The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 231 Work every day

It only took one night for Zhang Chen to draw the effect.

This time, he did not dare to paint in the office, but in his room. He was afraid of being seen by Gu Shufang. Last time, he was purely helping and did not make any money, so he felt very calm and was not afraid of being seen by her.

This time, if, what if, Gu Shufang asked, how would I tell her?

Tell him this is your project? Then people will definitely think, you haven't even finished the work here, and your mind is already somewhere else? Zhang Chen is not the kind of person who likes to lie about such small things, saying that this project has nothing to do with him.

Although Zhang Chen knew that the possibility of Gu Shufang coming downstairs was very low, even if he came down and saw her, the possibility of asking him was also very low, but what if?

Even if people don’t say it with their mouths, they will still think about it in their hearts, right?

He really had a guilty conscience. Zhang Chen smiled and shook his head.

So this time, Zhang Chen painted in his room. After painting, it was already dawn outside. When he put down the brush, Zhang Chen found that the sounds around him seemed to wake up. He heard the sound of pots and spoons clinking. It felt like I was so hungry that my chest was touching my back.

Zhang Chen went downstairs and ate a bowl of soup noodles and two braised eggs outside. When he returned to the room, it was only about seven o'clock, so he set the alarm clock and lay on the bed for a while.

At 8:40, Zhang Chen was woken up by the alarm clock. After washing, he tried the rendering on the easel with the back of his hand. The paint was completely dry. He took the painting off the easel, put it in the painting folder, and covered it with paint. He opened the lead drawing paper, closed the folder, and went to work with it on his back.

When Zhang Chen arrived at the office, Liu Ligan and Xiao Wu had already arrived. Zhang Chen handed the portfolio to Liu Ligan and said in an understatement, "Open it and take a look."

Although Zhang Chen had already eaten breakfast at around six o'clock, he still took the breakfast brought by Liu Lipole and sat down to eat.

Liu Ligan opened the folder and saw the renderings inside, and exclaimed: "Holy shit! Isn't this my aircraft carrier?! It's amazing!"

"Let's see if you have any other opinions." Zhang Chen said inarticulately with pickled powder in his mouth.

"No more, no more, unexpected, unexpected, Peterford, perfect!" Liu Ligan grinned from ear to ear.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu said, "Xiao Wu, help me buy a KT board, which is black, and three plastic edges, which are also black."

"Is it framed and sent to Mr. Xie?" Liu Ligan asked.

Zhang Chen is right.

"No need, I'll take it over and ask the store to frame it for me. Once it's framed, I'll send it over directly."

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Come on, Master Wu, you ride the bike and I'll get the painting."

Liu Li picked up his painting folder and went out with Xiao Wu.

When it was almost noon, Liu Ligan and Xiao Wu came back. As soon as Liu Ligan came in, he looked at Zhang Chen and giggled. Zhang Chen asked him how he was doing. Liu Ligan made an OK gesture and said to him:


The main design has been completed, and then Zhang Chen will have time to think about the design inside. This time is still long, so there is no rush. In addition, Zhang Chen's mentality is very different now. He was preparing for a masterpiece before, but now he feels like he is working on it. When painting sketches, it was a big drama before, and now it is an excerpt. Zhang Chen has all the time to craft it carefully.

Zhang Chen imagined that such a large building needs an atrium inside, otherwise it would feel very stuffy.

Just like people need nostrils, in the old houses in the past, there were always some glass tiles scattered among the large black tiles. This atrium cannot be small. It is four floors and 20 meters high. If it is too small , will become a well, which makes people feel very depressed.

Zhang Chen envisioned arranging the rest area and the escalators connecting the stairs up and down in this atrium. There would be a huge waterfall on one side, falling from a height of twenty meters, which would be very spectacular.

But it cannot be made into a real waterfall, otherwise, because of the water drop, there will be a huge sound of water. Zhang Chen remembered that he had been to the Calabash Waterfall in Qililong. Standing on the edge of the waterfall, he could not hear other sounds at all. , even talking to Jin Lili, who was holding his hand, required shouting.

If so, it would be a disaster.

Zhang Chen simplified the idea of ​​waterfall into a water curtain. The entire side is made of glass. The glass has a certain slope. When the water flows down the glass, there is no sound.

