The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2309 It was difficult at that time

After the real estate bubble burst in Haicheng, the entire Haicheng seemed to be dead. It was really desolate and mournful. No industry or person has ever been independent of this society. With the real estate collapse, Haicheng and even the entire Hainan Island, everyone The industry has been affected, and everyone has been affected.

Jiajia and Jianqiang were persuaded by Yilin's mother not to leave Hainan. They stayed at Yilin's house with no money in their pockets. Fortunately, they still had a place to live and a place to eat. They had food and shelter. Individuals can settle down temporarily in one place.

The off-the-plan properties cannot be speculated, and they don’t have any other skills. Even those who have skills can’t find jobs in Haicheng at that time, let alone them. Every company is in turmoil and laying off people. The East Lake sign wall is there. , there are crowds of people every day, but they are all looking for jobs, not recruiting.

The recruitment notices posted on the wall were dated more than a week ago, and the ink has faded. Several of the recruitment notices have one corner hanging down, like broken flags, fluttering in the wind.

If there are no recruiting units, there will be no income. The security here has also been withdrawn. The small house that used to undertake recruitment business on the site has also been closed and left. There is a piece of paper on the door saying that there is recruitment business. Go directly to the number of Longbipo and contact the talent recruitment market "Talent Information News".

Jianqiang and Jiajia went to the recruitment wall and found the two closest ones. They were recruiting hotel waiters, chefs and handymen. Jiajia could be a waiter, but Jianqiang was not qualified to be a chef, so he should be able to be a handyman.

Two people ran over. The first one said that it had already filled up its staff, but now it was too many and was laying off employees. The other one had simply closed down.

The two of them returned home, hugging each other and crying. They felt that the future was uncertain and they didn't know how they could survive in this city.

Although Yilin's mother was very kind and polite to them, they were embarrassed and had been living in other people's houses and eating for free.

The two of them discussed it over and over again. Although Jiajia was very disgusted, they had no choice. The only thing they could do now was to return to their old jobs. Jiajia made Dingdong, and Jianqiang went to the lobby and entrance of every hotel to solicit customers.

But at that time, almost every hotel in Haicheng was crowded with people at the door. It used to be that so many people flocked to Haicheng, all coming to find gold, with the dream of getting rich overnight. Now, this city has already If he is dead, gold diggers will naturally avoid him.

There weren't any decent companies in Haicheng to begin with. Most of them were real estate companies. It was like a general cleaning. They were cleaned up overnight. Those who were lucky enough not to be dumped fled back to the mainland.

There is no business at all in this city. The few tourists who go to the island come directly from Sanya and will not transfer to Haicheng. Haicheng is not only dead, but has also become a deserted place. In forgotten corners, every hotel is empty.

"Business was really difficult at that time," Jiajia and Zhang Chen said. "Sometimes it took two or three days, sometimes a week to receive a customer. Think about it, even people in this industry were unemployed. At that time How miserable is Haicheng?"

Business is difficult to do, and there are more dangers of all kinds. The joint defense team will make things difficult for you, the hotel security guards will make things difficult for you, and the bad guys in society will also make things difficult for you. They all have the same purpose. Then Just to get benefits from you.

If you satisfy them all, then the customers you accept will be for nothing. Giving them all the money is not enough.

Jianqiang and Jiajia must be sneaky when looking for guests, and they must also be sneaky when meeting guests. Jianqiang was sitting in the lobby of the hotel. When he saw a target, he didn't dare to talk to him in the lobby, so he could only When you see him going upstairs and entering the elevator, follow him and talk business with them in the elevator or in the passage of the guest room upstairs.

This won't last long. There is surveillance in the elevator, and the security guard in the surveillance room can still see Jianqiang coming down from upstairs, the elevator door opens, and the security guard is already standing at the door.

Later, Jianqiang could only sit in the lobby, looking for a good target. When he saw him going out, he followed him out and discussed business with him outside. However, the security guards at the gate were also watching. As soon as he saw Jianqiang, When Qiang came in, they noticed that they didn't want Jianqiang's cigarettes, so they said that Jianqiang was not interesting enough. The meaning was obvious, that he didn't share the benefits with them.

Jianqiang didn't even go into the lobby, he just waited outside the hotel. When guests came out, he would go up and talk to them. In this way, the possibility of success was very low. Think about it, a person from out of town would not live here. I'm familiar with it. If a person comes up out of nowhere and you talk to him about this kind of thing, why shouldn't he be frightened? Who knows if you are dancing like a fairy or fishing?

Most people waved their hands and ran away as soon as they heard this. It was much more difficult to talk to them than talking to them in the hotel lobby. In the hotel lobby, he lived here and inexplicably felt like he was half the owner here, so he would be very relaxed.

