The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2316 It’s my guest

Hele Seafood on Longkun South Road is in a four-story private house. The house is newly built. The floor and walls look like they are not yet dry. There are simple sheds in the front and back of the house.

The shed in the back is the kitchen, and the shed in the front is a seafood pool and water table. There are pots of dirty dishes on the floor, and a large bucket of detergent next to them. The two women are sitting here, talking for a moment. They also kept washing the dishes. From the number of dirty dishes taken away, you can see that the business here is booming.

There are four rows of glass cabinets that go up in a ladder-like manner, and all kinds of seafood are kept. In each seafood cabinet, there is an oxygen pump bubbling with water, transporting oxygen inside. In front of the seafood pool, there is also There is a row of plastic pots, which contain snails, snails, nautiluses, geoducks, oysters, etc. In each pot, there is also an oxygen pump nozzle.

Next to the seafood pool is a row of pools covered with white tiles. There are three helpers standing here. The seafood after weighing in the seafood pool is immediately sent here for processing and cleaning by them.

Not long after Longkun South Road was opened, it was still desolate on both sides. This house stood alone here. The surrounding land was flattened and turned into a parking lot. There were cars parked here and there. There was a person running back and forth here. Just instruct people parking their cars not to block the passage.

Vice President Qin parked the car, and the two of them got out of the car. As soon as they walked to the seafood pool, a woman came to greet him. It seemed that Vice President Qin was a regular customer here. When she saw him, she greeted him and asked him where he was. Vice President Qin said two.

The woman turned around and yelled into the house in Hainan dialect. Immediately, a roar rushed out from the house. The woman told Vice President Qin, No. 5 on the third floor. Vice President Qin nodded.

We walked to the seafood pool together. Vice President Qin asked Jiajia what she wanted to eat. Jiajia said, I don’t even understand, so you should order it.

Vice President Qin ordered a medium-sized lobster of about one pound to be steamed with garlic, safflower crab stir-fried with ginger and green onions, shrimps with salt and pepper, red fish steamed, and an Dongfeng snail.

The woman asked what kind of drink she wanted, and Vice President Qin rolled her eyes at her. The woman giggled and said, "I understand, I understand, I understand you, great aphrodisiac."

This is a locally produced medicinal wine. The name of the wine is called aphrodisiac wine. It is available in half-catty bottles and one-catty bottles. People are accustomed to calling the half-catty packs small aphrodisiacs and the one-catty packs called big aphrodisiacs. The taste is very similar to the later Lugui wine. The ingredients should be similar.

Jiajia quickly said that I don’t know how to drink and asked for two cans of coconut juice.

Entering the house, there is a bar at the entrance. The original frame structure is retained on the first floor. The columns have not even been painted yet. The walls between the columns are not built. It just so happens that the first floor is used as a hotel. The lobby, the second, third and fourth floors above, are all private rooms.

Jiajia walked into the stairs and almost vomited. Someone drank too much and vomited directly on the stairs. Although the vomit had been removed and the stairs were flushed with water, the pungent smell still lingered here. For someone who had just been in the hospital and whose nose was filled with the smell of Lysol, it seemed even more overwhelming.

The two of them quickened their pace and went upstairs. When they reached the upstairs corridor, they saw the sky outside and breathed a sigh of relief.

While waiting for the food, Jiajia supported her chin with both hands and looked at Vice President Qin with a pair of eyes that were seeking knowledge. Vice President Qin took a sip of tea and started speaking. He said to Jiajia,

Why is minimally invasive surgery the future trend? Because minimally invasive surgery causes minimal trauma to patients. This trauma refers to the medical structure and psychology, but it brings the same curative effect.

Minimally invasive surgery in foreign countries now actually relies on a "laparoscope", which is a device with a miniature camera that can enter the human abdominal cavity, or through imaging technology, the doctor uses a computer screen. Do you know about computers?

Jiajia shook her head.