Behind this glass, lights of different colors can be installed, so that the water curtain will become colorful, imposing, but graceful. Zhang Chen even imagined installing a slide projector or movie projector opposite the water curtain. I projected the pattern onto the water curtain, but thought of the bright light in the atrium and gave up.

This idea, if placed in front of today's high-lumen projectors, would be child's play. But at that time, Zhang Chen had such an idea, which was not simple. But if the idea has no material support, it can only be regarded as a fantasy. Press it down forcefully and let it rot in your heart.

Zhang Chen raised his head and saw six or seven people passing by outside the door. Zhang Chen was shocked. He saw that the leader seemed to be Brother Zheng. What were they doing here?

They were heading towards the work shed. Zhang Chen jumped up. He thought they must be looking for trouble with Xiao Wu.

Zhang Chen hurriedly walked out and walked to the door. He saw Brother Zheng and others walking into the practice hall. Zhang Chen ran back to the office, but he didn't find any suitable weapons. He caught a glimpse of Xiao Wu's desk opposite him. There was a long marble sample, so I grabbed it in my hand and walked out of the door.

Zhang Chen approached the practice hall. The sound inside was the same as usual. It was noisy, but not chaotic. It didn't look like they were fighting each other. He felt a little relieved. When he walked to the door, he saw Brother Zheng's horse inside. While fighting with Xiao Wu's apprentice, Brother Zheng and Xiao Wu were standing on the side. The two kept shouting, pointing, and whispering to each other. Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Wu and Brother Zheng both saw Zhang Chen come in. Brother Zheng raised his hand and waved as a greeting, and Xiao Wu came over.

"Azheng and the others, what are they here for?" Zhang Chen asked Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu said: "I forgot to tell you. This guy is so annoying. He kept telling me that he wanted to come here to train. I was afraid of the negative impact, so I didn't agree to him. I couldn't resist yesterday. I promised them that starting from today, I can Come here for training, I’ll help you take a look.”

Xiao Wu didn't say it, but Zhang Chen understood. This was because Ah Zheng helped him find the motorcycle. Xiao Wu owed him a favor, and he always had to pay back favors. It was the same in any society.

Xiao Wu saw the marble strip in Zhang Chen's hand and asked, "What are you doing with this?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said to Xiao Wu, "When I saw Azheng and the others coming, I thought they were looking for trouble."

Xiao Wu laughed loudly and said, "Then it's useless for you to hold this."

Xiao Wu took the marble strip from Zhang Chen's hand and held it with his left hand. With a little force of his right hand, the marble strip broke with one palm.

Zhang Chen returned to the office and sat down, but he couldn't concentrate anymore. He simply walked out and went to three construction sites to see. The decoration upstairs in the mall had been completed. Xiao Xu and the others were recruiting investment. The investment was very hot. A shop , many people are grabbing it.

Xiao Xu and Zhang Chen complained that they were annoyed to death. All kinds of relationships were coming. Those who were really planning to open a store were easy to deal with. The most annoying ones were those who knew that the stores here were popular and wanted to take them and sublease them. They had just issued a notice saying that It couldn't be sublet, alas, but it still had to be sold to save some face, and Mr. Fu had no choice.

Zhang Chen felt very relieved after listening to it. The trouble is yours. For Zhang Chen, he felt that his original judgment was right from the enthusiasm of investment promotion. He thought, when our Chinatown starts to attract investment, it will definitely be It will be so hot, Zhang Chen believes in this.

After the renovation of the third floor of the mall is completed, the second floor is now closed for renovation. Over at the hotel, the renovation of the lobby is in an advanced stage. The upstairs floor where Mr. Fu and his friends used to be is almost finished. The next step is to start immediately. The private room of the restaurant.

Although they are busy, Zhang Chen and his company are actually doing things step by step and in an orderly manner. Zhang Chen is familiar with all the people under his command. It is clear at a glance who has the ability and how good the work is.

Each team below has gained experience in construction and will not be as busy as at the beginning. The next work will not be too difficult for them, especially the guest rooms of the hotel. Once you finish decorating one floor, the other floors will It's like copying layer by layer, no matter how many layers there are, it will work the same.

Zhang Chen felt that since there were more construction sites, people were more relaxed than before.

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