The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 230 It’s over… It’s done!

The students had to find their own way. They used leaves of the French plane tree, leaves of a species called Overlord tree, leaves of the tea tree, leaves of the oak tree, and even leaves of green vegetables and water spinach. They tried all the leaves that looked like mulberry leaves. leaf.

But these silkworm babies, I don’t know if they are too well domesticated. They use collective actions to resist the food that is randomly distributed to them. They really would rather die than surrender. Looking at the stiff corpses in the box, the female students began to Cry bitterly.

When girls cry, boys need to stand up.

They unanimously focused their attention on the silkworm breeding farm outside the town. There are more than one hundred acres of mulberry land in the silkworm breeding farm. It is green and lush, and every mulberry leaf looks big and beautiful. When the breeze blows, it also emits It emits the scent that the hungry and cold silkworms dream of.

It was finally their turn to taste the fruits grown at the silkworm breeding farm. The students began to act collectively and went to the silkworm breeding farm to steal mulberry leaves. This became their first priority after school every day. For the sake of the silkworm babies that were waiting to be fed, they also There were female classmates with tearful eyes, and they began to take desperate risks. Even Zhang Chen, an unsociable dull guy, joined the criminal group that stole mulberry leaves.

There were so many people stealing that the silkworm breeding farm had to organize all its people and start a round-the-clock mulberry protection operation.

Before Zhang Chen and the others set out every time, just like gangsters robbing a bank, they had done a strict division of labor in advance, and even conducted sand table drills around the terrain map Zhang Chen had drawn.

Everyone in Yongcheng is familiar with the silkworm breeding farm. In the past, he often went to the mulberry garden to pick mulberries and dig wild onions. But his ability to draw all the terrain from memory still surprised the students. They had to admire Zhang Chen. This boring guy.

The one with the loudest voice is responsible for keeping watch, and sings loudly when someone comes. The one with the quickest hands and feet is responsible for picking. After picking, everything is handed over to the person who picks it up. The person who picks it up must be the fastest person in the class, and the rest People are the cover, responsible for pretending to fall in front of someone when someone is chasing them, thus slowing down their pursuit.

If you are riding a bicycle, just insert the stick into the spokes of the bicycle. Anyway, the mud is very soft, so it won't hurt if you fall.

Zhang Chen is the fastest one in the class, so he is responsible for supporting him.

Every time they succeeded, everyone would share the mulberry leaves equally, but they all agreed to give Zhang Chen a few more. They all knew that Zhang Chen would also give some to Jin Lili to express sympathy. In fact, they also wanted to give to their tablemates, but they all Quietly, otherwise, the silkworm babies of the female classmates in the class would have starved to death long ago.

What Zhang Chen liked most was that the moment he threw the mulberry leaves into the box, he stared at the box intently. Those guys who were waiting for food immediately rolled their bodies around and quickly found their own favorable terrain and adjusted their positions. The posture of the mouth started, and a rustling sound came from the box,

A mulberry leaf quickly disappeared, leaving only a tender green stem.

They crawled slowly in the box, raising their heads from time to time. It could be seen that they were not full yet and were still looking for more mulberry leaves. Zhang Chen did not dare to give them more. He wanted to keep them for them. , you must know that mulberry leaves are getting harder and harder to steal.

Zhang Chen has never been caught once, but someone in the school was caught. If he was caught, the silkworm breeding farm couldn't do anything. The police station wouldn't care about the child picking a few mulberry leaves, so he had to call to inform him. The school was very serious at the beginning. The principal and the head teacher personally ran over to pick up the students, apologized to the silkworm breeding farm, and asked the students to write an inspection when they came back. Once was not enough to write twice.

After he finished writing, he was asked to go to the class and read it by himself. Just read it. No one should think it was a shame. Standing in the front was just a performance, with weird accents. All the students below put their hands under the table and their upper body. He remained motionless, his face serious, but the hands below were clapping.

This is simply a tribute to a hero.

The teacher was helpless. In the end, she laughed to herself when she listened to the confession. From the great situation in the country, the prosperity of all walks of life, and the vigorous development of the reform cause, to her own psychology and heinous crimes, which were simply darker than a murderer, it was nothing. And what? I just picked a few leaves, right?

Later, more and more people were arrested. These children did not seem to be afraid of being arrested. They did not run away when people came. They stood in the office of the silkworm breeding farm and listened to the farm director's lectures with their heads lowered. The chief himself was at a loss for words, so he had no choice but to let them go. They walked out of the building of the silkworm breeding farm, went outside, turned around and stole again. After all, they couldn't go back empty-handed.

