The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 2308 The last is the story

"Brother Zhang Chen, how are you now? I mean at home." Jiajia asked.

"Okay." Zhang Chen said.

"I think so, I can see it." Jiajia said.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "How can you tell this? You are not a fortune teller."

"I'm not a fortune teller, but I can just tell." Jiajia said, "Everything is stable for a man. His eyes are very fixed and will not wander. Also, when he is sitting there, his whole person is... It makes people feel very relaxed, and when they talk, they are just like you, unhurried."

Zhang Chen laughed loudly, and Jiajia shouted: "Yes, yes, there is still something like this, I will laugh very loudly and be very happy."

"Otherwise?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Otherwise, that person will look very nervous. If he has something in mind, he will be very eager to show something and say something desperately. He is afraid that you don't know. As he talks, he will easily be unable to stop the car. The more he wants to The more people believe him, the more he speaks, but as a result, others become more suspicious of what he says," Jiajia said.

Zhang Chen still smiled and said, "It seems you have done some research."

"Of course, there is a saying. I have read countless people. I have read countless men. How about a man? No matter how many clothes he wears, he is still naked in front of me. I can see clearly."

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "Then should I hide?"

Jiajia giggled: "No, please cover yourself with the blanket, it's a bit cold now."

Although Zhang Chen didn't feel cold, he subconsciously pulled the blanket up. Jiajia looked at him with a smile.

Ayu came over and walked to about three or four meters away from them. She stopped, coughed, and then continued to walk forward. She walked nearby and helped them change the tea leaves in the teapot first, and then put the tea in the kettle on the stove. Fill up the water and ask:

"Do you need a midnight snack?"

Jiajia looked at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen said that he was not hungry yet. At the end, he immediately added, you can go to sleep. If you want to eat later, we will make it ourselves.

Jiajia asked: "Can you do it? I can't."

Zhang Chen said: "Of course, I run a hotel, so I have watched it for a while."

Jiajia and Ayu said, then go to sleep.

Ayu nodded towards them, turned and left.

Jiajia looked back and saw Ayu walking away. She said to Zhang Chen, "Then I'll wait a minute. Even if I'm not hungry, I still have to say I'm hungry. The boss of 'Food and Drink' will cook the food himself. This treatment is probably... Not many people can enjoy it.”

Zhang Chen said yes, you can say it anytime.

The rain had stopped at this time, and the light mist in front of me seemed to have been taken away all at once. The sky washed by the rain became particularly clear. Not only was the drilling platform in the distance back, Xiuying Port They seemed to be very close, and even the sky above them became brighter, turning from black to gray, and half of the furry moon loomed in the clouds.

"Brother Zhang Chen, actually I have known you for a long time." Jiajia said.

"Oh, you know what?"

"Where are you? Your business is so big. There are news and videos about you on the Internet. You even go on TV to talk about those paintings. How could I not know? Although I don't understand, those TV shows of yours, I watched every episode," Jiajia said.

"How could you not understand?" Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"How could I understand? You are talking about paintings." Jiajia said.

"Yes, aren't you from Zhejiang University? How can you not understand painting?"

"Fuck you." Jiajia chuckled, "At that time, I didn't even know what Zhejiang University of Science and Technology was. I just heard you and Brother Ganzi say, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology's Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, it sounded very high-end, so I thought He said that he was from Zhejiang American University, but later, I actually went to Zhejiang American Academy to see it, and that school was so beautiful."

"Have you been to Hangzhou?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Of course, I have been to Hangzhou for business and meetings. Several big hospitals in Hangzhou are all customers of our company. How could I not have been there?" Jiajia said, "I have not only been to Hangzhou, I’ve also been to your Tuxiangyuan Hotel many times, some invited us, and some I invited them.”

"No, no, Jiajia." Zhang Chen shouted, "You have been to Hangzhou and Tuxiangyuan. You know that building is mine, right? You haven't even looked for me."

Jiajia smiled softly and said a little mischievously: "I just won't go, what's so great about you, hum!"

After a pause, Jiajia sighed and said, "Brother Zhang Chen, actually I'm scared."

"Afraid? What are you afraid of?" Zhang Chen asked doubtfully.

Jiajia lowered her head and muttered: "I'm afraid that you don't know me anymore. After all, after so many years, if you don't know me anymore, how embarrassing and embarrassing would it be? I'm also afraid that you are no longer the Zhang Chen brother in my heart. What I’m more afraid of is that you might misunderstand me.”

"What's the misunderstanding?" Zhang Chen asked, confused.

"I thought I was looking for you for some reason. If you were just a small boss or an ordinary person, I would definitely look for you, but you are already such a big boss and so famous. I'm looking for you. There must be a lot of people, and you are probably bored to death, trying to avoid these people every day.

"Say, if someone you haven't seen for many years suddenly comes to find you, would you immediately think about what purpose he has in coming to me?" Jiajia asked.

Zhang Chen tilted his head slightly, thought seriously for a while, nodded honestly, and said:

"Yes, I will think so. It's a conditioned reflex to think so, but it doesn't mean anything. We are friends. We haven't seen each other for so many years. I will definitely be happy to see you. You just need my help. I thought Come to me and I will still be happy.

