The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 28 The elevator goes up

Jin Lili took the business card and ran back to Zhang Chen, her hands trembling: "This boss, he asked us to go for an interview. He didn't ask for so many college students. He only asked the two of us to come for the interview."

"I saw it." Zhang Chen also said excitedly, "He indeed only called two people."

Liu Ligan came back and saw the two people's faces full of joy. He was so excited that he couldn't even stand still. He asked strangely: "Why, you picked up a bunch of wallets?"

"Lily was called for an interview by a boss. They came to the site to find her. Many college students didn't ask for her, but asked for two." Zhang Chen said, "Now there is a 50% chance."

Liu Ligan became excited upon hearing this and asked, "When will the interview be held?"

"Right now." Jin Lili said.

"Then why are you standing there stupidly? Let's go!" Liu Ligan shouted, and Zhang Chen glared at him: "Aren't I fucking waiting for you?"

Liu Ligan chuckled.

Jin Lili showed her business card to them. The boss's name was Xia Zhiqing, and the company's name was Hainan Bada Industrial Co., Ltd. The address was on the 15th floor, Building G, Financial Garden, No. 1 Guomao Road, Haicheng City.

Liu Ligan quickly opened the map and found that the Financial Garden was behind the city government building and next to the Haicheng Evening News. On the inconspicuous path they had visited in the morning, there was actually a very loud and foreign-style street. Name: Guomao Road.

Because "Haicheng Evening News" is considered to be in the municipal government compound, the Financial Garden is No. 1 Guomao Road.

The three people quickly got on their bicycles and rode over there. They entered through the entrance of Guomao Road. On one side were the iron walls of the city government and the Haicheng Evening News. On the other side were the walls of the Longzhu Building and a row of coconut trees. The Financial Garden was at the intersection. Go into the corner about 70 or 80 meters.

When passing the door of "Haicheng Evening News", Liu Ligan shook his fist towards the door and exclaimed in relief: "We are back again!"

When she arrived here, Jin Lili's heart was beating fast. She clearly remembered that on the morning when she first arrived in Haicheng, she sat on the back of the motorcycle and looked up at the sky. She saw the rooftops and thought to herself, what should these things be like? What a happy person to work and live in these buildings.

I didn’t expect that I would actually come today!

Financial Garden is a community composed of eight buildings with more than 30 floors. There is a gate and a guard box at the entrance of the community. A security guard wearing a beret walks back and forth in front of the gate in the sun, and two bicycles When he arrived, he raised his right hand and tilted his palm upward. He stopped Zhang Chen and the others and asked them what they were doing.

Jin Lili quickly took out her business card and showed it to him, telling him that she was the boss of this company and asked me to come for an interview.

The security guard waved his hand and asked Jin Lili to enter through the gate. He looked at the broken bicycles of Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan, and waved his hand to tell them not to block here. This is the passage for the owner's car to enter and exit.

"Wild Boar's car?" Liu Ligan asked. The security guard blushed, then became angry. He glared at Liu Ligan, knowing that Liu Ligan was laughing at his substandard Mandarin.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan pushed their bicycles and retreated to the shade of the opposite tree. Liu Ligan raised his head and looked at the towering buildings in the financial garden, the particularly tall coconut trees in the community, and Zhang Chen. Chen said that if Lily could work here, she would be awesome. Compared with her Yongcheng Bearing Factory, it would not only be a shotgun but a rocket.

Jin Lili walked around the community. She was also stunned by the momentum of these buildings. She had already passed Block G. She didn't know it until she turned back for the second time. At the door of the building, the arched stainless steel rain Above the shed, I saw the two gold characters "Block G".

Jin Lili walked up the steps to the door and walked in. Suddenly, a cool breath hit her, with a faint fragrance of flowers.

There are two elevators in the foyer. On the marble wall between the two elevators, there are two off-white buttons. One is an upward arrow and the other is a downward arrow. Jin Lili thought about it and she thought she should press the upward button. He reached out and pressed the arrow. The arrow lit up, and Jin Lili was startled.

