The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 30 Three people in the company

When Zhang Chen and Liu Li stood up, Jin Lili was still asleep. Jin Lili announced last night that she would take a good nap today and not get up until noon to keep a clear head and go to trial work.

Zhang Chen asked her if she wanted to come back at noon to see her off? Jin Lili said no, I'll ride over there on a motorcycle, you just mind yourselves.

Zhang Chen said yes.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan went downstairs and pushed their bicycles out of the yard. When they saw Yilin's mother sitting at the door, she still smiled at them, and they also smiled and greeted her.

When he arrived outside the door, Liu Ligan said: "It's strange."

Zhang Chen asked what happened, and Liu Ligan said, "Why haven't you seen the male owner of this house? Have you seen him?"

Zhang Chen shook his head and asked if he would go out to sea to fish. Once the fishermen went out to sea, it would take many days to come back. Liu Ligan also thought it was possible.

With Jin Lili's experience, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan decided that they would still use the open space as a stronghold every day. If they couldn't do it after the interview, they would go back there, just in case they encountered the same situation as Jin Lili, and the boss came to the scene to find him. As for humans, the success rate is much higher.

The two went to their respective destinations in the morning. Liu Ligan went to a newspaper office, and Zhang Chen went to a bank, which was looking for artists.

At noon, the two people met in the open space. Liu Ligan asked Zhang Chen how he was doing. Zhang Chen said, "Go to hell. It took more than an hour for his turn. He dismissed them with just two words, saying that he wanted to be formal." Graduated from an art school, damn it, why didn’t you mention it in the job posting? What about you, how are you?

"Absolutely." Liu Ligan said dejectedly, "They also need to have work experience in other newspapers, and at least they need to graduate from journalism majors. Alas, it seems that our Zhejiang University and Zhejiang American Studies are not working."

Zhang Chen looked at his watch and said it was time for Lily to get up now. I hope she has better luck than us in the afternoon.

"They are more advanced than us. At least they met the boss and tried the job. Even if they didn't succeed, it was worth it." Liu Ligan said, "Unlike us, we don't even know who the person who interviewed us is, let alone Said he met the boss."

"No, didn't you meet Editor Han yesterday?" Zhang Chen said.

"Yes, yes, that was an accident. After that time, it will never be better than the last one."

The two people squeezed into the crowd, copied a few addresses, and then stood in the open space for more than ten minutes, with oil on their faces. There was no boss who came to recruit people. Liu Ligan said, let's go. Which big boss would come out at this time? Why don't you wait until the sun goes down?

The two decided to eat Baoluo noodles first, and then go to Haicheng Park to rest for a while. There was no one at the other person’s work at noon, so they set off at 1:30 and arrived at the other person’s work before two o’clock.

I came back here around four o'clock and waited.

Jin Lili really slept until noon before getting up. She felt that she had completely recovered from the fatigue of the past few days. She got up and ate a bowl of instant noodles. After eating, she was fine. She walked to the corridor to take a look at the next door. The two girls should still be sleeping, quietly.

The door of the first room was open. Jin Lili heard that the couple seemed to be eating in the room, so she didn't bother to go there. She went back to the room and fell on the bed again.

The appointment with Mr. Xia was at two o'clock. Jin Lili estimated that it would take about ten minutes to go there, plus the time it took for the person waiting for the motorcycle to walk from the guard booth to the inside, plus the time to take the elevator, it would take about twenty-five minutes. Minutes were enough. Jin Lili set off from home forty minutes early.

Jin Lili arrived at the entrance of the Financial Garden. The security guard at the door was not the same as yesterday. He seemed to know that Jin Lili was here for a trial job. When Jin Lili entered, he didn't even ask a question, which made Jin Lili feel a little disappointed.

Jin Lili had already planned that if the security guard asked her, she could proudly tell him that I came to work. If he was confused and asked again, she would tell him the name of the company and take a look. Let’s see if you still dare to stop me. Unexpectedly, this security guard has already regarded her as someone inside, alas!

Jin Lili was a little disappointed, but also a little proud. She looked up and thought, no matter what, this shows that she looks like someone from here. This building has something to do with her now, and she doesn't Then there is the passer-by sitting behind the motorcycle and passing by it.

Jin Lili arrived at the 15th floor of Building G. The time was 1:46. She stood in the corridor for a while. At 1:50, she decided to ring the doorbell. It was the young man who opened the door. The young man saw It was her who said enthusiastically?