"As mentioned before, we were friends first, and then...the following things happened after we became friends, and they cannot change the fact that we are friends. This is different from the people we met later, you You are right. Many people you will meet later come with a purpose in mind when they approach you.

"I think it's not just me, you will definitely encounter this situation, and you will also encounter many people like this. For those people behind me, I will be on guard as a conditioned reflex. When they make requests, I Basically, they would refuse, otherwise they would be extremely annoyed, and I have no obligation to help them. It’s simple, because we have never become true friends.

"You are different. For example, I said, you and Jianqiang came from your hometown. The family is very difficult. Thinking of having such a former friend who is a boss in Hangzhou, you thought of coming to me. On the contrary, I I will be very happy. If you don't have a job, I will help you arrange work. If you have any difficulties, I will also help you solve them.

"For me, these are all things within my ability. It is a little effort. It is a very happy thing to be able to help friends. Everyone has fewer and fewer friends in this world, not More and more, for many people, in the end, only family members are left. Isn’t it right for those few rare friends to help their families like family members?"

Jiajia nodded and said: "Brother Zhang Chen, what you said is very good. In fact, from the front, in their conference room in Yilin, the first time I saw you, I suddenly felt relieved and felt that you have not changed, Brother Zhang Chen It’s still Brother Zhang Chen.”

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "How can you tell this?"

"I can just tell. Didn't I tell you that I...from that time on, I felt very close to you. In fact, when I saw Beibei in the afternoon, I felt very close to him. Beibei is very similar to you, not only in appearance, but also in person, Beibei is very similar to the Zhang Chen brother I saw when I was at Yilin's house."

"He is my son, of course he is."

Zhang Chen said with a smile that what he was thinking about was that he and Xiao Zhao were actually very similar. They were the same kind of people. Zhang Xiangbei left him to go to the United States. Fortunately, Xiao Fang was always by his side. Xiao Fang and Xiao Zhao Zhaocai is really similar. Probably, this is what keeps Zhang Xiangbei still acting like they are a family.

A family sounds very simple, but in fact it is a very complex and difficult problem to solve. Some people are obviously a family, but when you look at them as a family of three or four, each one is independent and has edges and corners. If they get too close to each other, they will bump into each other, and they will no longer feel like a family.

When a family is together, their wings must be folded and their claws must be rolled inward. Only in this way, when severe cold or heavy snowfall comes, they will huddle together to keep each other warm and not hurt each other. , when the sky is clear and the air is clear, there will be more space.

"Brother Zhang Chen, what are you thinking about?" Jiajia asked.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Suddenly I thought of something out of the ordinary. By the way, Jiajia, how did you end up doing medicine later?"

Jiajia said: "It would be a long story to say."

"Don't be afraid of a long story, just tell me." Zhang Chen said.

Jiajia looked at him and pursed her lips: "But I'm hungry."

"Okay, I'll do it." Zhang Chen stood up, and Jiajia also jumped up and shouted:

"I'll help you."

The two people walked into the kitchen. The kitchen was very large, with an area of ​​more than forty square meters. There were two side-by-side refrigerators inside. Zhang Chen smiled and said, this is too exaggerated. Jiajia, you are the only one, plus two people. Can an aunt, or three people, use such a big kitchen and so many refrigerators?

"No, eating is the only hobby I have left. Can't I eat more and eat better?" Jiajia pouted and said.

Zhang Chen said yes, yes, yes, you are absolutely right. Jiajia giggled.

Zhang Chen opened the refrigerator and took a look. It was neat and tidy inside. Even the vegetables that had not been eaten had been washed, packed in fresh-keeping boxes and bags, and placed in the refrigerator.

Zhang Chen asked Jiajia: "What do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat your cooking and drink some wine, is that okay?" Jiajia asked.

Zhang Chen said yes, but still like before, not very good at eating spicy food?

Jiajia exclaimed happily: "You even remember this?! There is no progress, only a little bit."

Zhang Chen said yes.

Zhang Chen quickly prepared a dish. Jiajia twitched her nose and smelled it, saying, "It smells so good!"

She was about to take it out, and Zhang Chen said, "We'd better eat on the terrace."

Jiajia nodded: "Just like we did before, in the corridor upstairs at Yilin's house."

Zhang Chen cooked four dishes, and Jiajia moved a small table and placed it side by side with the coffee table in the middle of the two sofas, so that they could drink wine and tea at the same time. Jiajia knew that Zhang Chen didn't like drinking foreign wine. After taking a bottle of Moutai, Zhang Chen sat down, rubbed his hands and said:

"Okay, there's wine and food..."

"I know, I'll have a story about me later, I won't be a simp." Jiajia giggled.

Thank you Brokeback Mountain for the reward of two fishes! Thank you for your monthly votes on the road - every day, just take a look at Aaah, Zhongxing Mingchen, Donglongdong, Lao Dibowei, Mr_Sgn, windinwing, Book Friends 161004075354005, Book Friends 160416145341126! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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