Jianqiang later thought of a way, that is, he would have a relationship with the girls at the hotel front desk. Comparatively speaking, these girls at the hotel front desk are not as fierce as security guards. You buy them late night snacks, or sometimes, you give them directly. Fifty yuan for two or three people, let them buy midnight snacks by themselves, and they will be very happy.

If they have a good relationship with them, they will write down the room number on a piece of paper when a man comes on a business trip, or if there are a few guests, but everyone stays in a room, and when Jianqiang comes, they will secretly give it to them. He can't be at the front desk yet because he's afraid of being seen by security.

Jianqiang went in and shouted to the security guard at the gate, telling him to go in and use the restroom. Then he walked into the restroom and was dawdling at the sink outside. After a while, a waiter at the front desk deliberately When he came to the bathroom, he thrust the note into his hand and ducked into the women's bathroom, just like a spy.

Jianqiang got the note, ran outside to find a public phone, pressed the room number on it, and called the rooms one by one to discuss business. In this way, the success rate began to increase.

Jianqiang was so sneaky when attracting guests, and Jiajia was also sneaky when meeting these guests. When she arrived at the hotel entrance, she would either take advantage of the security guard to direct the guests to park their cars, or when there were many guests, she would hide among the guests and go in with her head down. , entered the elevator, also with his head lowered. The security guards all knew Jiajia and knew what she was going to do upstairs.

Still uneasy, Jiajia kept an eye out. If a guest lived on the eighth floor, she would take the elevator to the seventh or ninth floor, and then walk up one floor. Fortunately, in the hotel at that time, there was nothing else in the hotel except the elevator. There was no surveillance anywhere, unlike now. If it were like now, even this trick would be useless.

There were very few people coming in and out, and the guests were waiting in the room. When Jiajia was about to enter the hotel, Jianqiang went to the door of the hotel, handed a cigarette to the security guard to smoke, and then chatted with him there, talking about how the hell business is going now. It's so bad that the security guard also complained, saying that we don't even have bonuses now, damn it.

While they were smoking and chatting, Jiajia slipped in quietly from behind the security guard. Was it like being a spy again?

"Damn it, Brother Zhang Chen, I won't lie to you. At that time, I had to learn to be a thief before I could be a Dingdong. What a worldly thing." Jiajia and Zhang Chen said.

The most terrifying thing is not these, but peers. The competition among peers is naked. With just a little business, one customer rarely calls several customers in one night. If you do it, others will not have to do it. , everyone is staring at each other, they usually work in this industry, and they are all in and out of the hotel. Even though they don’t know each other, they all look familiar to each other.

When she sees you going in and going upstairs, someone will look at the elevator. When she sees which floor you are going to, she will follow you up. Then she will stick to each door and listen to what is going on inside. When she knows which room you are in, she will go downstairs and go out. When we got to the hotel, we found a public phone and called the police. The police, especially the police assisting police, liked arresting people like us the most. They came right after receiving the call.

"Scary, right?"

Jiajia asked, picking up the wine glass and draining the wine in one gulp.

"That's it, just surviving in the cracks."

Jiajia looked at Zhang Chen and continued to say to him:

"Later, it was Jianqiang who went to find those mommies. There was usually a mommy behind every dingdong. Mommies did the job of soliciting customers like Jianqiang. They also worked in hotels and knew each other well. I was Later I found out that Jianqiang, the bastard, was also their customer. He would take care of their business from time to time and they would give him discounts.

"Jianqiang warned them, if you want to do this, then everyone should stop doing it. If you want to die, we will all die together. I also know the few of your men. I also went to the hotel to guard them. When I saw them going up, I also went Call 110, that's it, a balance of terror, so that the world will be a little more peaceful."

But there are still those who talk nicely on the surface but make trouble secretly. Anyway, the calls are anonymous. You don’t know who called them, as long as you don’t catch them on the spot.

When Jiajia was about to go upstairs, Jianqiang was waiting downstairs. When he saw a police car or a joint defense team car approaching, Jianqiang would immediately button up Jiajia. As soon as Jiajia heard the button, no matter what she was doing, she would immediately If you don't have time to put on your clothes, just wear the hotel's bathrobe and remember to take your bag with you.

Jianqiang and Jiajia said that if there is a side staircase, run to the side staircase. If there is not, take the safe passage. Remember, do not run down. They are likely to have someone guarding the lobby, so you must run up. , got upstairs and tried to hide. After they left, Jianqiang would go upstairs to find her.

Jianqiang also told Jiajia, remember, when you enter the room, show your ID card to the other person, let the other person remember your name, and you also remember the other person's. If you can't escape and are caught, Just say that you are in love or having a tryst, and they will definitely ask you about the other person’s name and where they met. You can ask the other person to tell you a familiar place in Haicheng, and you can just remember it.

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