The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 229 About the word cannibalization

After confirming the general direction, Zhang Chen will then consider what materials to use. The lease period is twenty years. Leaving aside the construction period, this building has a full lifespan of more than ten years. Even counting from today, there is no Twenty years have passed, and there are still nineteen years and a few days left.

It is impossible to build a permanent building. The investment is too high, but it is not feasible if it is too simple. After all, it has four floors. We also have to take into account the climatic conditions of Haicheng. The annual typhoons cause great damage. of.

Zhang Chen thought over and over again and finally decided to use a combination of concrete frame structure and steel structure. At that time, the construction capacity of domestic steel structure buildings was very poor, and there were not many successful cases of large-scale steel structure buildings. Most of the steel structure buildings were still in use. Stay at the level of bridge construction and construction of one or two storey factory buildings and warehouses.

Especially for the exterior walls of buildings, there were relatively few options to choose from at the time, either paint, wall tiles, or glass curtain walls. The idea of ​​glass curtain walls was first rejected by Zhang Chen. Imported curtain walls were not expensive, but they were not up to standard. It couldn't achieve what Zhang Chen wanted, the kind of restrained yet sparkling effect.

Zhang Chen went to the building materials market again and again, but came back disappointed every time. Although he had not been there for several months, many new materials appeared in the building materials market, but for these materials, Xiaowu basically followed what Zhang Chen told him first. I had brought him samples, so in Zhang Chen's opinion, they were no longer fresh.

Liu Ligan really brought him breakfast every morning and reported to him the progress of Longkun South Road. When he passed the South Bridge every day, he must go there to take a look, either in the morning or in the evening, no matter how late it was. , he also insisted. When he turned a corner at Nandaqiao and saw the bright lights on the construction site, Liu Ligan's heart rejoiced, as if the road they were building belonged to him.

But yes, their Chinatown depends entirely on the progress of Longkun South Road. Longkun South Road is their lifeblood. It is not an exaggeration to say that this road belongs to them.

Zhang Chen was annoyed by Liu Ligan. He said, please, please don't tell me this, okay?

"Then I will come to bring you breakfast every day. I won't mention Longkun South Road. Is that okay?"

"I don't want breakfast either. Thank you for coming so early in the morning. Don't show up here." Zhang Chen scolded.

"Then if I come at night, can I say Longkun South Road?" Liu Ligan insisted.

Zhang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Okay, okay, whether you like to talk or not, love will come or not."

The next morning, Liu Ligan still came and brought breakfast, but he didn't mention Longkun South Road again.

Binya Village’s pickled noodles and rice dumplings with braised eggs are quite good.

Zhang Chen asked Liu Ligan not to mention Longkun South Road to him, but he often went to the construction site on Longkun South Road. After dinner, he would ride his motorcycle to Nandaqiao.

The roadbed that goes down from Nandaqiao has been paved. Zhang Chen likes to park his motorcycle on this side of the roadblock, climb over the roadblock, and walk on the roadbed. His feet are stung by the gravel below, but he feels safe in his heart. .

What he liked most was standing not far from the construction site, watching the road rolling machine driving back and forth on the roadbed under the lights in front, and he felt that his heart was being squeezed time and time again.

Every time he came and climbed over the roadblocks, he had to walk farther than the previous time to reach the construction site. In Zhang Chen's heart, he wanted to go as far as possible.

This road is eroding forward little by little every day. In a few months, they will reach their land. At that time, standing at the gate of Mr. Xie's factory and looking forward, what he sees is different. scene.

Zhang Chen likes the word nibbling very much. Others think nibbling is very slow. Zhang Chen knows that nibbling is actually very fast. When he thinks of this word, he can hear a rustling sound in his ears.

When he was a child, Zhang Chen raised silkworms, and not just him. At that time, almost all the students in the school raised silkworms. Not only in their school, but also in the other two schools in Yongcheng, everyone also raised silkworms.

Outside Yongcheng Town, there is a silkworm breeding farm. There seemed to be a problem with a batch of silkworms that year and they needed to be destroyed on a large scale. Someone in the unit felt it was a pity and came up with the idea that they could contact the school to destroy these silkworms. Selling it to students for them to keep and play with is also considered social practice.