She stared at the button, not knowing what would happen next. After a while, the button went dark. Jin Lili was wondering if she should press it again, but an elevator door opened. Jin Lili She walked in ignorantly and saw a row of buttons beside the door. Jin Lili pressed the 15 button and the button lit up.

Jin Lili couldn't help but smile and let out a long breath.

The elevator door closed, and it was obvious that it was starting to go up. Jin Lili suddenly became nervous. She was dying. How will the door of this elevator be opened later? !

Growing up, this was the second time Jin Lili took the elevator. At that time, the house in Yongcheng had a maximum of six floors, and even the sixth floor dared to call itself a high-rise building, so there would be no elevator anywhere.

Jin Lili's only previous experience of riding an elevator was many years ago, when she was in junior high school. The teacher took them to visit the Xin'anjiang Hydropower Station. They took the elevator from the turbine factory building below to the top of the dam.

But it was an elevator controlled by power plant staff. In their opinion, it was the best job in the world. The students discussed the experience of taking the elevator with great interest for many days.

It felt like the elevator had stopped, and the 15 button was also black. Jin Lili still couldn't figure out how to open the elevator door. She was so nervous that she was shaking all over, but the elevator door opened by itself. Jin Lili still couldn't figure out how to open the elevator door. With one quick step, he jumped out of the elevator door.

The elevator door closed behind her. Jin Lili looked at the sign with the number fifteen nailed on the opposite wall. She knew that she had successfully reached the fifteenth floor, and she laughed softly.

The corridor was empty, there was no one, and no door was open. Jin Lili found the company called Bada Industrial Co., Ltd. and rang the doorbell. After a while, someone opened the door, and Jin Lili saw , it was the young man I had met before. The young man also knew Jin Lili and invited her in. He said that Mr. Xia was interviewing another girl in the office and asked her to wait.

Jin Lili's heart skipped a beat, that person arrived so soon? Jin Lili felt a little surprised, and then realized that they must have come here by motorcycle or taxi, and she came here on the back seat of a bicycle, so of course she would be left behind. It seemed that in this city, what kind of thing was it really? We all have to fight forward.

Jin Lili walked in and was shocked by the layout inside. Inside the door was a large living room, about sixty or seventy square meters. In the corner of the door, there was a set of stylish leather sofas with a marble floor. ground.

On one side of the living room, a hexagonal room protrudes, with two tables in it. There is no door between the room and the living room. It is directly connected. It is only half a step higher, which is considered as a separation. The entire perimeter of the room is covered with floor-to-ceiling glass. , the curtains were half drawn, and where the curtains were not closed, one could see a patch of green tree tops, blue sky, and the sea not far away.

What surprised Jin Lily the most was that on the opposite side of the room, on a row of low cabinets in the living room, was a large color TV set. This color TV set was as big as a whole piece of lead drawing paper. Jin Lily had never seen such a big one. TV set.

Before this, the largest TV set that Jin Lili had ever seen was a 21-inch one. It was in Wenzhou. Zhang Chen was asked to paint his living room. It was seen in a boss's home, and it was covered with a hollow piece that he cherished. Embroidered flower cloth, in Yongcheng, 12-inch and 14-inch black and white TVs are commonly owned.

There is not only a big TV here, there is also a row of machines on the cabinet next to the TV. There are two wires plugged into one machine, and one end of the wire is connected to a microphone. The one placed on the table with the microphone is A bunch of records.

It was only later that Jin Lili realized that this was not a record, but a DVD. The row of machines, including LD DVD players, power amplifiers, and equalizers, were all used for singing karaoke.

There are two large speakers on the cabinets on both sides of the TV and the row of stacked machines, and two speakers are hung on the top of the wall behind them.

Jin Lili sat there for more than ten minutes. A door at the end of the living room opened and the girl came out. When she saw Jin Lili, she nodded proudly and then went out.

Jin Lili's heart skipped a beat again. This time it was the proud expression on the girl's face. This expression was clearly telling Jin Lili that I have won this job and there is no chance for you.

Jin Lili was in a state of confusion, regretting why she didn't just get the business card and call it. And that Liu Ligan, what the hell are you going to buy at this time? !

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