go to the first floor? The man seemed to understand Jin Lili's dilemma and asked: "Which floor do you want to go to?"

Jin Lili said: "The first floor."

The man reached out and pressed "1", and "1" lit up. Then he pressed the key with two arrows facing the middle, and the elevator door closed.

Jin Lili quickly said: "Thank you!"

She remembered that it turned out that the key with two arrows pointing toward the middle was for closing the door. Then, and so on, the key with two arrows pointing outward must be for opening the door. "1" was the first floor, and then "-" 2" We arrived underground, in the basement. Jin Lili felt that she understood everything about the elevator, and she felt happy for a while.

On the first floor, even though the door was opening, the man still pressed the button with the two arrows pointing outward out of habit, which confirmed Jin Lili's idea. Jin Lili said thank you and walked out.

When Jin Lili walked out of the community, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan hurriedly greeted her. Zhang Chen asked, how is it?

Jin Lili said, "I don't know yet. Let me come to try it out tomorrow afternoon."

"Great, then should we have a drink to celebrate?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"Are you going to die? It's just a trial job, and I haven't officially started work. Now, there is still only a 50% chance." Jin Lili said.

"No problem. Let's do a trial job. I just want to see how well you remember your cash account. How many years have you been a cashier? What problems will this cause?" Liu Ligan said.

Jin Lili was right. Isn't the job trial just a test of her professional skills? Who has she ever been afraid of in the cashier job? Not to mention being a cashier, just doing abacus planning. I have been better than my mother who is an accountant since I was a child.

"It's better to skip the celebration." Jin Lili said, "However, you have to wish me good luck tomorrow. I still have no objection."

"That's great. If you drink today and get drunk today, the worst possible outcome is that Yilin and his mother will kick him out tomorrow." Liu Ligan shouted excitedly.

"Who is Yilin?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Little landlady." Liu Ligan said. Zhang Chen and Jin Lili then realized that the woman who was lying on the railing and shouting "Yiya" down that day turned out to be Yilin.

It was almost five o'clock when they arrived. After the interview, they rode home. It was starting to get dark. Liu Ligan asked where to go to congratulate her. Jin Lili said, go home and take a shower first, then come down after taking a shower. It was just them. There is a food stall not far downstairs. Let's go to the food stall to wish us good luck. We have something important to do.

"What's important?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Go to the nearest canteen downstairs, buy something, try to get in touch with the boss, and ask him for his public phone number," Jin Lili said.

"What are you doing, looking for a canteen?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"Do you have a BB camera? Is there a phone at home? There is nothing. Then let me ask you, if someone else's employer decides to hire you, how will they notify you? Write a letter or send a telegram?" Jin Lili asked.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were stunned for a moment, and then they realized that this was indeed a problem. Liu Ligan chuckled and said, "Yes, why didn't we think of such an important thing? Lily, you are so awesome."

"Humph!" Jin Lili said, "It's because you haven't encountered the opportunity that someone wants to notify you!"

After taking a shower, they went downstairs. It was already completely dark. When they passed the neighbor's door, the door was closed and they heard two people talking inside. When they got downstairs, they saw the young man sitting there smoking. When I saw them, there was still no sound, and the red cigarette butts flickered on and off in the darkness.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were both surprised when they saw him, and Jin Lili snorted again.

The food stall had already opened, and they were the guests at the first table. The three of them sat down and ordered a serving of water spinach with garlic paste, six pieces of fried salted fish, and three fried duck heads. The duck heads were so delicious that they finished eating them. Couldn't resist ordering three more.

The three people raised their glasses and took a long sip. The cold beer flowed down their throats that had been dry for a day. The comfort and comfort made them feel as if they could see the branches and leaves of the tallow tree swaying above their heads.

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