The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2317 The Last Supper

Vice President Qin sent Jiajia to the intersection of Binya Village. Jiajia got out of the car and walked in alone. When passing by the shop, Jiajia used the public phone there to call the boss's big brother.

"What, you were just having dinner with the deputy director of the People's Hospital?" When the boss heard that Jiajia said that he had just had dinner with the deputy director of the People's Hospital, he shouted: "You are so awesome, you actually put The deputy dean has done it!"

"It's not settled yet," Jiajia said. "Even after we had dinner together, we haven't mentioned the purchase of medicines yet."

The boss laughed loudly on the phone and said, "Do you think that if someone is short of this meal, he will go to anyone who invites him?"

"A meal of more than five hundred yuan is too expensive. We have to pay for it tomorrow." Jiajia said with a sad face, "It may cost so much money again."

The boss was overjoyed when he heard this. He said please feel free to ask, even if it is five thousand, I will give you special approval if the funds are not enough.

"Whatever batch was approved, today's invoices were all taken away by him. I don't even have an invoice." Jiajia said.

"It doesn't matter, I trust you. When the time comes, you can make a note and write an explanation, and I will approve the reimbursement for you. You just need to keep an eye on him." The boss said.

Jiajia told her boss about the stent on the phone. She told her boss, I think Dean Qin is right. This stent will definitely be a business opportunity in the future. Can our factory research and develop this?

"Why should we develop this? This is a matter for other equipment manufacturers. We are a pharmaceutical factory. We only produce medicines, not equipment." The boss said.

"But, the profit is very high." Jiajia defended.

"Our profits from generic drugs are also very high. With that kind of money, I might as well develop a new drug." The boss said, "Don't worry about this. Just keep an eye on this vice president."

Jiajia said "Oh" and hung up the phone. She felt in her heart that her boss was a bit short-sighted, but he is the boss, not you. What can you do?

At about four o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Vice President Qin asked Jiajia, and Jiajia called back. Vice President Qin told Jiajia, at 6:30, you wait at the place where you got off the car last night, and I will pick her up. you.

Jiajia said yes.

The next day they went to Dilongwang to eat stir-fried Japanese raccoon dogs and mountain turtles stewed with poisonous snakes. During the meal, Vice President Tan still talked a lot, but did not mention the purchase of medicines. Jiajia felt a little anxious. She said several times She wanted to lead in this direction, but was brought back by Vice Dean Qin. Gradually, Jiajia understood that people were really taking advantage of her.

I understand very well in my heart, but I am just pretending to be stupid.

There was a two-day pause, and Vice President Qin didn't hold Jiajia any longer. At the weekend, Jiajia couldn't help it anymore and ran to the hospital to find him. When he saw Jiajia, Vice President Qin said, "Oh, I I have been really busy these two days. I also said that I had time on the weekend and was about to detain you, but you came over.

That night, they drove to the crater to eat mutton hot pot.

"This guy just hangs me like this without saying a word or talking about drug procurement. In fact, if you think about it, I'm just in the business of drug sales, not drug procurement. How come I come to you again and again, and Are you dating?" Jiajia said angrily to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen said: "I think he is waiting for you to ask him."

"Yes, I was stupid at that time and had no experience in this area." Jiajia smiled.

Jiajia couldn't bear it any longer, so she finally spoke directly and brought up the matter of drug procurement. She said that she was in Haicheng and had not completed any business yet. The tasks given to her by the factory were very stressful and she fell asleep every night. Before I could sleep, I asked Vice President Qin if he could help me get the medicines from their factory into the People's Hospital.

Vice President Tan didn't seem surprised at all when he heard what Jiajia said. Sitting there, he seemed to have known that this time would come. He nodded and said, I will ask you about this matter tomorrow.

Jiajia was full of hope and invited him to the VIP Building for dinner the next day. She thought that Vice President Tan would talk about it during the meal, but in the end, he seemed to have forgotten about it and kept talking about it. Jiajia was secretly worried because she just didn't mention the drug purchase. Finally, she couldn't help but ask, did the dean help me ask about the drugs?

"I have already told them, and they agreed to study it." Vice President Qin said lightly.

When Jiajia heard this, she knew she had been fooled. It was obviously something you could decide alone. Yesterday, she said she would help and ask questions, and today she said they agreed to study it. Who wants to study it? Who are they?

Jiajia resisted and did not get angry. She thought that she had already paid such a high price and could not be quick.

Even though she was depressed, she still had to smile.

For the next two days, we continued to eat, but there was still no progress. All 3,000 yuan of Jiajia’s business expenses were spent, but the drug purchase was still unresolved. Every time I asked, Vice President Qin still said that they He said that he wanted to study it, but he didn't have any certainty. He didn't say when the study would be completed, and he didn't tell her who they were.

Jiajia felt extremely depressed and called her boss. The boss laughed softly and said:

"This old fox really doesn't let go of the rabbit before he sees it."

