The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 27 Why don’t we fight hard?

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan walked through the entire office and walked to Editor Han's desk. Editor Han spoke with a Hunan accent. He invited Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan to sit on the two wooden chairs next to the desk. Sit on.

"Are you from Zhejiang?" Editor Han asked.

Zhang Chen quickly said yes.

As soon as Liu Ligan saw Editor Han, he felt that he looked very familiar. When he heard his Hunan dialect, he suddenly remembered that wasn't this the representative figure of root-seeking literature who was as famous as Jia Pingwa, Zhang Chengzhi, and Li Hangyu in the past few years? I listened to his lectures and it turns out he is here.

Liu Ligan stood up quickly and said excitedly, "Are you Teacher Han?" I have read your book - he named several novels, all of which were famous in the literary world at that time.

Editor Han said humbly: "Don't mention it, they are all old works. By the way, are you two here to apply for editor positions?"

"That's right, Teacher Han, I'm here to apply for an editor, and he's here to apply for an art editor." Liu Lipole pointed at Zhang Chen and said.

"Art editor, have we hired an art editor?" Editor Han muttered, raised his head, and shouted outside: "Xiao Lin!"

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan couldn't hear clearly whether his name was Xiao Lin or Xiao Ning. After a while, a little girl with a blushing face ran over. Editor Han asked:

"Are we hiring an American editor again this time?"

"No." said the little girl.

Liu Ligan took out the "Talent Information News" for them to read and told them that we came here after reading the recruitment notice.

Editor Han and Xiao Lin saw that the job postings included not only editors and art editors, but also canteen cooks.

When Xiao Lin saw the recruitment notice, she said "Oops". She looked at Editor Han and said sheepishly: "I'm sorry, Editor, I gave them last year's manuscript."

"Look, look." Editor Han pointed at the little girl with his finger, "You made a mistake, causing people to come all the way here and kill someone, and you still haven't apologized to them."

Xiao Lin quickly bowed to Liu Ligan: "I'm sorry."

"It's not me, it's him." Liu Li pointed at Zhang Chen, and Xiao Lin bowed to Zhang Chen again. Zhang Chen said it didn't matter on the surface, but cursed in his heart, with this fucking bow of yours, I will become a Cheng Cheng accompanies the prince to study,

Zhang Chen's second interview ended here.

Editor Han waved his hand to the little girl: "Go ahead, let's get spanked next time."

Xiao Lin stuck out his tongue and ran back.

"By the way, do you have any works with you?" Editor Han asked Liu Ligan.

After passing "Haicheng Evening News", Liu Ligan naturally didn't dare to come in and took out the book and award certificate. But since Editor Han asked, he quickly took out the "Model of the Times" from his bag and handed it over. .

Editor Han opened the cover and read: "Yongcheng County Federation of Literary and Art Circles? Hey, I seem to have been to this place. Do I have to pass by you to go to Qiandao Lake?"

"Yes, Teacher Han has been there. You went with Wang Anyi and Li Hangyu. You also gave us lectures at the Workers' Cultural Palace."

"Really? I'll just say I'm impressed." Editor Han said happily.

Editor Han opened "Models of the Times" and read it carefully. After reading for a few minutes, he put the book down and said to Liu Ligan:

"Our magazine mainly publishes avant-garde literary works. I have read your masterpiece. It has literary talent, but to be honest, it is not literary enough. I'm afraid you won't win as an editor here. You might as well go to a newspaper. , to be a reporter, to be a reporter, to be wild and imaginative, and to talk nonsense, I think it suits you well."

Liu Ligan smiled bitterly and said, "I've already had a bad experience with Haicheng Evening News."

"Don't be discouraged. You two were originally from a theater troupe, right? Although the performance market is sluggish now, the theater troupe is well-established and better than us. In the theater troupe, you can't make a fortune, but you are still hungry. If you don't die, I think your troupe must be in the same situation, and many people don't dare to come out because of this. You dare, you dare to take this step, you are courageous."

"Thank you, Teacher Han!" Liu Ligan said.

"Everyone has his own suitable position in this society, and I think you do too. In this way, I wish you my best wishes and hope you can find it sooner, okay?"

Editor Han stood up as he spoke. Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen also stood up, shook hands, said goodbye, went downstairs, got in the car, pedaled hard against the sun, and went home.

It was past three o'clock in the afternoon when they returned home. When the two of them were downstairs, they saw Jin Lili and two girls standing in the corridor chatting.