As soon as the people from the silkworm breeding farm contacted the school, the school was very supportive. They brought silk, silkworm cocoons, adult silkworms and silkworm seeds to the school to promote the whole process from silkworm seeds to silkworms to the students. Of course, the students were most interested in the chubby silkworms and the white silkworm cocoons with a fluffy halo.

This time the school promotion was very successful. Those silkworms produced on light yellow tissue paper were quickly sold out. They were 5 cents the size of a stamp and 10 cents the size of a matchbox. They were densely covered with maroon. Zhang Chen also bought one for five cents.

But the disaster that followed made the school and the entire Yongcheng town extremely annoyed. The first wave affected the hospital first, catching the doctors and nurses in the hospital off guard. The cartons containing injections in the hospital were robbed by various connections. Almost overnight, all the parents were looking for connections with the hospital.

The goods at that time were already very scarce, and those packed in paper boxes were all high-end goods. They were circulated on the gift-giving route at one stop after another, and no one was willing to open them. Where could I find so many empty boxes? It was so rare. There are several shoe boxes that are too big for silkworms. Not only do we raise them, but we also put them in schoolbags every day and take them to school to communicate and compare with each other.

Later, someone discovered that the flat rectangular boxes used for storing injections in hospitals are most suitable. Prick a few holes in them with needles, which is the most comfortable home for silkworms and young silkworms. It is also convenient to put in a schoolbag and carry.

As a result, injection boxes have become hard to find. Doctors and nurses in the hospital are asked by various connections. They just ask you for an empty box that was once used as garbage. If you say no, no one will believe it. No. It would be even more inappropriate to agree to give it, but when I went back to the hospital after I agreed, I realized that everyone was looking for it.

This small box that we usually take for granted has suddenly become a rarity in the hospital. Everyone is driven to the point of neurosis. When they see a box of injections, their first reaction is to open it to see how much is left inside. If there are one or two branches left, keep a close eye on them, but it is not just a pair of eyes that keep a close eye on them.

The patient took off his pants, exposing his white buttocks, and sat with his back facing inside, his waist straightened subconsciously, his eyes closed, his teeth clenched, waiting for the cold prick, but he didn't get it after waiting for a long time. Looking back, I saw several nurses behind me laughing and arguing. The patient smiled tolerantly and shook his head, knowing that they were grabbing the box.

Some patients will also say, should my needle and this box belong to me? Immediately, several nurses yelled at the same time, "Go, don't even think about it, the needle does not include this box."

The patient said, OK, can you give me the injection first and then grab it?

"Then you won't be able to see the ghost anymore." The nurse in charge of the injection patted the patient's butt and inserted the needle with a click. It was so amazing that the patient didn't feel any pain at all.

Almost overnight, the silkworms of more than 2,000 students in the town turned into baby silkworms. After turning into baby silkworms, they need mulberry leaves. You can't give them rice and biscuits.

Everyone began to look for mulberry leaves one after another. In the wild areas of Yongcheng, in the hills beside the stream, there was a kind of wild mulberry tree. Its leaves could be eaten by young silkworms. So this kind of tree became everyone's target. As soon as school was over, the students would not leave. On the way home, but on the way out of town.

But the growth rate of silkworms is astonishing. Just like the Longkun South Road in front of us, they look different every day. What's equally astonishing is their appetite. Obviously they couldn't finish one wild mulberry leaf yesterday, but they will need two the next day. Two days is not enough.

The wild mulberry trees near Yongcheng soon became bald. Not to mention the leaves, even the twigs were pinched off. Next, the poor Yongcheng fathers needed to show up. After work, they rode their bicycles to Further away, children looked for wild mulberry trees in places that could not be reached with their feet.

They spent more and more time. When they went there, the sun was still ten feet high from the west mountain. When they came back, it was dark at first, then the moon came up. Finally, the food at home was completely cold, and the housewives needed it. Time after time, the housewives and tiredness came out to stop the heat, and the fathers were collectively defeated.

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