"Our hospital does not yet have computers, but foreign hospitals already have them. The computer has a screen like a TV. Through ultrasound and X-rays, etc., you can see the situation inside the patient's body on this screen, which is different from traditional Surgery is different. It is done by the doctor looking at the screen and operating the equipment.

"Do you know how big the wound in minimally invasive surgery is?"

Vice President Qin asked. Jiajia shook her head. Vice President Qin said, "It's just a little bigger than a pinhead."

"Wow, how is that possible?" Jiajia shouted.

Vice President Qin smiled and said: "I thought it was impossible at first, but after reading the information, it overturned my idea and even my understanding of surgeons. When we say surgeons, they are all like knives." It’s just a knife. I didn’t expect that people no longer use scalpels when performing surgeries. I think minimally invasive surgery can be called abdominal surgery or imaging surgery.”

"Are they already so advanced?" Jiajia asked.

"Yes, so we have to catch up, your pharmaceutical factory and our hospital, we all have to work together."

Vice President Qin said this as if he was giving a report, but Jiajia felt that what he said was right. She kept nodding her head with admiration in her eyes. Jiajia's expression made Vice President Qin feel It was very useful and opened up his conversational box.

Vice President Qin said: "You asked me earlier about my stent implantation, right?"

Jiajia still nodded.

Vice President Qin said: "Stent implantation technology is one of the minimally invasive surgeries. Let me tell you how they do it."

"Okay, I really want to know, Dean."

Jiajia said, putting down the hand supporting her chin, straightening her waist, and placing her hands flat on the table, like an obedient primary school student.

Vice President Qin smiled slightly and said:

"The path for vascular stent implantation is generally to choose the right femoral artery, find the puncture site, use a dermatome to make a small opening, and then puncture with a puncture needle. If you see blood returning, it means that the puncture needle has entered the femoral artery. The puncture is successful, and the puncture guidewire is inserted through the hollow tube of the needle.

"Then pull out the puncture needle, insert the sheath along the puncture guide wire, the sheath of the sheath. The sheath is divided into an inner sheath and an outer sheath. Pull out the puncture guide wire and inner sheath, leaving the outer sheath in the skin and blood vessels. Between them, a channel is established, just like this.”

As he spoke, Vice President Qin raised his left hand, making a circle with his index finger and thumb. He picked up a chopstick with his right hand. Vice President Qin gestured with his left hand and said, "Did you see it? This is the outer sheath, which establishes such a passage." , which facilitates the entry and exit of various guide wires, balloons and stents.

He said using the chopstick, inserting it back and forth in the circle.

Jiajia almost laughed out loud. She saw this action, which was too obscene. Jianqiang used to do this action quietly when soliciting customers. The other party understood it at a glance, but Jianqiang used the index finger of his right hand. , instead of chopsticks, including when they ridiculed a certain guy because he was too small, they also said that he was like chopsticks, just go in and stir it twice.

Seeing Jiajia suppressing a smile, Vice President Qin was stunned for a moment, then understood, he also smiled and said: "Don't think wrongly."

Jiajia shook her head playfully from side to side and said, "I didn't think wrongly. Tell me, Dean, why did I think wrongly?"

"Do you still want to listen?" Vice President Qin asked with a deliberately serious face.

"You want it, Dean, hurry up, hurry up, don't stop."

As soon as the words came out, Jiajia felt something was wrong and blushed. Vice President Tan also realized it. Now they thought about it together and both laughed.

Vice President Qin sipped his tea, cleared his throat, and continued:

“The next step is to send the contrast guide wire and contrast catheter into the blood vessel through the sheath channel. This contrast guide wire is a guide wire that can be controlled by the doctor and can be flexibly bent and turned. It passes through the criss-crossing blood vessel network. From the blood vessel at the puncture site, it travels retrograde to the large blood vessel. The angiography catheter follows the guide wire and snakes through the blood vessel until it reaches the focus point, which is where the blood vessel is blocked.

