The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2318 My own path (Thank you winsonliu for becoming the leader!)

It was almost four o'clock in the morning. Xiaoyue came over. She saw two people on the terrace outside, still lying there chatting. She also walked three or four meters away from them. Xiaoyue stopped, coughed first, and then walk over.

On the table between the two sofas and lounge chairs, a bottle of wine had been finished and the dishes were at the bottom. Xiaoyue asked, Sister Jiajia, can I take it away?

Jiajia said yes.

Xiaoyue moved the table and the tableware aside first. She saw that the fire in the open stove on the coffee table had been extinguished, so she lit the open stove again and sat on the water.

Then he went back inside, brought a pot of boiling water, made tea for them again, then removed the small table and tableware, and disappeared with them.

Zhang Chen asked Jiajia: "You started doing it from the People's Hospital?"

"It's not that simple." Jiajia said, "Vice President Qin agreed to purchase our medicines. That is just the first step. Once the medicines arrive in the hospital's warehouse, they are not finished yet. The right to prescribe to patients lies with the doctor. Your medicines The key to sales volume depends on how many drugs the doctor prescribes. Not even the dean can control this.

"We can't compare with the products of those big foreign pharmaceutical companies. Their medicines are special medicines. You can't use them even if you don't use them. At that time, our domestic pharmaceutical companies had very few new medicines with their own patents. Everyone was producing them." Most of them are commercial products that have passed the patent protection period, or are generic drugs.

"In the hospital pharmacy, there are more than a dozen of the same type of medicine, such as roxithromycin, with the same efficacy. Which one you use depends on how the doctor prescribes it. If the doctor does not indicate it, then It depends on how the pharmacy distributes the medicine. In the first month after I started working, the actual sales volume was pitiful. A provincial hospital was not as big as a county-level hospital.

"Later, I went to Dr. Pang for help. He started using my medicines in prescriptions. Then he introduced me to his colleagues, who introduced colleagues to me. Finally, I introduced all the doctors in the People's Hospital. After understanding it, the sales of medicines will be greatly increased.

"As a medical representative, the most important quality is to be familiar with each other and be able to have a good relationship with everyone. Not only must you have a good relationship with doctors and nurses, but also with hospital administrators. We even have a good relationship with pharmacy warehouse managers. To have a good relationship.

"Really, despite the fact that the warehouse manager does not have a high status in the hospital, if you don't have a good relationship with him and he makes mischief, it will be enough for you. For example, if your medicine is about to be used up, he will not report it to you. , or delay the application for a day or two, then the goods will be purchased a day or two late. As I said before, you are not the only one with the same type of medicine. If yours is no longer available, just use other medicines.

"If you have a good relationship, he will help you to keep time well. Before the goods are out of stock here, there will be delivered there. Then he will use this trick to deal with other pharmaceutical companies and make them often out of stock. As soon as they run out of stock, will your sales naturally increase? You have to do a good job in all kinds of relationships. If you do well, you will get money. "

Zhang Chen asked: "Then are you really like the legend, where doctors prescribe medicines and you all give kickbacks?"

"That was later. At the beginning, I wasn't so brave. The men would give them cigarettes, and the women would give them chocolates and cosmetics. We would treat them to meals from time to time, and during the night shift, we would give them late-night snacks. If you have children at home, you would take them to KFC for their birthdays. At that time, it was popular to go to KFC for your birthdays.

"In Hainan, the best thing is to treat them to morning tea. I asked for a private room at a hotel near the hospital. Every day, before the doctors go to work, they go there to have morning tea. After having morning tea, they go to work. When they go to work, they must I still remember you, the food in my stomach has not been digested yet, so when I wrote the prescription, the tip of the pen must be facing you."

"Then it's really hard for you. You have to serve them every day." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"That's right. I work hard every day with a smile on my face, just like an old lady. It's really not as simple as giving a direct kickback later. Everyone is relaxed."

Zhang Chen said: "It's not easy."

"Yes, it was difficult at the beginning, but it got better later." Jiajia said, "People in the hospital are all connected with each other. Our People's Hospital has been involved in the work, and the relationship with the people there has been improved." , they were happy to help introduce me to their colleagues and other hospitals. Soon, in about half a year, I was admitted to all the hospitals in Haicheng.

"Among all the medical representatives in our factory, I have the best performance. Why, although the population of Haicheng is not comparable to that of big cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou, one medical representative there can enter two or three hospitals. It's good to maintain a good relationship. This is the entire Haicheng here, and there are still more people than them in total.

"Then, I worked in places like Sanya, Qionghai, Danzhou, Nada, and at that time Nada, and Wenchang. I worked in all the hospitals in Hainan Province. I couldn't handle it all by myself. Jianqiang and Yilin’s mother didn’t go to any aquatic product terminal to expand their business at that time. They couldn’t even deliver medicine to me every day. Besides hospitals, what about pharmacies?

"I rented a warehouse in Haicheng and hired a salesperson. Jianqiang first bought an Isuzu and delivered medicine all over the province. Then he was too busy to do it alone, so he bought a second, third, and fourth car. The car turned into a fleet.