The young man let Jin Lili in. Jin Lili didn't see Mr. Xia. Jin Lili asked if Mr. Xia was there.

The young man said, Mr. Xia is busy now, and he asked me to make arrangements for you first.

The young man took Jin Lili to the hexagonal room connected to the living room. The young man patted one of the two tables and said, "This is mine. By the way, my name is Lin Lifeng. You can call me Xiao Lin." You can call me Laobao.

"Your surname is Lin? Then why are you called Lao Bao?" Jin Lili asked strangely.

Xiao Lin opened his mouth and tapped his buck teeth twice with his fingers. Jin Lili understood and said with a smile:

"It's not obvious."

"Hey, obviously or not, we are all Lao Bao. Mr. Xia also calls me Lao Bao. From elementary school to university, my classmates call me Lao Bao. I am used to it." Lao Bao said.

Lao Bao walked to another table and said to Jin Lili, this is yours, take a look, is there anything else missing?

"Mine?" Jin Lili was startled.

"Yes, didn't you come to work today?" Lao Bao was also surprised. After a while, he understood and laughed: "You thought there was another interview? Are you addicted to interviews?"

Jin Lili also smiled, and then she realized that trial work meant starting work.

Jin Lili sat down at her desk. She opened the drawer and saw that there were all cash diaries, calculators, pens, etc., as well as a key to the safe. Jin Lili looked down and saw that the safe was there. Beside your desk.

Jin Lili took out her brand new cash diary, opened the cover, and wrote "Hainan Bada Industrial Co., Ltd." and today's date inside. She breathed a sigh of relief. This cash diary was the same as her own in Hainan. Your cashier career starts from this moment.

Jin Lili closed the book and put it in the drawer. Jin Lili asked Lao Bao: "Master Bao, besides you and Mr. Xia, who else is there in our company?"

"And you." Lao Bao said with a smile, "Keep the bag, master, take it off, it sounds awkward."

"Okay, okay." Jin Lili also smiled.

"Let me introduce, our company's head office is in Beijing. Our place here is not considered a branch because we are an independent accounting unit. Our relationship with the head office is only between the investment and the investee. Do you understand? asked Lao Bao.

"I understand." Jin Lili nodded.

"So far, our company has one general manager, Mr. Xia, as well as accountants, drivers, bodyguards, personnel managers, logistics managers, and office directors..."

Lao Bao reported his position one by one, while Jin Lili counted with fingers one by one, while looking around, there were so many people, but why didn't he see anyone.

Lao Bao continued: "...there is one person in total, that is me, and there is one cashier, which is you, Jin Lili, all three of us."

Jin Lili couldn't help laughing. It turned out that he was the only one who mentioned so many positions. Jin Lili said curiously:

"It's such a big house, just the three of us?"

"Isn't three people enough? One sword can reach the end of the world, and one person can travel thousands of miles without leaving a trace." Lao Bao said.

Jin Lili couldn't stop laughing. She didn't expect that this serious-looking guy could be so funny.

There was a sound of the door opening outside. After a while, Mr. Xia came over with a bundle of money in his hand. When he saw Jin Lili, he smiled and said, "Xiao Jin is here?"

Jin Lili quickly stood up and shouted: "Hello, Mr. Xia!"

Mr. Xia put the bundle of money on Jin Lili's desk and said, "Put this in the safe, Lao Bao. Let's go out for a while. Chen Ming is waiting for us."

Jin Lili quickly took the safe key and went to open the safe. After turning the key, the door handle did not move. Jin Lili shouted: "Mr. Xia?"

Mr. Xia turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The combination to the safe?"

"Password? Lao Bao, do you know the password?" Mr. Xia asked Lao Bao, and Lao Bao shouted: "I am an accountant, how can I know the password of the cashier's safe?"

"When Cashier Liu returned to Beijing, he didn't give it to you?" Mr. Xia asked.

"If I want to give it, it's for you. Why would you give it to me?"

"Oh, maybe it's in the pile of things she gave me. I'll come back and look for it later. Forget it, Xiao Jin, just put it in the drawer first. It's too late. They are waiting for me, Lao Bao, let's go."

Mr. Xia said and left with Lao Bao. Jin Lili stared at the money. It was one hundred thousand yuan in total. Jin Lili had never seen so much money before when she paid wages to the workers in the bearing factory. No, she has never seen so much money in her life.

Jin Lili quickly put it into the drawer and locked it.

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