"Use a syringe to inject a special contrast fluid, or developing fluid, into the catheter. At this time, this part of the blood vessels appears on the computer screen like a map. Human blood vessels are like rivers. Where It’s clogged and it’s clear on the screen.”

Jiajia rested her chin with her hands again and stared at Vice President Tan. This time, she was really fascinated, as if she was listening to an adventure story.

Vice President Qin continued: "After the angiography is completed, the blockage point is found, the angiography guide wire and catheter are pulled out, and then the guide wire and guide catheter are inserted to reach the blockage point. Through the guide catheter, the balloon is delivered to the blockage point. , use a pressure pump to pressurize the balloon. The balloon becomes larger and opens the blocked blood vessels. This is pre-dilation.

"After taking out the pre-expanded balloon, the balloon with the stent is inserted through the catheter again. When it reaches the pre-expanded blockage point, use a pressure pump to pressurize it. The balloon opens the mesh-type stent and fixes it to the blockage. Click, and finally take out the guide wire catheter, balloon, and, by the way, the outer sheath, the entire stent implantation operation is completed, and the patient can be discharged soon."

"Awesome!" Jiajia applauded sincerely, "But, all this sounds very far away."

"No, the popularization of medical technology will be very fast. Think about it, what people fear most is death. How can we avoid death and prolong life? Of course, it is through medical means. Therefore, this stent implantation Surgery, think about it, how many people are waiting in our country, including those with power, they are the ones who want to introduce it most.

"I think it won't be long before major hospitals in Shanghai or Beijing will introduce stent implantation surgery."

As Vice President Tan said, Jiajia kept nodding her head, thinking that what he said was right.

Vice President Qin said: "By the way, I have told you so much, but I actually have a suggestion."

"Say it, Dean."

"I think that after the introduction of this technology, it will definitely be a business opportunity. We will definitely not be able to make this stent in China at once. As long as we can't make it ourselves and need to import it, the price will be very expensive. I estimate that a stent will cost several dollars." Ten thousand, it’s more expensive than our surgery fee. Aren’t you a factory? You can consider going in this direction.”

Jiajia's eyes lit up. She also thought this was a business opportunity. She shouted, "Great, I will tell our factory director."

This meal cost the two of them more than 520 yuan. When paying the bill, Jiajia thought that Vice President Tan had behaved like a master from the moment he arrived here, and she thought that he at least He would be polite and compete with her to pay the bill, but he didn't. He sat there picking his teeth with a toothpick and showed no sign at all, watching Jiajia buy the bill.

When Jiajia bought the order, she asked the waiter to issue an invoice. The waiter came over with the invoice and change. Vice President Qin stretched out two fingers and said "Give me the invoice" and took the invoice. Jia was stunned for a moment, but quickly recovered.

Jiajia felt heartbroken after spending so much money. At the same time, she didn't know what to do with the meal without an invoice and whether she could be reimbursed. But she still felt that today's meal was a good deal. First, after the meal, she and Tan The relationship with the vice-dean has obviously become closer, and the two of them have made an appointment to have dinner together tomorrow.

"I will detain you then. Wherever you are, I will go directly to pick you up." Vice President Qin said to Jiajia, and Jiajia agreed.

There is another gain. Jiajia feels that she has really figured out the complicated issue of stent implantation surgery today.

Thank you Brokeback Mountain for the reward of two fishes! Thank you to Fire Phoenix Magic Mirror, Tianying 1978, Lao Shen Xisang, Fang Feng, why can’t I change my name, the administrator on the third floor of the library, take a look at it, Xixi Zi, lw_norvy, Purple Hei, Romantic Sakura, and turn over the books frequently , How can we not have the same name, Nevin Moore, xiezhiwww, The Setting Sun Shines on Mo Sheng, Captain Jim, Galen's Great Sword, Qdragon, Book Friends 2-0171122204203851, 20180523112857605, 20211109140700893887090, 20191102113546718 , 20171119234219749, 20200203163201442 monthly tickets! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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