This was a fucking robbery. The director of the silkworm breeding farm was so angry that he called the principal of the middle school in the town and bombarded him. What kind of fucking school did you teach and what kind of bad students did you teach?

The principal was stunned by the scolding. After being stunned, he also got angry. He cursed, "Don't bother me. Eat the shit you pooped out yourself. Fuck you. Why should I come to wipe your butt? Those children are out of control." The school gate is not my students. If you have the guts, you can hit them if you want, and kill them if you want! I do not care!

What happened to the principal? What's wrong with the teacher? Damn it, teachers are human beings too, and they will scold you. That’s right, I’m scolding you. I’m smarter than you. Do you believe it or not? I’ve been scolding you for three hours. The curse words are not the same. They have been used in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad. You Which one do you want?

The female principal of Yingchun Primary School is very gentle. She said on the phone, "Oh, I know about this matter. However, if we want to solve it, we must solve it from the source. Do you think it is right or not? You just know how to sell silkworms." , can’t we also sell mulberry leaves? If you have mulberry leaves for sale, why would students pick them from the trees, right?

The farm director said, if we sell our own silkworms, what will we eat?

Haha, it’s so funny. When you sell silkworms, don’t you know that silkworms need to eat mulberry leaves? What kind of professionals are you?

The principal said and hung up the phone. The field director took the phone and stood there stunned for a long time. He asked someone to call the person who had come up with the idea to sell silkworms and scolded him. The person murmured in grievance, "This Well, didn't you still praise me then?

Roll, roll, roll, then was then, now is now, get out.

The man had already left, and the director called him to stop him again. "Come back, come back. Don't you have many ideas? Do you have any more ideas now?"

Idea, I do have an idea...

His idea was to conduct a large-scale picking at the silkworm breeding farm, prepare mulberry leaves for a week, and spray the entire mulberry garden with pesticide that afternoon.

"How about putting a notice around and telling them that these mulberry leaves have been filled with potion?"

Someone asked the farm director, who thought for a moment and shook his head: "No, otherwise this matter cannot be solved. We have to spray medicine here again and again, and our own silkworms will also run out of food."

As a result, just as the silkworms in Yongcheng were overrun in the first place, all of them died in two or three days. Every child seen on the streets of Yongcheng during those two days had a sad face.

The female principal of Yingchun Primary School called the director of the silkworm breeding farm and yelled: "Are you still human? Beasts! Murderers! Hooligans! Which school did you graduate from?!"

The field director forgot that the last time he went to school, he gave the principal three large sheets of silkworms. The principal distributed them to several female teachers and kept some for himself. Their silkworms were now all erect.

The field director was stunned by the scolding. He said, Principal Shi, you have forgotten that I told you a few days ago that I studied in Yingchun Primary School.

Zhang Chen looked at the road rolling machine in front of him, crunching on the roadbed, and said in his heart, nibbling, nibbling quickly, nibbling to our door, I will treat you all to eat grilled squid.

Zhang Chen returned to the office, sat there, and took out a pen and paper as usual. He drew a straight line on the paper aimlessly with the pen, and then drew a second and third line. When he was drawing the fourth line, Zhang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, "Yes!"

He sat up straight, took a new piece of paper, and started drawing on it. He had already thought of using corrugated aluminum plates to make the exterior walls of buildings. Many people use this kind of plate to bend it to make gas. And steam pipes, some people also use them to make the exterior walls of factories, but they are vertical. Zhang Chen decided to make them horizontal, layer by layer, like fine water.

Whether under sunlight or light, this kind of board will reflect light, but because it is aluminum, its reflection is not so strong and dazzling.

The exterior walls are made of corrugated boards, as Zhang Chen drew. The surrounding doors are made of several steel pipes of different lengths, which look like they are casually inserted diagonally at the door. The tops are coated with colorful waterproof coatings. The canvas was taut and looked like a sail, a flock of soaring seabirds, and waves.

Zhang Chen quickly drew the sketch.

He stood up hurriedly and wanted to go back to Wenmingdong to draw the official renderings. This was not possible here. He was really afraid of being seen by others, especially Xiao Xu. He couldn't leave one for Mr. Fu. He was in the office , the impression of blatantly doing private work, whether during working hours or not.

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