After saying that, the boss hung up the phone.

Jiajia was stunned while holding the phone. Of course she could hear what the boss meant from his words. She knew what he was talking about when he said that he would not let go of rabbits or hawks. If the boss hung up the phone so quickly, he was actually staying. The subtext is that you know this kind of thing and you don’t need me to teach you.

Jiajia even wondered if her boss was attracted by her original job as a Ding Dong and was willing to risk it, so he encouraged her to become a medical representative.

Jiajia walked home alone, feeling very depressed. She just felt dissatisfied. Why? She thought that with a legitimate job, she would no longer have to go to Dingdong. She didn't expect that selling medicine would have to be a side job. Is there really no other way for a woman to go other than selling herself?

The next day, Jiajia couldn't even read a book. She lay on the bed alone and thought blankly all day. At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Vice President Qin grabbed her. At that time, Jiajia really I wanted to smash the button and stop paying attention to him, but I realized that I actually had no other way to go. If I didn't pay attention to him, I would have no choice but to go back to doing Ding Dong and go back to the days of being on tenterhooks.

Even Jianqiang had to give up his transportation business with Yilin Ma and his business expansion plans. He went to the hotel lobby or the entrance again. When he saw a man from the mainland, he circled his left hand and his right hand. The index finger kept inserting it, hinting at the other party.

No, Jiajia felt that she could no longer go back. She got up from the bed and walked to the shop to return the call.

In the evening, they went to the Nanzhuang Hotel. The two of them couldn't afford the luxury package on the third floor, and Jiajia couldn't afford it. They went to the small box behind the lobby on the second floor.

There was a performance going on on the stage in the front hall, with six or seven little girls singing and dancing. There was a long passage at the back, and the boxes on both sides of the passage were very quiet. Sitting in it, as long as the TV was turned off, you wouldn't hear anything. Movement in the hall ahead.

They didn't turn on the TV, and when all the dishes were served, Vice President Qin and the waiter said, "We'll do it ourselves."

The waiter understood. She walked out and closed the door.

Jiajia toasted to Vice President Qin. Vice President Qin did not pick up the cup, but told her to wait a moment.

Jiajia could only put down the cup.

For so many days, while Jiajia was waiting for Vice President Qin's reply, Vice President Qin was also waiting for Jiajia's further performance, but the result was that he never waited. Vice President Qin was also anxious, and he finally extended his hand. He held Jiajia's hand, and then leaned closer with his body and face.

Jiajia sat there, her face flushed from holding back. She struggled to break away and said, "Wait, Dean Qin, listen to me."

Vice President Tan let go of her and looked at her, and Jiajia also stared at him.

"Say it." Vice President Qin said.

Jiajia's mind was in a state of chaos. Finally, she became cruel and said to herself, no matter what, I will fight for it. Then, the next words were as if she had grown legs and wings, and they were separated. Opened Jiajia:

"Dean Qin, let me tell you the truth. I used to work as a ding dong, and sleeping with men was a common occurrence for me. But the day I found this job, I told myself that starting from today, I have to rely on my ability to eat, not my body. I want to wash my hands in a golden basin.

"Dean Qin, if you recognize me as a friend and can help me, I will be grateful to you forever. Of course, if you think that I can only get this order by sleeping with you, then it doesn't matter. We You can book a room right away, or you can stay in this private room, and I will promise you. Really, I really need to get this business."

After Jiajia finished speaking, there was a deathly silence in the box. Vice President Tan did not make any more moves, but drank and ate in silence. Jiajia said to herself in her heart, it’s over, it’s over, the beautiful doctors and nurses in other hospitals are so If there are many, there will definitely be a lot of them delivered to his door. He will not sleep with a Dingdong, nor will he do business with a Dingdong.

Jiajia sat there, feeling cold all over. She didn't know how the meal ended. She only remembered that when the waiter came to pay the bill, Jiajia was about to take out her wallet. For the first time, Vice President Tan stopped her. She, he said, I will buy it.

Jiajia's heart skipped a beat and she was completely desperate.

After paying the bill, the two of them went downstairs and got into the car. Vice President Qin started the car. In the car, the two of them did not speak. Vice President Qin did not drive the car to any hotel, but drove to Binya Village. When the car stopped at that intersection, Vice President Qin didn’t even look at Jiajia and said coldly:

"get off."

Jiajia got out of the car in a daze and panic. Standing beside the car, she felt that her legs were weak. Vice President Qin rolled down the window next to Jiajia and said to Jiajia:

"You come to my office at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

Then, his car drove away.

Jiajia stood there, not knowing why, her tears flowed down and she couldn't stop them.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Jiajia arrived at Vice President Qin's office on time. She saw that not only Vice President Qin was in the office, but also the chief of the pharmacy department of their People's Hospital was also here.

"People's Hospital, I went in like this." Jiajia and Zhang Chen said.

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