"After all the hospitals in the province started working on it, I was thinking, since Hainan Island is so big, how else can I expand my business? Later, I still remembered Brother Ganzi's trick."

"Which of his tricks?" Zhang Chen became interested and asked, "He has been away for many years, what else can he teach you?"

"Yes, the person is gone, but the spirit is still there." Jiajia giggled.

"Brother Zhang Chen, do you still remember that when we were eating in the upstairs corridor of Yilin's house, Brother Zhanzi always took out his business card and press card, bragging that he was a joint reporter for six media outlets?"

Jiajia asked, Zhang Chen nodded.

Jiajia said: "I just thought, since Brother Gan can be a joint reporter for six media, why can't I be a medical representative for multiple pharmaceutical companies? There are so many types of drugs, and no pharmaceutical company can handle all the drugs." They have all been produced, and one family can only produce a few types. I used to go to the hospital with the medicine, but now my hospital has such a good relationship, why can’t I go to the pharmaceutical factory according to their needs.”

"Smart!" Zhang Chen shouted.

"Thank you!" Jiajia said with a smile, "I just chose. I chose pharmaceutical companies that have no conflict with each other. I went to them. I went to them with sales leads. If any factory was unwilling, they would all sign with me. I signed an agency agreement, and later on, I became even more powerful than Brother Gan. I was the medical representative of eighteen pharmaceutical companies, and even foreign companies came to me.

"When I was at my most powerful, two-thirds of the medicines in all the hospitals in Haicheng were supplied by me."

"That's right. It's a pity that you don't do business." Zhang Chen said.

"Yes, I regretted it later. If I had known this, why didn't I start doing business earlier, and I still had to live in that kind of life where people are neither human nor ghosts. It seems that people just need to be forced, and they have been forced to that point. , just go up." Jiajia said.

"Then why did you think of starting a pharmaceutical factory again?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It was a coincidence." Jiajia said, "Actually, at the beginning, it was not a pharmaceutical factory. It was a factory that made physiological saline under the People's Hospital. It was not well run. Think about it, they were just a hospital. How can it be run well if it is produced and sold by itself?

"When the outpatient building and wards of the hospital were newly built, they wanted to sell the pharmaceutical factory, mainly selling business licenses and permits, as well as some simple equipment. The place where the pharmaceutical factory used to be was planned to be used to build wards. , the dean and deputy dean Qin came to me and asked me to buy the pharmaceutical factory. They didn’t have much money, so I bought it.

"Now that I bought it, I thought, I will do it well. I bought a piece of land in Jinpan Industrial Park and moved the factory there. At the beginning, I still produced physiological saline and delivered it to all hospitals in Haicheng. , and later the entire island.

"When the factory got rich, it began to recruit people and expand production. It not only produced physiological saline, but also produced other medicines. Starting from the simplest, I thought, since all your pharmaceutical factories across the country can sell medicines to us Coming from Hainan, why can't I produce medicines in Hainan and sell them all over the country?

"In terms of geographical environment, Hainan cannot produce other products, but it can produce medicines. For other products, transportation is inconvenient. If it is sent out of the island, the freight is too high. Our medicines are not afraid of this, so a little transportation cost is nothing. Hainan The climate and air are so good, so it is truly unique for producing medicine.

"I haven't read any books myself, but I know the importance of reading and know that knowledge is money. If nothing else, I just relied on a fake Zhejiang University of Science and Technology and a fake college student title. When I was doing Ding Dong, my business was worse than In addition, Dingdong's business is good and he does serious things, so that's not even more important.

"When I have money, I will recruit people. I will go to other companies to recruit people with doctorate and master's degrees from home and abroad. In this regard, I am not stingy at all. In this way, the technical strength of my pharmaceutical factory has become very strong. I am very capable of researching and developing new drugs myself. Now my pharmaceutical factory has six national Class I new drugs, eleven Class II drugs, Class III, IV, F and VI drugs, and there are even more.

"By the way, Brother Zhang Chen, I forgot to mention it earlier. While I deliver medicines to hospitals, I also act as an agent for medical devices. I do a good job in this area. After all, my clients are hospitals. I just increased the variety. The people in the hospital also like to deal with me. We all have old relationships with each other. They feel relieved to get some benefits. It is safer than taking it from someone who doesn’t know the background, right?

"After the success of the pharmaceutical factory, I set up a factory to make equipment. As I said before, I made stents and developed our own stents. Now the stents we produce are in short supply, and the price is only one-fifth of the imported stents. First, many patients who could not afford stents can now use our stents. This is what I am most happy about."

"You really haven't forgotten your original intention." Zhang Chen smiled.

"Yes, Brother Zhang Chen, you are right. I still remember the stent. I have always remembered it. Vice President Qin is right. The stent implantation surgery was introduced within a few years. Larger hospitals can do it, and I later served as an agent for stents for foreigners. When I had the ability, of course I did it myself," Jiajia said.

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