Zhang Chen and Liu Li went upstairs. Jin Lili saw them and asked, "Back?"

The two girls also returned to their rooms. It turned out that they were Zhang Chen's neighbors across the other wall.

"How's it going?" Jin Lili asked when the three of them returned to the room.

"Returning in vain." Liu Ligan said.

"What's the meaning?"

"They've all been kicked out." Liu Ligan said, "What about you?"

"I suffered the disadvantage of being uneducated." Jin Lili said.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I went to three companies, and all three said that my other conditions were pretty good, but it's a pity that I didn't graduate from college. There are so many college students in the fucking park. They must be college students. Why don't you recruit me?" Jin Lili scolded.

"It's over. We haven't harvested anything yet. Should we stop eating dinner?" Liu Ligan said.

"Wait a minute, those two girls just said they could help me introduce jobs." Jin Lili shouted, "I'll ask again."

Jin Lili walked out and came back after a while, with a grimace on her face. Zhang Chen asked what happened?

"The problem is, you just said you would introduce me a job, and now you are saying that they won't accept anyone with a boyfriend." Jin Lili muttered.

Liu Ligan asked curiously: "What do they do?"

"Karaoke waiter."

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "You can't ask for someone who has a boyfriend. When you go to work, you not only have to drink with me, but you also have to kiss the guests, for fear that your boyfriend will come to your door."



"how do you know?"

"That's what it looks like in the book."

"Rogue, what kind of messy books have you read?" Jin Lili scolded, and she suddenly laughed again: "By the way, do you know what those girls on Haixiu Road do? You asked me that day The one at her hotel.”

"What are you doing?" Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were also curious.

"They are Dingdong." Jin Lili smiled.

"What Ding Dong?" Liu Ligan asked in confusion.

Jin Lili lowered her voice: "It's just a chicken, a prostitute."

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan laughed: "A chicken is a chicken, why is it called Ding Dong?"

Jin Lili smiled and said: "You are staying in a hotel room, and they come and press the doorbell. What will happen?"

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan suddenly realized it. Liu Ligan raised his thumbs: "Yes, this is the most elegant and appropriate name for this industry at all times and in all countries."

"We should feel ashamed." Zhang Chen said.

"What are you ashamed of?" Liu Ligan said.

"In this place, even chickens, oh, ding dongs are working so hard, standing on the street in such hot weather, what reason do we have to be lazy?" Zhang Chen said.

"Well said!" Jin Lili said.

Zhang Chen looked at his watch and said, "Then where shall we go?"

Jin Lili and Liu Ligan knew where Zhang Chen was talking about, and they both agreed.

When they arrived downstairs, they saw the young man sitting there again, still smoking silently. Seeing them, he still said nothing. After the three of them walked over, Jin Lili looked back and found that he was also looking at the backs of the three of them. As soon as his eyes met Jin Lili's, he dodged away.

When they arrived at the open space, it was the busiest time here. Jin Lili got out of the car and shouted: "That's not right."

"What happened again?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I feel I will have good luck today." Jin Lili said.

The three people squeezed into the crowd and copied several addresses. There were too many people. They were squeezed into the crowd and couldn't breathe. They had to squeeze out again. Jin Lili and Zhang Chen stood on the roadside. Liu Ligan I went to buy the "Talent Information Newspaper". At this time, a car stopped on the side of the road, and a middle-aged man and a young man got out of the car.

The young man looked around with vigilance. He must be a security guard. The middle-aged man shouted:

"We are recruiting cashiers. Do you want to be a cashier?"

A large group of people gathered around, and Jin Lili also squeezed into the crowd.

"Only women." The middle-aged man called.

The men dispersed, and the remaining women shouted: "I'm from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics." "I'm from Beijing University of Finance and Economics." "I'm from Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics."...

Jin Lili felt itchy with hatred, it was over, he would do this again.

The middle-aged man waved his hand: "Have you ever been a cashier, anyone with experience?"

The people who just shouted lowered their hands. Only Jin Lili and another girl still had their hands raised. The middle-aged man looked at Jin Lili and asked:

"You did?"

"Yes, in the factory." Jin Lili said.

"What about you?" he asked the other girl.

"Me too." The girl said.

"Coming, coming." The young man shouted softly.

The middle-aged man put his business card into the hands of Jin Lili and the girl: "Come here for an interview."

The two people turned around and walked towards the car. Jin Lili shouted: "Boss, when?"

"Now you can."

The staff arrived and they had started the car and drove away.

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